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RIP Engine - Dead Before It Ever Had A Chance. Break-In Period Goes Wrong, Time To Start Over Again

Jun 10, 2024
This poor thing was torn apart before it had a


, so I'm going to tell you a story behind it and something else, but first I just want to fill you in on some other things that are happening, the alignment by the rocket this morning, so now when we do the alignment with the front end raised, because that you know, the drag racing right front end


up a little bit, so you don't want to do the alignment level, you want to put a jack underneath. and get her alignment there, so there you go, the car tracks are great, it drives great, she's ready to go, um, a couple of things, so in the last video where we take a squirt with this thing up front, I was going through some of the comments, some of them.
rip engine   dead before it ever had a chance break in period goes wrong time to start over again
They were really funny, one of them said, "You should be lucky if that car runs 16." It's a 16 second car. I don't make many comments like that just for the record, the car between all its various


s spits axles. and collapse the clutch links and do all sorts of other things, it's been cursed, the car has been cursed, I know, you know it, but in between it's run 880s, there's an eighth mile which is nothing to brag about , but it's like a second trimester in the middle of thirteen. a quarter mile if you do a conversion and that was with a clutch slipping the whole way and me letting go about 20 or 30 feet before the finish line because the clutch had completely slipped at that point, so that's the better for the car, etc.
rip engine   dead before it ever had a chance break in period goes wrong time to start over again

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rip engine dead before it ever had a chance break in period goes wrong time to start over again...

Until now the best 60 footer was a 172 and it didn't have nitrous so the cars actually already got incremental numbers showing that the way it settles without nitrous is a lot faster than you think but that's speculation It doesn't mean anything, I know, it's all in the


slip I get it, I know, but the car has already gone a lot faster than that, okay, there were some other comments too, there were like a couple, I'm like can you Hear it


, no you n


heard it break. it does and when decelerating it has a little leak on the flange here, so when decelerating it sucks in a little bit of air and it will counterproductively come out through the exhaust as it decelerates, no you n


heard of a misfire from this


, never you will hear it. a misfire, I challenge anyone to show a video where any


I built or configured failed even once because it doesn't happen in my world and then there was someone else who said, well you could hear the engine like go to bed, not really. didn't establish what happened was after I switched to first I released the nitrous button and then clicked it


and if you watch the video you can see my finger moving over the button so that was it I was just going out first I hit the second, when the second one came, I let go and hit it


, why I don't know, it's something I did, but that's what it was, the motor didn't stop, it was just me playing with it. button like this like this yesterday oh there's something else I'm gathering parts for a mule right, I told you we're going to build a mule car I'm going to take one of the cars we have in the house I'm going to make a mule so this one is getting a engine plate, this is the engine that we are going to use to configure and we are going to do this with a big block and the reason why we are doing this with big blocks and I have a couple of i' I'm going to put together the reason why We're doing this with big blocks because the way these things are set up, the intake manifolds can be changed without disturbing any water passages or anything, the distributor is right up front, we don't have to be bothered to change the manifolds. admission or do something like that.
rip engine   dead before it ever had a chance break in period goes wrong time to start over again
These engines are extremely easy to work on, especially when they are wide open in a wide open environment, so we are setting this car up with engine plates so that if we want. pulling the engine and changing it to a different engine is literally like a 10 minute job, so we're going to move forward with this, but this is just us dialing things together right now and putting all the pieces together so that when we roll the car here it's just you know just hit it all together the reason you came to this video okay so here are two synchronicities or one synchronicity that happened yesterday okay so classic kiwi kiwi custom the guy had a funny accent heh heh he asked me the other day and said: Hello, I have the 318 in my store, do you want it?
rip engine   dead before it ever had a chance break in period goes wrong time to start over again
I tell him: you know, sure, why not. He says, Okay, I'll leave it to you, so the story of this thing is that he pulled it out. of a customer's car several years ago and had been sitting in his shop collecting body dust and getting in the way for the last few years. He had no idea what was inside the engine or what the history of the engine was. All he knew was that the customer wanted to take it out and he wanted to put a 340 in it, so that's what he did and then he sat there, so he says I don't know what's inside the engine, he says I think it has a chamber, you know, and leaves it.
So yesterday I tore it apart and said, "Oh my God, this is a new engine," so if you look, look, okay, this is what the eye sees when you first know it, it looks old, it's got a lot of miles on it or just you know, but this thing is actually freshly made in a machine shop, if you look at this, if you look at the surfaces that haven't been covered in body powder, it's freshly made in a machine shop, here are connecting rods conditioners and everything you have. new kb the hypereutectic pistons it contained everything was new everything was new why didn't I think I wanted this engine because it was wrecked it was wrecked before it had a


to run now when you talk about synchronicity yesterday I'm taking this apart I'm here taking this apart and I take the piston out and look at everything and he says I have to make a video on this about how an engine can waste during a break-in


