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The Scene That Explains Why Winter Soldier Worked and Iron Man 2 Didn’t | SCENE FIGHTS!

Jun 06, 2021
Iron Man 2 in Captain America the Winter Soldier are very similar films, but one of them is remembered as the highlight of the franchise, while the other is remembered as the one with Mickey Rourke and he had a bird, remember Peter, this one is not It's the bird. my book, so what is it that separates these two films well? I think there's a


in every movie that shows why one was a finely crafted political thriller that moved the superhero genre in a new direction and the other was like that, let's first look at The movies have a lot of similarities.
the scene that explains why winter soldier worked and iron man 2 didn t scene fights
Both are the first sequels to a successful origin film. In one of the first


s, the hero jumps out of a plane and overcomes his initial challenges quite easily. At the beginning of the film, they are called to answer to a government employee. and the government wants to exert more control over the hero's life if Shield is conducting a search for Captain America, we deserve to know why we're safe. America is safe, you want my property, you can't have it in every movie. Gary Shandling plays senators. Turn and he is the face of the power-hungry American government.
the scene that explains why winter soldier worked and iron man 2 didn t scene fights

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the scene that explains why winter soldier worked and iron man 2 didn t scene fights...

This character also gets his comeuppance at the end of the film. The heroes have an African-American best friend who later gains superpowers and


alongside the hero. Black Widow is a supporting character in the movie and has a flirtatious relationship with the hero, he still feels uncomfortable, it's not exactly what he would wear in every movie, they were made to question his loyalty to the good guys, each hero faces pressure from the government to change your habits and trust the system. The best friend of two heroes is a tool of the government and at one point


the hero, but they seemed to figure it out in the end, each of them is haunted by their past and trying to find a meaningful connection with a loved one they have.
the scene that explains why winter soldier worked and iron man 2 didn t scene fights
I have lost and each of these loved ones helped to find a shield when the hero reaches an unsolvable problem. Nick Fury appears to provide new information and offer advice. The hero also learns critical information by studying old documents related to Howard Stark, a character on a video screen also gives them information that helps them solve the mystery of the film. Each film also has two main villains, one of which has a connection to past heroes. During the film, the hero changes his appearance to reflect the personal obstacles he has overcome. The ending involves a lot of hacking and a big shootout in a public place.
the scene that explains why winter soldier worked and iron man 2 didn t scene fights
Nick Fury has an epilogue scene with the hero that helps set up the next movie and finally, each movie does a lot of world building to help establish the Universe. Marvel cinematography in general. those are the similarities, now let's talk about the differences. I think Winter Soldier succeeds over Iron Man 2 due to a


efficiency. Each film juggles multiple stories, but Winter Soldier has a stronger narrative focus, so let's do a little mind map to see the different ones. stories and themes in this #1 movie, Captain America is freshly thought out and feels like an outsider in this time and place.
He is losing his connections with the Past. His one true love, Peggy Carter, has dementia and constantly loses her memory again, losing a connection with. The past cap works as a shield but he distrusts this is not freedom this is fear they also introduced Sam Wilson and they become friends. I do what he does a little slower than the black widows story where cap gains her trust and she becomes disillusioned with shield the vision of the project is about to unleash fury it's about a conspiracy within the shield, then there's alexander Pierce responding to the world security council Bucky is alive and he's a villain called the Winter Soldier and of course there are the obligatory MCU Easter eggs, now each thread connects to each other in a variety of ways Bucky works for Alexander Pierce Peggy Carter helped found the Shield, etc., etc., but there is one event at the center of this movie that ties all of these plot threads together and drives the story forward and that is the revelation that Hydra has taken over the shield. .
All other stories flow through this idea. This is the scene that transformed the MCU's dismantling shield, removed the Avengers' safety net, and made the world reliant on shieldless heroes to guide them. The Avengers created the Ultron civil war. and Thanos was able to break and all of that was made possible by this revelation from Hydra. It's the scene that raised the dramatic stakes of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe, so let's take a closer look at the seat. It comes at the exact midpoint of the movie when the characters normally reach their lowest point now at this point we don't really know who the Winter Soldier is working for or why the shield is behind the cap, all we know is that There is a conspiracy and we want to solve the mystery, the scene takes place in a bunker. below Camp Lehi, where Steve Rogers was trained and where the shield was first established, now this fits with many of the stories' themes.
Lehi is linked to camps he is losing a connection with and Peggy Carter


