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I bought the most MINIMALIST Tech ever.

May 20, 2024
I'm about to spend $20,000 in the next 5 minutes buying the




nology on the planet so we can find out if it really turns your life into a Zen paradise or if it's just a fancy way to charge you more for things a laptop is actually less


, the foldable HP Specter, it seems like it transforms into so many different form factors, it's an all screen laptop, what about the more minimalist TV, what the heck is this, the LG easel TV, oh, It transforms between two different states when you see it in images like this, it's definitely the kind of vibe I had in mind. 5,899 waiting.
i bought the most minimalist tech ever
LG makes a briefcase, it's a 27 inch touch screen, a cinema experience wher


you go, is it a dumb idea or is it a really smart idea, well I'm having a whale. for a while here LG has a table that is also an air purifier, I mean this is absolutely beautiful, oh it has color options, no no, they have table top ape versions of their hyper minimalist Arrow Furniture, oh my , that's horrible, I'm going to pretend it doesn't exist, I'm just going to buy the white one, okay, let's get something other than LG, that would be a good phone, oh god, it looks horrible, it looks like a remote control for your ther


at, the Light 2 phone, oh their website is a bit naughty. it definitely sells you that vision of being completely disconnected, you will n


have clickbait on social media, news, emails, an internet browser or any other anxiety that causes endless feeding.
i bought the most minimalist tech ever

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i bought the most minimalist tech ever...

It's strange, isn't it? We're living in a time where products actively brag about all the things they don't do, I mean, is this something like a minimalist gaming console? Oh the game, it's a new little portable gaming system with a bunch of new games. All games are tailor-made for the game. Are they just going to be? As a really basic thing, you assume that when it has a black and white screen I'm not sold on this, but I also think that there was enough hype around its release that it feels bad to write it off, we should give it a try.
i bought the most minimalist tech ever
The audio from the minimalist speakers is always my favorite part of these videos. The Samsung Music Frame, a speaker that blends beautifully into your home, designed to look like a picture frame, looks incredibly clean, so it looks like bang and olivon is quite big in this space. Oh this is interesting, they are imagining it on a shelf next to the books and it is smaller than them, it fits anywhere and reaches everywhere in the room with full range. Ultra wide sound, that's a claim we have to prove, let's see which is the cleanest record. The player is the wheel that plays records from the back, so all the


nology is under the record and that's all you see, it's minimalist, it seems like they've compacted so much technology that it should take up a lot of space in a small piece, but still does the same if not more, that's true minimalism, at least that's what I tell Ria, boy oh the company actually has different levels, they have the white wheel and then the black wheel, we set aside time for hand build only 5 to 10 of these are per month these are incredibly unique kitchen items oh there are balmuda products balmuda makes a perfect sized and lightweight teapot it doesn't need to be bigger they also make a toaster that already we have and then the brewing, which is coffee, oh wow, so this is apparently the temperatures at which all the different steps of coffee brewing must occur to get a scientifically perfect coffee, which is much more than the typical crappy machine. production.
i bought the most minimalist tech ever
Xiaomi turns a smart kitchen robot into your master that allows you to effortlessly enjoy a variety of delicious meals. Where has this been all my life? He is basically saying that he can do all of his kitchen functions in one machine. Yes, if we say that the purpose of minimalism is to get as many features as possible in a single device, I think we have a winner. Oh, Yanko Design completely forgot about this site, but I realized that this is literally what this video is and I definitely should have started with it, cut out the middleman and eaten exactly what you cooked.
This is speaking to my soul. there's a battery-less aroma diffuser or it just looks so tactile and satisfying and then there's a fork that looks terrible oh yeah, zero tolerance machining desk toys, they're basically toys that are cut so precisely that they don't actually You can see the seams like when you put them on. together it will look like one continuous object $100 although it's crazy for a small toy the packaging is actually a lot of fun like 50% of minimalist products are just called something like yeah we get it you're very cool and efficient with your words, oh my gosh, look at how it opens, that's great.
The last thing will be if there is some kind of minimalist training equipment, the R2 hot candle, it's a treadmill, that's fine. I guess literally just the treadmill is absolutely amazing and folds up so you can put it away when you're not using it, why am I getting a kiss? Well, the product looks good, that's the important thing, except PayPal, well, just in case I get scammed. Hey, that's probably fair, 9 days is the total time. Some of these things took a while to arrive, so even the waiting times are minimal. Oh, and we also found the quietest property ever filmed.
It's very exciting. Come on let me show you so let's go roughly from cheapest to most expensive starting at $70 with the fry plate which is great or terrible and I haven't figured it out yet, well not a good first impression, Now it's those oil brands, in theory, it's very me. I'm the kind of person who would stop eating. It's comforting to be able to wash less things. Wow, these are going to be some oily eggs, but look, there are two things that would normally stop me from eating my meals straight from a pan because I might burn myself or the table.
