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Jun 16, 2024
that they all move, they move one to the right, so the first one moves to the right and then the second one moves to the right, then it starts in the middle, one moves to the right, that doesn't move, that one movement makes sense, yes, no, no, out, they're off screen, so one moves to the right, okay, then the next furthest one. The one on the right moves to the right, yes, but there is no extra step, so they just go off the screen, yes, then the one in the middle moves to the right and then grabs one on the left which moves it to the right. right.
sidemen take an iq test
I don't know why I didn't want to get that one. I just went. I was. This one disappears for two and then we'll come back. This one just doesn't disappear too after I said yes my answer was b in a completely different pattern yes you were wrong my pattern makes sense but why but it's actually wrong ok if it goes halfway , disappears in the next one, okay, so look, look. So look at the second one, there it goes, it's half the petal, half I'm not even sure, okay, 14 was d because it's just that multiplied by five is six six hundred and then multiplied by 7200. yeah, yeah, 15 was six trips, yes.
sidemen take an iq test

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I have that one because I have all the visuals wrong. I literally have a food. I don't know what food is. I will be strict with food. That's the only way I have it. You're at nine. thanks, but i really need a wii, well there it is, have you seen how clever the side is at the end of the video.
sidemen take an iq test

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