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Recreating Pizza Hut's Discontinued Bigfoot Pizza | PAST FOOD

Apr 01, 2024
promote your business, where did it crash? You have an etsy store, I don't know, maybe take a hang glider and see what happens, you know what I mean? What don't you do? Don't do that unless you just enjoy hang gliding. Don't do it then and in your etsy store, so


, yeah, this is, I'm going to grease this because Pizza Hut


is exceptionally oily and that's why. Can I tell people about my gadget? Trevor made a contract. Yes, so what you'll see here is a large aluminum foil rod that is Because the dimensions of this pizza are so precise that we couldn't find the exact shape of the pan to fit it, so I had to make a aluminum foil rod. aluminum very similar to the Bigfoot pizza.
recreating pizza hut s discontinued bigfoot pizza past food
The 12 by 24 sheet pans were


in the local Burbank area in 96. and so we made our own eh you want to drop the dough in there that looks good you want to start pressing it out yeah I was thinking about it skunk monkey skunk monkey, if you could spend a day with just one cryptid and us. I would just do what no one knew about it. I'd be a skunk monkey mmm, what's a skunk door? I'm glad you asked. The skunk monkey lives in Florida and is an ape that smells like poop. That's it, there's not much more.
recreating pizza hut s discontinued bigfoot pizza past food

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recreating pizza hut s discontinued bigfoot pizza past food...

Sounds like a real one. thing yeah, and people think it might just be a black bear with mange, okay, um, but anyway it's an ape that's the size of a human but smells bad, okay, skunk, you want to know mine, okay i really like the dover devil because he's just a goofy goofy guy, i love that he's like a little prankster like all the reports are of these scared kids who were riding their bikes at night and saw this little guy among the bushes and he had like red eyes and then they ran home like yelling at their parents, so he's kind of a joker and I feel like I would like to do that, what does it smell like poop?
recreating pizza hut s discontinued bigfoot pizza past food
No that's where the skunk monkey really has the advantage is trevor because he smells so much like poop he got the nickname skunk yeah the dover devil sounds scary even though he's a dumb guy yeah skunk it sounds like It smells like poop and it does, how do you know, why do you listen, I don't. You know, if people say they can write him off, you know, maybe he's just broke as a bear, you know, maybe he's just some guy having a bad day out there, smelling like poop, looking like a monkey, he's just a guy, a guy, just a hairy guy.
recreating pizza hut s discontinued bigfoot pizza past food
Just Jeff from Ocala, Florida, you know, on a bender, yeah, Jeff's there, uh, I have a couple of friends from Ocala, uh, it sounds terrible, yeah, they're like we're going kayaking and we're just going to hit alligators on the top of the head. I've been to Florida like once, I went to one of those restaurants where they just have an alligator pit like at Wrestlemania as a tourism thing, that's the thing, yeah, it's like we're in Florida, come see our alligator hole. alligators, I love that, yeah, and then you could throw