I'm eating, but also two that when you stab it with a fork, there's a good chance you're actually removing the nonstick coating and eating it, so it's not coated for that reason, but that makes it a terrible pan, okay? So even without a non-stick coating, it's actually quite non-stick. The edges of the egg need a little leverage, but this is the key feature, so with one hand you should be able to slide it back and remove it. that's my plate and I'm a little afraid that it's 1000°C, yes it's boiling hot and could very well burn any normal surface you'd eat your food on, so that's already a big deal right?
In my case, you need an oven. Mitt doesn't like the sounds he makes, but what I have the problem with is the practicality of eating because having to constantly approach the plate from this angle so as not to burn your entire arm slightly cuts into the enjoyment of his food, plus this is basically just It works if you're one person cooking for one person, so three out of 10 start with zero tolerance. Mechanizing toys fascinates me. I mean, the idea of ​​paying almost $100 for a disturbing device seems crazy to me, so what the hell could make it worth it?
I mean from a technical perspective this is pretty impressive when these two parts come together the seam actually basically disappears and to create something with no gaps like this you can't just use a traditional toy factory like this piece wasn't cut with a blade because the blade itself would create its own space. What you effectively have to do is vaporize the space between these two pieces using the heat generated by rapid electrical discharges, okay, but then as something you actually have to spend your hard-earned money on, I'm not going to lie , I find this whole category of executive desk toys a little embarrassing, like the idea of ​​these high-flying businessmen who make so much money that they can't just play with normal toys and actually have to spend $100 on something of the same value more entertainment than an empty bag of chips and this is actually the other part of the problem because this thing is very precisely machined once this piece arrives.
It's stupidly hard to put it back in place. It really only comes in if you accurately match the direction of the grain on both sides and then it lets me and I stop making money because I spend all my time trying to put my fidget toy back together I think it actually has to be a zero out of 10 , technically buy your own admission. I'm much more hopeful about the game date. I remember perfectly well when this was released and people all over Twitter went crazy over it, it's this. A very strange combination of a retro game console, but instead of being made with cheap, squeaky plastic like most consoles, they are premium hardware, oh yeah, and wait, this thing is small, it's definitely one of the mobile devices smallest ones I've ever worn, whoever posed in the photos. on the website it has extremely small hands and the crank actually goes into the body of the device, which is cool engineering.
You know, when I first saw this I thought this is how the device charges. In fact, I'm very glad that's not the case. that would be a nightmare, this is actually one of your controls to be able to play. I will say it's a very nice piece of technology, surprisingly, so the buttons feel really satisfying, the screen is just black and white, it gets noticeably more readable as I tilt it towards the light, but anyway The biggest question on my mind is if it's fun, then the UI is definitely a lot more responsive than you expect, based on how it looks, it feels like it's running at full capacity. 60 frames per second, yes, it has very fluid animations but really retrographic, so it has this strange past and future vibe.
I don't know how I feel about this madness, to be honest, I totally respect the need to be different, but it's just making my hands hurt and I can't imagine this is the way I want to play, like an airplane long in flight for example, and let's try a casual load, oh this is really strange, it turns your device into a camera and then you use the crank to focus the camera, so I'm out of focus and then in focus. One thing this unique control scheme means is that you're definitely not playing games you've played before.
This isn't like a retro emulation device, but I just don't think it's for me, so there are only two games here at the moment, but the way this works, which is really cool, to be fair, is that They stagger them, so they give you two games each week for the first 12 weeks of possession. and that's all included in the price. I guess they stagger it so you can appreciate each game before hitting the next, but playing something like this really makes me realize that I personally don't want minimalism in my games. I want more buttons, I want more power or alternatively just multiplayer and I think for more people something like the Miu Mini Plus has a lot more appeal so this is something I discovered only a couple of weeks ago and when you start it , it's basically every retro console and then you click on one, let's say the PS1, and there are so many games it's crazy.
One of my favorites as a kid was Crash Team Racing with the side buttons on the back. It's really the entire PlayStation 1 experience. and I'm not even very sold on this. I still prefer to play something like the Nintendo Switch with its modern games, but I see it. I see the merit in something like this, whereas I really have a hard time seeing the merit in this. The aroma of the battery. The diffuser is fine. I suppose it is the minimum technology required to achieve diffusion. I have to say I'm really enjoying the unboxing experiences so far.
I guess that's one thing you can bet minimalist design companies will definitely get right. It's quite nice to see a A product that's not really that designed like this uses really simple physics to the point where you can see the whole process in action, so the essential oil goes in the back here, obviously I chose eucalyptus, it's the only correct option. The oil goes after the fan. Light the candle and then essentially this glass tube will direct most of the heat energy from that candle towards this steel surface on top and then hopefully that heat energy will be transferred towards the fan, which can use it. and then it starts to spin and diffuse those oils around your room I saw pangs of movement oh oh look at it oh my god it's beautiful there's something so elegant about the fact that there are no batteries there are no wires I made that happen with this little candle the only question So is this all theater or is it really better than putting oil in a candle and just lighting it, so let's put this in one of the rooms like this?
