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Feb 27, 2020
cop hot is like a universal swimming pool where everything seems to work a little on the fuse oh oh by the way, one thing I forgot before I started eating I'll be right back, hopefully I forgot it was good Hey guys, what's up? I'm Mike Jim. This is a really special video for me because I basically have my food idol Adam by my side, seriously. I've been watching this man since the beginning, although I must say I did the Asian style where I came from. I didn't pay for a discount. I just discovered it. Give me the Jewish boy.
spicy hotpot with adam richman
I mean, please, perfectly fine. I'm also a big fan of yours. In fact, I followed him and we just started. We got into each other. Yes, yes, no. nothing to do, but I'm very happy to have you on the show, my friend on earth, and today we're going to have some stew, you have hot Chinese food, how about before it's really good in this place? For a whole year I know that it is one of my favorite places because their broth is incredibly


but not only is it


but it is also very tasty. You've never been here, no, I've never been here and what I also like about this place is that they also have a bunch of little drinks that we can get for free, so it's like an agent thing, like frozen drinks right now .
spicy hotpot with adam richman

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spicy hotpot with adam richman...

I actually stopped by this place the other day and was blown away by the number of different broths. yes they have, but I will tell and plead with the white man that I have never felt like I have truly lived up to my full hop-hop potential because there is so much of what they have or what they recommend. and I know very often you wear whatever, but they make it super usable, like choosing your bra, choosing your foundation, okay, whatever you want, so they have different types of broth, here we are definitely dancing on the door, I'm going to trust. you on this one, so we're definitely going to go for their spicy beef, now what do you think is a great flavor for a medium flavor?
spicy hotpot with adam richman
Your dancer, Chuck. I inherently know it's good. I know the content will be better, but the pain will be high. Don't worry when they talk about spices on Basel pork, so in terms of the accessories that come with it, we usually select a Wiese that we saw, oh my goodness, let's do all the meat right, that's why it's Again, I'm willing to accept any pork belly, so you'll be fine there. I haven't really tried it. It's good in high school. Do you know what I'll do? I don't normally do it, but I will. Let's go driving, are you a big seafood lover?
spicy hotpot with adam richman
I like seafood, okay, a little bit of crab, so how do they do all this trouble with crab and just be kind of a pot? I'm hot and you break it and eat it, no, not at all, we don't. move around here you have to try this it's a stuffed fish ball it's okay but it has meat in the center it's amazing fish meat or like pork or beef in the center. My friends would like this to give you amazing, oh here we go, our broth is. That's it, thanks a lot to the induction, great and, like topokki, these rice cakes, yes, they work in the hot pot, it's like a universal pool where everything seems to work.
I'm home, we know this is great, okay. do it, let's hand it to the server, you know what I feel, I haven't really eaten stew, I really feel that now, I'm out of my league, so I've been a little bit of the fumes, you feel like no. They choke but they ain't kidding about that they say this is like the spiciest bra there is at any stew place in New York City now that it's boiling we gotta get to our sauces I feel like I'm going to learn a whole group, no I can't wait to share, there's one of my loves of life, so come on, yeah, amazing and this is where it gets a little complicated, oh my gosh, because there's so much stuff here and if you don't know how to put it in it gets a little bit overwhelming.
The first sauce is a very traditional Chinese sauce, so every sauce has to have sesame sauce or peanut sauce, usually because that's the cream factor here, so it's going to be like three parts sesame and then one part flour of chives. That's it, this is like the first sauce. I'm going to make you one of mine, see if you like it, come on, this is Chinese barbecue sauce, right, cha-cha, garlic, all the good things, yeah, all right, little Sesame, give it some spice, I don't need it from the Roth hops, but you want to have a little bit of chili oil and then a little bit of sesame to give it a little bit of cilantro and chive fragrance and then you want to add just a little bit of black vinegar to give it a little bit of acid and then soy sauce, now I had this sauce in Hong Kong and hey, hey, and it was almost like an Asian chimichurri and I was wondering if I could recreate something like that, yeah, hopefully, so I was thinking maybe if I have some golden nagi. chan here some green onion maybe one or two seeded jalapenos oh look at that I think it's brilliant because you're actually releasing more flavors from the vegetables right now here one for the sake of yeah yeah it's absolutely getting in there , I think there is a yellow flavor, spicy and sour, very refreshing and oh my goodness this is beautiful, here is your mess, these are customize your mess, so the first thing we will do is amazing, we always start with a little bit of meat because the water comes out. normally and I learned the hard way because I understood that you have a lot: you put meat because you want the meat to cook in about 10 seconds even less and then the vegetables go into the broth that does not have this hot oil. on top because otherwise it will absorb all the oil and then your brats may be left without flavor and the noodles will be left at the end because they will absorb all the broth and then you will get noodles that are cooked in that hot pot broth.
