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How do you spell REVENGE? - Spelling Bee-Kini Wax #5

May 30, 2021
Now I feel bad about it, look at me, you're looking at me right now and you're looking at me, oh hi, I didn't see you there, welcome to a very special Christmas episode of


ing bi


wax to me, ha ha, give it to me, that's right. We have our three contestants here, we have the creepiest contestant we've ever had, it's Ian and we have because of the 100,000 likes on one of the previous bi




ing videos, we have Sarah Whittle here and a very exciting guest , Hello us. I have Kimmy here, she's back to torture me.
how do you spell revenge   spelling bee kini wax 5
I know she signed up for probably the worst thing besides eat it or eat it guys, the rules are simple, we will have three rounds, three words in each round will give a prize to the contestant who will try. to spell it if they do it right they can go ahead with all their hair and if they get it wrong they shave their bikini whoo I hope I understand it wrong I didn't say it right how am I supposed to say it? I'm supposed to say this is a


bee, it's like a typical


bee, but when you get the word wrong, you don't lose the game, you lose some hair down there.
how do you spell revenge   spelling bee kini wax 5

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how do you spell revenge spelling bee kini wax 5...

This is a spelling bee, but not like a normal spelling bee, you're wrong. Lose a little hair down there and all of our contestants will have a chance to hear the word in a sentence and our sentence today is a young Santa Claus Matt Rob you guys, you're going to do it Sara, good luck. I can spell it for you like Well, yes, and we have our waxer Rachel with a very cool light-up Santa: are you ready? Yes, hit that bell, yes, hit that bell. The first round is Christmas flora, Christmas trees, Christmas plants, since I don't know who cares.
how do you spell revenge   spelling bee kini wax 5
Talk to Ian first, yeah, give it to me. I hope I understand it wrong. They can feel all the pain. Jesus, actually, actually, Rachel. Earth Day, okay, your word is mistletoe, mmm-hmm, so you get right to it. I've been wasting a second, okay, let me start again, oh yeah, interrupt, I feel like that. Wow, I want Sarah back in the house, yes, but the first time I see her in pain, my TL e space tou, wait a second, judges, he is catching the judges and fighting. oh hi, I'm back, they're not a space, you were right, you added a space missile, missile, no, it's a trailer, it's a missile.
how do you spell revenge   spelling bee kini wax 5
Oh, my style, I didn't say my, yeah, whatever you're wrong, break it down into two words. You're coming back, which I know is what you want. Oh yeah, I was thinking about the pose, okay? It was not young mode. I was just thinking about those are you ready, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Rachel, are you ready?, yes, I am. understanding it very well right now three why are you spending more time? We just set this up here thanks. How was Ian? How do you feel? She hits me like seven times in a row. She goes for the pain.
We are moving forward. He is an ex. presenter and current idiot Sarah Sarah, how does it feel to be where you are? I feel great, I feel honored and very surprised that a hundred thousand people wanted my pubic hair removed. I was also one of those hundred thousand. In fact, I tried. push it to the limit because you know what you and the last one yeah, I just knew this day was coming, it's some kind of graduation, so let's do it, Sarah, are you ready for your job? Yes, it's super fragile with lipstick, that's the reality, it's Christmas. the topic is not Mary Poppins team I don't know if that's the name of a tree you idiot okay Sarah your word is balsam fir I'm pretty clear yeah yeah it will sit yeah pretty sure that you have some balsam fir, balsam fir, can I get it? used in the sentence yes, you can what is the word balsam fir interested in spelling it you know balsam fir Sarah you are going to be in a lot of pain balsam now get the language of origin the language of origin is Latin ah yes, the language we all know and well Yes, what is it?
The balsam fir is a North American fir that produces Canada balsam. Okay, balsam fir is a u l s um. If you are reviewed. I checked it pretty early because you got three letters wrong. The correct spelling is a space that was like ROM words that she made for the wrong words that we're doing ahead of time so you'd be wrong back here uh, yeah, wait, how do you feel? I feel amazing, it's so wonderful, the world is rainbows and puppies, and I'm happy well well are you ready for your word? Okay, Kimmy, yes, your word is happy, yes, one of the gifts the Three Stooges gave to Jesus.
Okay, which students are currently shining? If you're wrong, Jesus will be very angry with you, so many people and myself okay I think I think I need I think I need an envoy Matt rob sneed the phrase no Matt you go here I go there I go there I go there man okay I'll go here hello hello hello do you understand that did you see that? I did it, you're looking in words, it's a long word, yeah, so Murr, yeah, people like it, 'tis the season, sure your crotch hair ain't fair. I'm going to need a merkin, okay, okay, okay, so I'm feeling good, so start. with an M, yeah, okay, then it goes up with a Y and then I think it's weird.
I feel like I'm stuck in an elementary school Christmas song, so okay, rr8 is that your final answer, Jimmy, yes, that's right, RR h, a fragrant gum resin. It is obtained from certain trees and is used especially in the Near East in perfumery medicines and incense. Okay, time for round two. Christmas movie characters. Oh, it's a good time. I have to stop doing what you're doing. I had never seen a movie before. Oh God, okay, back to Ian Ian, how are you feeling okay? So if your word is ebony xur Scrooge, can you use it in a sentence?
