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SCARIEST JUMP OF MY LIFE!! Testing the NEW Red Bull Hardline Features

Jun 04, 2024
It's Red Bull Hardline week this year, in February, I competed with Hardline Tasmania for the first time for their debut version of the event and now it's Hardline's 10th anniversary here in Wales and I'm competing in this one, so I'm hesitant. Bike Park a few days before the event for the first time on a new bike and I'm riding with Bernard Kerr who is a favorite for Hardline, but the whole top section of the track has changed, there's a new River. 70t wide gap and there are rumors that Bernard is going to try it today and I can join him and potentially be one of the first riders to overcome that thing and this is my new bike, it's the same one I rode in Tasmania, but Marina painted. bright red and rebuilt it again for me, looks amazing, had new and full duty weight.
scariest jump of my life testing the new red bull hardline features
Shimano Transmission Wheels. I reduced the spring weight because in Tasmania it was too solid. I learned my lesson there. So we have a reworked bike, we actually have a little time to plan and the chance to test a new feature that all the riders are nervous and stressed about, so today could be crazy, all week in fact It's going to be crazy. I didn't even know about this Canyon Gap River Gap mission last night. I just arrived on a huge mission. I've just come to ride a new bike before Hardline, which is wise, it's what you do and everyone likes it, if you fancy going. to the Hardline Burnard circuit I might be trying it out today I might be trying it out big words maybe you're doing it hard yeah running yeah you're feeling fed up right now so the gloves on the referee the new bike bars are tight oh the Suspension feels much better, much better on the ankles.
scariest jump of my life testing the new red bull hardline features

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scariest jump of my life testing the new red bull hardline features...

Yeah, burn it, yeah buddy, we're talking now, they roll a lot faster than me, woo George. I know you shouldn't say it, but it's potentially our last race before we get tough. Let's do a couple more, maybe we'll miss the last one. two more miss the second, yes, many words say good speed, here we go, everyone, let's get down and drive to Hardline. I didn't expect me to get out of this, yeah, but I was prying a lot, yeah guys, that was amazing, what a train, yeah, Bernie. Oh, I'll take that, yeah guys, let's go


