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Jun 17, 2024
man same place you wanted the same treatment no, I'll choose a different one heartbeat sensor activated in the one who nervous thinks he's very nervous right now the hands are shaking hands the hands are cold you have the whole race at stake right now 2 minutes the men rat are in place we are deployed is there anyone who knows what to do is secure B come on come on VI come on big dick Vic um he located me through the wall like a like a like a professional oh my god oh no Where is it up? Who is KSI and Char?
sidemen vs jynxzi
Okay, you're going to plant the bomb or more, so who it is, the more I'm guessing. JJ, yes, more, yes, she is one for me, so it would be bad if you said. that's a crosshair location the definition of crosshair location Josh it ain't b yeah I'm just gonna do something shoot the camera oh JJ you gotta move cause he knows exactly where you are and he placed The other pump, pushes and pushes, keeps pushing, don. No, don't give up, don't back down, never back down, never what, back down and give up the flesh, come on, come on, baby, oh god, oh boy, oh boy, let it cheer up, oh I'm.
sidemen vs jynxzi

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sidemen vs jynxzi...

Is this the final round? No, it's seven, bro, it's 5'4, what Fu, yeah, actually, look, okay, we're good, Simon. Shutting down as a PC after being killed as a team is the best thing that could have happened to me. I'm not going to lie, bro, it sucks. The EMP, that's the best. It's back, it's EMP. Me, brother, in real life. Did anyone find the bomb? It takes a few seconds to insert it. 5 seconds to insert, your mission is to locate and use a bomb. By the way, you can stay silent, boy. so don't trust the audio.
sidemen vs jynxzi
I wasn't listening to you anyway. Where I am half the time, he knows where we are, even though he knows where we come from. The bomb has located, there you go, that down, yes, yes, he found it. he's on the stairs I don't know where he is on the stairs there it's okay oh I see it okay the comms are ringing right now good energy guys he's down that stairs Ethan yeah they don't know how to explode down oh, he's weak, he's come down the stairs, oh, he's, he's snitching, I'm snitching, I'm snitching, he's here, he, he, he, he, he, he knows where you all are, you've got Spott. for ho back up going in where they are still outside the building V that's why the boys come to me now please no no no no I had a plan there but JJ Ru my plan boys boys come to me JJ stop, I'm trying to shoot the camera you're Josh follow me go somewhere else um I know you little bro he's here on that Mark on that Mark which one there's like 30 marks the B oh he's there you got a stinkin' game right there bro he panicked and ran away that's crazy why did you try to run the moment boy Z zerker himself but he flashbang bang himself it wasn't G BR actually bro it actually sucks you know wow it's time to ruin his entire career. do what Kendrick did to Drake we're about to annihilate him biggest bomb comeback of all time right now well the biggest clutch ain't no way we sprouted between bombs oh my god it might do The shame, my God, drone, this is it. what we need seconds, you think what I'm thinking guys, okay JJ, don't do it, come on Pro, the location of the bomb and spread it, we're done, he's just going to kill us, bro, oh, this will work, you want to be thoughtful. or not we'll just trust me go up fortnite zerker go up fortnite what is he?
sidemen vs jynxzi
What were you doing down there? He was locked in a room JJ because someone was outside, but he can literally see if you're outside. I know, but what would you do? stay inside, did you give him a donkey? I did it, I who shot it, oh no, what was that. I look at his window, he's fine, oh he's got a move, say I knew he was there, now I knew exactly where you were. Ean, okay, got this, she has a small camera outside, be careful with her and shoot if you see her friendly last operator standing come on let's go op four has placed a diffuser We near a bomb destroy it if you just see Mission failed all friendly neutralized was going going to work was going to work Go to work man we're just going to play with JJ for that round yeah by the way hey awesome acting Ki no kill no help well yeah thanks bro I'm just there to get more support yeah you're just um blocking people. of doors right now use your drone to locate a bomb two rounds come on guys it's a lot of point one victory and it's over KSI you sucked your drone has located he found the bomb come on everyone he's up he's sweating now he loves the team yes, you found a bomb, Go to their location and spread the word, well, we have to move forward together on this.
I'll go together or I'll see his footsteps in that window somewhere. I'll try. and get him an ID, he's fine, he's at B, he's at B, yeah, what's literally on that scoreboard right now? He is no longer a b. He is already there. I see it, I see it. He's fine. I shot my thing. He tagged it. He tagged it above. It goes. to be stressed oh TR trade let's suck more than me I'm about to C more B cry more come on now this guy has an iron sight on his gun and the game has been out for N9 years GG I think it's time to play a real game we have to play some with each other then you can get revenge you can get revenge GG my friend we let you train and practice a little and you can come back to get revenge oh great game fantastic m

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