here to create the shield, however hiding beneath the headquarters as a parasite was Hydra, the organization Pierce runs, which corrupted Bucky and tried to kill Fury. The project information was actually created in this room, so the entire movie centers around this scene in this room, in this very location, and the scene is really just a cleverly told info dump. starts with a joke and a nerdy reference to war games, shall we play a game? It's a long movie that I lighten the mood myself, but this is all very clever foreshadowing because war games are about an AI that goes rogue and almost destroys the world by launching missiles. across the planet sounds familiar, but then there's the revelation that Zola is now an AI who forms a personal connection to Caps' past and the events of the first film.
Presents the story of the First Avenger from a different point of view. Hydra was founded on the belief that humanity couldn't be trusted with its own freedom which we


't quite realize is that if you try to take that freedom, they resist, but then the info dump cleverly pivots to include images and events. from the real world. Zola talks about humanity giving up his freedom. In exchange for safety, Hydra created a world so chaotic that humanity is finally ready to sacrifice its freedom to gain its safety. We live in the era of the surveillance state, between the corporate algorithms of the Patriot Act and cookie software, we are slowly surrendering our right to privacy, so we can feel secure against bad actors who unlock our iPhones a little faster .
Winter Soldier makes the reveal of Hydra feel personal to the viewer, so they'll feel a fraction of Captain America's wrath in one sentence. Zola undermines everything Steve has sacrificed. We win, captain, your death. equivalent to this famous your life, a zero sum where it turns out that Cap's greatest success ended up being his greatest failure and then the bombs arrive at the end of the scene, a new MCU is born now let's try to see the counterpoint of the scenes in Iron Man 2 but first let's talk about the story threads this movie is balancing. There's Tony's palladium poisoning, which is also a metaphor for his alcoholism because it makes him behave radically.
There is also his complicated relationship with his father, which we hear about through dialogue. He never told me. He loved me and everyone told me they liked him. The government wants to control Iron Man's technology before another country can duplicate it. Justin Hammer also wants Iron Man's technology and Tony Stark's government contracts. Mickey Rourke's whiplash doubles the armor and holds a grudge against the Stark family. You come from a family of thieves and butchers. Black Widow is introduced and becomes Pepper's assistant, but she and the main villain are Russian and for some reason that never figures into the story.
Nick Fury brings the shield into the story by giving Tony a temporary palladium cure and information. about his father and then there are Tony's personal relationships, his friendship with Rhodey becomes strained when he steals one of Tony's suits to give to the government. Tony hands Stark Industries over to Pepper and their romance develops, but his reckless behavior puts him in danger. Tony also reopens his father's house. creation of the Stark Expo and finally there's all the MCU crossover material ordered by the studio. Now guess what story thread ties all of these stories together, how the Hydra reveal connected the Winter Soldier, well maybe it's Tony trying to keep his armor out of the wrong hands to prevent it. the Iron Man equivalent of a nuclear arms race, if that's the case, then the movie is about Tony learning to trust others and that we're all in this together, so if the movie is about Tony trusting others, then the crucial scene, Tony's lowest point, would be his birthday party, that's what shows that he's not responsible enough to wear the armor, he breaks off his relationship with Rhodey and his legacy is ruined, except in Actually that is not the key story of the film because we also have the sins of the father and the past.
Coming back to haunt you, the story involving Vanko and Howard Stark and the shield, the movie tries to smash all of these concepts together and it's like Kronenberg is the entire story, so the only story thread that connects all of these is in Tony's relationship with Howard Stark comes true. the only common connection between all these other stories Howard solved the palladium problem fired Vanko's father designed weapons for the government founded Shield founded Stark Industries created the Stark Expo and even inspired Justin Hammer Howard Stark truly is a father to all of us and Howard Stark shouldn't be the key factor in the movie because this is the least interesting story in the movie.
His strained relationship with Tony is explained primarily through dialogue. We're talking about a guy whose happiness, Davis, when he sent me to boarding school. and also an old movie where he is upset with his son because he is in the middle of work, what are you doing? the movie, so we found a way to incorporate it to create a character arc for this guy, so the relationship with the father seemed to be the fulcrum of that, to us, the clumsiest part of this story is the reveal that Howard founded Shield you clearly know my dad better than I do, in fact I did, he was one of the founding members of Shield, which I mean is a pretty big piece of information that could have been an entire movie on its own , just Tony discovering his father's life. as a spy, instead, is a throwaway comment that's only here to form a connection between Howard and Nick Fury, so Fury has a reason to be in the movie, but it's also prompting him to become part of the Shield and join to the group, in my opinion, Fury should not.
I haven't even been in this movie until the last scene that provokes the Avengers because when the shield appears, the movie stops, that thing on your chest is based on the arc reactor, it was the step, something so big that it was going to make nuclear energy. He's the other side of the env