Matt, please, here it comes, please play it quietly like it's a second. Ebenezer Scrooge, you could say that the president of a company who doesn't buy everyone a Christmas present on Christmas could be considered an Abba nezer Scrooge, yeah, wow, that guy sounds like a dead man. I agree, look what's happening on Instagram 112 22, yeah, okay, eb e. and e zer space scr oh wow yeah for some reason put two E's in there yeah but better yeah it's Evan easyer Scrooge eb e n e zer SC AR or OG e okay and they're waxing you should do all their area on a large sheet. rock is so close it's so close to my songs River calls I get it all ha ha okay you're ready okay you're ready yeah okay cool 3 okay you're a dolphin down there now and back to Sarah, hey Sarah, I feel confident about this next round unless it's Tim Allen, no good, sure, Sarah, your character is Clark Griswold, oh, good movie, oh, there's a lyric, no, There's a couple, there's confusing lyrics about the man, let's use them.
Matt sent it right, man. hello what's the word bolt Clark Griswald is a character from the movie a Christmas Vacation Clark Griswold your sentences really suck I hope you've earned a lot of grief right now because this is so much Clark Griswold is like those children's books Griswold Oh Rachel the gun okay Clark Griswald CL a art k-space G R hi s-sarah good news okay Clark Griswold CL AR k space g RI s W OU LD sir come back Thunderdome okay time of year okay let's move on to Kimmy again the hero of this video, the only person any of us are rooting for, okay Kimmy, your character is Kevin McCallister, no, I want to hear Asunción Sofia nilam, oh yeah, here we go, here we go, lo what do you have.
Kevin McCallister was replaced in several films. because Macaulay Culkin was too expensive I feel like there's a complicated part here because okay, okay, so Casey okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, I'll be sure mm see an L die because more you lost the space you've made with someone else I already made my now, I don't know, I'm a CER Kimmy, that's wrong, you only made the one you saw, you have to grab it there, it's Kevin McCallister kzv on MC, look, you're going to get Epton wax, my faith, I know, oh. yeah that's the best thing, it's much more disturbing not to see it happen, yeah I only watch Santa Claus, they're all supposed to be very jolly guys, but it's okay Kimmy here we go, yeah, it's okay, it's always multiple and then They become five, Kimmy, how? it was that it was good it was that it was good it was good I feel a little more streamlined Adelle well, the entry score for the third round is zero zero one Emmeline I still hope she keeps it up in this round Icelandic Christmas, guys, no, easy Icelandic Christmas , that's everyone's nose, I signed it, come on, like guys, edison, like men, I have no idea, good landing, are you ready, yeah, okay, Ian, your word is fear eater, yeah, that It seems pretty easy.
I like it, yes. I'd like to hear Matt okay it's the gear eater the ski eater you better watch out okay you got yeah okay the ski eater sk and RG OB le r damn you are very close, although you have the hard word, that's Kyo, so the skyr ski devourers. space gob ble arm I was a friend who said I like goblins with spears I don't ski Cobian, he's a good shoemaker. I thought they're like you're coming back as a 1 - okay, I'm ready, are you ready? okay guys here goes damn we got it we got it by the way a devouring skier is a guy with a great affinity for skier ah the key to thinking skier is actually it's a type of yogurt actually it's it's icelandic yogurt and it's very good, it's even better than Greek yogurt.
It has more protein and less fat. Wow, it's trendy right now. Okay, Sarah, let's move on to you. You have no words. Do you know what it brings? The Frick did well. Here we go, you're not going to get your new Icelandic boy a cheap coat Claude, did you save this one for me? Ah, no, no, I didn't choose this word, cheap coke, Claude wasn't, what is it? boy who harasses sheep but is affected by his stiff peg legs thanks can't think of it being cheaper anyway yeah oh here come the sheep code clubs like what's up guys it's okay Sh EEP, okay Oh, a spot for tea, why not?
That's AUD you know, let's just add a Z for flavor why don't you do it totally right? silence Z And nothing language no, that's wrong and then I don't even know what comes out right, how do you write? I want to have a sheep coat. clawed sheep p c o te c LOD there's a dash between the sheep and the coat but I would have given it to you if you'd missed it but you're close you're so wrong clap your hands ok sir you're going to be plucked again. possibly as bad as mine, that's delicious, say Mario has a lot of preparation for this one.
I don't know, look at me, you, look at me. Wow, how are you? My hands are very sweaty and I am very sleepy. We just converted you. in an 80 year old Sarah, you finished shaving, you lost everything possible, you both did it, Kimmy, the good news is that you already won, the bad news is that you have to spell another word if you get it wrong. They will wax you and these roads are quite difficult. Do you think I have all the knowledge of Icelandic Christmas labs? Yes, I studied, that's where we find you, Kimmy, are you ready for your word?
Yes, you're the Icelandic Christmas Lab is Goolagong Cawley. See that? belly bag a porter is a boy who hides in ravines waiting for an opportunity to sneak into the stable and steal milk, yes, Iceland like even their gods are a little stupid, like it's like I'm the god of stealing milk. Oh my gosh, that's funny, that's so weird. I'm going to get them, but can I have a quote? Porter dog, you better be careful with the good covered rocks, pay attention and he will take all your milk. Billy, it's okay, I like it when you do it correctly like you do. actually you're wearing them exactly oh great, you too thank you very much, this is the one that yes, I'm going to get, this is definitely that G and it's definitely you mm there's an L and then I think of another L and then away and l'énergie okay, ghuli is gu lly, you got that part right, but then stare it's G a week, you got one, what you're about to shave, well, we're having a good time, yeah, it's a great time, it's a great time , I'm ready, okay?
Rachel is ready, Kimmy, are you totally ready? I've never been more ready in my entire suite, okay, here we go, three, two come out when I'm the gremlin love of a champion today, thank you all so much, hit Bell and thank you for giving us. we all those likes so Sarah was tortured today 300,000 likes we'll throw Sarah into a pool full of crocodiles yeah here's a video we curated just for you yeah bye guys merry christmas whoo-hoo

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