Oh, it's actually pretty and then in room number two it's just going to be the candle and I'm literally going to pour drops of oil on top of it and what the other diffuser was saying is that doing it this way would make the essential oilsThey would burn and therefore not preserve their aroma, let's get back to that and find out that it is going up to $300 now for this price. You can actually replace your phone with a minimalist equivalent. This is the light phone 2 that we


and again we like the idea that it is microscopic, but unlike many of the products so far that could.
It just fits perfectly into your current lifestyle. Changing your phone is a big commitment so what can this do? You can text, okay, oh, you have to type sideways. I guess they've decided that's the only way you can comfortably type on a screen like this and it's not that bad, a little less responsive than you're probably used to and the autocorrect sucks. Connects as a Wi-Fi hotspot. It has Bluetooth. It has a headphone jack on the top, so it covers your music. They say it has instructions. What does that look like on a phone like this?
God this is so clunky, you have to keep turning it every time, it's pretty slow the way it acts, you'd think I just asked Sol Physics for it, it doesn't ask for walking directions, oh but it gives you something like Google Maps . I guess it's not a Although it's a good way to use it, Cy because this is an e on the screen, so it doesn't have smooth animations, it has to re-render each thing on the screen every time it changes, but it will be fun, Let's see what the call quality is like, oh. Yes, there is another problem here.
I was about to call my mom, but she's in India right now, so normally I would have called her on WhatsApp. There is no WhatsApp here. Oh hey Domino, we're big fans. Could we order pepperoni pizza? Yes, it's okay, it's functional. For calls it has a speaker, it's not particularly loud now that we have some pizzas on the way. I'm a little torn on devices like this because I see the appeal of, you know, a phone that weighs nothing, could disappear in your pockets and also does. I seem to be getting quite a few software updates from what I can see, it's just that for most people I don't think it's enough to replace their smartphone as it can't browse the internet and listen to music.
Yes, it has a headphone jack. but you can only use it if you are willing to manually load your songs one by one on the Light phone panel. There is no Spotify. There are no apps other than the super basic calculator alarm and maps which don't really work very well as a map. I feel like if you really wanted to shut down properly, how is this better than just a Nokia phone? It's not like you're getting cutting-edge hardware that still makes it feel like a modern smartphone. I mean the last time they made a The new model of this was 2018 and then if you don't want to completely get away from your phone but you just want to reduce how much you use it, there are so many minimalist apps now that can actually restrict what you can and you can.
I don't, but just at a sensible level instead of downgrading so much that you might not be able to contact someone you need, it now seems like a 4 out of 10 to me. I still can't believe I'm saying this. but what costs even more than a phone, well not the kettle, we actually spent $300 on the balmuda kettle, it's cheaper in the US but we're a bit screwed here in the UK so it'll be This better be the best tea experience I've ever had. There are a couple of issues they claim to have fixed here compared to a normal peasant kle, one is the design and yeah I mean it's pretty hard to argue with that one, this is our $10 kettle and compared to that it definitely It has a much better stone-like finish, everything fits into place in a quite tactile way that feels very secure and also the fact that I feel like I could rub this a little bit and get three wishes and although obviously no one needs one nice kettle, no one needs a neon tube filament style bulb as an indicator.
I can see why people would want a lit one now that it's busy and I'm one of those people who really enjoyed the ritual of making tea and coffee, it's slow grinding and gentle pouring. the sights the smells the sounds it's an experience and I think this is designed for someone who appreciates that that's starting right now I feel like in relation to that it makes the balmuda sound quiet oh wait what that finished barmuda isn't finished that's funny , I feel like this is one of those things where the cheap kettle has a purpose and that is to get to the destination as quickly as possible and it does, but actually this is almost worryingly quiet now, the second advantage of this is apparently the fact which has less capacity than most teapots, which is strange to label, since one of its holders features less capacity for its benefit.
Now, if I had to guess, I'd say it took twice as long as the other kettle, and if you look at the spec sheet it's inexcusable for something so expensive so far, this isn't exactly a strong case for the baluda, but There is one thing that could save him. An unprecedented pour was on the website, so let's find out that it is basically laminar flow or in In other words, the gooseneck shape of the kettle allows the water to come out so smoothly that it acts as a stationary object and is completely silent Okay, yeah, that earned me a couple of points that I thought were pretty good.
I have to say it's still not on forever, but For people who appreciate it, I'd give it a seven. Well, let's see if the aroma diffusion really worked. Start with my version of Hodg Podge. I can smell a hint of eucalyptus, but if you told me there was no eucalyptus here, I would believe it too. Okay, now for the Fancy Pants leay aroma diffuser. Oh, that's pretty immediate. I can tell that it's not a hugely strong eucalyptus smell, but it almost has that smoky touch to it. It has definitely had more impact in this room than the candle alone. combined with how obscenely aesthetic it is to look at, I think they earn it at nine, one thing with baluda, they're a Japanese company so it's pretty hard to get their stuff here and that seems to be a high end minimalist theme.