a canyon, we should go


a river.
scariest jump of my life testing the new red bull hardline features
The bike feels good. I feel pretty good. My ankles hurt around the house. We still jump, but we're going to roll into a ravine. 80t space above the rocks, so before we go down, we'll go down to the 90s, let's say a pause again. Bly, please check that when they arrive I will confirm that there is a doctor, this is not where I anticipated we would be today. going up Hardline Hill, which is the production field behind us, we just left, so we're driving to the top, we're going to the top, we're going to the absolute top, okay, so I'm going to get to the whole new top section.
scariest jump of my life testing the new red bull hardline features
I think there is talk of doing the 90's as the biggest jumps on the hill too, yes, a little different than some Dy warm up laps, now a new start, we just ride through the mud from the very top where the trailers they knock you out and it's so muddy they say the first minute now is really gnarly shots, mud and rocks, looks like we're ready to go, are any of you going to go pretty slow yeah? Let's roll, buddy, just roll, no one did it before. I've never looked at anything. I don't promise. I don't even know the difference between a rock and a road.
Gap at this stage is actually pretty horrible. and there are like one or two lines that will work. Can you keep the tires on the ground? I'll follow G if you want to follow Jim, but I'm capable. I can do whatever we follow, Jim, do it, buddy, have fun, buddy, look. Come on Yik you're right mate, oh they're gone already, very slippery, oh this is the original start so there's actually more elevation than last year, we started higher there. I have never liked it. I'm walking around, forget it all. right, this is all new again, conditions as bad as they could be for this thing, yeah, up there, so yeah, wow, Dennis, how do you do it so well?
You okay buddy, thanks, hello Grace, what's this stop over there? Jesus, it's steep, it's that gap down. Look, buddy, yeah, see, you've got to get into this, not go too fast, you've got to hit that little compression and GAP, oh yeah, I'm going to get to where it's so hard to get to. Alright, what's around that corner? You have a great race, there are really no jumps or more jumps. You have a tight left, eventually into another drop like this. What's going to be difficult is not veering to the left on this shot. It just comes too far to the left. he built this there actually a little bit of GP, yeah that's right, heavy dirt, yeah you could go a lot slower than he did.
Is there a gap in the first part? Yes, no, I have jelly legs. First time I've seen any of this. Daniel, yes. oh that would be garly jumping up there scary yeah yeah nice just just stopped yeah like hammer fast go slow you go better wow that's amazing. I feel lucky to be a part of this session, but look down at the top jaw of it all. New section, there's also a hip that looks dirty, but yeah, the hard lines definitely got harder. I mean, that's the view, oh my gosh, it gets gnarly the more you come this way.
Well, I'm the only person here who's never seen this. It's a ravine. I want you to walk through it, yes, this is temporary, isn't it? I'm going to crawl to the edge and take a look. Now it doesn't seem so long, although look at the race we have, it's the biggest in the world. We don't have that far to get there the Jets there are the fighter planes that means they are in good condition to travel that means they are in good condition to travel if they are flying we are flying I like what the plan is so try to set this up If I get this right I'll do the on and off, if I don't get this right I won't because we're on the landing side of Ravine Gap, it makes sense while we're here to reach 90 feet, which is such an absurd compromise, does it make sense?
It is not like this? It's like we don't make the Ravine Gap, we'll make it bigger, oh God, but we've all ridden them before, so let's hit these TIs against Bernard. This week's job is to complete everything to make sure the tour is how it works. Basically, you have to prove that you can ride it at every next event we have, so I'm going to ride it with him, Jim, if I'm going after you, yeah, yeah. "I've never pulled so hard to clear something, that's why we're going slow, hey, I pulled on the bars as hard as I could to shoot, they feel fast, actually, uh, they feel fast, this terrain was so fast." like last year no I think look at your tires yeah it turns but it doesn't feel like a headwind you just use last year's headset and you're H so this one is 93 and the next one is about 95 but most people jump 100 feet, these are The biggest reason why these are the biggest jumps in Britain.
I'm going to pedal harder this time and how much you'll pedal for the first 90. Make two huge cranks and then in a small pool you'll follow Jim. Yes, yes, I'll leave a g even though I don't want to drive. Yes, Bo JP. I suddenly thought that if there are a lot, what's the point of being in it? God, yes, they are brilliant. Honestly, my goodness, last year was like this. A central part of this week was the Hardline jump in the 90s and like a year later, you just have to take it for granted like, oh yeah, just quickly do the 90s like here in Bernarde, jump quickly.
I've made some big jumps. this year at the Tasmanian Dark Fest home jump, that's it, oh my god, I'm really speechless, yes, Jim, yes, Jimbo, is that true? You just came to ride Dy today, yeah, I promise. I didn't know this was happening, yeah, boy that never gets old. huge and so, Bernard and Jim we are going to go up and jump the Ravine. I can't promise I'll do it, but wow, are we on a roll? You know, my God, look at that view and I don't mean. the Vista the G waterfall that you would book a honeymoon to go see I mean this is all too steep for sheep there aren't any sheep in this that's just horrendous it's rude though isn't it?
It's really great. So much scaffolding, what are you doing is your way of stopping people? Okay George, this is crazy, oh no way, the boys were ready, that seems tone deaf, so horrible. I'd rather hit that bank at 50 mph and then fall off the edge at 1 mph. my approach thank you they're just sitting on their bike like this back inwards inwards like towards the front wheel like here oh yeah like in that little nobody CES at least you got oh my gosh my pedal is hanging out oh my gosh you're there, that's disgusting, thanks and it's not like there's no value in doing that, you can't even see it, wait, I got you great, great, you did it, did you get any benefit from it?
Yes, because I'm starting to feel it now. I want to go fast again. What is the mental acceleration like after passing the slow burn? Yeah, Jim, it's getting so weird, that's so twisted. I saw him when he landed. I am not going to do it. I'm not doing it jumping and relentlessly. I'm going to go quickly like I'm normally going to go over it, right? Yes, it is not a question, it is a question of not pigeonholing. You go from there up the rock. There is no rest, surely I will not pay attention, no, you can't.
I feel like all I know is that you can't even get to 6 in too short. I feel like if I just jump and don't R, I'll get it. Well, I think you should come in, just check in a little, could you take a break? ​​Just take it. I just let it run. We're not going that fast since the last type of shot. We've been sitting here for a long time. an hour over an hour and the kind of vibe is gone the excitement is gone but it burns now we've said look it's as good a day as any if it can happen it should happen today because the conditions are excellent so Burnard left.
Get ready for one more look and I imagine it will. I've decided I don't want to be the first to do it. You know there's a lot to lose, not a lot to gain. I don't need to be a hero today. but if it does and it looks good I'll do it right away that's my update remember you can't stop hey remember you can't stop oh yeah I know yeah you're the Cruis people that make things rare, yes. You're Cruiser, hell yeah, buried, you're the man, yeah buddy, that was Mega too tight lips, right? Yes, it went very far, yes, let's do it.
What is my line? like a little break when you land, yeah, yeah, sure, just a good jump, the old helmet pedals are fine, yeah, boy, see you in a minute, maximum effort, little break and then she says Max, am I looking good? R, let it roll well, damn, hello, the break was perfect because you went with the The lip could have been broken more, yeah, you could have. I have very bad jelly legs. I'm going to sit down for that. It was an unpleasant feeling, although yes, I know it's a lot of work, but that lip could change.
Yes, that's two kicks. What I said first. It was like no, I was like oh now I'm in the air so cool yeah Jim Jim oh god Jim okay as horrible as that clip is seeing Jim fly at 100t not on the bike he actually hit his head he went to the hospital but he He was just discharged the next morning, two days ago. He is recovering very well. He has no broken bones or major injuries, just a huge bump on the head, which is a miracle, so he's fine. Bernard and I are going back to the Hardline course in a couple of days because that takeoff ramp is really going to change and I'll give it more


before Riders AR, so yeah, a really crazy day with an early finish but a crazy experience and crazy riding that when I went to ride at the bike park, you know, Hardline. this year is as crazy as ever Legends

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