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Rogue Officer Crosses The Line & Instantly Regrets It at Islington Council #audit #fail #metpolice

Jun 28, 2024
that I could smell his stinky breath, it's Hayden, that's no shine hiding behind the truck, now, jeez, yeah, it's getting further and further away. I wonder if he is slowly realizing the difficult situation he has put himself in. Let's just say he thinks something wonderful. I don't know if you guys noticed that, but that gentleman pointed out that there are no doors or signs and that's where he is because he makes it accessible to the public. Okay, which means I can come and go here. I'm not forcing any barriers, any doors, nothing like that, there's nothing telling me I can't come in here, it's a public access job, there's no job, it's temporary, yeah, still scary. far true it is and what and what I'm not really interested I'm not really interested in talking to you okay, you're the wrong kind of police


that we should have in the police force okay, you're the kind of person that turns people on because you go out and act on impulse and you don't take stock of a situation okay, okay, you came out, you grabbed me, you compromise, it's on camera, don't lie, you know, lying is a Fireable Offense under M's disciplinary procedures.
rogue officer crosses the line instantly regrets it at islington council audit fail metpolice
You understand that, so don't lie on camera, it's a very stupid thing to do right because I'll take your job. I guarantee you that you came out, you grabbed me instead of asking. you ask probing like you're supposed to so, what were you doing in City H today? I'm not interested in talking to you, I understand they already kicked you out of there. I wasn't kicked out of there at all and I'm not interested in talking to you, so we'll wait until someone who really knows how to do proper police work comes along and deals with the situation, because pretty soon you'll realize how much you went wrong today. .
rogue officer crosses the line instantly regrets it at islington council audit fail metpolice

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rogue officer crosses the line instantly regrets it at islington council audit fail metpolice...

I guarantee you have cost taxpayers money and will find yourself in a disciplinary process. I'm sorry, my love, it's okay, I'm fine. They detained me at City Hall. He said that is categorically false and categorically irresponsible. They acted with absolute perfection puts everyone to shame, ladies and gentlemen, the camera doesn't lie, he ran away again, that guy, that police


