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Spelling Bee-Kini Wax #7 w/ Gus Johnson

Jun 07, 2021
There are no new guests, we have a new epilator here, the selfies are changing and I'm ready for it, are you guys, yes ma'am? Okay, before we start talking about the rules, let's meet our contestants today first, we have Damian Hogg over here, hi Sara. I'm glad to be here, isn't it the second time? I thought this would never happen again. It's very difficult to get people to buy into this show, but we got Gus Johnson and Sabrina Rios. We think they would be a very good couple. bonding experience, how do you feel now? Well, it's our second anniversary.
spelling bee kini wax 7 w gus johnson
Hey, thanks, you're saving me a mint and our wax today is rosemary candy. It could actually inflict pain. Now the rules for




wax are very simple, it's like this. your usual


bee except when you get the word wrong you don't lose the competition no you lose some hair thank you all now we know the rhyme and you can also request it to be used in a sentence Courteney thank you now. Gus has been talking a lot about playing apparently it's like a state champion and a spelling bee or whatever, yeah, Knights of Columbus state qualifying spelling bee champion right here.
spelling bee kini wax 7 w gus johnson

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spelling bee kini wax 7 w gus johnson...

I'm just saying okay, like first place, let's not muddy the waters. You'll see what kind of words we have for you today eh, okay, that sounds great, okay, let's get started, are you ready for the first round? The first round of words are dark colors. Ah, there you go, okay, Sabrina, you're first, Sabrina, your word. It's daffodil, this has an important meaning in our relationship and if you spell it wrong it will be very funny da f fo di l that's right, what is the meaning in your relationship? The last player I played in college that Sabrina got into sat in the front row every day.
spelling bee kini wax 7 w gus johnson
The performance was a big shot and there's a love song called Daffodils in there and I would sing it to him, okay Gus your dark color is chartreuse, oh it's a dark color and you also talked to the big day. I talked about the big game. I should have. Man, I should have tried to push you like it was the pool. I shouldn't come in Billy, hello, my name is God. I'm going to err on the first immediately chartreuse ch AR TR. Do I follow the elk route like MOU SSC or me? do USC like puce, so charger CH AR TR, you see, I don't think it's correct, yes, the correct spelling is CH AR TR, e us woo, hiding E in chartreuse, don't even color with your color, just make it more easy, spell right, guys, you.
spelling bee kini wax 7 w gus johnson
I'm going to get Gus, have you ever shaved your bi