so that the synchronicity lasts One night I saw a video that Chris Birdsong posted, so Chris has no idea who I am, I don't think so, but you definitely know that Uncle Kathy the two got into a vicious Internet fight over the fate of a 6 68 tilt charger at some point, probably about 10 years ago, but anyway, Chris Birdsong posted a video yesterday and he's going through a long list of spare parts that have failed him and it's just one thing after another after another, brake problems, alternative problems, blah, blah, blah, blah, and then on. at some point during the video he says and i'm done with efi, i'm going back to the carburetors i never should have left and he


on to explain that he built this new big block, everything new inside, he puts this engine. together and you put, I won't say the efi brand is correct, a self-learning efi system, so you put a self-learning efi system in this engine and you find that it is running out during the self-learning or break-in procedure uses the car, you put a couple thousand miles on it and then you see that it's using oil, it has oil in the back, on the back side of the intake valves, it's just that the engine is a pig, it doesn't really generate power and it uses oil, he doesn't know why, so he finally breaks it and discovers that the walls of the cylinder are glazed.
What happened was during that break-in


with that self learning efi, the computer in the efi kept feeding. This fuel thing kept fattening it up because I imagine the stuff it was picking up through the exhaust or break-in period caused it to completely fatten up and wrecked the engine during the break-in period once you got past that break. -in the period in which the rings and the cylinder walls meet, everyone thinks about the camshaft that that period of coupling between the cam lifters with a flat cam is like the big problem with thefts, but no , that's just one part, even with a roller cam engine, the ring seating on the cylinder walls is very important and when you run a super fat mixture and dilute the oil with gasoline, they don't leak, what it does is glaze the walls of the cylinder and now, instead of being a seal because it's glazed, the ring rides on a film of oil and because it rides on a thumb of oil, the scoring is there to keep expensive oil, the oil remains inside the corset, so it is like a microscopic foam of oil that remains inside the corset. and it keeps everything lubricated, but when it's glazed, when the sun wall is glazed, it becomes shiny so now that the oil foam stays on the top of the cross hatch, you can even still see it, but if it's not deep enough , the oil film, the oil, the ring just goes over the oil film and that oil ends up in the combustion chamber and then, of course, it also escapes when you're dealing with us, so, in any case, the Moral of his story was that he no longer had fuel injection. he said the mortar came out he completely gave up after the ecm dumped on a map somewhere and I said okay so he went into the carburetors and you guys watching look at that video he posted and you guys eventually will.
Find out why I am so insistent on working with as many OEM parts and modified OEM parts as possible, so let's get back to it here, as you can see, look at the condition of the connecting rods, the bottom of the pistons, you can see there is no mileage on this thing, right, but because there was so much oil dilution, you can see the scratches on the skirts, okay, you can see there are scratches on the walls of the cylinder, you have the glue, you have different different sections of enamel and scratches and polishing and cross scoring because this engine only ran for a very short period of


before it was taken out of service, it was probably using oil, the oil that came out of it is now, this oil has been sitting for years, but it still can smell the gas in it, the bearings now remember when you dilute the oil with gasoline when you use it with all the grease so the bearings are new and look at the wear, it's fine now, they can probably be reused, probably whiskey pitting, I mean , I will do that, I will use them with whiskey brite and reassemble them and check the clearance and if they are done I will reuse them, but that is not the point, these are all new parts that get scratched. is due to the dilution of the oil during that break-in period, well, actually, in any period, the dilution of the oil will do this in any period, but the fact that the rings never settled, they receded and, that's it, it's done, it's done, it needs to be rebuilt now.
The pistons can be reused, but will need new rings. They will be re-polished and then we can put them back together and give them a good cleaning. I do not know what I'm going to do. with this engine yet, but we'll probably come with some interesting parts, it's got the lunati cam, oh there's a stack on it, it's like a 270 degree cam, there's 500 left on a 110, so it's probably right there. the outer limits of what the 318 heads can handle, but it has new valve springs to go with the cam and all that and in fact the cam looks good, it looks like it has a good brake pattern, which is ironic because everything else has stuff on it and then the camera actually looks pretty good so I think we'll be able to use it so that's the important thing is putting together a new motor that has a functional induction system that makes it so it's not running super fast , Super slim.
It will also do it if it is too lean, the solar temperatures rise too much and that causes problems, if it is too rich, it has dilution and during that period of time in which all these parts must come together, it is no use, no use, gasoline is not the lubricant. an engine needs for its break-in period, so in addition to using all the correct procedures and making sure all your t's are crossed and your eyes are dotted, you need to make sure that the systems around it, the ignition system and the fuel system is functionally correct before you try to install an engine because that's the first 20 minutes, the first hour or so, that this thing is running, which sets the tone for the rest of its life, if that's the case. , then it's never going to be right, so until you get it right and that's what we're going to do with this and uh, I've got that other 318 in there too.
I have three teams, three teams coming everywhere, I don't know. What exactly am I going to do with that one, but I'll tell you what I'm going to do with that one. Include that in 318. Later, I'll see you tomorrow.

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