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Jun 06, 2024
boiling? - Yes, look, there is smoke and steam. - How long has it been like this? - Well, now it takes a while to boil. - I only need two tablespoons. - Only two, oh. Keep going. - No, that's the one. - It's custard, then that, and then custard. - No, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry. Oh no, yes, that's it. That is. It's supposed to be brown. - I do not know anymore. - It's supposed to be brown. - I think so. - There isn't enough either. It's supposed to be all the bullshit. - Harry, there's not enough. - There you fill it with that custard and put... - You know what you have to do, you have to put peeled sugar in it. - Honestly, they're just like us.
sidemen among us cooking challenge
They are like us. - I think you're really going to like this. - They're like us, guys. - The custard was supposed to go in the freezer, just the custard. - Yes, that's what I'm saying. So that's the custard there. - Put it in the freezer. - But then what? Then we won't be able to get it out. - No, because... - It's cold, otherwise it will be hot. - Ha ha, this is a disaster. - I'm really confused about who the imposter is. After the first two rounds, now I'm like, I have no idea what to take.
sidemen among us cooking challenge

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sidemen among us cooking challenge...

Yes, yes, because in the first round you were not an imposter. - Yes. - Did this really go well? - Believe. - You have done it, you have done something. - Quail egg? Not well. You are the imposter. - You put solid chocolate in it. - No, that's not there. - No, fuck the quail eggs. - We have quail eggs... - He is the imposter. He is the imposter. - What is this? - A quail egg. Quail eggs. - It's an egg, it's an egg. - Come on, break it. - Figure it. - It's an egg, it's an egg, it's an egg, it's an egg. - I can't say if this is an Oscar-worthy performance or it's just... - Congratulations dad.
sidemen among us cooking challenge
She was making it cute. - Okay, what's going on? - I'm a crewmate and it's a disaster. - Harry has made art. Harry is very artistic. - I don't think that's how it looks. - It's very artistic. - You see, this is custard. - It may have too much chocolate. - Yes, we didn't know how much. - What's that? - Other custard. - This is Bailey's custard. - Did you want to do two? - You know you wanted to do two. - What's with that? - It is swollen? - Is coffee. - Oh, yes, fair. - Well, keep in mind that it was mixed with espresso powder. - Yes, fair brother. - We also had to make Bailey's custard.
sidemen among us cooking challenge
We haven't even made the second custard. - Oh, it's Bailey's custard. - It's good, awesome. - No, we were meant to... Well, that's why we had to divide the two mixtures into two bowls. - Okay, what is biscoff supposed to do? So we have... - The base? - Base. - You can bet. There is no biscoff on the base here. - At the base? You didn't say lay the foundation. It's not like that, it's not like that. Where does it say that? - I think we won. - I've finished. - However, everything is going very well in our team. - It is. - It is not. - Don't go with that.
Let me do something to you. - No, no, stay there. You've already done enough. - I'm going to put a little. - You know, wait. -Tobi. - Wait. - I'll put it there. - If chocolate gets on my white shirt. - Swear. - He's sabotaging the drips. - Sorry, sorry, sorry. - Not the air with them. - Chocolate teeth like this. - Fuck your chocolate teeth. - Tell me if it's good or bad, let me make you one. Let me make one, let me make one. - No. - Do you want to mix the two or not? - Get another bowl, get another bowl. - It's a piece.
This is what ours looked like before we started mixing it. - There are five minutes left. - Yes, help yourself to some. - It's curdled. - Can you put chocolate in the room? But that's five minutes. - Put Bailey's there. Go make Bailey's. - But Bailey's in that one. - What's that? - Bailey's in that one, so we'll do this. - Bailey's in that one. - This? -Yes, he is fixed. - Then what? - What is this? - Give us a little. - We went in like the back of another spoon to smooth it out. - And then, layering with this. - No, I think that's good. - Layer with this and then with the white custard.
I think I make more top custard. And then we put and then we sprinkle things on top. - Well. - This is going to be difficult brother. - Yes, that will overcome it. - Oh. - Oh shit. How about we put this in the middle and hit the other one? - But. - No no no. - What are you doing? - Quite extra. - Because...? - I'm softening it. - Okay, calm down. - Now it's not a clear layer. A white one now please. We need to mask ourselves again. Yes, I'm sorry. - Good job on the chocolate teeth Harry. - Thanks man.
Look, I think I like the big one. - This seems like fucking shit deep down. - Yeah, man, it looks great. I love that. Did you know? I respect. Looks great. - This is very liquid, right? - I think we also put this in the freezer afterwards so it's ready. - Why does the judge help? - Wait, I don't trust. - Yes. - Oh, have you done this before? - Hell yeah. -Do you think he started going bad and then just said screw it? - No, everything was bad from the beginning. -Yes, but he didn't start to go wrong.
Everything was going wrong from the beginning. - Yes, yes, just sprinkle it like dark chocolate chips. - Yes. - Three minutes left. Well, then freezer... - Look at that. - Clean the sides. - Look at some chocolate on top. - Oh yeah, that looks delicious. - In some way we won with what happened at the beginning. - I'm in the freezer. Where is the coldest part of this? - Put it in the freezer. - Wait, wait and then look. - No no no no no. - Guys, I'm trying to put a quail egg in that thing. - JJ Was that you? - That? - Were you the one who dropped the egg? - What egg? - Trying to shoot. - No, don't do it, it was you.
I think we should be deducted points. - One minute left, gentleman. - One minute, one minute. - Yes, come out. - He was an imposter. -He said I'm going to back off, and then he. - I stopped looking. I stopped directing and everything fell apart. - Everything fell apart before you- - You didn't do anything for five minutes. So I was forced. - Guys, it was me, I did it. I did it, I did it. - Really... - 2024, new Tobi. New Tobi 2024. - That's good, that's good, that's good. Does anyone else do this? - Get it, get it. - No, because you're going to...