ment you want to raise a child in, the only person with the means and knowledge, Fury begins to solve Tony's problems for him. I mean, there's so much expository dialogue here, it's like Fury is reading story notes directly from Marvel's creative committee and what it is.
The Marvel creative committee, well, they don't exist anymore, but they were like the Illuminati of Marvel Studios. Comic book writer Brian Michael Bendis, Marvel Comics editor-in-chief Joe Quesada, publisher Dan Buckley, Marvel Studios co-president Luest Esposito and Marvel Entertainment president Allen. Well, this committee was a sort of sounding board for what to put in Marvel movies, but they also frustrated the filmmakers and it's rumored that their limitations led to Edgar Wright's departure from Ant-Man. I think they were key in shaping the early crossovers of the MCU and ordered many of the stories in Iron Man 2, such as the inclusion of Howard Stark, so if the entire plot revolves around Howard Stark, then which is the key scene of the film around which the entire plot revolves?
Well, it also happens to be the worst scene in the movie, Power talks to Tony from beyond the grave. This for you, so let's analyze this same fury. He takes information about Tony and tells him that you can solve the riddle of your heart to get it because of the arc reactors in his heart. and he has problems with his father and it's like he's in therapy and dealing with things. Tony watches his father Stark's Expo video outtakes while he flips through his diaries. Dad Stark looks a lot like a Roger Sterling drinking alcohol, but then it turns out that he recorded a very important message for his son right in the middle of all these other images, telling him that I built this Expo for you and it's my life's work and that someday tonyyou'll change the world, huh, but he says this as if he's talking about the Stark Expo and gives no indication that his words have a double meaning.
He also does not leave his son a diary or diagrams as part of his estate. She recorded a message on the same film reel as the Stark Expo. footage and he just hoped that one day his son would meet him, that was the plan, it wasn't a great plan and by the way, if you're going to say something like that, Hydra took all of his documents and hid everything else, it was like a code. or something like that, she remembers that when they made this movie they had no plans for Hydra to take over the shield.
Kevin Feige first proposed that idea to Chris Evans on the set of the Avengers. I mean, Tony was 20 when Howard died, so why would Howard record? a message to his son when he was six, wouldn't you have planned to share this information with Tony when he was older instead of waiting for his son to find it when he grew up? Look, none of this makes sense, hiding the map at the molecule inside the exhibit is also really dumb. Favreau basically acknowledges it in the audio commentary, so it's a little complicated, you manipulated things a little bit, but it looks good visually and Robert sells it, it's a short scene.
I'm waiting for the filmmakers to cut a lot of corners and convey information quickly and then this last reveal that his father actually loved him all along inspires Tony to make amends and resolve his problems, but Howard still feels trapped in this movie, especially the revelation that he founded the shield. You could remove that information from the movie and it wouldn't change anything about the story. Tony could I just went through his father's journals and found this movie, so then you have to wonder why the shield was put in this movie if it was totally unnecessary because the production of Iron Man 2 was a hot mess according to an article about the movies mix ours The source says that Iron Man 2 was not the movie Jon Favreau wanted to make.
Marvel heavily interfered with his work on the film and turned the project into an infomercial for the Avengers. Favreau felt that the film was rushed into production and in the making of Favreau speaks. about how they started filming before they even finished the script. It's Friday. He wasn't filming this Monday, but the following Monday. We're in writing sessions trying to put this script together. It always feels like you're burning the candle at both ends. Jon Favreau is used to working fast, he had been writing and directing fantastic independent films for a decade, he relied on a run and gun style and improvised dialogue.
Iron Man


