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May 30, 2021
Okay, it's time for a Minecraft





. Yeah, I'm not kidding. Logo cleaner and I will compete with each other until the end. Each of us will be able to open



that can contain good or bad things. I'll have to try to save everything for the fight at the end, however, if a lucky block kills me then I lose everything. If you want to see more lucky block


s like these, hit the like button when it reaches 75,000 likes. make another one also go to the jelly shop get some merch


okay listen left to right the cleaner goes first come on commander open it what is it what is it wait guys check this out , you don't want to save it until the end. end pop a pigfish wait it's going to explode I don't know what it does just push it down whoa pump a pigfish we're going to have to use everything we find for the bat doll look guys this might sound pretty serious but it's actually a hoe , he tries to hit me, I thought it was, oh man, this is strong, thanks, it's very strong, what do you mean you're not serious?
rainbow lucky blocks race in minecraft parkour
What is that, guys, I don't know? I'm going to bring mine there. right buddy I want it I want to save this oh no no with the pressure plate okay here goes I think I'm dead my turn was really necessary josh you lost it you have a choice wait


oh my god chloe wait whatever you want Get off my platform Rainbow Joey oh Oh my god, oh well, now he's gone, did he die? Also Craig died very shortly, this is my turn, Josh, how are you going to open that one? No, I don't know, okay, listen, I'll do it.
rainbow lucky blocks race in minecraft parkour

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rainbow lucky blocks race in minecraft parkour...

