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So I tried Speedrunning ALL Platinum Medals (Wii Play)

Feb 27, 2020
surprise surprise so I haven't actually


ed this since I last went all Platinum. I'm pretty sure I haven't practiced for this. I am not prepared in any way. I'm no better than before. but we'll see what happens, we have a few hours to


, there's only one full run of this, the world record was like a year ago, it's at the bottom of my division so you can see it in our 50 minutes. I watched it briefly, everything was pretty good, other than air hockey, air hockey took like half an hour because that one sucks, so I'm thinking I might start with air hockey because the rules don't say you have to do it in order, you can do it in any order, but you have to play table tennis and tanks twice, which sucks, but air hockey seems like the best bet to start with.
so i tried speedrunning all platinum medals wii play
In his career, he started with billiards, which is also like a heavy reboot. so I'm thinking pool or air hockey, we'll see, or I could just go right for ping-pong, get that out of the way because that's the worst game, but I don't know if I'm super focused, I don't think tennis table is so bad. Okay, look at him, he's nice and well rested. I think a little push from Pillsbury Doughboy we're trying to wake up, man, a little face lift. A long day ahead, ah, I have the divisions ready. Let's start laser hockey again. World record.
so i tried speedrunning all platinum medals wii play

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so i tried speedrunning all platinum medals wii play...

I'm going to start the time. Start again. It might start when you click on the game, but I think it's faster. If I start over and then do it and say I haven't done this in a while, this already looks bad, like my goal rate I need for her, like five seconds or something. I think I need to score like that goal. every five seconds I'm not quite, but it has to be a lot of goals now I'm just mate, I'm really going for it, there's really no way I'm getting this first try, mate, okay, I need three more points. and there's like a minute left, this is crazy, why is it like this? because I like?
so i tried speedrunning all platinum medals wii play
I know it sucks is when you try to hit it and you like drag like I'm dragging the puck dude I got 20 seconds man we can do this oh my god there's no way I'm leaving this game here you know I'm gonna lift . I'm going to let this go buddy, I just applied these on my first time, okay? I don't think so, this is like knots, man, it's not written, this is real, like what's happening, there's no way I just did it. my first race, first try, buddy, okay buddy, I could literally get the world record, so if I don't get at least three on the first thing, I'll restart it, buddy, come on, give me those five snipe, are you serious?
so i tried speedrunning all platinum medals wii play
This is garbage. they even get like one in oh my god dude come in oh okay Wow this was good maybe oh oh I thought I was going to trust that yeah I could get something right here maybe you'll see God I hate the ending with this , that waits? that worked you that worked that's crazy okay, no, no, no, no, good boy, you know this could be good, maybe I can afford it, come on, come on, buddy, Oh, spot on, oh, okay , that was scary, oh my god, yes, are we doing this? oh, you, you're okay, well, what I was going to say is for table tennis.
I need to get a gold medal before I get


, so this game, the first time you play it, it only reaches 100 points, which is the gold medal and after that I have to play again for 200, that's Too much ping-pong and I want to die, well, on the first round, out of the way, oh boy, the fun starts here, it's so boring, oh, oh, it's boring, oh. this went back and forth and then all the last second surprise surprise can it go the other way oh my god doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo no no no no no no no no no I don't like it okay, I need it, I need it Like, take a minute like what I am, it's very difficult, okay, okay, round one, round one, friend, I have a life that is pug, however, this is not


, this is gold, the game only allows you to play up to this point until you achieve the objective.
Now we have to play it all over again, which is definitely nice, guys, but at least we did it on our first try. You might think that this game gets harder after level 20, but it actually doesn't. They start recycling levels and they like it. of is randomized, it's strange, but I wouldn't say I wouldn't say that platinum should be too much, it's definitely scary since I want to save as many lives as I can, but the platinum tanks aren't that now just hello, they hide. right in the corner perfectly this ain't no fun playing against me see what I mean dude these green tanks dude they cut up and shoot you perfectly next to your mouthpiece doubly so they all hit each other oh god mine. look at his classic I missed it what happened wow the purple guy I didn't even realize that the purple guy just shot me why mrs. or we did, I didn't realize, okay, I need to kill myself, I'm not paying attention, I'm wasting my time, you know, oops, I definitely wasted some time because you killed two extra shifts, so you don't care. that you're not getting a good record, I mean, this is my first race that doesn't litter my first feed with the others.
I wasn't excited, I never expected I would get it. I could have gotten it for sure. I definitely could have gotten a world record. but it's a little silly to assume that I would understand it right away it's my first race like I feel like this guy is like a mystery fish necessary oh my god go away yeah Wow I can catch him too we can still be big man maybe you come right here here yeah yeah yeah yeah okay, this is kinda close Oh get your ass over here buddy, I guess we gotta wait, we get it literally like any fish, oh my god, one more fish, buddy, one more, okay, wait how.
Can I, oh, can I skip this? I slept all day, yeah, and that kind of stuff. I took a while. Okay, this game is pretty difficult. I think it's definitely in the top, like three, there's no wrong excuse. I, excuse me, excuse me, holy, okay, we need a fucking oh, okay, I got it, I got it, we got it, we got it, we can, we can finish now, sure, we'll just die, we'll just die, yeah, you know, I actually had afraid that this had happened. It's been like 1,400 and someone lied to me, okay, okay, keep your eyes wide open, oh, no swords, what I pushed him the first time and like nothing happened, a little nervous, hey, fish boy, bald, bald, thanks for the 5 bits, sir. .
Meg, I had just missed her and then I realized she was Meg, so I won with that. I think it was this. I could have sworn I saw this and these levels are pretty sketchy. This guy, oh god, is a full ass. I absolutely have to move I think it was Chris guys we did it guys I think we did it oh wait no this is I have to be this I think I have to get through this level on odd knees on odd knees in the dark you know what because this race is rubbish, Let's move on, let's move on, top right, girl, man, like no one likes anyone else, did you want my career to die or not, it's not about you, you didn't want to die, but you wanted me to, you just wanted that I did it.
Go fast because apparently that would have been more of a stretch, but guys, look at it this way, we're getting second place no matter what and the race is not a world record, a bull, so you better have kept playing, you know, Oh, it's fine. I barely understood it, oh yeah, we made it clear that you get the endpoints, okay, load it, excuse me, okay, that's an instant reset. My hard-earned thing, man, this game sucks, this game sucks, how do you miss that one, oh my god, wait. even understand it wait I don't think I have it I didn't I don't think I have it no no and he I need I need the stopwatch you oh my god that has shape I know it quickly that's disgusting this is the last game because it's supposed to which is easy right oh okay we clean it up so time is up when I get there when he says I have flats and let the ladies and our speedrun wait for him yeah look at us and almost three hours so second please Come on friend, yes, not again.
I haven't practiced any of this since I last got Platts. We had a great start. Laser hockey was sick. I don't know if I'll do it again, but that was it. kind of like we're in second place and in last place, only one person has done this, yeah, we got all the Platinums in less than three hours. I mean, hey, that's cool, it's still cool, at least it's kind of cool.

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