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RECREATING TIK TOK MEME VIDEOS 10 (Buying Ridiculous Products)

May 16, 2024
How do you do it, dear children, guess what it is today to recreate a ticking video? It's my 10th tick-tock recreation video and for me, the two big digits I made as a joke and now I made 10 of them and I thought hmmm how could I make this special? I know I'll use it as an excuse to buy things I don't need and then no one needs them. That's right, we are doing the second part of


tic-tac things to recreate tic OCD. It's the most


toy I've ever seen and of course I needed to buy one.
recreating tik tok meme videos 10 buying ridiculous products
It's Sunday morning, I drink my coffee and I have this really big little bite. It was on clearance for a dollar, which tells me it's really working. I didn't buy mine for a dollar. I had to pay full retail price, three dollars each, and this is all it shows. I dare to open the box. Oh, and something bites you. Why are you surprised by who made you, who designed you and why they did it? It's a keychain. and then it becomes a keychain so you know you can carry it with you at all times, which I fully intend to do.
recreating tik tok meme videos 10 buying ridiculous products

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recreating tik tok meme videos 10 buying ridiculous products...

I want three of these, but I'm so excited to get bitten. I hope this teaches the kids not to hit each other. fingers in unknown holes that sounded weird well let's try these things. I'm a little afraid to put my finger in the hole, so here they are. I wanted you to see them fully wrapped so you know I have them new. I have no idea what the hell is going to bite my finger. I'm a little scared, so I basically set up my tic toc recording here, which I'll show you the final version of and you can see behind the scenes.
recreating tik tok meme videos 10 buying ridiculous products
I know you're used to this by now, it's the tenth one, okay, I unpacked them, they have these little eyeballs sticking out and there are basically no instructions other than sticking your finger in the hole, okay, I'll try to make three at the same time. time is good ready three two one is good I'm going to go one two three rapid fire let's see what happens how to remove a band aid three two one these things are not as good as advertised on the tick tock who knew three two one three two one oh honey sure three two one oh why do I love getting bitten getting bitten is the best I'm so glad I can pretend this now as many times as I want oh my gosh the unicorn has this little ice cream cone oh look now I can feed it, it's not necessary, although you have to force feed it and then you make them eat the ice cream cone, there we go, oh no, it's a keychain.
recreating tik tok meme videos 10 buying ridiculous products
Wow, so you can be. a little moving, enjoy, I expected them to hurt more, but I guess it was just a kid's toy, so it's surprising, oh, hey, Dexter, Dexter, do you like Beulah?, oh no, he doesn't like them for you, people behind the scenes with it. shark keychain is a hot dog did you know how much sharks love hot dogs and dogs are a bone actually I want I want this I want this oh maybe I can catch real dogs with this come here oh he's trying to get it no no no It's okay, see?
Boy, I've been seeing these weird boxes floating around tick-tock and I finally got my hands on a pair. I unpack them and there are basically no instructions other than sticking your finger in the hole three two one why do I love getting pieces get little bikes? the best, okay, next another really strange and unnecessary children's toy, oh, it's a Pikachu, oh, I think the key to this tic tac will be a very good song or sound effect long before asking this question, why does this exist? Why is it okay? So for this one I've decided to pretend that I'm obsessed with Pikachu, but I just own things like: Pikachu is like this, so we'll be obsessed with Pikachu and super excited that we got our new Pikachu toy that's, you know, traumatized.
I have the perfect sound effect to use for this. I'm really excited, so there's going to be a lot of facial expressions for you guys, but it'll make sense later, okay, the first part is being really excited, oh, it's blocking the Pikachu stuff, exciting faces, oh. Oh my god, that was too scary and then it'll be me showing them and then I'll realize something is out of place, pick it up, ah, I have to do it faster and then you're supposed to strangle the Pikachu with this already wild thing. . enough and then I don't really know how it's going to fit through this little hole in the back I feel like this isn't going to work oh it opens all the way down oh god that's even scarier there I have it oh my god , it looks like a Pikachu Torture Device and then the little guy goes here, look at this, oh no, I understand what they were looking for, but straight up, the Pikachu torture devices are fine, so the rest of the stick tied the wires covering my face, shit, oh this might be one of my favorites.
At one time, okay, we did it. I've seen this a couple of times and always wanted to buy it, but now I have a business expense reason to buy it. Oh, what she kept, oh, what is the skylight? Oh, what to do with it. galaxy oh yeah I'm dressed perfectly for this and of course she made it so she likes super chill and cute music. How many skylight ticks are there? My God, there are many. There are so many of these good skylights that pay for this. It worked if they did it right, so basically every time someone makes one of these it's something similar that they get in the mail, they set it up and oh look it's beautiful, of course I'm not going to do that because that's not weird or funny, Of course, you're going to show you how good I look under these pretty ladies, yeah, no, I think I'm going to try to make it weird because that's what all my ticking is, so I think this is It'll work better in this one guest room that gets pretty dark, there's a bit of echo in here but that's okay so we have skylight too.
