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Premiere in LA for season five

Jun 07, 2021
amazing, I think we've had some physicals like they were going to take us to things like wooden ax training and I was like, "I get this, I grew up in the country, right, Matt, yeah, go on, let's move on, okay, since tomorrow is." Valentine's Day has a big nerd, this show made them more romantic in their real lives, we don't hear that here and are you more romantic now that you've been working on the show for a while? Yes, yes, totally, yes, I do Outlander every day. every day I say Jamie Fraser things all the time every time I write a card now it's a Jamie quote.
premiere in la for season five
I don't do that, but I do Outlander stuff every day. Oh, they think we can't tell the difference between Disney characters Dora and Jamie Fraser, that's not saying much. We gave you the episode early for Valentine's Day. By the way, can I say that you guys have the best hair of all the actors I've been around? Everyone needs their own. hair commercialYou keep looking at the four of them, watching us all stop dyeing ourselves red. No, we really did. We're selling it well, so let's play a game now to see how well you know each other.
premiere in la for season five

More Interesting Facts About,

premiere in la for season five...

I have tried a lot. these questions everyone is still awake I hope you've been here a long time without a drink sure okay go ahead sunny okay ready so these actors but when I say actor I mean both men and women the first This actor's film role was in The Devil Wears Prada. Catrina Valve she was the model in the elevator yes oh my god yes. I think you would recreate it now. Can you recreate it? Show us that right now. Not well. I'll go see the movie. Well done. Sophie. Can I bring your team? I'll be on your team, yeah, we'll kill everyone, okay, this actor played the role of Tom Cruise in Rain Man on the London stage.
premiere in la for season five
That's who of the cast went to see that there was only one person who could see. “Sorry, I don’t have a good excuse,” you said. I will come and say I was busy. I never said I was going, so I'm fine. I didn't mean it's okay. This actor's real last name is Harris, which is awesome. Is that you, Richard Harris, yes? I don't know Richard Harris, ah, you guys thought you were going to buy Dumbledore for Roger. Sorry, okay, this actor says his dream job is a professional diner. They know what they eat, how they eat, he loves food, he eats, it's a year old, guys, so Florin, it must not be Sophie.
premiere in la for season five
Sophie does it a lot Duncan, was it Lauren? We don't know, you wrote it on your Twitter. Did you do it for money? I wouldn't lie about that, I would own that, yeah, okay, start, this actor has a film company called mermaid mermaid. It's Maria Maria Doyle Kennedy yeah, okay, yeah, okay, last time, this actress, her parents are toy inventors, so Philby Skelton, good job, what's your favorite toy? They work for a lot of Disney, they made the Cinderella slippers game, but I've never played it, but I will. I only said that because he's actually the only one I know.
Can you get us the free replay? Yes, free Cinderella slippers. Oh, that's why we're friends. Okay, they're telling me to finish, but I'm going to go through two more. Let's see, this actor follows Graceland's official Instagram account. Well, I went to Graceland. Wait, give us your best Elvis impersonation. That's then the party. Well, the royal role is invited. Come on, okay, finally, this actor considered turning down the role in Outlander until his mother-in-law. she convinced them not to dr. Lacroix, that was you, right, that's me, yeah, what did she say to convince you why you didn't do it?
You didn't love us, yes, you didn't love us well. Where is she? She still hadn't met you. you want it, you're going to host a brain and she's fine, the last thing before I move on and I go. I only thought of this because I had Sam do it on the carpet before he had a full-on coughing fit and I'm very Sorry again, you were saying that the


5 finale is completely mind-blowing, it's one of the best endings ever. Have you ever seen it in your life, well, no, I haven't seen it, but it's okay, I was in it, you filmed it.
Yes, I think so, no, no, I haven't seen it, Dianna has seen it, yes, let's let Diana handle this, what am I saying? Well, ah, you might be right, yeah, it's pretty good, we don't know, I feel like it's very strong and final and we worked very hard on it, so we hope so, but yeah, I think it's probably one of our strongest endings we've ever made, so this is what I want everyone to do. I want you to show the audience your reaction when you read the


finale script show us your reaction when you read it yes that's literally that reaction now what the waiter is mine what the mother Welles Roger words words words no me that's the address statistics Oh, I, we're not giving anything away, you know it's We're not giving anything away, all I'll say is I think we all take a risk and like we said, we haven't seen it yet, but I think it's surprising that our writers and our creative team on all


seasons are still there.
I'm willing to take a big risk. I hope it was worth it, but it was a real challenge for a lot of us and you know that doing challenging and risky material is very rewarding as an actor and I hope it is also for you as an audience. really phenomenal and like I said at the end, I've never received so many emails and messages from fans before moderating a panel telling me how much the show means to them and the amazing work they do. I support all of you. really surprising and amazing, every part of this production is incredible, so thank you for being there.
I know you all have jet lag too, so thank you for being, thank you, thank you, thank you, birthday, thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you all for coming, thank you, see you at the party, thank you all, thank you all so much for coming, thank you, I love you and we're only still here because of all of you, so thank you, well done.

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