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I Baked 1,000 Tiny Breads …and Slowly Went Insane

Apr 23, 2024
This is a real torture because now I want bread in real life and I have nothing. I don't have anything. In this game I am forced against my will to bake bread until I die. All I know is bread now. family is bread I think I've gone to the dark place Lauren, there is a Roblox game where you can bake bread and sell it knowing that you are the bread queen. I think you will enjoy it. The game is called Tiny Bread Factory. An interesting mix. flour and water in the dough, throw it in the oven and sell the most bread to become the best baker.
i baked 1 000 tiny breads and slowly went insane
I must become the best baker ever. This is how I achieve the queen of bread. The best bakers are really interesting. Is this a points based system or did it? someone actually bakes and sells 20,000 loaves in this game. I mean, on the right side, the top person is at 240. That seems more feasible if you only get one point per loaf you sell and not multiple points per loaf. I've spent my entire life trying to beat preschool tea, but I'm getting ahead of myself, maybe it's easier than I thought, okay, we have this, I think it's a flower ball and then we have to put it here.
i baked 1 000 tiny breads and slowly went insane

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i baked 1 000 tiny breads and slowly went insane...

I guess, well, here we go. I put several in there oh god oh god this is harder than it looks how come someone did this t


y thousand times? There we go, okay, let's get this out. I think that brings the water, yeah, flour and water, there we go, oh, it's so small. I love it there we go, so we have to do it, we do like five at a time and let's see how long this takes me oh oh, it's delicious oh, wait, oh no, oh, I'm having trouble, ready, okay, okay, okay, This equipment does not work properly, it is already low. in the trash oh I want to eat them can I eat them?
i baked 1 000 tiny breads and slowly went insane
This is like torture. I can only look at them. Moment of truth. Is one of these equivalent to one point or several points? Foreign. Someone did it 20,000 times. Well, how long have I been? filming okay, let's say it took me to do five of them, let's do some calculations right now, okay, five of them took me two and a half minutes, let's say just three minutes, so five times three would be 15, so it would take waiting a minute I'm not doing this right, so even 20,000 lobes divided by five because that would be five loaves every three minutes equals four thousand divided by three minutes, it would take me one thousand three hundred and thirty-three minutes, am I doing this? right, no, divided by sixty, it would take me 22 hours if it took 22 hours multiplied by 60 minutes per hour, let's say even each bar took one minute, so you could do maybe around 1320 bars per hour, give or take, oh, nothing less, I'm doing.
i baked 1 000 tiny breads and slowly went insane
The best I can would take a long time. I can't, I can't, I have a kid, let's see how many I can do before I go crazy, that's fun, that's some fun, here we go, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go. The only problem is if that guy goes higher, the bread guy on the leaderboard, oh, he's done well, so I have to beat West TNT now and he has less, you know, when I first looked up this game , I thought: how am I going to make a full video? I get out of this because all I'm doing is throwing balls here and then pouring this water and then making this wait.
Can I bake it again? Can I burn it? Let's see, they spit, they spin so madly. Uh oh, it's a Pumpernickel. Can? do it again toast posted again water oh I'm just holding it together I'll be the best baker preschool tea I must have cheated there's no way unless I keep your score right now it's too late I'm not going to redo I was going to go out and come back and see if it still keeps my score it has to oh if it keeps your score it might keep coming back there's no way I'm getting 22 hours of play even though there's no way I'm going to have to play for a month oh wait where is it?
Where is the demon bread? Oh, there it is toasty again. It's basically coal in a world full of


loaves. Be the different one. This is what I say. The best. Oh oh. It's soap. It's so dark you can't even see the lines on top. Poor thing, toast again, you know, sometimes I wonder what other people my age do in their free time because I bet this isn't it. I bet no other 30 year old mom is doing this. Just a different type of person. Oh my gosh, okay, we. I've got some problems here I think we need to get started, oh coal, there you are, it's rain and bread, hallelujah, it's raining bread, amen, let's get royalties for that angelic voice over there, it sounds almost like the normal song, oh OMG, the new leader. the right side is up to 543.
This person better leave before he sells all my loaves yeah, this is beautiful five minutes later. I want there to be so much bread at some point that I can't see the counter, that's my dream I think. My goal will be to make a thousand. I'm afraid to say that because I feel like it will take a long time and then I would have to do it 20 more times to be the best baker. Pancito kids in the oven it's like they're all getting a good tan. I'm getting hungry. I should have eaten a loaf of bread for this video.
I missed the opportunity much, much later. You know what will break me after spending. I spent a lot of time doing all of this when I finally


to sell them all and realized I didn't make as many as I thought. I know, I know it's coming, but it's still going to break me mentally. I know. This is strangely satisfying and I don't think I can stop. I will feed the world with my bread. Oh wait, two of them got hotter. How did that happen? I put two in Oops, we don't discriminate here even if everything is bread.
It's delicious bread, no matter how many times it's been posted, do you think the health inspection will shut me down if I dump my body in this pile of bread before selling it, but that's how it gets the good flavors that no one will ever leave. I now run a bakery after that statement. I've finished now. I'm banned. Now I see how he went back there. Some of them fall out of this and then fall back onto the conveyor belt and come up so we can throw in some roasts. There we go, some little Pumpernickel guys, okay, I've been doing this for about 20 minutes straight.
I'm going to go ahead and see where we are in probably 20 more minutes, kill me much, much later, so it's been a little while. and uh, okay, and you have a score of six ready, uh, and that's because everything started to fall in the cell area, they just wanted to be sold, they came out and said no, there are too many people here and there have also been a group that has fallen again. Back in the oven, so we have a beautiful array of different colors here. I have no idea how many there are, let's guess, let's guess a thousand, who is the tallest on the site right now.
I'm almost there. I'm going to go get you upstairs and now the sale begins. Okay, this is going to take forever. I don't want to sell all this, although look how beautiful it looks. This will be my desktop background. I just spent 40 minutes. 40 minutes. of clicking non-stop to bake all of these. I'm really curious to know how many I