I don't know if it runs on batteries or if I have to plug it in, so let's see, oh wait first. I have to do the obligatory shot of throwing it on the bed and saying look what I have, it's okay, it's plugged in. I'll turn it on, I'll turn off the lights, oh, oh, it's so pretty, oh my gosh, wow, I love it, is there another one? options oh you could make it bright or not so bright Oh oh my gosh we're in the matrix oh wow it turned off the stars it looks like there's some kind of portal in this room to another dimension and that's it oh my gosh this is it So cool, okay, Bobby's probably going to have to come help film this tick-tock and these rookie lights are so cool that even Dexter likes it.
Lauren when you set this up. What are you doing there now that it's getting dark outside and close to dinner time? I thought it was a good time to make this light piñata so I won this piñata in the game room and it changes color when you hit it with a stick and I can't stop thinking about this scenario so I'm going to act it out. I mean, tell me it's not me, tell me something so strong that I would do it instead of acting on myself. I thought we turned this into a little prank on Bobby.
I knew you guys wouldn't object, you loved it, but I think I'm going to make dinner, turn off the lights, get dressed and pretend I'm making a fancy, romantic dinner, and have it in the middle of the table and then, you know, I will try to prepare it. to his favorite ambient lighting, so I basically acted out his scenario, so I turned off the lights so we needed some ambient lighting. I love that it's a pinata mood light, you know, to set the mood, romantic vibe, or whatever mood you want. So I'm going to pretend I wanted to make tacos and this is part of Taco Tuesday even though it's Wednesday and look, it's bigger than I thought, it's the size of a head, it's cute though when you turn it on.
The only thing is that when you hit it hard enough or shake it, it changes color too, so I'll have to be careful with this. Are you ready for the magic? Oh yeah, oh yeah, this is actually, oh, did I break it? This is more fun. than I thought would be good. I'm going to bring Bobby here and build Miss Hickox. I also made sure to dress up for our elegant pinata like dinner setting, hey Bobby, tonight I made us a classy, ​​elegant, romantic dinner, okay, come on. take a seat, but what's up, okay, the food is coming, what is this?
Well I decided to make tacos so I bought this piñata for our centerpiece because centerpieces are a very important part of meals why are they and look this one lights up that's why it's so dark hmm The red is a little intense oh do you want do you want another color I hope it changes color oh it changes color okay are you ready yes ready color change damn the bean is my favorite color hey Bobby, I made us a romantic, elegant and classy dinner? Tonight is fine, the food is coming, what is this? Oh well, I decided to make tacos, so I bought this piñata, okay and look, this one lights up, that's right, so dark.
Reds a little tense, oh, do you want, do you want another color, oh, change color? Remember that girl who made me buy vectors because all her ticking was about vectors? I randomly found her again for this game called new phone, who is she and she's amazing, she just picked up this game. Did you break the urn where they kept Nana's ashes? The living room the couch is covered in them Grandma, did you know it's okay? So I'm going to try and make one or two really fun combinations for a tick-tock, yeah, plus I love games like these.
I have many of my games. cabinet, but I don't have any friends coming over to play them, so I'm really excited to have an excuse to buy this new phone, who's not okay, let's do a test with you guys first, so we have the starter. message and responses the time is 4:20 for everyone and the battery life is 69 for everyone wants to see a selfie of me. You might say no, but I have what I'm ready to send everything you just said is the reason. Why did I start drinking again? I feel like it's Bobby and I and texting, let's see a text from me excited about our next date.
Do you have any clothes that are not bedazzled? However, Bobby's response is why I think we should start looking at others. people, uh, yeah, okay, let's try one on camera. I really want to play this game, but I don't have any friends to play it with, so I'll play alone and laugh hysterically at myself on tik-tok. Perfect, ready. I found good ones. I really want to play this game, but I don't have any friends to play it with, so I'll play alone and laugh hysterically at myself on Tik Tok. Super excited. We matched on Tinder. One thing you should know.
I'm just crossing my fingers when I high five Oh, you're okay with that, I never thought I'd hear my mom say to me: Hey, can I walk your dog? It's free, nothing weird, I just want to spend some time with a dog. Give me back my prosthetic leg. What if I haven't left my house in a week? Do you have any idea why I woke up in a trunk wearing only plaid pickup trucks? Damn like your student. I definitely can't help you with that, but oh well. Good luck Professor Kohner see you on Monday

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