before? No, and not only am I overconfident in my spelling, this is going to sound really weird, but go ahead, services await me for a penny. I began to flourish at a young age. I've been able to just remove my pubic hair with no consequences oh it's hot wax yeah what do you want cold yeah yeah they just wrap a candle around those okay three two like at home that weirds me out . It didn't even whistle, I did it. I'm telling you, if the rosemary drops dead mid-shoot, I'll just take the reins and wax my dad with my own hands here, okay Gus, thank you very much, you survived this round, Demian.
Are you ready, yes, I'm ready. I don't get smallpox great before, yeah, wow, it's so much fun. I bring a daffodil colored shirt because it has meaning, okay, your dark color is porcelain, oh come on, that's a good color, yeah. I really start Riggin porcelain um OMG I've never heard of this one before. Can I understand the cheesy phrase? He has very light gamer skin aka porcelain skin thank you porcelain p o-- r c e l a I M porcelain thank you guys are safe for another day oh I Forgot to mention that all of these category suggestions are from Twitter so many thank you all for suggesting them, so the second round of words are artists painting and stuff, Sabrina, are you ready, ready, like always I'll be fine.
Do you feel safe now? that you got either the first round of awards or a little better, okay, but I'm not too sure, so don't screw me, I guess that's where it's okay, your artist is Salvador Dali, okay, both, yes, both the name like last name, I will not discount you. for similar capital letters versus my capital Sorry humanity host Salvador s al Vado arm last name Dali D a h Li put that h there to get this unnecessary the last name was d8l I didn't do anything extreme Sabrina you're going to get can I can take a look when it happened, I want I mean, if the cameras can't see, I'm sure we'll see it in the pollution chamber anyway, okay three, it's better than the first time I tried this, oh, so I might as well take it to Gus Gus, are you ready?
Yeah, I feel like your confidence is shot because of the chartreuse. I think so. I think my biggest flaw in this entire game was that I was hyping up my skills before I got good at it. Your artist who paints and stuff is Georgia. O'Keeffe, okay, Georgia O'Keeffe, she's the one who made the wonderful flowers, yeah, okay, Georgia O'Keeffe g e-- o RG IA Oh 'ke e fe, can you repeat the last name? Oh okay, eat fbb. I was actually Shocked by the apostrophe, the correct last name is Oh 'ke e FS Oh Georgia, that's nonsense oh, it's so hot.
I think if the heat is so uncomfortable, it's worse than the hair removal part. Okay, I won't even blink, yeah. I just got the sheets out for me, you may not have been the best at how to prepare your spelling for this, but pulling out your pubic hair definitely seems to prepare you very well for this competition training. I was like, I know I actually put in like 14 years of practice, well I'll see you next week Damian, we'll be back, what's up Sarah, how are you feeling? You feel great, well your artist is Rembrandt, oh come on Brad, I thought, wow, they're a Rembrandt for this, can I have this? to you it's such a troll I just wanted to talk I have a funny story to tell you Mike I remember that time we went to the store and remember that memory we got Rembrandt milkshakes with a capital R.e.m B R a n D I want to be too difficult Now I wonder if I was the which made it too easy to chase you during the third final round.
How we all feel the laughter of the game. Roseburg liked ten strips in the last one? I'm like two-faced Harvey here, so the scores are one. for Sabrina zero for Gus and two for Damian I wasn't trying to make it easy for Damian okay, so round three the category is big words okay, okay Sabrina your word is your word is petrichor what does it mean? means a pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a period of hot dry weather Courtney please help me petrichor hits rykor my favorite smell literally I wish my good hair had turned into a bit called hitchhiking or smell pristine.
I gotta get out of here, that was their Shark Tank pitch, yeah, they don't. I don't handle my body like that. I checked petrichor. I already know I'm going to mess this up. Ok a.p.e r TR. I see that is incorrect. You know, I want to hear what it is. Yes, it is PE t RI CH o R Bangalore Sabrina. They're all going to be fine. I think this is the cutest way to deal with pain because they say don't hold your breath because it doesn't make it worse. You know, I feel like if I'm constantly away it's a theory.
It works for me thank you very much, okay Gus, are you ready? I'm ready, unfortunately you can't win. It's okay, because the winners are already Damien. Yes, because I want to be easy on him and I apologize. Your word is Hello everyone, it's time to play. America's favorite game static Tobias, do you want to help pronounce it here? Ike, see you, see you Ste Attica Pike, well there's no hope I'll ever guess how to spell this word. It's fun, static, yes, this one from Pi. Gus, static, static gun, shoot, not Stata. Pike well, I think it's worse for you that you haven't had a single way, this is for nouns like us, which of the seven pronunciations added Google D, yes, Stata pikas ste.
I see, Deanna. I guess, oh, hello, I guess that sounds like a mistake, please. For God's sake, give me a sentence from Courtney, it's crazy, I get so angry when I fight with everyone, wherever Gus gets in my cherry pie, I say yeah, I guess winning this award has made me sweat, will you? know the definition which is about having a lot of fat around your butt okay that being said Rosemary has been dealing with a lot of my ste a surveyor ste ad i p IG us it was ste 8008 you can't change the spelling adipose base GUI geo us Gus, you go To get it, I still have my winter Bush in the plugs so hot, this is much worse than the waxing part, it's the thermal wax that was a fleshy wax, although that It was a lot, yeah, it feels like someone just gave me a dip. balls and hot ice no bro no Damian you're the winner you didn't get a damn thing your big word goes to the lady ah man I was so waiting for interception material it's like I really know I want the lady, yeah it's the separation of a word composed of a word or intermediate words usually a bad word like absolutely, oh yes, education, but juicer.
I know that everyone lives before children according to a prayer to be taken advantage of. No, my sister and I played ball, I mean, throw it at Lisa's physical therapist. In some cases this is just a TM. I mean, like I don't exist, man, you mean you're finally going to get rosemary? Can you please make the entire surface of his scrotum into a chick? Would you make direct eye contact with me? Gus how do we do this I'll do it that's awkward for Sabrina it's our anniversary well Briana I'll look at it but I'll think about you well thank you guys so much for coming on your anniversary night yes thanks for the question oh where can we find? you at Applebee's after this, what's that?
Yes, we will do it in 420. You can see me on YouTube. Just Gus Johnson. I sketch and have a podcast studio. Brubeck and Sabrina and you can find me on a ballina. Sabrina on YouTube. Yes, follow these. two people, they are some of the sweetest, funniest and smartest people. I don't know, thank you all so much for joining us in this episode. Remember to subscribe and comment and comment below on what kind of guests you want to see on this show. Here we have I'm so sweaty, but if you want to continue watching Smosh videos, you should have selected a video for yourself right down here and then we selected a video for you right here.
Have a great time in the meantime, I need to go take a shower because it's so damn

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