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Solo Tarkov with an MP9!

Jun 03, 2021
Alright, we finally found a match, unfortunately I'm in the factory and I can only use a gun because of this task. I have to kill three players, one less. Jesus coulda killed me with that pbs oh my god it's got a mosin we got it we got it hell yeah I really like these new animations they added to the loading screen it's not much it's not much but a your character likes to recharge, looks around, looks pretty good anyway, we got the mp9 now i was using this thing, uh, how was the last patch or the last wipe or whatever?
solo tarkov with an mp9
See, this is what happens with this game. I've always had a little problem with it because if you're a new player and you come into the game. and you're starting later in the patch like these big patches because they delete the game and delete your accounts and all that, there might be a guy that'll let me just lube my lips for whatever reason that gives you a painkiller, I don't. I know, but yeah, if you're a new player and you come in and play it and you're really late to the big patch, there's a good chance you're going to face these extremely over-equipped, new-ish guys. player who's pretty badass there's only so much you can do you can't even buy really good ammo look underneath okay, it must be underneath this guy hello, I was using the new shotgun, wasn't I?
solo tarkov with an mp9

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solo tarkov with an mp9...

Yes, he is using the new shotgun, why? Why did you have night vision on? We're not a night raid, so from what I understand I haven't read the patch notes, but you could put slug bases on it. You can only last up to three shots, but he can put bullets like slugs in it, shrapnel rounds and uh, some flashbang bases, I think that's what he was using, he shot the wall or something. This poor guy here looks like this guy, for example, it's like he might even be new to the game, but he's just got a gun, what if he goes up against someone in full level six armor?
solo tarkov with an mp9
He can't get through it. That's almost done. It worked. I guess you don't get the similar achievement. I didn't bring two tool kits. two, you have to fix it, I'm just going to restart, I have two deaths, I finished one of the tasks, I just want to achieve it, that's my main focus, I just want to do some tasks and get better equipment from the merchants, no. bad run sorry wait that's a player I thought there was a scav underneath yeah it's a player no way I caught him with that must have been a headshot I caught him with a little move psh with a battery oh my god, you are an animal sir, is this it?
solo tarkov with an mp9
No, I have the wrong key. Am I in the wrong room? Oh, this is not the right key. Okay, we might be in the wrong place. Oops, wait, this is it, right? Find secure folder 031. on a bunk bed in customs, oh boy, I think, oh man, this is optional, so I think you have to access that room that gives you the key that I have when you look for one of the jackets, that actually makes a lot of sense, oops! trying to think this is the best way to the cabin hmm he's waiting he's nervous he's nervous oh he was there somewhere it was not directly on him i feel like that was a pretty good throw that's kind of cool shows little blood splatters on the ground Now I guess if you're bleeding a lot or whatever, this mp9 is so sick, this one isn't even the good one, there are two variants, one is black and then you have this tan, the black one shoots a lot faster. actually it's probably a good thing I don't have that one, oh my god there's more Jesus get me out of here incoming artillery it didn't really hit my armor which is good oh yeah I can hear it we got it there's another one no way manner.
He is, oh man, how many of you are there? I guess they breed in this back corner. What's going on back here? I really hope there isn't a fifth. I mean, it's very possible. I think you can queue up to five on this map. You never know. I know that in this game people can be anywhere and at any time. I need to make sure no one is watching. Your team looks clear here. It is quite equipped. I think this guy had the biggest bag. Hey, what did you bring? The game has just begun. Oh yes, factor. ssd key which are decent amounts like 50k.
I guess I don't know what all the values ​​are every time I go back to the game, each item is a little different. Now I'm very glad I killed him. It's a pretty safe place here, my quick mt. I put contact lenses on him, I think he had too many. I could take some of his ammo if they had anything decent because I really don't like my current level. I can't really buy too much from merchants and everything is overpriced. the flea market oh car battery i need it for the task oh yeah this is what you want he has the good equipment i must have shot him in the head yes i didn't even touch his vest did you guys get that much equipment?
I wonder if they wonder where they looted because I wasn't in the game for long before we met. Looks like this guy didn't have much. I think it's a scav boss weapon, but it has pb19. I guess I can get rid of myself. ammo this guy had good magazines okay, where do we have to go? I guess, oh yeah, I spawn on this side of the map. What the hell, the scab player appears out of nowhere? I'm too full, I'm already, I'm already out. power sprint four meters and I finished Jesus thank you very much scav trying to be sneaky around here that's an unfortunate time for him the bad news is I can't even loot it I'm so full I just can't I don't I know what to do here because when pick up my bag I'll be overweight so I try to fight this guy now or I just try to run past him.
I guess they were teammates and he was most likely watching his team on the train tracks. It's hard to judge the movement now because they've opened customs and there are so many angles and so many different areas you can go into. I'll just try to avoid them. I'm so overweight I can't even run anywhere look they even opened up ah why are you kidding me? He was there, he had to be a different guy. I don't think so if that was the teammate we ran into. The entire server, everyone was in that area. What's going on?
It is a pity. It was a good race too.

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