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Ringbrothers 1965 Ford Mustang Espionage - Jay Leno's Garage

Jun 06, 2021
Honestly, we're used to driving to Winnebago with a thousand horsepower per hour. 72 true, it's very scary, so this doesn't scare us at all. No, this is now where the filler cap normally would have been on the original Mustang. It's a third brake light. Okay, now it's just a third brake. Well, and we are. our exhaust comes out, they actually come out the keel, it's a little hard to see, but it's okay, yeah, that's interesting because most people like to have that right, the big trumpets, you know, all over the thing, that's interesting. I think I like it, yeah, just because everyone else does. it's kind of standard oh you want to have a big can of beer so I was opening this is the car for you from here you scream louder from the back here it looks wider from the back you know yeah but that's kind of like most of the people, yes, it seems a little wider and the taillights, obviously, as a habit, it's not the fact that there are no good taillights, yeah.
ringbrothers 1965 ford mustang espionage   jay leno s garage
From the back it looks a little wider and what color is it? We call it spy green. It's okay for it to be a color that looks like a tank. Is it from an existing vehicle or a commercial vehicle or did you just mix it up yourself? It's actually outside of the new Jeep well, it's interesting because it softens, makes you focus on the line of the car more than the carbon fiber or anything else you notice, orange meets white and straight generation, yeah, that's interesting, why not, why do you know not. I don't know, hopefully one day we can unite the United States and Russia right there.
ringbrothers 1965 ford mustang espionage   jay leno s garage

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ringbrothers 1965 ford mustang espionage jay leno s garage...