Technology Because LG's Aero Furniture range is also only available in Hong Kong and Singapore, perhaps there is more demand for minimalism in East Asian countries. I don't know why because in concept I feel like this could be useful for anyone since I have a ton of allergies and they constantly work together to keep my nose 99% stuffy during my sleep so I have one of these huge filters in my room just sucking them up and dusting them. I think a lot of people could benefit from filters and I think Just don't use them because they certainly look like monolithic trash cans, but this is so you can also order pizza on your light phone.
What am I doing? Sorry, I was saying this is a table, this is the full purpose, so it's full size. This filter inside is good, I need to make sure I take it out of the bag before I start using the filter. It has vents all around to absorb particles from 360°, which is also a plus point. Interestingly, in this box there is also a UV light that kills bacteria on the fan blades, so whether the air coming in is clean or not, you can be sure that the air coming out is clean. One thing we need to test is how loud it is okay, so there are different fan speeds here, all the controls are on the bottom as well, which makes a lot of sense given that this is meant to be a table, so like maximum, it's pretty loud, but that's okay, you actually want your purifier to be able to turn up what I'm most interested in is what it would do. be the average normal operating volume, volume, wait, is it still on?
Yes, it's definitely on, but all you have to do is step a foot away from it and it's pin drop silence. I don't actually have a pin to prove it, but one thing I can rely on is that I will always have a Sim Eject Tool. I heard that, oh yeah, and this is also a wireless charger that tells me 1 hour and 24 until it's back to full battery, so it's not the fastest type of wireless charger, but it's also not the slowest, and there's also a ring of ambient lighting underneath. I mean, as much as I don't like the idea of ​​having an additional app I need to control the ACT lighting transitions very smoothly, although the app is a little slow and I guess the other probably more underrated benefit is that if you increase the setup, it's actually just a fan too, it's actually a bit refreshing to have it in my hand here, it's getting a very strong 9 out of 10 n out of 10 that could have been worse at $400 then or the equivalent of 625 if you're in the UK and you see a theme.
Here are Samsung's new frame speakers. Personally, I'm not someone who cares about the normal appearance of speakers, but I can too. Let's look at the appeal of what effectively promises an invisible sale so we can put the easel TV where I'm sitting when we get to it, but for now let's focus on this, so first impressions are extremely heavy, larger than I expected and also thicker than it was. Hoping it's also a little disappointing that this is literally just paper, you know, when I first saw it on the website I thought, oh, maybe it's a screen that will allow you to put anything on it or at least as a light background to make it shine.
Improving your image means there's really no technology here other than the speaker, which simply means it's a very expensive speaker and needs to prove its worth, but one of the coolest parts about this is that you should be able to play music and then just tap on somewhere the app tells me to press the volume down button. I'm pressing the volume down button. Oh something went wrong, yeah this just doesn't work and the app sucks. I think we're going to have to do this over Bluetooth just to hear the sound quality at least oh there we go so one is working and I think we're going to have to take it as is let's see how it sounds in the room , so one thing it does very well is volume drop.
It's not loud at all, it sounds almost as loud here as when I was sitting next to it, but the sound is okay, it's a good amateur sound, but you don't hear those bright high notes that you might hear on high-end speakers, but there is a which I'm very interested in trying, so on Samsung's website one of the things they said about these speakers is that they have AI enhancement technology to make voices sound better and I know that most of these features Artificial intelligence are just a marketing hoax, but this is interesting because I've been listening to a lot of high-end Hi-Fi sound systems over the last few weeks and one of the things you notice is that it doesn't really matter how loud those systems are. of sound if the track you hear is not recorded in the perfect environment, and you realize that most of them will not sound good even with the best speaker system, but a speaker that uses AI to improve the recording of serious could solve it. bottleneck, yeah, I mean, okay, okay, it's nothing, as I would put it, if you absolutely want a set of loud Bassy speakers and they absolutely have to be invisible, then maybe this is the way to go, but for the vast majority of people I can do better with something else, but now we're getting to the really juicy stuff and I've been trying to put together the perfect 3 day getaway bag for years, so our bag that comes in a bag couldn't have come. before please be good please be good please be good uh Initial impressions are not the best so this is ballistic nylon on the outside and then this is Rip stop Nyon on the inside is the type of material you get on that extreme outdoor clothing and while it may well make it very durable, we're going to prove that in a moment what it doesn't do is make it feel plush, comfortable and luxurious, which isn't helped by the fact that no part of the tape is It came off properly and is still very attached to the bag.
