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Lucky Block Parkour PVP Challenge with Friends!

May 30, 2021
oh yeah look buddy Oh guys I'm in the lead oh hey guys I'm here today with little beans aka Joel do you have any xox? Hello and CPK, the goal of the forum, yes, and today we will play the Lucky Block Paka map from Bodil. The goal of the game is to do the Patkar over and over again, every time you reach the top you will be teleported back; here you go over these pressure plays and they'll give you three



s and then you'll just do the


again. do it over and over again until the 10 minutes are up and then at the end we'll open our



s and see what we've got and then we'll fight with what we've got, let's go, well I've already failed, I've failed. the second loser jump oh look at the fast gonzales Oh Maria, she's gone oh, you just mastered the last thing, the speed is coming, pk there's no way not to get stuck Oh, what there are different webs this time, okay, pay and pieces, delicious, oops, look at your fault, right?
lucky block parkour pvp challenge with friends
Sabotage me I still did it this way I didn't do anything Damn, this fucking Jonas, you already forgot to see what's going on. You didn't send our introduction. Can you even watch your videos? Wow guys, welcome to my video today. I hope so, I can. Wow, now I'm in the lead and I'm not very confident, so please, if I say you should do well, that's when things go wrong, so don't even save the viewing room, don't even mention the C word . Which is it? C way, I'm not going to say it because as soon as you say, I'm going to see what you know, wait, no, I don't know, then you would use cow's milk, you know, it just resets to the beginning, they sold right, how much do we have time?
lucky block parkour pvp challenge with friends

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lucky block parkour pvp challenge with friends...

We have 10 minutes 15 minutes, are you taking the shift? oh yeah, yeah, I'm done yeah, yeah, I'm moving all over the place. I'm Welsh, delicious, the native, yes, I only did it once, guys, the hard things we can do. this fit boy, team boy, girl, yeah, not a big jump, that was a big jump, big boy Joel, he's going to make some big jumps, he's pulling up his pants in diapers today. Oh, a quiet sir. saboteur when we were both in the drill no ride, they still mean it I haven't even done it once yeah, it's been quite difficult for me to get, oh my singular girl, a lucky block and then before you go to play , you will get blown up by a vine and let me be able to claim your prize.
lucky block parkour pvp challenge with friends
I got this six the zero way. You underestimate BLD ah Cruise COE poison the poison for kuzco. I want to see the Emperor's New Groove wings. Okay, up your game. Georgia Joel, you need it. to improve your game I also know I don't have one yet, well that would be hard because you get three I know but I don't have one free yet oh my god Tim boy please Joe this is back I just have the half. a hive if I do it if I fail this again I'm dead if you don't even have four yeah I mean what's this going to do come on Joe come on I'm not free yeah take the easy way I'm doing how long time Amish Also just to point out the exercise, If she gets nine half the time, why wouldn't she get another nine?
lucky block parkour pvp challenge with friends
Because she will be too confident and then she will fail. Wow, you're going to master it. Vic, hey Joel, getting the sauce out, oh yeah. big pants needed for boys, what's up guys? I'm an idiot, I mean, my God, and I hate colored wool, my God, I came back without doing it, I did that too, but you know what I'm comforting my three lucky blocks, you guys have fun. I'm so close to death I'll wait until you were really in it and then you felt like you got scared and then I can't we can't let you win but what happens when you charge?
I know I love you. and everything but coloring you with this opens a trap in me I became very strong today empowered I feel thinking in our heads oh I can't do it I can't beat them you can oh I absolutely believe in you CPK just do it that I can't do it so I can't believe it sorry that's all we're going to take you but I didn't do it right I could do it again seriously oh my god I would love you so much I fell I said team boy hashtag team bye guys the baby won't support me I've been here but straighten up pass this help if you have yellow I'm nine okay I'm sure I said it I said the c word yeah me too I'm online now if we could get there at the last minute that doesn't seem possible.
I'm going to the speed room. I think I could potentially do this. I'm going, oh my God, it was a little late and then I just judged well, I'm going, I'm on the rainbow, I'm going well, I got it, oh yeah, it's okay, we'll be here, I'm happy, it's okay, what we're waiting for, everyone else is at 12, except me. After that horrendous start, I really put it on the timer. Oh, I spawned a chicken egg. I collected well, so what we need to do now is break the lucky blocks and find out what we get. We should probably go and do this somewhere else where we don't do it.
Do not disturb this area of ​​the map and then we will meet in the arena for the final battle. Okay, I'll get there. Hello. Well, it occurred to me by chance how I got the diamonds before and then got a lucky villager. Now I changed the diet lucky village or lucky helmet, so I lost them. Did I get the wood somewhere? Stand in the sand, guys, sponge, be careful, that's a useless thing. What happened? They were lucky against it. Well, I'm here guys, it's where the IP is here, yeah. Wait, okay, I'm growing some seeds, come on, come on, bang, bang, bang, bang, I'm going to lay out all my spots.
I had to father a giant. Wow, yeah, that's the look you push. You can use blocks if you have any. Does that count? a hit, well, because I'm holding out of nowhere, okay, Lizzy, Lizzy wins, so thanks for watching this video. I hope you enjoyed it, if you did, don't forget to leave a thumbs up, especially since I actually won something, but don't. Forget checking my


' channels and check out some of their videos. All links are in the description. Once again, thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video.

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