It's just amazing, okay, we're going to start with some fatty meat, so we're going to make it a little spicy, I want to give it, okay, I want someone to give it a nice spicy side, the meat is already cooked, I mean, very, very fast, this is very. common where we serve each other, so it's not like you know, I know, I feel like I lack etiquette. Wow, I like that the heats aren't really aggressive, you know, it reminds me, it's like a pepper crusted pastrami feeling because of the thinness of the meat and it's pepper, not just like pepper, like it's here to kill you.
Oh, by the way, one thing I forgot before I started eating. I'll be right back. Hopefully, I forgot it was beer. I'm going to try this in my strange mix, so I didn't try it, do it yet, okay, so have a lot of drinks. I bought some chrysanthemum tea with soy milk, but before we had hops, I forgot that we had a drink, one of these, just Cal Pico is like that, but before the hot pot because how hot. It's getting aggressive do you want to cool our stomachs first of all Paige so she can wait right here greetings friend here we go now we can go crazy what is this?
This is just an ogre drink oh, it's yogurt, yeah, it's like some kind of coffee. cup, I got it, Soha, mint, one layer, yeah, and I bet these creamy sauces are probably like a gift from God, yeah, so try dipping and one, this is the old sauce, something like that, this has me on the skin, is there any? more meat here may need you to do a little more let me know what kind of meat you're filling to let it tear. I couldn't even necessarily identify some of the cuts, the fatty meats are my favorite because look what it is I have almost 50% and bacon.
I love it, it's like the Korean Sun. Yes, I almost saw why we do that. Let's put some things in that will boil a little more. Okay, so let's put them on the potatoes. These things will cook a little bit. long time for tofu this is the frozen tofu right there in the middle in the middle yeah that's what you got uh tofu skin yeah tofu skin it's fantastic one of the must have ingredients and the corn for braising is also fantastic and braising because it's a little bit sweet and then once it's cooked, there's a little bit of saltiness, a little bit of heat, it's just magical.
I think that's all. It's a fascinating thing when you see the same ingredient in different Asian cuisines as it is interpreted, so just think of it as Inari sushi. like when you have that tofu skin and then you have the same ingredient in a completely different incarnation in a hot pot, thank you, so I wanted to ask you out because, like it's my meal, I don't ask you some things, so come on, uh , Alright. let's start from the beginning, first we were filming that versus food, okay I just want to know how crazy the Tiny movie was where you eat every time you uttered the first ten episodes were super difficult, those are nice, the first ten episodes they were a bit of a meat grinder - pardon the pun just because of the schedule because simply no one had seen the show like that before, it's not about who we were, such brave innovators, but just put any kind of road trip food show that I can do in a place today because your host was testing and testing and stuff and it wasn't about mass consumption or painful consumption, but I remember those first ten episodes and I really can't believe I survived.
Sometimes I vividly remember the day after the first challenge. in the pilot the pilot was Memphis I remember we made this big hamburger no one knew how to prepare no one didn't know if I could do it how I could do it what methodology to use how to prepare my body for before or after, as the case may be, I also didn't know how to maintain behavior in front of the camera that they had just seen you demonstrate somewhere and no one really teaches you how to eat in front of the camera, as for me it was like traveling from Fat Boy. food Fantasy like wait a minute, you're sending me, you're paying me to go to the meetup barbecue in Memphis to meet the virgos family member and then introduce me to the pit master who literally opens the well of these ancient, iconic viroids of the barbecue. and says hey, yeah, don't decapitate whatever you want, you can help yourself.