It feels like a really strange mix of ultra-futuristic design. I mean, look at how the thing opens, when do you see that with some very cheap sticky mechanisms that don't really give me any confidence in how it's going to hold up? long term, okay, then this is the area dedicated to sunglasses. I love the idea of ​​this, but there are no safety measures, which means if I just tip the bag upside down and try to open it now, yeah, look, it doesn't open. Right, there are quite a few well-placed pockets, so there's one here that's good for passports, there's one down here for something you don't want other people to find and then this is pretty cool, they've actually created a physical area for bottles, but then I covered it with a stretchy cloth so it looks flush when there's nothing in it, but then if I put the drink in it, it kind of nests around it, which is pretty neat, you can't rule out the fact that there's a lotgreat ideas. going on here even just the fact that they advertise this as a stand for your laptop, open it first and then you'll probably need something to lean on, but even if you had it, it's like a vertical working setup, that's not how I would choose to use it my machine and then you'd also be betting the health and safety of your entire laptop on some very insecure bases, but durability seems to be the biggest selling point, so sunglasses play with some clothing and a laptop in the main place. pocket and then instead of my MacBook a glass board just because I got burned recently literally 2 weeks ago I dropped my real MacBook while it was in a bag which I don't think is as safe as this one so Now the whole hinge is misaligned and it's extremely sad, close it and then this right here is a double lock, they call it two-factor authentication and it works, but it's another one of those things where, if you're halfway there, you can actually Still I open the bag so I wouldn't trust him with anything okay let's put it on ooh okay a couple of things actually to make the straps feel like memory foam they're actually pretty nice as far as the remains and a thing that makes the bag. pretty good, it's taking a lot of weight off my shoulders so it doesn't feel as heavy as it should considering how much stuff it contains and now we see what three 2 one is made of, oh god, but you saw that, I mean. the mechanism opened itself so the sunglasses are fine, the glass board yes it is intact, the game is alive and well and the light phone works as well as light phones so I think the bag is has earned the right to be.
I can say that it can protect your stuff in the short term, but I have serious doubts about the long term, since technically during this crash the stock market was closed, it feels like I like the definition of a five out of 10 product, so we have already prepared the perfect balmuda tea, but now it's time for the coffee experience, which is much more complicated and hopefully much more rewarding now to give you a little bit of context. I love coffee. I'm just a little basic. Either I drink instant coffee at home because it's fast or if I go out I'll go to Starbucks because they have nice places to sit that I've never looked for. something like this because I've always assumed it would be too much work without enough reward, but this is really interesting because can this change my mind?
I really like how it tells you exactly what size cup of coffee you are going to have. Get with the amount of water you put in a clever design Bara enters there filters into the funnel. I like how all the pieces don't just fall into place but snap into place and also how this won't start brewing coffee until all of these pieces are in position oh I love how simple it is. I guess it makes a lot of sense because you would be doing this before you drink your coffee, so it will start when I see him heating the water, I think. that's the same sound effect the toaster uses when it cooks your bread, it's a good thing it's simple because it's definitely very easy at this enthusiast grade price point that it's not like we're talking about something that can distribute water with 0 accuracy .2 ml.
So this here is meant to mimic the pore of a trained barista, the technique, you know, the way the water has this kind of gentle tapping on the coffee. I can definitely see the appeal of waking up to that in the morning. I can also see something quite nice to go out and do your work right now and then leave it to finish making the coffee, but just listen and smell good, so the first part of the process is now finishing and what you are doing at this point This is what is called bypass pouring. It is basically a completely separate stream of finishing water that is added directly to the serving container, on the one hand it seems like a lot and nothing is done, but it is all about controlling the temperature of the coffee beans, getting them hot enough that you can get the best flavor without getting them so hot that you burn them, which Balmuda says happens at 187°F, let's make a quick instant coffee for comparison, yeah, that's what I drink every morning, what does it look like, oh, interesting, it seems noticeably softer. much purer than the cloudiness of instant coffee.
Oh, it has all the flavor of coffee and is very strong and rich, but suddenly it cuts off before the bitterness hits and my brain almost expects that bitterness to hit, but it doesn't. Don't drink black coffee at all, see if this is drinkable for you, a little fruity with a little sugar, which is actually very good, okay, as far as the coffee experience and taste goes, this is a product exceptional, the only thing I have in mind is that it is going to take a lot of work to wash it because it will go directly into the jug and not into the cup you are going to drink from, you have to wash this.
You have to wash this and there is no bean grinder here, so there will be separate additional equipment that you will also have to purchase and maintain. I'm going to give it a nine, it's time for the folding treadmill, but while this thing looked absolutely minimalist in the photos. I have some concerns about practicality, so it is a little bulkier than it looked on the website, but to be fair, it does have wheels and the wheels really make the job of transporting it seem like no problem. It's got some pretty solid latches to keep everything in place and then I guess this just fits, oh yeah, so one thing they were very careful to minimize was the size of this thick cable that you have to plug in at all times.
It definitely makes it a little less clean, but to be fair, considering we currently have a treadmill in our living room, it could be a lot worse, so this goes up to 6km/hour in Walk mode and then up to 12 km/hour in a separate race mode, which actually makes a lot of sense because you wouldn't want to be in walk mode without the handlebars and suddenly accidentally reach 12 km/hour and what I'm in now is walking mode apparently automatic so it's actually calculating how fast I'm walking and making sure the treadmill is exactly ready for my steps so let me try the fastest steps I can and it's increasing the speed okay yeah it's 6 km.
