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SCOTUS Ruling Makes Bribing Easier & Boeing Takes Their Mistakes to Space | The Daily Show

Jul 01, 2024
Let's start with yesterday's primaries in New York. Progressive Jamal Bowman lost re-election because of his opponent's money, and in Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Bobbert won despite being caught fondling her date in the musical Beetlejuice last year, but what can I say in the end? She won this. race comfortably I guess she's pretty good at doing the legwork, but the biggest ICS news of the day didn't come from the primaries, it came from the Supreme Court, which simply made it even


to bribe elected officials. Oh, sorry, tip elected officials. Breaking news from Washington: The U.S. Supreme Court overturned former Indiana Mayor James Snyder's high-profile bribery conviction in a 6-3 opinion.
scotus ruling makes bribing easier boeing takes their mistakes to space the daily show
Court rules that gifts to public officials can only be considered illegal bribes if given before the official. Do not act after Judge Kavanaugh wrote that it was not a crime for politicians to cite accepting gratuities that can be given as a token of gratitude after the official act. Oh, I see, if you give money to a politician before he does you a favor, it's a bribe, but if you give it to him after the Supreme Court says it's free because they think I'm an idiot. I mean, seriously, the free tipping culture is already out of control.
scotus ruling makes bribing easier boeing takes their mistakes to space the daily show

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scotus ruling makes bribing easier boeing takes their mistakes to space the daily show...

I have to tip in coffee shops. I have to tip at the dry cleaners. I got a tip when they gave me takeout even though I picked it up and put it out, that's why they call it takeout, okay, okay, but if my state senator turns that little screen on me, I'm going to lose my mind. Okay, I'm still going to give 20%, but I'm going to be mad. It seems like every few months the Supreme Court




and easier to bribe government officials and I don't know why they would do that. but as soon as Clarence Thomas returns from Mal Dives we can ask them to move into the world of technology and talk about artificial intelligence.
scotus ruling makes bribing easier boeing takes their mistakes to space the daily show
AI is everywhere these days, which is interesting because it also sucks, you know, giving me bad Google searches. it gives me fake products from Amazon, it keeps generating images of women with six fingers when I said very clearly I wanted six nipples, but the tech companies keep shoving it down our throats because they need something new to sell to us because we didn't do it. Go for the metaverse or self-driving cars or those weird iborg helmets, so now I can't sit on a toilet without it being like, hey, let the AI ​​flush your poop for you.
scotus ruling makes bribing easier boeing takes their mistakes to space the daily show
I mean, sometimes it pushes poop back into your butt, but it's getting going. better and some AI companies are now offering AI-created songs, but now the people who actually make music that the world's biggest record labels are fighting are teaming up to sue two prominent AI music creation companies, Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Warner Music. Group Group is among the companies that filed lawsuits against AI companies. The lawsuits accuse the companies of illegally using copyrighted sound recordings to train


AI, raising concerns about the impact on artists' rights and profits. In a statement, Sun's CEO defended his company's product by saying it is a quote designed to generate entirely new results, not to memorize or regurgitate pre-existing content.
Oh, okay, if the CEO of the AI ​​company said they're not stealing, that's enough for me. You know, if the songs he's creating are brand new. then we're good, so let's move on, you know what maybe it's better to listen to one of these songs that you know just to see the record label lawyers? Wrote The Prompt 60s British Rock, male voice of a band that rhymes with Smeel since the Generators don't let you name specific artists, yet record labels say AI generator spits out a beetle song Imagine No Heaven, it's easy wow, It was supposed to be a brand new song.
Those were the exact words to imagine that the AI ​​could have at least used the thesaurus, don't you think? Imagine there is no heaven. It's easy if you try hard. Who wants this? Who wants this? I have AI to create a new song for me. Why is there no shortage of music? You finished Spotify I mean, oh, but, I can. make a new Taylor Swift song, she releases a double album every two weeks, we don't need it, but this song raises an important question: should AI be involved in art? and the answer is no, we shouldn't. decide as a society that AI is not allowed to make art, it can help an elevator go faster or analyze medical data, that's fine, but leave art to human artists because yes, human artists have things that computers They'll never have terrible parents, right? motivates great art, the bottom line is that no matter how good AI is, it will never need to prove that it deserves as much love as its sister, who went to medical school, moving on to a story that is truly out of this world and going to follow. remain out of this world much longer than they would like the return of the Boeing Starliner and its crew has been delayed again veteran astronauts Butch Wilmore and sunny Williams were only supposed to be in orbit for a week and now they have been there for About a month, if you can believe it, as NASA and Boeing investigate helium leaks and problems with the Starliner


