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Robot Toy Learning Videos for Kids - Learn Vehicle Names with Transforming Robots!

Jun 13, 2024
let's play with Captain Zach Nash's hornless



s Ultra Commander Powertrain energy charger air hide Regent and Cyclone Hawk that means we have nine amazing


s to transform let's start by


Cyclone Hawk, he is a dark gray robot with golden highlights and has a lot of features similar to those of a bird, so I wonder if that means it can fly to transform it. We will start by removing this chest plate, then we will have to straighten our arms and then turn them so that the wheels are facing forward. Okay, Buddy, arms up to the sky, so we can put them over the arms and then this little thin piece unfolds and then snaps into the middle.
robot toy learning videos for kids   learn vehicle names with transforming robots
Are you starting to get an idea of ​​what this will look like when we're done? Me too. Well, these two pieces fit together like this. now let's see if he can do the split oh, that looks awkward and this right here looks downright painful, but don't worry, he's a nimble robot, oh, stretch out his feet and then take them to the side and it should fit like this now. Do the same with his left leg. Good job. It's a very attractive jet we have here, but it's not finished yet. Remember that the chess piece from before we need to place it and place it on the back of the Jet. it will be finished, take a look at it, we have made an amazing looking jet and it looks so futuristic.
robot toy learning videos for kids   learn vehicle names with transforming robots

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robot toy learning videos for kids learn vehicle names with transforming robots...

I bet you could fly in space too weird. What an amazing space battle! Okay, let's transform our next Regent robot, this robot is light blue with black. and orange highlights and it has wheels, so I bet it transforms into a land


. Let's start transforming it by bringing our legs together, then we can stretch our arms, rotate our wrists and open our hands now to this side, then we hide our head by clicking. the rear piece up, then we'll rotate the legs and expose the rear wheels, man these are some serious looking tires, now we just need to fold them over and connect the bottom half to the top, straighten these front wheels, there we go with you too . and then at the bottom, this part fits a little bit lower on the body and then we can bend our arms amazingly.
robot toy learning videos for kids   learn vehicle names with transforming robots
It looks like this robot transformed into a buggy, that's the type of car that goes very well on the sand, let's see if we can. See it in action. Wow, that looked like a lot of fun. I want to travel with him next time. Now let's look at our next charging robot. Wow, look at the size of this guy's arms. It looks very strong and I really love its bright yellow color. Let's see what he transforms into: his shoulders turn inward and connect to each other and on the back of his legs he has flaps that need to be folded.
robot toy learning videos for kids   learn vehicle names with transforming robots
Then we'll put his legs together and then we can bend him back. oh now the shape is really taking shape now we need to rotate his forearms to straighten his shoulders and then stretch them above his head now look at this we lift his cube up and then we can rotate the top half of him around which I think is cool , then we can just bring the arms to the sides, bring them closer to the body and we are done with our own bulldozer, let's see it in action, let's take a look at our next robot.
Powertrain, geez. I wonder if that name is a clue to what it could be. I love its red, white and blue colors. Very patriotic. Okay, let's give it a gentle tug. We broke it. Just kidding, it's supposed to do that. Now let's hide our head and then raise our arm. that's straight with this body part, then turn it all over so it lines up with the leg and then tap your foot down, then we basically do the same thing on this side with your arms up, twist around, straighten your foot, oops !, this is backwards there. Come on, now let's unfold these little hitches and we can connect them to form a big train, isn't that cool?
It looks like it's a bullet train that can go very fast. Okay, let's see if we can park this train somewhere in the middle, let's go forward a little bit, throw it in reverse and then slide it in, let's go. I just parked a train. Next we have the air hide robot. It is mostly white with blue and yellow reflections. Let's find out what it transforms into. Start by pushing your head down and bringing your chest piece together. Now these look like wings, so let's spread them out to the sides. His hands can hide in these clever little compartments.
There is his left hand and now, for the right, now we have to fold. Each of his arms up and attach them to the wings. I think these are supposed to be engines. Now let's work on his legs. These thigh pieces unfold so that the wheels point forward. Now we can deploy these fins and rotate them. let's do the same for the other side, now we can put the legs together, it's almost done, all we have to do is put the chest piece forward and now we have a nice plane which was a cool transformation, I think this can be my favorite robot so far, let's take it for a quick flight.
I think I can see my house from up here. Okay, let's bring her in for landing. Now let's look at our next robot. Nash Horn, he's a big blue robot and I'm not. If I see wheels on it, maybe it won't transform into a


