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HBK On Being Afraid To Speak To Undertaker The Day After Montreal

May 29, 2021
So obviously Montreal is something you've talked about 100 million times. I figured if I was going to ask you a question, it had to be something you haven't talked about before. So it happens that Montreal agrees to do it, agrees to participate. but vince mcmahon tells you that you can't publicly tell anyone that you knew, that you had to pretend like brett, you don't know what's going to happen the next day on TV, when they get there, you know, mick foley said it was. At home, he didn't want to go back. What was he like for you the next day?
hbk on being afraid to speak to undertaker the day after montreal
Because it's still very raw. Sorry for the pun, but you get on TV and now you have to keep completely lying to everyone. Knowing that I know that one day, if you tell the truth, they might get mad because you've lied to good friends or whatever for years. What was it like the next day when you came to television after the survivor series? Well, you're clearly worried about going. I mean, but just from what I can hear, you know, it's one of those things where I wonder what it's going to be like, you know, what the temperature of the atmosphere is going to be, the only thing, but what everyone was thinking about and you know, and they they got me to be able to, I didn't care, I asked about a guy when I walked in, I said where is Taker, I said where is Mark and uh, they said he's there with Vince and I said okay because that was him, I think because he's sick and you have to understand, you know, we've been there for a long time, yadda, yadda, they're two very different guys, very different personalities, but at the time, even then, you know we knew there were two, you know? two kind of pillars within the wwe that were going to be, you know, for the most part, you know everything was built around and that's the only person I was wondering, I just need to know where he is in this, you know what I mean .
hbk on being afraid to speak to undertaker the day after montreal

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hbk on being afraid to speak to undertaker the day after montreal...

I just need to know where he is because if there's anyone you have to sit there and talk to, it'll be him, we'll have to do it. You know, I mean, for all of this to move forward, he and I are going to have to do it. find a way to, you know what I mean, be nice to this and that and clearly Vince knew the same thing and that's why he was the first guy that you know he talked to the next day and to this day and it's because It's one of those things, if so many things have happened that we haven't even discussed it, I've never asked him what we know, so what are you saying in there?
hbk on being afraid to speak to undertaker the day after montreal
But he, you know, I remember waiting for him and he came. came out he walked towards me says we're calm he went I went good and then and then it was like and there it was it was all you know both barrels loaded after that it was whatever they wanted it was you I know we did everything we could and um , but yeah, I mean, honestly, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but again, it wasn't, you know, it wasn't fun in any way, I mean, that's one of the things I think. Over the years, even you get to know Brett Knight, so we both get over our own personal feelings about it.
hbk on being afraid to speak to undertaker the day after montreal
I think when we finally started to put ourselves in the other person's shoes, I think that's what helped bring it all about. It's over, I honestly think that um when Brett realized that okay, you know, you know what he heard me say enough times like, hey, no, like he's excited to be that guy, you know, I mean, he's not. , it's not like I ever when I was, you know, 12 years old, 15 years old, I sat at home and said no, I don't want to just be a professional wrestler, I want to be a professional wrestler and then when I'm in this, I want to everyone in that industry.
Hating my guts and


the most hated guy in the wrestling business. You know, I mean, that's not what you expect and when would I drop this on this and the show and that picture and that kind of crap. and go back to san antonio, texas and just be sean hickenbottom and sit there in the mirror and realize, damn dude, you're the most hated guy in wrestling, it was shit, it was absolutely, you know it again, it was nothing What would you aspire to do? It wasn't what you dreamed of


when you were 12 years old.
And I think you know, it took a long time for people to know more or less why you do it, I mean, it's very, you know, they cut you off, you know everything. What you can do is think about your own hurt, you know, you don't really think about, you know, whatever the guilt is and all that crap that the other person may have felt, you know, you know, doing that to you or why they did it and those things. like that and again it's not like I'm looking for someone to cry me a river don't get me wrong um it just wasn't great uh it wasn't and like you said then um you know what those things are that are, I don't know, you're a adult man in an adult business, you have a man on top, do it, and move on, but all I tell people is don't get me wrong, it's not like it was, you know, that's it again, that's the job that you're looking, you know it wasn't you

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