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Should Wealthy Pensioners Pay for Their TV Licence? | Good Morning Britain

Mar 28, 2024
We have a real ability in this country to penalize the most vulnerable members of society. You know, I'm a disability campaigner and we have to remember that there are almost 3 million


who also live with a disability and the average, you know? The cost for someone with a disability is almost £600 and then you want to add another £12, £95, you know, to a TV


. That's just not why I'm not saying everyone you know is homebound or all that. that's the only kind of pleasure we know they have, well actually you know, I know what it's like to be in bed sometimes and not be able to watch TV, it's something I completely know, it's a lifesaver, so many people , in particular, I think are people over 75 who may be disabled, you know, old and slightly ill, and they depend on


television as a gateway to the world.
should wealthy pensioners pay for their tv licence good morning britain
And yesterday was a great example. I'm sure there were many people over 75 in the country. watching my tennis, what's on cricket, watching Lewis Hamilton on


television, but many of them rely on this free license as an advantage for living so long in this country and serving their country, in many cases, It's a lifesaver for that. A lot of people I work with Age UK quite a bit and we've signed a petition with over 600,000 names entered today to say all about these people who are alone, they don't have a partner, maybe they're unwell, maybe they're disabled.
should wealthy pensioners pay for their tv licence good morning britain

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should wealthy pensioners pay for their tv licence good morning britain...

Furthermore, it is what keeps them in touch with the world every day and


can afford it. These 3.7 million people tell us that, but there are many who can't and how horrible to have to put people through a means test to see. If they can, there is obviously still an opportunity for people to get a free license. Yes, people over 75 years of age, if they receive a pension loan. The problem is that many people do not claim this benefit even though they are entitled to it. Yes, how many? of people over 75, do you think you can really afford it and we


know that you simply accept to think that if there are problems with people who receive a pension or credit who are not, that they could receive it and who in reality do not They claim, The answer to this is to do a big advertising campaign to spread the word, but I think the principle of universal pension benefits is that traditionally the justification for it was that pensioners were, on average, less well off than the population. general, but that is no longer the case. true addendum the average pensioner household now earns well now has twenty pounds a week is now twenty pounds a week better off than the average working age household now I think that's part of the justification for this, especially at a time when that we know that the baby boom generation will soon come of age and will soon be on or off of very expensive welfare with a shrinking working age population to foot that bill.
should wealthy pensioners pay for their tv licence good morning britain
I think it is right to ask those who have some merit to some of this obviously, obviously some pensioners can, yes, the banks are well loaded and the issue of pension credit is a really interesting point that 600,000 people have not bothered with in doing so, you know, they haven't bothered to be very difficult, my problem with this is so we don't have a moral duty to honor this agreement. This was a dirty deal between a dirty government and a dirty BBC SBI. It's a stain on both of us. However, they made this deal and pensioners were assured that as part of the deal they would get their money for free. license and within four years they tell them that it's over, it's betrayal, that I hate people who have lived their entire lives in this country, in many cases, sometimes they have fought for this country, we honor the veterans of D-Day and now I will make them pay for their television loss.
should wealthy pensioners pay for their tv licence good morning britain
Don't you have any moral scruples about it? Well, I think there's a


argument for having an exemption for veterans, but the vast majority of those over 75 are not veterans. I'll think it's a million people, but I have to tell you that I think I'm right in saying a million out of 3.7 million, yes, it's not an insignificant number, it's actually a quarter of our veterans and I would eliminate all of those. Well, it depends. I'm just saying, I think at a time when future generations are finding it harder than ever to get up the housing ladder, struggling with the cost of child care, all kinds of things that are much harder for our generations than never before, I think that's right Generally, their generations found it harder than the beautiful Madeline.


, the easiest thing is to complain that we have it so easy for this generation compared to the previous one. In many ways yesterday. In almost every way, we live longer and we live healthier. There is less poverty. yes, there are fewer wars, with all due respect, our generation did not fight a war either. I think the point she is making is that her generation did not experience a war in our country, that is the point I am making correctly. but I think beyond that, what Madeleine means is that her generation is probably the first in some time and you don't expect them to do as well as her parents' generation.
However, I think it's a false dichotomy. I don't think it is either. /o I think pensioners should have their TV license funded and I think more should and could be done with the tax system, why are young people even fine with the BBC Reaser deal? The reason I blame the government is because of this and I'm sure you know this is a


thing when it comes to charter renewal. Previous governments had suggested and forced things on the BBC like moving to the regions, which I think was a good thing. What the government basically forced the BBC to do was accept this or lose its charter there would be no BBC if they didn't say no no no no we call Tony everything he runs the BBC said after mr.
This is a good deal for the BBC. He liked the deal. Well, she thought it was a deal that benefited Tony Hawk. Tony Hawk couldn't have thought of that because they said no, but this is the idea to make this cost. Seven hundred and forty-five million pounds to eliminate the BBC's top talent. If you got rid of all the sick people, you wouldn't want to take care of the kids. You know what the BBC spends on copies of The Guardian newspaper every year or on taxis. 150 executives. I make over $150,000 a year, but the thing is, if everyone at the BBC, including the presenters, had a top rate of $150,000 and no one had more than that and they got rid of the 63 who are their employees, less than £20 million would still be saved. it costs to cancel your subscription to the Guardian I'm not sure I've received 700 you know what everything helps that's where our division comes in the point for me is the government and I think rich pensioners should pay their winter fuel allowances and pay their TV licenses because every now and then I disagree with the rich, I can assure you, I am an 80-year-old man, many of my friends were not as well off as I am, many people who live alone and this television is their country for For 75 years, when we talk about This, a lot of people say if we put an extra pound on everyone's license fee, yeah, you know, if everyone who could afford it would pay a little bit more, um, that's not an option, I think it's an option. but I think again that's not to the point since 2000 the government has paid for this the government just wants to get this off the books and the passive baby agrees and it seems a lot docks Boris Johnson has promised things that cost 15 billion yes , so you can find but Here's the 45 million dungeon, if you want, okay, let us know a little bit what's good.
I want the last words to go back to June, yes, June. You are one of these pensioners. You've heard the debate that has raged here. What is your final View, what would you like to say to interested people? Oh, what I would really like to say is why should anyone pay to have a television receiver in their home? I mean, if it comes to it, I'm willing to go to prison before I pay this and also another option I have is that I will have to get rid of the television or if I had to pay for this license I would have to eliminate something else from my life I only have one small property I live on and it is very expensive to take care of yourself, we still have to pay the same prices as everyone else, but thank you so much for keeping this problem of ours alive.
Well, you know in June? Let's keep fighting. This is exactly for people like you and What an extraordinary choice we present to someone like you, who has lived in the middle of a country for over 75 years and has dedicated himself to this country, has given it so much and now those are your options : get rid of your TV, go to prison or sacrifice something else or sacrifice something else like food or drink, yeah, I mean, what are we doing in this country?

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