I maxed it out. What if I try to slow down now? This is the scary part, oh my god no, I don't think he's adjusting fast enough. It is dividing the treadmill into three zones, the front, middle and rear, if it detects that your feet are often hitting the front, it knows that you want to go faster and if it detects that you are spending a lot of time behind, it knows that you need to slow down, so it will probably take you a little time to get used to knowing exactly. where each zone begins and ends, but there is a clear safety issue here unless of course you use the handlebars, but that slightly defeats the minimalism and now seems like a good time for the TV, what have we done?
Oh yeah, the box had about two. times the already huge size I expected it to be. I'm pretty sure this is the biggest thing I've ever unpacked and yes, I spent 10 minutes going through the entire package only to realize I unpacked everything backwards, so yeah. although something interesting is that since it comes without the cover you can see inside a TV speaker system, so that's pretty cool, I think it's activated, but the most important thing is what a $75,000 ultra minimalist TV does. Okay, it's a great feeling. like I'm walking into the basement of the Spa Hotel, well part of this is the style that is designed to look and lean against the wall like an easel, but I'm trying to decide right now if that actually makes any sense.
I'll give you this: the TV actually looks much nicer than I expected and the quality of the screen, the color saturation is all beautiful. Why do I want a TV that constantly looks like it's one light away from serious collateral damage? I mean, technically it won't be because LG actually recommends that even when it's in this tilted position it's actually drilled into the wall, but at that point, why does it need to be an easel? From everything we've seen so far, there is no functional benefit to having this instead of simply mounting the TV on the wall, but there is one thing that could change that: when you turn off the TV, it will go into what they call mode. of line display, so this takes advantage of the fact that you technically have a scalable amount of screen on display, these are your TVs always on display effectively, but what I'm curious about is how much you can customize it, oh that's original and then you can also display them in front of some interesting looking architectural wallpapers.
It's just a big waste of electricity, so it also gives you the option to listen to music. Oh, that's a pretty stylish way to display music in your home. There are interesting ideas here, no doubt about it, but I can't shake the feeling that this is basically it. a slightly worse version of rollable TVs that completely disappear when you're done with them. I see it as a product that tries to be a clear part of the smart home. You know, this type of furniture that has a little life, is beautiful. Difficult product to rate because it's a spectacle and if you like it you can't get it anywhere else, but in terms of the core value proposition for money, it's basically like a 2 Grand TV with an original transformation mechanism that turns it into a 7 and 1./2 Large so on that scale it's a 6 out of 10 now as for the treadmill I'm pretty impressed with how quiet it is as I'm running at 5 miles per hour and it's not very audible Thanks to the brushless motor inside, it has a really elegant design and I love that it has wheels.
I love that it folds, but this sucks and there are a couple of areas here, like the huge diagonal scene that crosses the track, where you are reminded that this is not the highest quality product and since this is the structure to which that my security tag is attached, you can see there may be a problem there, so yeah, I wouldn't feel comfortable recommending this to someone who wants to race seriously, but if you just want something minimal that can be minimized and stored under your desktop, when you're done, it has a decent amount of merit, so I'd give it a 7 out of 10 and, speaking of things that have been downplayed, The subscriber gap between us and Apple right now is less than 400,000 and when we get over them We're going to build the biggest iPhone ever, so thanks for helping us, we're definitely on the super premium price here, at this point definitely where bang and ol' some stuff.
I haven't really used any of their products over the years, mainly because I always find them extraordinarily expensive for what they are - this speaker is literally the dimensions of a book - but I paid the equivalent of $11,000 for Now we find out if it's worth the money. Shame, I have to say, although it really seems to challenge you to believe that it can't fill the room with high-quality sound, while at the same time promising that it can thanks to active room compensation technology. Configurable buttons so you can choose a song or playlist that you want to activate when you touch any of them.
Nothing about the shape or size of this gives me confidence that he'll be able to pull it off. Okay, it's got a punch to it's sure there's already something going on there, but it defies its size, let's get up and walk, there's a definite harshness, there's a definite limitation that you feel compared to a larger speaker that has a larger dedicated subwoofer. that hits you with deep bass. It's a good sound, but you're paying to have that sound in the small package. If you just want pure audio quality, you can do better for $1,000 now. I'm not the best at cooking.
I'm happy to admit it, but that's actually how it is. It makes me the perfect person to try the Xiaomi food processor because can this save me? Can we also talk about how incredibly massive this is and why it needs to come in about 12 separate individually wrapped pieces? Okay, but the key question is that The answer I have to answer is that obviously a huge piece of Kit is better than the drisha alternative, so we are both cooking a cheese risotto using the same recipe. Oh, this is really cool, so when you go into a recipe, it tells you. the tools you need, it tells you the ingredients you need and then that's the step by step guide, how do we end up doing it this way? where you get the machine and I get the guide I'm the guy.