Russia is our engine. I thought maybe two brothers don't talk to one, yeah, oh yeah, they meet in the front, but yeah, and what we have here is obviously carbon. fiber I'm right, you didn't leave this, we made it, oh we normally do, so it was something different again, we didn't want to leave a lot of carbon, we wanted people to say, why would you do that? Yes, yes, like the Chevy. I understood the engine and the part that surrounds it. I like that decorative piece. It's a dream. We did just to give it a different look.
ringbrothers 1965 ford mustang espionage   jay leno s garage
You know, that adds weight. It is aluminum. like a stock, well, very impressive, gentlemen, what is the rear ratio on this one? This one actually has the right one, it has a 355, oh that's good and it was a shorter tire than the Chevelle and a right six speed. Yeah okay so it should give you a nice top level it feels really good yeah it's still a little jittery in second gear and then it starts to catch so let's take a look inside okay so there's no gauge package not at all, it has a race package in the center um and now tell me what everything will tell you everything will tell you speed will tell you your tachometer will tell you your fuel your oil pressure and I will tell you everything that engines do, but you have a push button, no there are two different screens, the photo screen that appears when the cars are running actually gives you everything you need, oil pressure, everything if you want to get in. timing and other things, you can go to another page, but do you think most people prefer that now?
ringbrothers 1965 ford mustang espionage   jay leno s garage
I mean, I have to admit that I like the old analog type gauges, you know, with every number of precision and it's almost chronometric, yeah, it moves, you know, I think obviously, the gauges when you put gauges on the car it's like putting a watch, you know, it just looks cool, but driving this car and when you take it down the road, it's actually a nice feeling, you're not trying to look through the wheel, everything is like they're in plain sight, right, It's just something different, you know, we're not saying it's good, right, no, no, I like it, it looks good and beautiful, obviously, seats, Recaro seats and beautiful stitching here, the stitching is fantastic, you did it very well. has err and everyone else ends up fine, radio there, no, no rain, no radio because I guess that's what it would actually be.
I think you have what hours, I don't think you have a Corvette with a radio on heat or delete, right? that's right, seven has that, yeah, yeah, the key entry is just by remote, it's like five, okay. I can show you in the fuel cell in the trunk where the fuel comes and the tubs and let's take a look at those silly questions, the key is always there. or comes out he comes out okay oh boy beautiful installation your battery back here battery there I like those optimists and you know there's no acid it doesn't rust yeah it rots your test cell can flip Tom you have a battery switch here what is this ?
It's a flashlight, it's a flashlight, you can see the carbon tubs, even the tubs were the inner wheel houses were carbon, the old pump, yeah, that's the filter, but without the filter, okay, yeah, we're in the tanks, in the tank, okay. Yes, very nice and what is that about a 16 that is a 16 there? Yeah, yeah, you know we build our own latches that they go down on. You know, we will only sell one, but we can't include many. In the trunk you can't get much, a couple of boxes, we lift it just so it doesn't look like a diaper.
What do we have here? Actually, it is the inertia switch. Oh, in case you get hit, turn off the fuel pumps, I've got you. Okay, well, that's great that you put those kinds of safety features in the car that most people don't use, they just don't think in those terms, that's great, and again, the whole body is carbon fiber. and always one hundred and eighty. pounds Wow, I weigh more than a Mustang. Can we take her for a walk, let's do it? Who wants to go? I think Jim, I think not, I don't know if I could handle the change, right?
I will go. It's a really nice feeling. He's guy, he really does it for the initial impression. I've only done a mile, but it has so much rear end that it's full and it feels incredibly obvious, its power steering, yes, the weight of this car is real bowling alley fans. The whole underside is quite aerodynamic and I think the weights are in the right place, yeah well once again you're taking it on its maiden voyage, yeah it's very exciting. Raina left the broadcast. You say she has a Tremec 6. a 6 foot trumpet, ok, these six strokes tend to shift a lot better than the old ones when accelerating, yeah, I've never had much good vibes, man, this thing shifts so well.
I love Tremec gearboxes, yes they work in any application they can take on. a beating, yes we did a little game, let me put a Tremec on that, no traction control or anything right, so many problems in second, but that's nothing, and even third gear got a nice sound, not unpleasant, We swore you could drive. Basically, it's longer with a man, our car, because it drives very well, it really handles it, it feels as linear as if you were driving the Bullitt Mustang, which hooks up a lot less on the left side. Well, these are the cars that can be used force, it sounds like driveshafts, so we'll see, we have guys, violent noise, no, I thought maybe the hit from this, now I know where to hit, there is, no, it's a backing plate, wait a minute, what we have here, a backing plate, a clamp. move now, that's not like that, look at that noise that would stay like that, you know, it's like full speed, but stay like that until you slow down completely and it'll go away and then okay, these are in the right position, right?
I don't see any witness mark for you, okay, here it is, yeah, look at this, there you go, that's what's good, we got it, it's just a coil rubbing against it, well, the coil is rubbing on it, it which is, compresses it and then. and then it stays there until you move it in Springs, you know it's probably sending that noise through the Harper, the carbon, yeah, here, look at that, I mean, it's a cut, do you have it on this? side too no I wouldn't because that's the Panhard bar oh that's wrong okay yeah so there's really nothing to worry about it's just a noise that's driving you crazy right now well you need to move the cushion or trap us, that's why we jump.
Okay, let's move the damper that I want to show. Can you take a photo of that seat and is it the rubber? Yeah well I'm glad that's it, it was Sanjaya building cars, uh, the joy of building cars. I mean, look at how clean the construction is underneath, it's pretty amazing, hey, we're David residents, blame it on our poor driveshaft that wasn't the driveshaft. at all, so I guess we have to do a Burnout now, actually I think you should have lied, well we found the problem: the spring was rubbing on the art bar of the pen there and that wasn't too bad, it will fix it a little . here we were blaming the fact that Jeff's carbon fiber unit.
I want to apologize to the carbon fiber driveshafts out there. I thought I would have to call my friends at Fort Wayne Clutch and Driveline, but now we don't have to do that. So that's fine, but you know, no matter what the problem is, you still have to do a Burnout. Hey, I don't make the rules, actually I do make the rules, let's do a Burnout, boy, this hooks well, I'll just leave half throttle. just Lutra, you want to try one. I want to try. Okay, let's let the kids try one. I guess I'll never let these guys near my cars.
Thanks guys, it was very fun. Thank you. I think it was great. we got to find the problem, we found out what it was, boy, this thing connects really well, you know, it was, it was only at half throttle because if Fred is going to get side injuries with it, but, wow, it's really controllable, it's really nice. , good job, thanks. Jay, you have to order a set of these carbon fiber offerings, if you have a '65 Mustang, that's the best, see you next week.

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