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If you need a reason to keep going... this is it!!

May 15, 2024
you are in control of



belongs to you this is yours you are the captain you are the master you are the foreman you are the general you are the boss don't give control of this to anyone especially the devil Don't let Satan come in here and function and operate because he It has a mission: to


you off course to make you think that it is possible to make you think that God does not heal you. His job is only to destroy you to make sure you don't become what God intended you to be that is the devil's mission now if you don't believe in the devil this conversation is not for you if you don't believe in God this conversation is not for you yo I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to people who have a spiritual basis, if you manage to control this, that's why I tell you these two books.
if you need a reason to keep going this is it
I think the best book you can read is the Bible if you read The Bible. The Book of Proverbs again and again is the book of wisdom and understanding. It would really help you in life, man, if you would just read it. I'm


to be honest with you, it's the only book of the Bible I've ever read from cover to cover. I have only read the Book of Proverbs. I have read some scriptures from time to time. I only know five or six scriptures by heart. I'm


to be honest with you, but I memorized five or six scriptures and then five or six.
if you need a reason to keep going this is it

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if you need a reason to keep going this is it...

I'm here today I know a lot of people who know the Bible inside out and they have nothing to show for it, you know why, because they memorized it but didn't apply it. I have applied six scriptures to change my life, but these books. I talked to you about the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peel and the magic of thinking big by David Schwartz, you know what he does, he just shows you how it works. Once you understand this, you can change everything. Do you understand the negativity? Let me give you this and I will drive away the negativity.
if you need a reason to keep going this is it
You can protect yourself from negativity and that is what stops most people's negative thoughts. You can cover your mind from negativity. It's a really simple exercise. I do it every morning before I walk. I walk out the door, so I walk out as a positive person. You know, sometimes I get tired. That's different than being negative because sometimes I get mentally exhausted from my job, but to train your mind to push away negativity, the way you can put a layer around your mind is with one simple thing gratitude, gratitude erases negativity. I'll show you how this works if you wake up in the morning you start having negative thoughts Man this is not my day I woke up on the wrong side of the bed I'm tripping I just don't feel like myself every time you sit down in the middle of the day, If you feel like you're doing that, stop, stop for a second and start going over in your mind everything you have to be grateful for, not everything you want, everything you already have because what you have is substantial, you just haven't gone over the list or inventory in a long time, but the fact that you can walk is a blessing, the fact that you have woken up.
if you need a reason to keep going this is it
That is another blessing, the fact that you can see, think,


. That's another blessing, the fact that you can go somewhere and get something to eat, that's another blessing, the fact that you can go, turn the key and call some place home. That is another blessing, the ability to dream is a blessing, the fact that you have a chance to do well is Another Blessing the fact that you are beautiful That is Another Blessing the fact that you have any measure of Health That is Another Blessing and I'm just talking to you I don't even know you I could give you 50 things you should be grateful for right now I don't even know you start coding your mind with gratitude that will change everything for you I don't have a relationship with God because I'm afraid of burning in hell I have a relationship with God because he helps me in my daily life.
I have a relationship with God because there is an eternal place to go live. I want to go see him. I figure you know, as long as I don't try. don't step on anyone to get where I'm going look you all are going to make mistakes everyone is a sinner here everyone here broken everyone