It was as if I had heard a choir of angels singing and marching as units. Okay, here you didn't try the poor thing, oh, you should try it. You know how he likes to eat. The poor thing makes one of your sandwiches for this guy to toast and somewhere I eat the grease on something, I mean it's like I'm drooling now and I have delicious food in front of me and suddenly everything is fine. You're going to show up You're going to film six hours of high energy Hey, what makes you come to this restaurant? Do you ever do this challenge often?
Now you have to sit there and eat a burger the size of a bar stool. cushion while interacting with a camera and people used to constantly pity me, man, it's a time challenge, but the truth is that the only president of the network said that he would rather you lose a challenge and still participate and then just sit there like a you know, like a vacuum cleaner, but I remember we filmed Gus' fried chicken and I recommend it to any of your viewers, to you personally, it's amazing, remember, oh my God, like I have to eat today, this is not a matter of that you know that I am a little. full or something, I had just put my body through whatever and I remember saying that's good, this is the most delicious fried chicken because how about God's green earth that I'm eating?
It was intense, but I was finally lucky enough to have some. It was a little recovery day built into the schedule so I could cleanse and restore myself and I didn't have to dive back into high-fat, high-salt comfort food, because after a challenge that's the last thing you want to talk about. the challenges by the way, I was in San Francisco and I did that human ice cream challenge, you know, that's me, it almost killed me. I did the same horrible thing and you know what, I had a lot of respect for you after that because you didn't do it. like 40 minutes or something I didn't remember yeah and then I did it it took me an hour I almost died I felt like I was floating over my body in the last bite because that thing was so big I'm I was impressed that you finished it and I also respect the fact that you tried.
I think a lot of people are very adept at criticizing things they don't know until they really get into the trenches and I always really appreciate anyone who is willing. really give it a chance okay, it's boiling oh thank you thank you I'm like Lola with me right now well someone is not serving me see you soon okay okay because otherwise I'll have to go on my own as a concept friend I want see, are you ready for this, is well, it's too hot for me. I'm so intrigued to see how similar the broth flavors are, yeah, wah, peppercorn, oh, that's a peppercorn there on the peppercorn, ah, I'm getting a little bit of the bar, a little bit, ah . well, you have to have some mafia with a lot of things, you don't say you're popular, so try not to buy, esp.
I'm obsessed with Xiao chuan cuisine right now. I've been reading only tomes on Midea that I can get my hands on. anything from Chengdu, the weight oils are layered, the way the flavor is built, like spices like cumin, which are clearly almost Middle Eastern, one of my favorite dinner cuisines, it's one of those cuisines where the spices, but spicy, yes, but they have many other things in addition. This price is probably the most popular cuisine in China. Speaking of competition, we're not going to spend much time on the show.Some restaurants actually resisted the flavor of the meat, so usually what they add for you is usually chicken broth.
In this one I think they actually cook the ribs in the kitchens, that's where the meat comes from. Tata is like a treasure hunt. That's the beauty of stew. When you get down to it, you find something in Korean and you love it, it's like finding gold. So what can people see when they look at this new shelf? So Secret Eats airs two episodes every Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. Eastern on Cooking Channel and then they air the previous week's episodes, I think nine o'clock before and we literally did it just last year 17 cities, 14 countries, five continents, high eyebrows, low eyebrows, and the thing It's just that my father used my recipes. to say respect for respect and I'm proud to say and like if you want to see it completely real, like we keep the cameras rolling all the time, fun, legitimate and uninhibited trips through places that tourists don't go but that Locals don't even go.
I know that's what secret meals are and I love the fact that I can show it to my team because those guys work hard and being able to show the people behind the camera means a lot. I was going to mention that because yeah, I love your style on this one, thank you, it's almost like a vlog, thank you. You know, I say it like it's not really, I'm just saying I hate that, but I love that you know that you're interacting with your producers, your cameramen, I mean, that's amazing, it's almost like it's you. a bit of YouTube style mixed in personally, I like it because I like people to see the team giving me grief and us breaking our ribs because that's the joy of traveling, you're about to travel, you know it as well as I do, that's a lot.