craft's thrusters, just hours after Starliner's June 5 launch came the first sign of trouble.
It seems that Starliner we detected a couple more helium leaks. I'm ready to copy, find out exactly what you mean by detecting another helium leak. This guy is very calm considering his


ship leaked. If my wife called me to say, Oh, we have some fire situations in the house. I don't think it's like copying, let's chat when you have more details about whatever that means, um, just so you know there's no real danger to these astronauts, they'll be fine, but a leaky pipe is like that. a boring thing on Earth can go wrong, you know, once you're in space you should be dealing with problems like quantum overload in delium crystals, not a leaky pipe, that's something you call super because You know what's probably why it's taking so long.
To fix it they called the super and NASA said: sorry, it's a little busy, can we send your son, uh, no, tomorrow is fine, tomorrow is fine anyway, I hope you can fix this, imagine if the leaks of helium would get really serious and have to say goodbye. Their families tell my wife that I love her life, it is so precious, how am I going to do the rest of the act now? But good luck to astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunny Williams Butch Wilmore and Stny Williams, who I'm sure will figure this out. because because they have awesome astronaut names, don't they do NASA tests for that kind of thing?
They say his physics scores are the highest we've ever seen, but unfortunately we can't put a Braden on the moon, sorry. I'm getting a little dizzy right now, by the way, you heard that right, that spaceship is made by Boeing. Jesus Christ, it must be so embarrassing to work at Boeing right now, engineers hang out with people at parties like, oh me, no, I'm Diddy's publicist. to find out more about the situation on the International Space Station, let's go there live with Ronnie on chain Ronnie wow, you're floating, you're floating, Ronnie, you're integrated into the crew, what's the mood up there, like Ronnie Okay, Costa, does everyone need to calm down? down, okay, these are not the Mets, these people are professionals, yeah, okay, there were a couple of leaks, but they were all fixed and soon we will be back on Earth, that's great, it's a great and perfect moment because the Trump Biden debate is tomorrow and we need You come back to watch everything oh right, uh, the debates, uh, tomorrow, yeah, very, very excited about that, um, oh, oh, wait, uh, what, what, it's that, uh, what did you say, a real astronaut right there, huh, oh, oh, wow, Michael, they just discovered a new leak? uh, it's going to take exactly one more day to fix, that's terrible news.
I mean, that means you miss the debate. Oh, I know, I know, I really wanted to cover two men trying to get each other out of dementia, but unfortunately now I have to. stay here and eat that frozen astronut ice cream oh no, that's fine, although I mean you know you'll be back in plenty of time to report at the conventions, so that's good, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, cool, awesome , unbelievable, oh, Michael has there been another malfunction, uh, it looks like the antimatter crypto WiFi is down, so it's probably going to take a couple of months to fix whatever it was, oh my gosh, Ronnie, that's terrible.
I know I'm so depressed. I really wanted to be in Chicago in the summer. with the team, but I guess we'll have to be here until then. Okay, you know, take all the time you need and you'll be back in time for the rest of the campaign season. Lots of opportunities to report on Trump. and Biden Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie I'm an alien. I have taken charge of the ship. It will take Ronnie exactly 6 months to defeat me. Leave him alone and send fries. Ronnie. Alright. Obviously it's a sock puppet if you don't want to come back. just say it, I don't want to go back, it's okay, Ronnie Chang, everyone, oh.

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