. Fingers crossed, is this video interesting? I see that they continue to bake themselves, stop. I was going to say: is this video even interesting? Don't know. It was like I don't know what to film, this is going to take me forever.
I'm starting to think because we're only at 143. I'm starting to think that this isn't a thousand, it may not even be 500 and that's terrifying. me, so let's see what happens, editor Emily will probably say, wow Lauren, what a fun video to end on. I didn't show my skills. Oh, you're welcome, you're welcome, Emily, the worst part about this is that I don't do it. I can even eat any of them or lie on them or lick them. Ok, we're almost at 200, where are we on the leaderboard? We are in third place. Our chat continues. There is a chat waiting.
I feel like they're holding you at gunpoint, basically, meat loaf, bread


until you die, it's a game you can quit whenever you want, so why can't we turn around? You have no sense of humor and you don't seem to know what it is. the sense of humor is so tell me this game drives people crazy what is this conversation? I thought it was fun now that's all I'm thinking about they're holding me against my will oh I like this game it's gotten creepy my favorite thing At first you might have thought this game was just about baking bread for fun, but the whole time it hasn't been fun, so how could it be possible?
That's when I realized that in this game I was being forced to bake against my will. bread until I die, the more bread I bake, the longer I will stay alive. You're not Lauren's east side, are you? Imagine someone saw that she was playing this game and said, "Oh, she must be making a video, but then never a video." she walks out and that person just realizes, oh Lauren, she just plays this game for fun in her free time. I only have 300 guys and I've been playing this game for almost an hour, 18 minutes later, okay, the last pieces of that pile, it's an hour.
Well, now I can calculate, calculate 20,324 divided by 358. I would have to do that 56 and a half more times, so wait, I was very wrong at the beginning. Well, that's not happening. I would literally go crazy. I do not do it. I don't know who did this, but no, I'm at the top of the leaderboard at least, oh no, pig. c14 exit the server. I can't get to 2000. I'm trying to get to a thousand, who else hasn't seen? sunlight in five days I forgot what my family is like all I know is bread now my family is bread as it should be I think I've gone to the dark place but you sell them you sell your family oh my god she's right oh I'm number one, bow down to your bread queen.
I've been playing for an hour and I've done 42, but I have like 20. Raw bread wouldn't even do one a minute. I've been playing for an hour. Competing on who can bake muffins the fastest, let's get it straight, this is the Internet, okay, we're almost at 400. I mean, I've already reached my goal of being number one in the current rankings and that's really the best I can do. because I'm never going to get to this, no it's never going to happen and I feel like to get to a thousand I have to do this for an extra hour so we should say 500.
I don't know how you became double baked, no I don't understand that these


They have a mind of their own, they are becoming sensitive, I told them that they are my family, everyone get to work, we are bread workers, everyone works, yes, sir, madam or mom, this is real torture because now I want to. bread in real life and I don't have, I don't have, ah, I stop at 500. I don't think this game is mentally good for me. Gorilla Hurricane is logged in and I need to beat them, they have 501. just to rub it in my face they say oh you are going to make 500, well I have 500 and what the fuck is going up, someone is going to be Employee of the Month.
I, please, I'm working hard, no. No Sarah, you did 42 in an hour, I'm almost at 500 Sarah, what are you doing after many excruciating hours? Oh my gosh, I'm in the bottom ten so I'm halfway to my original goal uh and I'm not feeling good. don't feel sane don't feel this game doesn't make me feel normal the last three oh my god oh my god what's going on let's go oh my god and I'll be at the top of the leaderboard oh oh the 500 let's see how it works oh I have to ensure my place even though that 500 looks nice and round, I can't let those buns go to waste 503 30 seconds, oh, to win employee of the month, I won 500.
Winning employee of the month was a lot of hard work, Thank you, my hands hurt and I'm dead inside. I sold 20, although well, that's not enough, Sarah. Good job. I'll be nice. I'm going to keep this place a nice and positive space. I win, so everyone sees it, they see me in the standings. I am the number one. I'm not the best baker, but maybe one day in 20 years you'll all be winners, boo, why did I spend all this time? It's not fair. I worked hard, no you didn't, Sarah, you made 25 loaves, I made 500, I'm done with this game, I'm yelling at kids on the internet, dad, I'm leaving, bye Sarah, bye girl, but you probably like the bread as much as me.
If you are still watching right now then this video is perfect for you, it is another bread related video. I have a lot, so if you're new, subscribe too so you can see them all and leave me a like and a comment letting me know that I win and Sarah doesn't. I need validation and as always I will see you soon

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