, crawled back into a little hole, crawled out and uh, and we evaluate his life choices , ladies and gentlemen, because you certainly should. Being in a position of power, like being a police officer, thinking that he has the right to go out and just catch members of the public scratching their balls.
rogue officer crosses the line instantly regrets it at islington council audit fail metpolice
They caught him, they caught him, maybe he gets turned on by the S for things that surprised. I, ladies and gentlemen, are still waiting, yes, for the sausage reinforcement to arrive, which you're obviously dragging your heels on because I think they might suspect that you've dropped in on it and don't want to be dragged into your mess. whether he got out, he got away, I literally think he literally got away, guys, he did it, he goes R under this W, try to get back into me, no, here comes the backup, here comes the backup, here comes the Cavalry Oh, okay, it's coming. okay we have a he okay okay now sorry excuse me officers uh just two things can I get cat's number please yeah it's 02 02 today?
rogue officer crosses the line instantly regrets it at islington council audit fail metpolice
I have a question for you specifically, can I take your name I'm sorry I'm talking to you, that's very rude, can you talk to me, no, no, it's for this agent specifically, okay, so I'll wait until it's over, very rude, I want my information, okay, I just did it, I also want to file a complaint against for an assault that took place okay, so my question to you is: do you regularly disobey the orders of your commanding officers? Well, no, I'm not going to answer that question. You see this flag. You know it's forbidden. You attended the card and now.
We were going oh no, I have a complaint, complaint, complaint about Poli, no, no, you guys are here now so I can file a complaint with you. They attacked me, okay? It's been here for about half an hour, yes, who wouldn't. I don't know a man who impersonates a police officer. Did you get any shoulder numbers and did I get ID from him? Yes, but he is in this building. You can go investigate, take him out and talk to him. I can give you a Later I will give you the details of an email address. Now not at this moment.
No, it is not necessary. Well, we'll go now and check out some CVs. Yes, I have camera footage here. Okay, do you have an email address? I can contact you to get that camera, of course, yes, yes. I wish that official would take down the flag def B. It's also d's 80th anniversary so I find it even more offensive that she's pitching considering Matt Ry banned them every time. the metropolitan police force I think it's scandalous that officers think they can disobey direct orders from superiors, so wait a second, can you please delete that? Please, it's very offensive.
Can you ask him to delete it? you are ranking here you are the ranking officer we are all from the same race we are all with okay you can ask her to move that 80th anniversary D she is carrying a def flag that has been banned are you not willing to give any details more than that? email no, not at this time, no, contact me by email, I will provide it to you later, I will contact you, how did it go?, he grabbed me, held me down, I asked him several times to let go and finally he let me go . then he grabbed me and held me again, okay, and he kept holding me and I had to ask him to let go again.
Do you have images you are willing to send? I have images, yes. I'll send you a link that will be fine. I'll talk about it, you have to go and its details and I'm pretending to be a police officer because I might as well be pretending to be a police officer. He doesn't know any laws or anything, so, short mail, white man, um. maybe around 5'8 59 he had blue jeans and a pair of sneakers he had I think he was a Tanish s of greenish um t-shirt in um your name name how did you identify yourself?
She showed me a badge and told me her name. I don't remember, he told me a number, I don't remember that and he said it was attached somewhere outside the house or something, okay, take a look at some CV, okay, okay, okay, again, they defended me just because your reference I was standing here I was walking here He came out this door I was talking to some people here and then they came and grabbed me, which is a battery assault. Do you have CCTV that you can't follow? watch out for the well, lots of interesting events, ladies and gentlemen, where is it?, it ran away, sorry boss, come in, please, thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
I stopped the video to provide an email address, the email address of the channel, and to see if I could see how they see what they do, see what happens to this officer, see if they are going to do something about it. I don't think they will, we'll certainly find out and the Motel will be interesting to see what it has to do. see for yourself hello, I know why not and that officer has done the job as a farce, ladies and gentlemen, after saying it wouldn't be the drain of shame, uh, where are we? They are going to save your CCTV, okay and send it, are you willing?
To provide your complete information so that we can file a criminal report, contact me by email. I'll do it later. I don't feel comfortable doing it now with all these people around. I don't know, so you want to come. go to the station and give you details no I don't need to do that just do it by email it's not a problem I've done it before that way and you want to take action F yes 100% you guys assaulted me right? get their data, yes I have their data, you're right, okay, awesome, do you guys care? I just need your guys IDs if you don't mind yes you have my shoulder number 3 and my no I have a problem I have a problem my friends and my number 3 4 what station do you connect station okay your colleagues don't have a problem with that do you? do you have an ego?
What is your problem? I'll ask you lastly, can you remove that eyesore from the flag? please bastard flag, contact you by email for more details. Okay, we'll have to file a complaint because you're defying direct orders of something from Mt Ry, but have a nice day ladies, bye, carry on, so this DOES have its details. I'm going to be sitting there wondering what the hell is going on with that lady. I'm going to have to file a complaint because it's so clear that it's so heavy for Cle, man, that weighs a ton, but it's getting back to some point. so really heavy okay okay it does a job okay bro have a nice day stay safe bro these things seem to be a ton so ladies and gentlemen it's time I leave, what luggage on that plane.
I don't have the decency to go out and face the music and scare myself into the little hole the rat came out of and he's definitely one of the ones who really needs to be kicked out and I say kicked out because that's exactly what he needs. If it happens, they must be fired immediately and since he has a responsibility, he acts on impulse when it was not necessary, he did not take stock of the situation and simply found himself in trouble, that will be a complaint against the police. and unfortunately there will also be a civil action pending in connection with that assault.
You know, if we walked up to a police officer and grabbed him and the way that police officer grabbed me, my dead, it's the absolute continuation that uh that would ensue absolute madness that would ensue would be unbelievable it would be very unbelievable , so say goodbye to Aston County for today guys, so at High Hopes after the town hall they tore it up, they did very well. He would make me very, very embarrassed. Bri, embarrassed and official sausage, I don't know where he went, but let's say goodbye here. An entire SK of kids walked by and, uh, before we go any further, my friend, you can't wear masks here. he said you are not allowed a mask on this list.
I'm an idiot, yes, you're the idiot. I thought we called L Mas. I'm the idiot, yes. I'm still standing here and he


ed miserably. He got some police. officer came out, they sent him packing, he got his call, they sent him packing, dismantle, he's getting tired, it's one by one, see why I thought you'd stop because he was filming saying you can leave why you're filming she's what I do, my love, I'm about filming interesting places, human interest, fly-on-the-wall things, okay folks, I'll call it a day it's been the lton Council, what absolute madness, oh that police officer got absolutely destroyed and without rights, so it is a burden on the force, he is going to do it to someone and they will regret it very much because one day he is not going to take it very well when a police officer approaches in a completely inappropriate way and grabs to someone, okay, ladies and gentlemen, I'll leave it there. that's been between the Council I can't wait to see comments on this.
I got a little crazy. I got a little hot. True, but I guess no one likes it when someone comes up and grabs them for no other reason than me. you know who you are and you're filming, it's absolutely shocking, then there's a bold lie about it, the typical typical police officer notices, so yeah, I'm just lying to try to get out of this like that's going to undo the damage that He's just not done with me, so let me know what you guys think, you sat on the Council. They destroyed it in fair play at City Hall, but this one is a shame.
Absolutely disgusting behavior. Look, can I just say I'll leave it at that if you guys enjoyed this video please? Like it, feel free to share it and don't forget to click the subscribe button. You've been looking at an


or laughing, this has been the island country so I'll see you all very soon, take care, take care, bye.

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