s help I


help I'm broken you need God to fix you somehow I don't I don't care who you are I don't care how much money you have , you need God, but listen to me, don't you understand that it's okay, it's okay to have a relationship with God, to have a relationship with God, it's really cool and you're looking for? to a guy on the street telling you this, but he changed people, you know God changed me if you follow my career for any period of time from when I was back on the Steve Harvey Show to the Kings of Comedy and until 2005.
You saw what my life was like, but after 2005 he came and got me because he got tired of the meat and I got tired of me. Look, do you know what happened to me in 2005? I got tired of being sick and I got tired. I'm so sick of me, you know, everyone saw me on TV, everyone saw the money I was making. He was a miserable man. I was in the unhappiest time of my life until 2005. I felt miserable. They were Kings of Comedy. The only time I had a good time was when I was on stage the only time I had a good time was in front of the camera I was with, he said and the guys that were performing when I came off that stage, my life was miserable man.
I was suffering pain you wouldn't believe I was in an abyss man I was in a dark place How high in the world did I get here? I got here thanks to the grace of God. My fight had overtaken me and was about to end, but just when Do you think you're done? Doesn't it always appear? Can you name me one thing that God hasn't put you through? Can you name her if he didn't buy you? I know how I know that's real because you're sitting here, the God that I serve, you can't put limitations on him if you just go out of the way that he can show you something, he does miraculous things all the time, why wouldn't you want one of they? miracles will happen for you I'm sitting there so I'm here today the guy that was is a miracle we say little prayers we pray things we see a way to get you you're supposed to pray for things you can't I don't see a way to get it God is going to make your dream come true business God is going to fix your life business God is in the forgiveness business don't let anyone fool you man don't let anyone fool you don't forget to pray don't be ashamed to pray and never be too proud to pray because prayer prayer changes things prayer changes people too I wake up I play music I tell jokes I wake up I know you all I tell you some more jokes I get paid to play music adult contemporary music I play r b I tell jokes and they give me a check that It's America I'll tell you something that would be the most incredible gift if you could change the way you wake up in the morning stop saying I have to go to work I have to exercise I have to take this weight off my shoulders I have to go meet the people at school I have to deal with my coworkers change one word in that sentence and everything about your life changes I can wake up in the morning I can go to work I can go meet these people today when you say I have to take advantage of all your opportunities and all your blessings and you wrap them in stress by saying "I came to you" take all the stress away when you say "I came to" I tell you it's an incredible game changer I was sick and tired of being poor I was just exhausted my mother was poor my father was poor my brothers and sisters were poor all my friends were poor all my relatives were poor I lived in a poor neighborhood we lived in a poor house I was like wow man I watch TV and I was like you know how at Christmas my father put on We got in the car and drove to the suburbs to see the Christmas lights and I would see these big houses with lights on and they had horseshoe shaped driveways where you would just stop and turn around, that's what's amazing to me.
You know we would stop along the way, we have to go back. You know, I've been doing it and I kept saying. I told my father. I told dad. I told him why don't we get one of these houses. He said, boy, no. I don't have money for this kind of house, he said, but if you work hard,


going to church like your mom says, you can make some money, you can buy one of these houses, that was my motivation was to buy a big house so I could put. I turn on the Christmas lights and drive down the driveway and I'll tell you what.
Every house I have, every house I've owned or built, you have to stop at one address and drive there to get there. I have never built. Did you live or own a house that didn't have that driveway with doors on both sides, that was never the biggest motivation, so my advice is that you must find a dream that is so big that it overcomes all your fears and makes you never give up now You're going to think about quitting no matter what you do. I mean, I've thought about it many times but I always kept thinking about that house and I always dreamed of buying my parents a real house and you know and before they died I was able to do all that I bought them houses and everything so I'm interested in your gift no matter what anyone else does to find your path in life it is not an external search it is an internal search because God equipped you at the moment he gave birth to you God equipped you at birth with what you needed he gave you all a gift to all of you every last one of you are gifted God never created a soul without giving a gift to all of you sitting here you received a gift at birth, he put it inside you you don't have to look under the ocean it's not on the mountain no It's under no rock He gave it to you at birth He gave you a gift It's what you do absolutely best with the least amount of effort, that's the gift God has given you, that's what you should pursue.
The scriptures say that your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of important men, that is what your gift will do for you everything else you are doing has nothing to do with what God created you for and if you are not happy with your life if you haven't figured out your life if you're thinking there's more to your life that's because the only


you have that question is because you're not living in your gift once you discover your gift there is your greatest opportunity of success that's what God gave you he equipped you with them but you just have to stop looking at gifts like running, jumping, singing and dancing, babysitting is a gift if you are a smart student, smart is a gift if people come to your house and they are in your kitchen to do their hair instead of going to a salon that you have, that is your gift.
If they can't have a bake sale without your cakes and pies, you bake cakes and pies better than everyone, then that's your gift, you bake cakes and pies, that's your gift, you don't have to think about it, that's what you should stop trying. do what someone else is doing because that's not your life you don't even want to follow the path I would if you knew the path I took to get here you wouldn't do it if I knew the path I would have to take to get here I would have changed my destiny ago a long time because there is no way I would have wanted to have gone through what I went through to get to where I am today that's why God doesn't reveal it to you look God never reveals The path to you, He shows you what it could look like, but He will show you the route because if you showed the route, you would turn around.
Everyone would quit if you knew what you had to go through to get to where he got. If you guys left, everyone would quit. I would resign too. There was no way I would have had a stuttering problem. There was no way I would have lived in a car for three years. No way if I had known that, when I left my job to do. comedy what was going to happen to me I would never have quit my job but he doesn't show you that he just let you have the dream and if you are brave enough to chase the dream he will help you through the journey.
Don't give up in the middle of the journey because he knows that you are chasing dreams, God and to make your dream come true. A business that is real talk. I kid you not, you are looking at someone living these dreams because God made this happen. This is real.

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