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Princess Peacock | Build Battle | Minecraft Building Minigame

May 28, 2021
Oh, this is amazing. Joey: Wow. We are in the Matrix. The theme is the walrus. Walrus. Earthquake: Walris. Joey: Oh my god, guys, I'm not ready for this. Cupquake: Well, wait, how do you change the blocks again? That? Open the creative menu. Stacy: How do you access the like options oh? Well. Joey: Stacy had never played this before. Stacy: I've never played this. I do not know what I'm doing. I'm working on a rock. Joey: Wait, there are walruses in the water? Yes, he will live on a rock in the middle of the water. I don't know what you guys are doing.
princess peacock build battle minecraft building minigame
Stacy: Do I have world edition? Do I have to


this block by block? Yes, of course, you are supposed to


the block. Yes, what do you mean? Joey: Oh my god, guys, this is intense. Joey: First of all, I don't even know what a walrus looks like. They have huge teeth. Cupquake: Isn't that right? Yeah. Don't they have those, like, teeth? I don't know. Fangs? Fangs. Maybe. Stacy: I mean, I'm sorry. I just... on behalf of walruses everywhere, I was very offended. I was really excited about the idea of ​​


a walrus. I'm not so much now that I've realized it will be horrible and embarrassing.
princess peacock build battle minecraft building minigame

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princess peacock build battle minecraft building minigame...

Joey: I wish I could build the


better. You guys will laugh when you see mine. You guys will laugh when you see mine. Cupquake: I think we'll all laugh. I think we'll all laugh at each other. Cupquake: Mine is terrible too. Stacy: Mine doesn't even have a body yet, really. Cupquake: Walruses have...they have fins, right? Cupquake: Like, like seals? Yes. Fins. Cupquake: Fins! Yes I think so. Cupquake: Very good. Let's assume so. Because mine does. Stacy: This is so hard, guys. Yes, welcome to the life of construction


. Stacy: Very, very difficult. Joey: Oh my god.
princess peacock build battle minecraft building minigame
We have two and a half minutes. Stacy: No, my walrus isn't... Joey: This was just a practice round. I'm not sure how to make the fangs. Alright, mine actually looks pretty nice. He has some fangs. He doesn't have fins yet. Stacy: Oh my god, I'm a better builder than this, I swear. Mine looks so weird. My walrus needs help. I'm excited to see everyone's though. Joey: Oh my god. Stacy: Oh no. Oh no. Cupquake: I'm putting real water in it. I did. That was my first step. I have an idea. I'm going to put some turtles out there.
princess peacock build battle minecraft building minigame
Stacy: What? How do you have a turtle? In the… in the decorative heads. Joey: We all have experience with this, except Stacy. Joey: I feel like there's some credit here. Stacy: Yeah, give me the credit. Joey: Oh, God. Oh my God. Well. Banner eyes. Joey: Thirty seconds?! Cupquake: What the hell? That's too fast. Alright. Cupquake: Can we do it for ten minutes? Do walruses have ears? Cupquake: I don't think so. Are your names walrie? I'm going to put hearts coming out of mine. Always Wins. It's a winning idea. Stacy: Okay. Yes. Yes. Joey: Oh my God.
Well, here's the first one... Oh, it's Cupquakes. Oh, it's nice. Stacy: Oh, it's really good. Stacy: Oh, look at his tail. How do you vote? How do you vote? Oh, you used the blocks, you select one. Stacy: Okay. Well. Cupquake: I think it's legendary, you know, one of those. Oh, this is great. This is incredible. Stacy: Okay. I don't know. I don't know how to vote on these things. Joey: You click on the yellow one, right? Cupquake: Oh, it has diamonds. Joey: Who did that? Someone... a lot of people voted it legendary. Earthquake: Stacy. Stacy: I'm so embarrassed.
Not well. Cupquake: It's cute. It is nice. I promise. Oh, these are cute. Cupquake: Is that like a rug? It looks like a beaver. Stacy: I vote well on everything. This is good. Cupquake: Are walruses brown? Stacy: No, no, this is poop. Stacy is already very tough. Stacy: It's two-dimensional! The construction battle has changed it. Cupquake: How did you put the turtles? Joey: I mean, Lizzie, that's epic. I didn't realize how weird it looked until I saw the others' ones and they looked so good. Cupquake: You became legendary. Joey: You have diamonds girl. Oh thanks. Stacy: Wait.
That? Cupquake: Oh, look Stacy, you have a fan. Stacy has a secret admirer. It's not so secret. Joey: We'll give this one a super poop. Stacy: This is legendary. Stacy: Oh, he has sassy eyes. Joey: Stacy loves them. Stacy: I love him. Oh, mine won. Wow, we all came first, second and third. Where do you come from Stacy? Stacy: I came in fourth place. We all came out ahead, like in first, second, third and fourth. Joey: Lizzie, you had like fifty points more than... I put the topic on