. I guess we'll find out. Okay, let's grab a shield and your battle axe. You won't need them for the transformation. We can store them together like this and put them. Now, for the transformation, his hands are held on his forearms and then we have to lower his shoulders and rotate his arms so that they are aligned.
Once this is done, we can point forward and then we will fold the horns. in this helmet and then hide the head and then for his legs we're going to have to rotate his feet completely until they bend like this, all right, so for the outer layer on each side we're going to rotate it 90 more degrees Slide the back half of the body towards Up, pop out the new head and a tail on the back and Nash's horn has been transformed into this really awesome looking rhino. Definitely not a vehicle unless you know someone who can ride a nice rhino.
Dodges Nash horn, yes. The bad robot has been defeated. Good thing Nashorn was there to save the day. Our next transforming robot is zero. It looks very resistant. I wonder what it transforms into, probably some kind of vehicle, but I'm not sure what kind, let's start by taking this. accessory of his left arm now bend his fingers up to turn him into a fish and then align his arms with his shoulder and give him a twist, then we can lower the bill of his cap and turn his head and then raise both arms. until they come together oh that was a little difficult now on the legs we will start by folding his feet up now for the other one this one doesn't want to cooperate well understood now let's open this panel and then fold it up so it's tucked inside his body now we have to put them together front bumpers and connect them and use that compartment to roll the legs in, it's not that cool, we have to tighten it in there finally we can use that accessory from before to make a crane hitch and now our zero robot has become a really cool crane and it even has a wheel on the bottom that makes lights and sounds, let's see if this tow truck can help someone uh-oh, it looks like a car broke down on the side of the road, let's see if our tow truck can help.
Let's secure the car to the hook so the tow truck can take it to a repair shop. Now that the car is safe, the tow truck can come back together. Let's park it between the train and the rhino that way it will be ready if we need it again. Now we can see our next robot, Captain Zach, and it looks like he has an eye patch and a hook for a hand, maybe he's a pirate, oh look. and there's even a little shark's mouth attached to his chest, which is cool. Now let's start the transformation by collapsing these parts into the legs, then we can turn them over and then push these red pieces through the knees and on the back these helping pieces.
The stand can be folded and then we flatten the feet down and bring the legs together and look at this. If we no longer want him to have a hooked hand, we can give him a normal fist. This piece behind the head opens and gives it. We have room to store it now on this rear plate, we lift it up and then we can deploy the windshield and then it goes back down to the legs. Now for the arms we just have to straighten them and then fit them on the sides. Oops! still a little loose, okay I think I got it, I remember the shark face from before, it turns into the engine at the back of the car, that's cool, this is a fast looking sports car.
Can't wait to see him on the track, who? lap record, wow, a new record. I might have to get a Shark motor for my car. We're on our latest robot, Ultra Commander, and it seems like this robot has a lot going on and unlike the other


, this one has two different ones. transformations well, first we have to start by removing the arms. Wow, they really are there, right now in this body. It has two arms that we can deploy at the back. There is a compartment that we can open to store the head inside and then the chest. it has another compartment and inside it is a new head that we can take out and then we can put the accessory back on it, close this and we can bend the knees a little bit so the creature can lean forward, now we just need to break its arms. together to form a kind of tail and there are two pegs on the back that we can hook it to and there we have the First Transformation of Ultra Commander and it looks like it's some kind of stylized dinosaur maybe like a T-rex or something and look The mouth even opens, that's cool.
Now let's look at the helmet from his second transformation from the little story here and then use the chest compartment to mark the head. Now let's break off the tail and put it aside. Your arms can bend upwards. So we need. to bring its legs in and then collapse them there now we can put them together rotate them around the outside just to give the legs a little twist now we can change the tail a little bit and it becomes a new trailer for the truck, right? pretty impressive Ultra Commander's second transformation is a transport truck and it looks like one you don't want to mess with with all those spikes in the wheels.
Okay, let's send it over so we can park it. Wow, it was so much fun transforming everything. our


thanks for watching guys see you later

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