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Shawn Michaels TALKS Undertaker Match at Wrestlemania & Why He Stays Retired !

May 30, 2021
The interesting thing is that you have these


es with Undertaker in 2009/2010, as he doesn't know how Shawn can


Vladimir Kozlov and the winning face to undertake a 25 resume, but he could have gotten a very different shape, did you know that? You have the 25-month resume with Undertaker, which just steals the show, but the year before you retire, you are reckless in that retirement match when only 25 matches are over. Undertaker's deputies are excited about it. a story that leads to the end or you still won't think that way at that time because after resume 25 you had a few months from an Indian sponsor at SummerSlam, but when did you know when you left?
shawn michaels talks undertaker match at wrestlemania why he stays retired
Well, I think I think it's time. No sir, well, that's me. I've told everyone the story, understand that, so no, I wasn't thinking about pulling anything like that after the mats, it wasn't until the trip home because we had Wrestlemania in Houston, so we're driving. Back to San Antonio, his wife, his kids and I, and of course one thing is there's a little tiger here, you make like a man, that was pretty special and that's why I'm not allowed to drive while driving. . I said, you know, honey, I said, I said, I'm not sure, but I think maybe I should have ended it, didn't you like it?
shawn michaels talks undertaker match at wrestlemania why he stays retired

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shawn michaels talks undertaker match at wrestlemania why he stays retired...

Dover said, oh yeah, I said, yeah, I said, I'm not sure if it gets much better. that that, my svet just felt, I said, I said, I have a feeling of complete peace and what I said, I could walk away right now and be 100% okay with him and she was worth being impressed by that, she said, well, look , maybe. Still, David it's something we started to think about, we're ready to have you home, so you know, maybe it's one of those things where you know, you say I'm really angry, well, the next day I'm anxious, it's just that we are getting. about it, we're enjoying the selfie, oh, we're getting ready to go on spring break and summer, so we're enjoying that and I like everything.
shawn michaels talks undertaker match at wrestlemania why he stays retired
I gave him time. I took some time off in the middle of the summer. Mike Lai calls me. On the other hand, he's always talking about next year, you know, I mean, it's one of the things that Michael was always great at is always using, you know, trying to think of something special for HBK WrestleMania, so he said, just Go throw this out there. I've never made a return and he said what do you think about that? Well he would be thinking about it because you talked about it here and there, but you know how serious you are about the return with the other taker, but your career looks baby, but you don't want to, you don't want to walk, wait, he said, we can do it, we can figure out something. it's true true yeah coming back as good as you look half since I'll say this in the years since I've been gone you know wrestling fans came up with it one time well Taylor came back and said it was okay or demanded that you return, you could do it well, so let me tell me clearly what you guys are proposing, um, you guys can." It's not really my fault, I can't blame the wrestling business for inventing itself, but like I said, well, look, I said, like I said, that's cool, so let me think about it, we were actually talking about That, I said, but it's something I have.
shawn michaels talks undertaker match at wrestlemania why he stays retired
I took out the summer, um, I kept reflecting on it anyway, again, which was like it was gone, so I enjoy the summer. I'm coming back and now it's time for the Slammy Awards, we're going to be the match of the year and of course it shows up. my head is like oh, I wonder, you know, if we're going to do this, yeah, at this point I'm back a little bit, my wife and I have talked about things about my son, you know, I think he would do it. I'm ready to finish it and so on, but I haven't thought about the other taker's match at all, so I'm about to go up, accept this award, oh, I'm running around like now thinking about if we're going to do it.
This wouldn't be a good time for me to go out, except you know, the match of the year award and go ahead and challenge others, take care of yourself, put my career on the line or however you want to do it. This comes to mind I run again, Michael, I tell you it says, oh my God, what would I want to do? and I said well, I don't know, I said it sounds like your great ideas again, what's something to think about? one more than that when we go out and say thank you for the award and whatever he said this is try to think of something to do this or a back court or whatever if we're going to do it let's do it oh my god no , not you. you're kidding, you can't just do that for yourself, we have to go and you know the show goes on.
Vince is a gorilla, we're up there, we're all talking about it and, once again, it almost feels like you know Raw is back, you know, back on the air, the Monday night war days. night, it's a little bit of chaos and it's like you live right there in the gorilla position and you know that the awards continue and little by little they are getting the video fight of the year. work, we're talking about it and finally I said, look, I said my greeting, Isis, just do it, accept the challenge and that will be like that, what?
Have you told yourself that this will be possible in the universe career-wise? Oh yeah, I mean. I guess I said I'll have to bring it up right now if you don't want me to. I said we were convinced of that late before. Why don't we do that? Let's do that. Let's do that. Let's make those things really rare for everything that's available. there right now the claim to be or challenge the Undertaker, you know, I said okay, you're okay doing a rematch, this match with the other integrity, yeah, I mean, yeah, I give it, I guess, so I don't know what it is What we're doing. you're trying to do sometimes you know, believe it or not, I mean, what you see on TV isn't always like that, so you know, I said, you know what I said, I just go there, you know, on this side, now they're making the announcement that others are doing things and then you know he's fine we'll just go there and that's how it is, look at how Kayla is and it's funny, just take who tells us, you know, tell us a story, I mean, that's obviously like him.
I found out what he was doing at WrestleMania that year, he got a dirty look, I think the challenge, yeah, he texts Michael and Agus, so I guess he works with Sean Russell, there you go, what to do to have this match of feta caviar and, as I did, some. here who feels that's nice but this is the placebo song with the placebo effect of ramen from hell but no please don't superkick in Dublin no it's not a channel so you have the match with the Undertaker? I'm going to go ahead and there's that placebo run to hell song in lean ups history, that's you, you're losing your mind, can you win the Royal Rumble because the ticker says no and you pass it and then you have the fight and that was the last fight?
I think everyone here remembers that it was great, the sweaty WrestleMania main event sets were his last and I don't think he could have done better and he's still up there, you know, seven years later. Eight years later, this is how you chose to go, yes it is for me. I guess the thing is for me I look at it again like I do so many things in my career. I look at the arc of my career in the art of HBK he can't it's anguish but things can't go out on a winning note it has to be it has to be anguish it has to be vulnerable it has to be suffering it has to be an uphill battle now you know what I mean and that's why I couldn't for me I couldn't choose a better way a better guy better story a better setting you know again just and also with that with the story of Taker and I you know the two guys that have been there the most amount of time and you know, you even know the arc of our relationship over the years and what we created with each other, so yeah, having him to myself, you know I can.
I guess I have the luxury of looking at it. in its entirety and looking at it from both you know the growth of the evolution of the boy on television with the other boy on television and then I can do it with the two boys in real life who are not on television and what they have shared and what I can I can see all of that happens over 25 years and the culmination of all of that I just go isn't this, you can't, you can't, you can't write it better than that, you know what I mean and that's why obviously Beth Leia it's honestly 100, it's so easy to stay away and not do it again because I look at that and then I'm like, that's beautiful, I'm with more, the best.

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