. Stacy: That sounds difficult. Cupquake: That's a tough question.
Cupquake: Oh, here we go. I wonder if there is anyone who doesn't know what


is and is very confused. Cupquake: Wait, bodies are green, right? They're... I think they're blue, and then they have green feathers. I mean, they're orange. Joey: They're definitely orange. Stacy: Oh no, Ender's eyes. That was my idea, the big idea was to use Ender eyes. That? Oh, that's great. Stacy: You can't... even though I can't see them. Do they have spikes? I guess they have spikes. I will give him…. Oh, that peak looks great. Joey: Oh my god, Lizzie's already winning.
Why do I have a beak? Cupquake: Oh, God. Oh yeah, these eyes though. Oh Lord. Stacy: I like to gather all my materials. Stacy: I haven't started


yet and I feel like that's not good. Joey: Stacy, go ahead. What is that look like? Cupquake: Can you guys do your peacock impression? I don't know what it sounds like, but I'll try. Oh yeah. Joey: I love that. Stacy: This is bad. This is really bad. I did nothing. Cupquake: Okay, and they have long necks too. Joey: Oh my god. Okay, we have two minutes left, guys. Cupquake: My peacock has no head.
Mine doesn't have wings yet. Cupquake: This isn't...mine doesn't have it either. Well, mine doesn't have any interesting features on the wings. They are just green wings that look really scary. Oh Lord. But these legs. Wait until you see this. Oh no. I am not ready. Don't forget the hearts, guys. Stacy: That was bad. That was bad. I don't even know what else to do with this. Stacy: I don't even want to... Cupquake: Guys, mine is so bad. Cupquake: This is so bad, like... Joey: Oh my god. Oh Lord. Stacy: Why can't you turn an Ender eye?
Cupquake: I just stopped. Stacy: Guys, no. Oh, I didn't have time to finish… Oh no, mine is the first. I was going to cover it with the article frames. Joey: Someone made it rain for you. Look at the paw too. This one is so cute. It looks like a turkey. Joey: So, you just get the nod. Stacy: Yeah. Cupquake: Boy, I'm nervous now because mine is really, really bad. Stacy: No. No. No. No. I've got you covered. Joey: Oh, this is so cute. Stacy: This is really good. Joey: How come the sign is so small? Oh yeah.
Oh, they must have failed. Ah, legendary. Joey: Wow. Cupquake: They cheated. They cheated. Joey: What the hell is this? Oh my God. Joey: Someone didn't know what a peacock was. Oh, it's cute though. Oh, this is great. Joey: Wow. Stacy: Oh, that's good. Joey: This is really good. Cupquake I don't even want to post this one. Oh, I can't wait now. Joey: Oh, stop. It looks like a snake. Stacy: This is good old Joey. It is asymmetrical. Stacy: No, it's okay. It's good though. Stacy: You don't want to see mine. Cupquake: Stacy, yours is... yours is fine.
Stacy: I got really nervous. This one won and I came second. He hurrays. Cupquake: That was very difficult. Cupquake: I don't want to know what I came in for. I can't breathe. I'm having abs with this. Princess. All these people. Joey: Oh,