Sometimes the greatest adventure isn't climbing that mountain, but it's late at night when you're looking for ribs or fried chicken and you find it in this alley thanks to this taxi driver. That is the greatest adventure of all. I think you're totally right, by the way, and the Hong Kong episode, yeah, they should break the window or whatever happened there, when you were trying to find a speakeasy, she did it, your producer broke the window, oh, still It's broken, you pay for that. I didn't break it just the frame, oh my god that's so funny. I forgot that nothing was broken in one place, the die PI dong, in the middle of the city, that was the most difficult because a lot of people didn't want to.
It's going to be filmed and it's in this big public area, but also the government is trying to phase out those licenses, so we thought about how to do a guerilla style, yeah, well how did you do that with all the big hammers? We literally only had one camera. with the other guy we shot it like a long lens and we did it really fast, so we huddled together and that's it, okay, he'll make you the razor clam dish, let's make sure we talk about that sauce, let's define what wok is, hey, and come on. Back there, so tell me about the sauce that the performer would perform, who was lying dead, I did, uh, we just let it cook.
I'll cover it with voiceover, go on, that's crazy because you're literally experiencing a headache like crazy, key issues with filming. in Asia because especially in China, oh my God, people don't want to be like that, you want to be in front of the camera, we had to have someone from the Vietnamese government, someone from the Thai government and someone from the Russian government actually. ready to watch you what you said to their people it was okay to watch us to make sure they weren't being we weren't being disrespectful oh I'm Erin, putting your country in a bad light Moscow Russia, they really had to look at our script in We had to get a second passport in advance.
I had to send them the passport months in advance. The Russian government only stamps the passport when you leave the page with the bear on the back. He likes to skip ahead four or five pages and they know our passport book pretty well and they did it for my entire crew. Whatever you see is one hundred percent, we almost couldn't leave Vietnam because they didn't trust us, that our batteries were for cameras. We already monitor you. so close like I know it's different but when I go like no one cares I mean no one cares but I don't have to tell the government so you guys have to tell the government you're going for my honor .
I have a photo at the wrong floating rat market. If you're a fan of noodles, if you're a fan of Thai food we filmed there, they've got the wrong rap noodle boat, that's where they really have the boat. The small museum is on that ship. I had a member of the government who wanted and liked to correct my pronunciation on something, he didn't understand a joke, he wanted to know what I meant by that, so there was a type of noodle called sanic, so I took some and went to look at it. it could be my mustache and now I'm Tom Selleck so the Americans laughed but then they saw me grab their noodles say a word that woman said to me and they laughed so if they thought you were insulting the noodle dish or some country or the language Teleco she she really loved Tom Selleck big bomb big pi4 magnet yeah so I'll be a cop blue blood but that's what I'm saying I wish I could say oh this beef stroganoff tastes like meatloaf filling more decadent, but if you understand that, then I don't have to sit there and break down.
Stroganoff was a gentleman, say I love you, I love you and you, what would you do because I'm not Asian? I don't have a fraction of your knowledge, but you impart it in a great way, very accessible and I think that's what man finds in food and the secret ease now that Secret Eats has always tried to do. Everyone deserves to feel like the man. Everyone deserves to feel like they know. in the end and I promise you that these restaurants are independent, they are great, they are generous and they deserve all the business in the world.
No, I really love the new show. I'm great. I'm making progress on it. I love it. Thank you so much for coming and sharing a meal with me, this is literally one of my favorite episodes on this channel because literally, like I said at the beginning, since I watched you from the beginning, I can't tell. There's something bad about every other food host because I love, love a lot of them, aha, you're my favorite because I feel like you're the one who lays and pinches you the most to label earthly Jews, shesha, excuse me, can you spit on me?
There is no but, but really yes, of course, I mean, it is the first time I see you tonight, but it is our tour of the beautiful men of friendship and well, I admire you and the Internet, there is no shortage of people from food and you have a very good unique voice. and that's why I jumped at the opportunity to be here. I appreciate it and guys, I have all the information on Adams for a charity show. It's all in the description box below. Check our social networks. It's all there for you. Thank you very much again.
For joining, it's a pleasure for me, thank you all so much for watching and that's how we're all happy again, thank you all.

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