So it says: first add the grated cheese to the pot. I need a pot. This is my pot. Alright. I have a pot. So how much cheese do we need? 50g. I have too much. It's great. It shows you an image of. what the result should look like and it is already pre-read the action I need to press now I just see if it really works oh wow this is very finely grated cheese so it says add the chopped onion butter and olive oil to the pot and this is great because in real time it tells me exactly how many of those grams I have currently put in.
Okay, so she says cover with ameasuring cup and then it will spin and cook for me. Oh, it's like warm butter. Oh my gosh, okay, so reverse rotation speed one, sorry? I don't listen to the instructions anymore. I just let my robot do the talking alert. Wait. That's just saying it's done. Ooh, look at this. It's okay, it smells amazing. Mine doesn't smell at all. like this right now, so add 320 G of risotto rice, this can modify things as minutely as now it's specifically cooking for 1 minute at 100° instead of the 120 it was cooking before, so it's a great final cook, like this let it begin. cooking and we'll get back to that, it goes on how much cooking, how much cooking and while we wait there's something about the briefcases, isn't there?
There's something very elusive about people who walk to work with a briefcase and only a briefcase, I guess they do that. What's inside seems important and worth protecting, but I mean, in the case of the LG briefcase, you have a very real reason to want to protect it because it's a 27-inch touchscreen LCD monitor and I guess the rest It's the battery, who's okay, my God, who? It goes at any height and then also rotates according to the angle. I want to see it from this, it says Dolby Vision Atmos, which means I assume this part is the speakers.
It's a very interesting perspective, the idea of ​​taking all the cinema at once and I realize it. It seems incredibly excessive, but I can also think of quite a few times where I wished something like this existed - like the Nintendo Switch, for example - so many times I've taken this to places that don't have an external display to plug in. Then you end up in a situation where you take out the kickstand and there are four people crouched around a 7-inch screen. So what better way to break the screen than with a quick hit with my arch rival Arch Smasher Joseph oh no no no? no no no no no no no this is not representative one thing I will say with absolute certainty there is a lot of input lag here probably why you are losing true yes yes yes this is definitely not designed for gaming the screen looks pretty impressive From the distance, but up close you can absolutely tell that it is a 1080p panel.
I'd say it's a pretty respectable audio experience, although it's great that you're getting this all-in-one experience, you're paying $1,200 for it and this isn't a $1,200 monitor are you still going to end up with it? No dear now, one thing that might make this a little more interesting is the home, this is LG's home menu and it's not a full Android device, it doesn't have access to everything like your phone does, but it's pretty good when it comes to televisions, so you have entertainment stuff like Channel 4 ITV and then also games, which is a combination. Of the 10% of games that you would probably quite enjoy and the 90% that you wouldn't want to touch with the barge pole, we can play a full game of chess, obviously we wouldn't be stretching this way because playing it when it's flat is not an experience super polished, it's actually the opposite of playdate in many cases, but it's functional if you really want to play a game of chess on a 27 inch screen sitting on a beach, you can do it, but that's actually part of the problem because the website is very strange, it says it has up to 3 hours of battery life and then at the same time you can watch movies while on the beach with 3 hours of battery life as the absolute upper limit.
It's a bit of a stretch to say that you can watch multiple movies, there's Netflix, there's Prime Video, there's also Tik Tok TV and I think so, wow, it's a spectacle, when have you seen someone do this before? I am not going to lie. I find this really cool, but at the same time I feel like if that's what you're going to use this for, you've made a terrible purchase, the specific thing it does, nothing else it does, it does it very well, it's just that there isn't much. people for whom that's $3,700 is what we spent on the black wheel record player and I know the rational part of my brain keeps telling me that records are meaningless in today's age.
I am already paying Spotify and tial for my music digitally, this turntable connects to the same speakers that my phone is already connected to and there must already be software that can make my phone recreate the sound signature of the records and without However, just like with tea in coffee, there's something so I'm fascinated by the manual process of taking out the vinyl, gently placing it on top and then holding this magnet in place and then you want to know how to turn it on. Just turn around and you'll see, oh my God, I look. the arm comes out slowly, this is one of the smoothest operating pieces of technology I think I've ever interacted with, you can see it moving towards the first track, there you go, oh so this here is the volume control that feels so satisfying . and I love the way it displays using these little LEDs, wait, but also this turntable very clearly understands the tracks within the vinyl that I just placed and allows me to navigate to the exact points on those tracks that I want. it's putting my vinyl player at home to shame and the way they've made this interface is so subtle but clever because there's no screen here so all the information comes from little LEDs that light up at different brightness levels and you In fact, I can see the arm moving across the vinyl while browsing and that's a really good thing because you have to control it using this device, there are no remote controls and I feel like this is kind of an issue with these minimal products.