theme. I love it. Joey: Oh my god. Stacy: Okay. Well. Well. I'm going to make


gum. Joey: God, I don't know. Cupquake: I don't want to tell you anything. Well. Joey: I'm nervous. I am not. Cupquake: What are you doing, Joey? Joey: Just an average princess, you know, nothing too crazy. She is just average.
Cupquake: Okay. Yours is going to be amazing. Stacy: What does that mean, Joey? Joey: Just an average princess. Know? A princess you can identify with, Joey: One that every day…. Every day princess. Joey: Every day princess. This is my everyday princess look. Joey: Right. Stacy: Four minutes left. Because? How did this happen? Cupquake: Oh, man. This happens too fast. Oh, that looks good... no. This doesn't seem right. Joey: She has a very pretty purple dress. It's not to brag or anything. Mine looks human. And that's probably the best you'll get from me. Stacy: Okay, three minutes left.
This is possible. Stacy: This is possible. Cupquake: Very good. That seems correct. Stacy: Wait, wait. Joey: Are you going to give yours a crown? Cupquake: Yes, all princesses need crowns. Joey: Of course. The sweet princess has a crown. Cupquake: What color is her crown? I think it's like gold with a little bit of blue on top. That's what I'm building anyway. Stacy: I need more of these. Joey: Stacy, you sound really depressed. Joey: I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. Joey: She needs eyes. Your everyday princess needs eyes, of course. Stacy: An angry wolf for Paige.
How much time left? Stacy: Okay. We're fine, we're fine. We will be fine. Cupquake: Oh, good. I'm going to put a diamond block. Oh how nice. She is adorable. Joey: What's wrong? We are at the last minute. How do you make a flower in your hand? Joey: How do you do that? How does that happen? That? Stacy: Here we go. Joey: Okay, she has a blue flower in her hand. She needs eyeballs. Stacy: Put some trees here. Cupquake: Okay, my princess has some bald spots. Mine looks very strange. Oh, that's pretty good, actually. Yes. I think that's the best mine is going to be.
I'll give you some heart particle effects. Cupquake: Thirty seconds. Thirty seconds. Joey: Oh my god. Oh Lord. Oh Lord. Stacy: Very good. Perfect. I am the princess. Joey: I'm a princess. I am the princess. I have become the princess. Joey: Oh my god. I'm excited. Joey: Who is she? Joey: Who is she? She's pretty. I like a crown. Joey: She looks like Princess Peach. I'm going to give you a good one. I think it is. Joey: Actually, she was pretty good. Joey: She was Princess Peach. What is this? Joey: Oh, it's like, erm... Stacy: Donkey Kong?
Yes. Stacy: He was ambitious. This is mine. Joey: Dumb, stupid girl. Stacy: He's really good, Lizzie. Joey: That's so epic. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Cupquake: Oh, Joey. Joey: I just…. Thanks Joey. Cupquake: She is a pink princess. Is she? Is she a pink princess? That's the most backhanded compliment I've ever... Stacy: Oh, this is me. Here I am the princess. You are the princess. Now I understand it all. Joey: That was very smart. Oh, which one is the princess? Because they're both a little... Stacy: Yeah. Joey: I'll take it. Cupquake: I'll give him a poop.
Stacy: Wait, I didn't vote for myself. Can you vote for yourself? No. Stacy: Oh, okay. Joey: What happened? Oh, she's looking in that direction, she's fine. Are these? Cupquake: Yeah, she's watching. Joey: Oh, that's great. Are these tattoos here? Cupquake: Oh yeah, she has tits. Joey: I'm going to touch them. Stacy: Oh no, I didn't vote. I sat on them. Oh, this one is amazing. Cupquake: This one is cute. Stacy: Wait, where's the front? Joey: Feel free to drop a legendary if you feel necessary. Hurrah. Thank you. Joey: She was great. I don't know how you did this in the time you have, so it's amazing.

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