I know you're going to... - Take a spoon and spray it like this so it doesn't come out like a huge lump. - That's smart. - I mean it looks good. - Okay, it looks a little like... - No... - But it's tasty, right? - Dessert has already been served, apparently these are tiramisus, right? - Yes. - Yes. - I would feel like a . - A little good. The way the presentation goes, that's the clean world. - Is really? - Look at the... - I wouldn't say worlds but yours looks like vomit. - Hey, yeah, that...
I mean, did any thoughts go into the presentation? - Chocolate teeth? - Yes. - Cookies. - What do you mean by chocolate teeth? - And this is a G for George at the top? - Well. - Please don't tell me that's okay with you. - Guernsey, guernsey. These are chocolate teeth on the side like Harry said. - Why teeth? - Why not? - I wanted to show... I wanted to show you the smile you bring him. - How nice. No extra points, but that's good. I'd say a good seven for presentation. I say that. - How did we do that? - We'll take that. - Shit... - Presentation, I give you like a five.
I can say... I'll take a five. I'll take a five from you. - I thought yours was better. - You'll go in right there. - Oh, I really want to know what... Oh, look at her. - That's great. - Oh that's good. You also have cookie faces there. - Why are you wobbly? - It's tiramisu. - Ours could be more wobbly. - Move, move, move. - Okay, are you still alive? - It's good. He's going to be hitting, yeah. - Actually not bad, I get extra. - Just be careful with that... - Get a little bit of everything there. - Why does he move like that? - Listen, it's a tiramisu. -I mean he doesn't taste like tiramisu but he is good. - Yes. - Thanks, I'll accept it. - Chocolate nustard. - That's pretty good, I enjoy it. - Come on, friend. - Oh no. - This is the banker. -He seems worried right now. - That is, this had no resistance there. - It's custard. - Because it's soft. - Oh Lord. - It's actually milk. - It's custard, guys. - Custard. - It's custard. - It's custard, guys. - That looks good. - That looks good, that looks good. - Oh, that's tiramisu, honey. - That's milk.
He is milking. - Before you ate it. - That's not good. That's not the face. Still judging him. - Not good. You're not enjoying it. - Someone has been in the extract draw. -That's...-What does he taste like? - Take a bite yourself. - It was you? I need to try it. - There's a little mint in there. It doesn't actually taste bad, but it has a lot of mint flavor. - Mint. - No. - My God, then someone has... - My God. - I agree. Although he doesn't taste bad. -Listen to me, although he knows well. -No, he does it, but then he tastes like...-I think they deserve the victory. - That's crazy. - Have you lost now, your impostor?
Say it now. - Yes, but I'm not an imposter, right? - Gentlemen, you have won, so you weigh 3000 pounds. However, one of you was an imposter. -Yes.-Who do you think he was? - Well, it should be Harry. Harry has played like an imposter. - No, what I did guys was... - Subtle at first. And then his reaction was like everyone said...-Everyone said yes, but Vik said. - I suspended Vik the whole time because he was backing up my madness and he was... - It worked, it worked. - Was not me. - You made my life easy. - You helped him. - You made my life easy, man. - No no. - Well done. - Yes. - It's your turn, gentlemen. - I don't want any, whoever did that...
I don't want you to have money. That's despicable. - I think you. - It's not me. It's not me. - I think it could be... I think it could be Simon. - It's not me. - Just because, just because you were close to the custard and I think... - You're sneaky and you managed to get away with some damn coffee beans, and I think you got away with a damn mint. - I think so, you've been walking around... - Guys, guys, this is round two. You are doing it. You are making a mistake. It's not me.
He is one of these two. I don't think he's even...he's trying to get on your side. - I believe is you. -He's trying to get on your side. - I know you've done anything... - No, no. - I believe is you. - Last round- - But you can't look for friendship. - You thought it was me. You thought I was the last round. -Okay Chip, who do you think he is? -I think he is one of you two. - You have to vote. - Oh, you didn't even say... They couldn't ask you. You want to go home. -He's already over it. - You want to go home.
I don't think you made the effort. I think he is Simon. - Okay, I'm going to vote for Chip. - Well. I'm going... - I think it's Simon. -Hey, let's get this up, man. Come on, let's take these guys. - I vote for Chip. - I vote for Chip. - Chip, was that you? - No. - Simon, right? - Fuck you. - Yes baby. - My question is, why did you pour all the extract into the water? - Oh, you did what? - It is easy. - I have no idea. -Wait, you know when he was doing that electric thing?
Brother, I just went. - Yes Yes. - Brother, we work together on custard. - Oh, you know, it's so funny, the impostor really screwed up. - Yes, I cut it off suddenly. - That was a stressful kitchen. Ethan with the expert finish of him. I have taken it out. I thought Harry's madness was enough to make sure we didn't win. What he helped was that we didn't know what amount he was supposed to bring in. I think Josh did a lot of saving work and then Ethan putting in all the mint secured them the win there.
But he was being very, very careful because Harry was almost too, obviously the imposter. But yeah, fair play. We won overall, so we took them. -I feel how Simon feels when he plays Sidemen Among Us, the gaming version. But I did it in real life, how's that? I just cheated on you in real life. Look at me now, I'm rich. Who is the hardest to fool? JJ almost caught me and I thought he would because he came over and sniffed my bowl of mint mix. So he was very close, but I don't think anyone really paid attention to him.
I just had to notice when everyone else turned around and said, get to work. So it was actually very easy. - Congratulations to the blue team for winning. Thanks so much for looking.

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