I went into this video expecting them to all be basically the things you're used to, but easier, but it's the opposite, they're often more manual and less fluid, but the advantage I'm noticing is that manual encourages you. be conscious when using them, be really aware of how things work and interact with them in a way that allows you to appreciate them more. I feel like if I listen to music on this, I'm going to listen to that music. much more intentionally than if I was just on my weekly Spotify discovery, I have no doubt that this is a highly engineered product, even going so far as to understand if a vinyl you've placed on there is warped and then adjusting the way it plays that vinyl accordingly, but it's done that way so that you, the user, only have to focus on the best parts of the vinyl experience oh yeah, that's how I see it, so I see being curled up next to a fire with a hot fire. tea and a vinyl is an extremely expensive, almost unnecessarily expensive way to get that experience, but for someone who appreciates it, this is a product that has no compromises, we told ourselves before filming this video that anything that has a score above nine will come with us. to our new house 9.1 As for which laptop a minimalist would use, I don't regret the choice we made.
I think it has to be the laptop that is just a completely perfect uninterrupted screen. Oh, they actually include the keyboard and, oh, the stylus, too. The fact that I'm so surprised by this shows how dire things have become with modern tech companies. Well, I'm talking about this 17-inch IMAX OLED foldable screen, no need to beat around the bush, this is a stunning site to behold, so what does that mean? This can work well, I think so, it's a kickstand, so let's say you come home and you're parked at your desk. This effectively becomes a 17-inch all-in-one PC and I realized that 17 inches isn't huge in the scheme of monitors, but it feels huge when I'm sitting here and then the keyboard and trackpad automatically pair and work completely wirelessly and for everyday data tasks like compressing documents and stuff it's pretty snappy, it's not very satisfying to type because you know, we're talking about pretty low profile stuff, but very functional, but also let's say I want to use this as most people use their normal laptops.
This should, yes, snap into place at the bottom and you can see the screen. it actually fits where the standby keyboard fits, which that should never have happened in my life of reviewing technology, okay let me finish talking about this and then I'll get to that, so what I really think is that It's really smart. Not only are the keyboard and pen magnetically connected to it, but they also charge magnetically this way, so the only thing you need to worry about recharging is just the tablet itself. I think there are big benefits to having all your devices as one device.
It's cool that the same machine that I can write on all that I can use as a full-size sketchpad to draw what I want our future office to look like okay, let's see what an IMAX video looks like, the idea of ​​having an experience Multimedia like this just relaxing on a plane is somewhat tempting because, on top of everything else, it's fully capable of displaying HDR video. It's pretty funny, it's actually blasting the olon speakers, but it's really loud, it's only at 30% volume right now, oh man. I really really want to like this, but there are too many problems, it's buggy, the hinge isn't strong enough to support what is actually a very heavy top half of the screen, but other than that to achieve a form factor .
So, compared to a traditional laptop, you have to opt for a much smaller battery and, therefore, you have to opt for a much lower power chip. Oh yeah, and the entire device literally has two USB ports. I'm trying to load. uploading a game hell div is 2 to show you that it is taking so long that it runs at about 2 frames per second. I mean, yeah, this is almost definitely the least playable experience I've had in recent memory, as you know, they usually say that equipment usage is only 10% of the work. I don't see any way you can connect to this thing and not be deleted as much as I love the idea of ​​this in the end.
I don't think it's of much use. It makes sense because it's only affordable for people willing to pay Pro prices, but for people willing to pay Pro prices that aren't actually Pro because as soon as you try to do something Pro on it, it stops, 5 out of 10 talking about that. although my internet at home comes from Virgin Media and you know it took me 2 and a half years of being with them to realize that they had actually been throttling my connection, oh my god mine looks amazing but mine looks messy. egg got a really great consistency and it turns out this is a pretty common thing because I download and stream a lot of videos.
Internet providers can, without even telling me, reduce the amount of bandwidth I get in order to keep everyone's Internet connection. stable now that may sound incredibly noble, but the only reason they have to do it is because these companies don't invest enough to be able to offer all customers the speeds they're actually paying for, but I also noticed in the De Likewise, the only reason Virgin Media would know who I was is because my IP address was public, so as soon as I masked my IP address with Surf Shark VPN and became anonymous in those times of high network traffic where Before my ISP would have tried to steal me.
At times I have noticed my speed increase and that is just one of a seemingly endless list of reasons why I subscribe to Surf Shar VPN. I don't enable it all the time, but it's saved my butt so many times I don't know what I'd do without it and with Code Boss it's literally less than 3 per month for unlimited accounts with an additional 3 months free and a money back guarantee. money. Alright, let's get into the test. drisha your risotto looks a little sticky. I have to say that it is quite starchy. It feels like the risotto and sauce have been mixed together to become one.
I'll try the machining now. I know it will sound like I'm just saying it. but that's so much better, i would give this a four, i would give this an eight, wow oh that was really good, that xiaomi robot goes way beyond what i expected, obviously there is a limit to the number of recipes that you are going to use I was able to install it, but for those who have it, it's an easy 9 out of 10 experience. Keep in mind, I've never made risoto in my life.

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