at them like morsels.
People disagree too much with Florida. I want to go to the wild southeast of Florida. Yeah, you know, I want that guy to bring some energy. Imagine if he were red lobster. had an alligator bone instead of live lobsters, you can choose, oh you want to know what it was called, it was called fud puckers and I remember it because it was like I was in third grade and I came home from this trip and I got in trouble for wearing a t-shirt that said "fudd puckers" you can't say "fudd puckers" anymore I don't know, taken from our youth, we have taken from our youth a future free of climate disasters, we have taken from our youth the Pizza salad bar Hut we have taken from our youth the ability to say frown I think it's because there are so many opportunities to say that wrong, yeah, yeah, how are you there?
I keep trying to get the dough out but it keeps sliding towards me yeah that makes sense that's how I think we can stay here if you just cover it and then I can keep grinding okay you can cover it once with hot sauce going in with sauce spicy, I'm going to remove this, what do you close? up trevor no now tear down my methods right now what's been a long day i'm a little tired i'm a little wired everything's going wrong he took my wand out once he pulled out my wand separate your accessory from your wand yeah here we go now it's on turn and now we have pressed it against the edges and the pizza is perfect chef what did you just make c for chef what did you see did you kiss him and yes and then I did the chef boyardee Italian wait, doc me with Trevor, a boning knife, he explains to people what coupling is, so it's a practice where someone of what I would say is of a religious background and someone of a more secular race just isn't, so you poke holes in the dough so that bubbles don't come out. air, wait.
What was the first thing you talked about? We're back, welcome back. I didn't just explain to Josh that it's okay to talk because it's not just a religious practice. Alright? No, I know, I know, but I was trying to make it. sure, yeah, I get it, there was no other clear way to say circumcised dough, so it's not like that, yeah, sure, so it doesn't inflate the amount of sauce you want on this bad boy, pretty spicy, because this is a fancy pizza, okay, you know that. it's what Bezos ate in the '90s, you know, he started Amazon, it's in his garage, it's like maybe people bought books and then boom, now he's making killer drones, you know, oh how things have changed with the As time goes by, so yeah, keep trying.
I want you to put cheese on it, yeah, if you like the amount of sauce, I like that amount, I just tried it, I'll do it with the cheese man, okay, it's strong, this is a strong pizza, yeah, just get it all this. cheese, yeah, so are we going to eat all of this?, uh, yeah, I think we should probably keep the cameras rolling until we get everything done right. Okay, cool, can we, boy, can we all get into that, Ben, come on, you never believe in that? We, when have we disappointed you? You literally never expected.
Did he say we were talking about eating too much or not? I can't remember dude, I wasn't listening, no I know, I ask questions and I don't hear the answers, so Actually, we're modeling this after the original Haley Joel Osment commercial that names your favorite Haley Joel Osment. Roll in three one two three oasis I went with my friend, I panicked. I'm with this one-of-a-kind pilot from Amazon based on one of my five favorites. books of all time called the book of strange new things it was great science fiction it was supposed to star kate harrington and then no, it's not the harrington kid, another guy, rob stark, who played rob stark, Do you want to follow me with the uh with? green peppers sure you want to talk about something um oh I ate a lot of bubbly I liked hubba bubba that's where we didn't agree but we still stayed friends do you think they were just friends because we're forced to be friends like?
If we had met in nature, you would have wanted to be my friend at all, no, we have lived such different lives, we run in completely different circles, we have completely different hobbies, you would have been like a person working in a bakery. but since you like to go out with you I like to go out with you yes, but I think that proximity is a big part of this it's like it's like people who believe in the concept of a soulmate it's like brother, it's like the half of the world's population lives in india and china it's like proximity is 99 percent of the best thing you don't want to meet up later yeah of course I know you know you're not even here tonight because I'm going to my party , we have friends from out of town, I don't know what to tell you, since I don't control this Julian, I just returned from a work trip and now you know, I feel like it's okay to have to choose whether we put him in the oven, so' We're going to go ahead and put this in the oven at about 450 degrees, we're not going to make it super hot and fast, that will do, Trevor, are you ready to see the Bigfoot pizza?
Yes, the largest pizza Pizza Hut has ever produced. most pizzas from the 90s, the third one, wow, okay, there's the oven, wow, there's the man, that's a big old pizza, it looks like a pizza maker, but you know it wouldn't be stale


if it weren't We cut the packaging that Trevor has before us. eating the


pizza yes we have it but I think it's also a metaphor for what I don't know childhood dreams everyone grew up I don't know if the anticipation has killed this for me but let's find out draw it I'll hold it. you, you, pull, I'm going to pull it, no trevor, just, yike, the cheese is stuck, the table is sticky, okay, very sticky, look at this, it's the pizza you saw, it's too big for the camera sees it, we cannot see. all the pizza here, take this, yeah, put it in the back, we have garlic sauce and ranch sauce, and we're going to drink that too, Trevor, take your diet pepsi, well, no, what am I supposed to do with this?
Do you want me to put it on? like a damn hat like a hat, yeah it's like I'm at Krispy Kreme, oh so much you wouldn't believe how much I spilled because it looks like nothing came out of the top, but there's a puddle of diet pepsi. dip mine in the garlic this sauce exactly like the pizza is thinner than the skillet pizza is thicker than the thin crust the garlic sauce which is just nacho cheese mixed with butter and garlic powder yes the sweet sauce you get that bit of vinegar taste never I'm like six years old again it's like I'm watching Matthew Broderick fight Godzilla in the childhood classic Godzilla from 1999.
I didn't fetishize this too much in the same way that Trevor fetishized it too much. This is amazing, very good, do you think you wait? What they say about Bigfoot pizza is that the middle slice is moister. This is a very moist pizza because it is so big that the oven had to do a lot to heat it up. They're here, we have the red plastic gumballs. Greetings Trevor to the Youth of America who have been deprived of the climate disaster-free future saying the word Blood Fighters saying the word Buckers and pizza salad, but we brought back the red plastic we made and we're bringing back Bigfoot pizza , you don't want Trevor. because this deserves to be brought back from the past thank you very much for stopping the madness thank you very much for stopping by the mythical kitchen we have new episodes for you every week we have new episodes of the podcast the hot dog is a sandwich and draw some trevor's I guess I could tell him that you are too drunk that's right wherever you have your bun guys call us on Instagram sorry I need to check my queue call us on Instagram and tick the mythical pink I'm in the kitchen with photos of Your mythical dishes under the hashtag Los dreams become food.
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