't even have a complete script when they started filming and Robert Downey Jr. improvised by revealing Tony Stark's secret identity, but this improvised style and compressed deadline did not fit well with the MCU's emerging structure of interconnected story elements. Now we don't know exactly what story elements Marvel forced Favreau to include, but we can make some informed ones. I assume this movie was in pre-production at the same time as Captain America First Avenger and Thor, hence the New Mexico references. This is also why we get some interesting Easter eggs like the tesseract and Howard Stark's diary, but there are other connections that feel extremely forced First Avenger has a scene at the World's Fair in Flushing where young Howard Stark makes presentation, so Marvel may or may not order the entire Stark Expo to tie into First Avenger.
Favreau grew up across the street from the World's Fair. Additionally, Howard's minor role in First Avenger as an SSR scientist could have led Marvel to demand that he have a strong connection to the shield, hence this reveal in Iron Man 2. I also believe that a new element was ordered to be created around which the entire film revolves. According to Marvel's creative committee, the movie never names the new element, but in the novelization it was called vibranium, which of course appears in the early Avengers novelizations. The novelizations are based on earlier drafts of the script, so it's likely that when cameras started rolling, Tony was going to synthesize more vibranium.
Since Howard only had a small amount, that's the weirdest metal in the world, what you have there, he always had that, and then there's this whole awkward setup for the Avengers, I told you I'm not joining your super boy band secret, so that's why. I guess Fury the New Element, Stark Expo, and Howard Stark were studio-mandated inclusions and I think Favreau wanted to tell a story about a new nuclear arms race while focusing on Tony's alcoholism which was told for the first time in history. classic devil in a bottle, I mean, just guessing I'm not saying all this to take a look at the MCU or Ironman because this movie has a lot of redeeming qualities, that fun indie feel is still there with some chatter between Tony happy pepper and especially Justin Hammer.
I actually hope to feature something in your book X. Well, if you come up with something that works, I'll be sure to get you a spot. Justin Hammer is the best. I hope he returns in Dark Avengers. He had an army of robots. What does he have? I love Iron Man too because he is so flawed that it shows the growing pains of Marvel Studios. They were still figuring out how to create a cinematic universe compared to other clunky attempts by other studios. It's not that bad. Remember how Warner Brothers filled every Justice League character on a laptop and the Superman sequel compared to other studios Marvel had a very light touch, it's cool how they created a timeline showing when this movie takes place in relation to the other Phase 1 films and in which you can see the events of The Incredible Hulk and the backstory were figuring out how to weave separate visions of the filmmakers into one large tapestry.
It's a phenomenal feat of timing, but this film's shortcomings taught them to focus on the story first and second, a lesson everyone else failed at. The cinematic universe is ignored Winter Soldier is a phenomenal movie but it couldn't have existed without Iron Man 2 guys that's what I think let me know what you think in the comments below and remember to leave me your MCU ranking and if it's your first time. Here, subscribe to watch Screen Crush. I'm Ryan Arry.

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