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Punt Gun vs Armored Police Car (The Biggest Shotgun EVER !!!)

Jun 08, 2024
you know what you earn buddy I'm tired of dealing with you it's been over 10 years and I can't get rid of you so guess what I'm leaving in this range it's yours goodbye stupid lizard fare well. find a new place to shoot 2 hours later, holy cow, look at this place, yes, I think this is my new home, what's up? My name is Scott and you're looking at Kentucky ballistics and for the last few weeks I've been moving


ything from our new range. I'm very excited about this place, we have a lot more space and I have a much bigger BM.
punt gun vs armored police car the biggest shotgun ever
This is a giant ground BM and it's a huge improvement over what I had before, so today we're going to Cristen this. new weapon range correctly with the


gun I know most of you know what this


gun is, but for those of you who don't, a quick little summary is that this thing has a 6 ton barrel, a length 9 tons total, weighs 150 pounds, has a board A diameter of 1.68 inches fires a 1B projectile and produces 800 pounds of felt recoil, it's basically kicking, so at this point I've shot quite a few things with a punt gun , but today we have something very special.
punt gun vs armored police car the biggest shotgun ever

More Interesting Facts About,

punt gun vs armored police car the biggest shotgun ever...

I have an


truck, so this big guy here weighs over 10,000 pounds and this section is completely


, including the glass. I'm not exactly sure how rated it is, but this thing is pretty rugged and today we're going to at least find out if it's rated for a punt gun, let's see if we can crack this open. Oh, I think we're good here, as you can see, these doors are quite thick and this glass is definitely armored. If you take a look there, it's pretty rough. Inside, you're definitely going to want to have air conditioning when you drive this because I don't think you're going to get a lot of airflow and of course as you can see on the side we have Metro Kentucky Special Police this was actually used and operated in Kentucky, just ignore it.
punt gun vs armored police car the biggest shotgun ever
These may have been where I tried it a little off camera. I don't know, we can break my key, oh, I thought either this key is about to break or the door is about to open, fortunately it turned, oh, oh, yes, oh. look at that, that's ridiculous, I definitely don't want that door to close, we have a little safe here that's a little Sentry safe and then here you have your little peepholes and that's where you would stick the barrel of a gun through that small hole, but you would have your armored glass there where you can see through it and still shoot, which sucks amazingly.
punt gun vs armored police car the biggest shotgun ever
Part of me is a little sad to photograph this car and I almost want to restore it, but I think it would take a while. a lot to restore this thing man, it's hot here there's this door open, let's see, no, no, but I have another little peephole right here where I can put my gun through it, that stinks sweet, oh, I'm a sweaty mess. Little people, I killed the truck, that's n


a good sign, oh man, you know, I just planted all this grass that ruined it, but hey, that's where I wanted it, okay, first shot of the day.
Fury here is loaded with a new projectile that we have never used in the channel we have marble shooting, it is full of marbles with A4 pounds of gunpowder and now let's see what happens if an armored vehicle is attacked by marbles, okay, let's lose my Marbles, wow, it seems that way. The marbles that come out of a punt gun are no joke, we have several new hits and those made dents in this thing that is crazy, that one over there that is deep and then look at this door, this glass is broken here too and right there . and right there we have a lot of dents, holy cow, oh look at that, oh look at that, that's sick, well, I'm going to say that I'm pretty impressed with the marbles, we're going to have to use them again at some point, okay?
For shot number two, those marbles were pretty devastating, they did a lot more damage than I thought and next we have something else that I think is going to do a lot of damage. These are Flett, they're basically little darts of metal and fury here. It's full of them with a quarter pound of gunpowder, these actually manage to penetrate a gun safe, so I'm really curious to see if we can penetrate that armored vehicle, okay, here we go, I think we had quite a variety with those, OK? I'm seeing some bumps here, they're spread out so you can see the imprint of those.
We actually hit the glass here but we didn't do much to the glass. There's banging everywhere and I also hear some whistling and I think it's because we hit this tire, yeah, I don't know, I really don't know where there's one stuck in the glass, look at that, and actually here you can see that one of them He reached the bottom. the armor on this truck hit just oh the tail broke but it went pretty deep, that's pretty impressive, those Flett's are pretty amazing, I don't know if it would have made it all the way to the armored car but it still did. quite a bit of damage, you know, all this time we've been missing a great opportunity and that's to see what it would look like if you were shot with a punt gun.
I mean, I have an armored truck with armored glass. I'm going to put this camera here, okay this is a really cool shot, now it's time to move on to some real lead shells, a 12 gauge


holds nine double power pellets right now. Fury is loaded with over 140 double-strength shot and 4 pounds of powder. I think this is going to cause quite a bit of damage to that armored truck. Here we go, a little late. Hey, how are you doing there? Looks like we did a lot of damage to this armored truck. car, we haven't penetrated it yet, but man, look at all these dents and what I think is really interesting is those dents are as deep as marble dents, that really says something about those marbles, look at this, look at all of these. all over the place where these double Buck pellets flattened out, that's amazing and looking here everything still looks good.
I mean, if you were inside this armored vehicle, it wouldn't matter if someone was shooting at you with a punt gun, but I still have some other projectiles to try. Well, next we have something quite interesting. This is a slug, but it's not a typical slug. It is a wax slug that is basically 8 ounces of shot that are also coated in wax. This should be very interesting. slow motion shot incoming wax slug oh my god oh no oh no oh oh I think we found a weak link in the armor I just bought oh no I just bought new tripods I think I damaged it look at this here um I don't know what armored is, uh, I mean, it's armored, but I don't think it's that armored, uh, that's a pretty big hole, let's go take a look, okay, my tripod is down, oh my gosh, okay, then He went through that wall and then it seems like he did.
It broke all over that door, look at that sacred cow. I really hope I captured that photo. Oh, it smells terrible in here. What is this to recover data from memory card? well if you want to help support the channel you can check out my new shebi kicking t-shirts. There's a link in the description below and while you're at it, hit the subscribe button. Well, the wax slug clearly punched through that armor. I definitely found a but now we're going to target that armored door because I think it's probably the thickest part of the armor on that truck and we're not going to play around.
I have a 1B lead ball, also known as 7000 grain quarter pounders. of gunpowder I think we're going through that door but there's only one way to find out, okay, last shift of the day, here we go, I'm listening, I don't hear anything, holy cow, let's take a look. I'm starting to learn that the punt gun doesn't really seem to care much. This is an armored vehicle and we just flew out the door. There's a Ho that cleans that thing. Let's see if we can get through to the other side. Can. I'm telling you, we looked at that giant hole in that BM, look at this, that's ridiculous, it's a huge hole, let's see if the door opens, that's amazing, okay, yeah, we made it through that door, I don't know how. a lot of armor which it really is, but he went through it yeah oh my god okay actually you would have been fine he went through the seat and then he went through that seat and then through the other door that's crazy look how Deep was this, oh, not very deep at all. there I can feel it it's there it's right there I'm in a bit of a hurry because it's about to start raining and I really don't want to get my cameras wet so I'm sacrificing my knife there it is there it is and I feel the rain on my back, it's going to be a final photo, people look at that, oh my god, that's it and now it's raining so I have to go put the punt gun and the cameras, but I hope you enjoyed this video.
You gave it a like, hit the subscribe button. Be sure to follow me on all social media platforms. There are links to those in the description below and as always, my name is Scott. Thank you very much for watching Kentucky Ballistics. I'll see. You the next time it rains I fought a fight I'm going to melt he he he he

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