Wow, I have a lot of buckets milk water lava hurry up Josh, let's wait for you oh, wait a minute, it's a rocket, will you? Do you want to use it now? Can you right click on it? Josh you have to leave it at the base, leave my lucky block please, wow, you should save it for the fight, John, yeah, what is that? Okay, that will end the whole game. Okay, I have to go, let's hope he dies. Okay, he has a chest. You can actually put things in it and save it. No, we can't do that anymore, we discussed it, it's too open, okay, I'm going to open mine okay, then I want to keep my t-shirts, yeah, that's the name of the game, oh, did you all miss me with that, Yeah?
rainbow lucky blocks race in minecraft parkour
Wait wait big bomb dude none of us have gear right now for the fight literally oh I got pigs I got balls don't use it I wanted guys it should be illegal for us to sabotage each other I'm already officially? officially reactivating the ability to store things in chess, otherwise oh my god josh changing the rules midway something typical no you can't hey grandma get this now it doesn't stand a chance No, he doesn't have a chest, josh. josh it's your turn okay come on joshy I mean he actually has a sword okay let's see if he doesn't get a chest then since I assume he's engaged now it's your turn come on crainer , yeah I hate this game guys we never had it.
rainbow lucky blocks race in minecraft parkour
Not even me this time I don't know my turn, everyone, oh, block, man, I understand the dumbest one, Chris, what's up? Bomberman, oh my goodness, a sharp toothpick, oh wow, okay, you're spinning here, okay, I think it's actually pretty good, oh my goodness. are those explosives are they just eggs oh are they just all the legs hey what's up I'm so happy I'm not standing there oh I'm so happy I'm not standing there oh that would have been terrible on top there's something on top Upstairs, yeah, you should check it up there, Julian , I can't, I have nothing to build.
There is an object at the top. I received 20 diamonds from those chickens. I just realized. Alright. Object on top. I'm still dying. How long have you? Yeah, go to the top jelly, there's probably something up there, okay, okay, I'll do it real quick, guys, oh, he died in flames, guys, this is so destructive, I feel like it's going to be just, just, a battle with a robot having a fist fight yeah wait oh I found something on top cool what was it I can't tell oh he got you yeah oh my god what's up? Wait a minute, I'm going to leave this in here I'm going to leave this here I'm not going to leave that in there well I just have droppers guys I'll leave it in that chest that's good, how do the orbs work? he's gone, carry on Okay guys, let me tell you it's pretty bright there.
Okay, I'm nice, keep going. Are you kidding me? The chest knew what was going to happen. His chest is safe. Jelly. Are you kidding?. He keeps getting building blocks or something. What I need? All this waiting for the guys to stand up, I don't know if I want to stand up, wait, hey, the gods gave you food to help you survive, you know what if there's a workbench in this, then I can use it, like this what leave it? I just run through Ender's chest. I can use it to stop it. No, he has an Ender chest.
I'm looking, what happens if you lose the item to save your items? What if he does? What happens if he loses Ender's test? Okay, I'll go, oh. That's so good, I have this chest, yeah, okay, get away from me, follow the creatures, some of my platform, oh wait, there's one here, where did you come from, okay guys, we needed to do, we needed be day now, I don't want to be, yes. This is what scares us, we just have to wait, okay, my turn, fast, lucky hill, I'm super fast, that's not it, yeah, please tell me my chest is still there, silly, no I was able to save the rainbow, luckily.
Sorry, I just opened the lucky block and it ended up being explosive guys, it's okay guys, I have some gum, my chest is still here, thanks guys, such an annoying little person, oh, resisting Lucky Yellowman, okay, Okay, okay, my turn, then, bye. how josh died i destroyed your chest no you didn't why did you do that josh you're not allowed that's illegal i found a spare bomb you cheated that's not illegal you cheated by saying we're going to have chests and now you're cheating by blowing them up too and now I can't even pass josh you just cheated the whole game yeah yeah okay can someone help me?
Oh, that's what he deserves. That's what he deserves. Why don't I think that would do it? happens, I'm not sure how you're going to get over that hurdle. I have to be honest, I'm working through it. I don't think we've ever had anything more destructive like yeah, whose fault it is that Josh, uh, the. the lucky block, okay, let's do the next thing, guys, what did I do? I summoned the ultimate wither oh no there are so many I can't do it oh my god we have to get rid of these right now why crater why okay kana I think now it's your turn.
I'm not going to die. Look at this nice crane. It's like hacking. That's what these pants have. Sharpness 15. Okay, what did you just say? My lucky vlog. No, that's mine. You have jelly on your chest. Okay wait. actually on Josh's turf it's my side Jenny I placed it I don't really know okay guys come on come on I got four lucky dollars from that lucky block oh what does that mean . Well, it's my turn, oh actually, it's your turn, Josh, open up. ready it's literally your turn granny no it's josh oh okay but this doesn't make sense now he's one ahead how does this match work?
It has a lot of things, yes, but I guess it's my turn, now it's my turn, this is no good. Feel what kind of lucky villain stops crying, Jenny, okay, I'll do this, though hey, we have to check it out. They already finished? They already finished? I've finished now. I've finished now. We just have to move forward. whoa, whoa, chicken, oh guys help, that's the good thing, but since they don't look good, they hurt and then they're gone. Why do they have so many chickens? Jelly, I don't know, I'll kick them, they're part of this chicken. army okay, your turn josh oh oh invisibility seriously oh he's going to put that on his chest oh he doesn't have where is this?
Yeah, I thought I could kill him, damn, okay, it's my turn, okay, crain, ooh, it's a record player. okay, my turn, oh wait, what an angry soul, no, don't point it at me, stop looking at me, it doesn't do anything, why are you trying it on us? You're not allowed, oh paintings, I don't care, why? an enchanted gold keep going guys I'll keep going we're almost at the end here where we can start what is this for the golden apple cow and are they killing each other? I threw it at you Jenny just relax it's okay I'm confused no it's not okay my turn is okay oh he's got that good hoe I'm saving it I'm saving it before I die I'm saving it in my mind wait what are you doing die oh my god Please don't do it tell me I'm going to die I actually saved it I didn't die my golden apple survived open it josh oh come on I'm not going to touch them yes don't do that sir parked well my third sir dog of the park, you're going to come out, in There's actually something here, it disappeared, it said luck, something I don't know, well, we have five more lucky blocks each, oh, now I only have golden apples to fight with, so please get something. well oh i have another air temple cool cool that's cool that's just fantastic oh nice a big talk in a giant chest that i'm literally inside there's a lever on the outside to open it josh go to the temple oh okay what's the spot? from that TV, how did you get there?
Sort of a jump drive that I just messed up. I swear, yes, we heard about that before we went to Josh's house. You're doing great. I'll go with Josh. The gods reward me. What did you get? I don't know if God rewarded me anything. What did I get? I didn't get any of that. Okay, it's my turn. It's the crater's turn. Oh, how good, he's going to drown. I think he can escape. Yeah I'm pretty sure this is just drinking out of a glass, wait, nothing great, this is just fantastic, maybe you have three like yeah, okay, you're next, are you kidding me?
They're upside down, ah, upside down, gas, oh, nice. oh, that was that one has a giant bomb, don't make him mad, oh, there you go, oh, no, good job, you handled it well, I guess it's my turn, he didn't die, but yeah, okay, okay , what's that? Yeah, I can still win this, I don't even have anything to fight with, but if I can get this to the cue, okay, let's go great, on your last one, I have to attack it, my life is a choice. Deep down I got a cue, okay, open yours, oh he's got a nice axe, okay, he's next yeah, damage, what's that?
A rainbow lucky sword. Okay guys, I'm going to my chest and we're getting ready for battle. Alright guys, are you ready? We make a small sample of what we have. I'm sure it's okay, guys. I have this sword. A lucky sword. I have this. I have this. Oh my gosh, Crainer looks pretty good. some heels and a hat, he's fine, let the games begin, oh Josh is invisible, yeah he had an invisibility club too, why didn't he say so? Because he wanted to hide it. Okay, Crainer, keep punching the air, hopefully you'll kill him. Because he doesn't want it, what are you doing, jelly?
Well, I guess there it goes, jelly, I guess, um, how did you do it? It was too far away, hey, that didn't really make sense to me, how did you hit me from that distance? Well, I mean, look, you weren't really that high up, yeah, I was, look, when you jump, I can hit that top, absolutely, what jelly do you find? And I can undermine that, yes, but I was standing on top of that, oh my God. I can actually see Josh when I'm a spectator. He also had a blinding potion, that's how he was going to beat yourself, okay crainer, I'll guide you cleaner, okay, stay still, no, no, crainer, stay still, okay, he's currently on your six. o'clock he's next to my statue he's behind you in front of the green in front of the green guy no behind you I'll give you a taco craner just show up so I can hit you if you stop walking like a maniac In fact, I could go to my platform Lucky Block, he's standing at the entrance, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, ooh, taco truck, okay, he's on the left side of my platform Lucky Block, follow the trail, it'll hit me there, coach, you gotta do it. at the rock base on the crane on the left side you can hit it yeah yeah yeah okay Crainer run to that straight line and hit it you're going to hit it you picked up a cue I saw it I saw you pick that pen are you a taco? he got it no thanks for watching click to see another video do it now because this one is already over, it's literally over

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