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Full Q&A Panel of Outlander S3 Premiere with Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe

Jun 03, 2021
more or I expected them to renew it season after season no, I think I mean, I don't know, we signed for quite a few seasons when we signed, but you always do that, you know, I think even before they give you the job, they are like it's a standard practice. They're like, and if you decide to give yourself this job, you're going to have to do it for many years, but I just have no idea how something is going to be received. I didn't even realize we were going to film for over a year. I remember getting an email from my lawyer and he said, "You realize you're going to be there for a year and it's in Scotland.
full q a panel of outlander s3 premiere with sam heughan and caitriona balfe
I lived in Los Angeles and I was like, yeah, yeah." It's cool, I don't care, I'm going to do the work and then you're like, wait, that's a year. I don't know what you thought I would say. I mean, this whole thing has been a little crazy. I mean, I think every season I think it's not going to happen again, it's not going to happen again, oh it's going to happen again, that's going to happen, but you don't know, you never want to take anything for granted and as an actor, I think you're always prepared. You know, you're always prepared for things to change because you know you never know in this job, so I think every time we start a new season or a new day or whatever, and your episode it's like tomorrow will never be to happen. just finish today, I know I feel very lucky, it feels like something very special, yes, hi, I'm Cindy from Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn and I've been watching since 2015, thank you, thank you, this is for both of you, what was it like filming the cover of Entertainment Weekly? with elfanara's rhythm, it was great or what even I adore, he is an artist, he has the most gentle demeanor, he creates this beautiful space where he just goes and just a little here, a little there and just and you say, ah, I.
full q a panel of outlander s3 premiere with sam heughan and caitriona balfe

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full q a panel of outlander s3 premiere with sam heughan and caitriona balfe...

I will do anything you ask of me. I was beautiful, I mean, we did it, it was really beautiful. The day was before we started filming any South African material, so we just arrived, the police were French, what we have today was yes, they have. its own little Caribbean town and a little bit fake, you have the highway going, but yeah, it was amazing, yeah, I think it's a great look to show and very different from what we've done before, so thank you Entertainment Weekly, thank you. you Entertainment Weekly thanks for standing up woman in the back in that circle hello hello guys I'm Stephanie from Setauket Long Island Linda fans hey guys I'm really curious to know when we finally Sam can get through that sword . blackjack finally after two seasons and Katrina, how did that feel?
full q a panel of outlander s3 premiere with sam heughan and caitriona balfe
I mean, did you like feeling it inside because it's been something that's been, you know you guys have been playing like killing it, no, wait a year, it's been a big deal, so I just want to know that your feelings were about not They let me run him through with a sword when I tried, I hit him in the face even though I didn't mean to, but no, it's a great ending to that story and I think this triangle between the three of us has been kind of the beginning of the story for us. , so it was really sad to say goodbye to Tobias in that sense, I mean, he was still hanging around as Frank, well, it was really fun and and I think it's a really strange world that they enter in this episode, it's almost like they've been fighting for so long and it's almost like Hades or something and suddenly not everyone is there and it's just a very strange place and ultimately both.
full q a panel of outlander s3 premiere with sam heughan and caitriona balfe
They almost died together in a hug and I think that's really a disaster. Diana Gabaldon, thank you, but yes, I think it is a very worthy ending. I have a question about the outfits they wear. They are in three seasons. Now that they have used them. You've been to different countries and now you've worn many outfits from different countries, which one was your favorite so far? Yes, to kill, I mean, no, you know, it's like Scotland for me is the other character and that's something. I really enjoyed it and the progression outside of that was hard to take, but that's the period and also that's the history of what happened to this culture, you know, so it's a little sad to say goodbye to it, but also exciting . to see where these characters are going and the costumes have always been a reflection of the character as well and that was incredible for Terry and his team, who told the story through the costumes.
One of my favorites, I think, is the and It's probably one of the least glamorous, but the dress that's tartan is kind of tartan. Navy and green dress, yes, because it feels like she's Clare in Scotland and very representative of who she is. He is very daring but sensible. I like her, but no, it's Anna, she really represents it. I think hello, Tina and Ellen from Chicago, we arrived from the Windy City this morning, so here are my questions. It's about your process. I mean, they can't have experienced everything personally. These emotions that you portray, so what are your processes for finding that within yourself?
I mean, so it might be different for you and I'm curious how you get to where you need to be. You know, I think it's a few different things. It depends on the scene It depends on what's required I think my favorite part of this job is that I get to daydream and pretend that's a job that, you know, makes up for a big part of my childhood when I got kicked out for daydreaming. and not focus on what I'm supposed to do and now you can just live in your imagination and I think that's where a lot of your scenarios play out and you just go into a dream world and that's where I find a lot of things, but you also know that I like to read, it depends, sometimes, it's a piece of music that will take you to the place that you know as an actor, you're just a people watcher. you are and human behavior and I think you have to keep your eyes and ears and heart open to what people are going through and then you can try to understand and put yourself in people's shoes and that's what we try to do. and good answer, why, thank you.
I mean, God had such an important question, but I think this season you know Jamie goes through a lot, so it was very exciting for me to be given that challenge and how would you go to those places? I mean each one. The episode was different and he's in different stages of grief and you know it's funny like you said I think there are different things there was an image in my head for some of the scenes and then others something else so yeah the Music is also friendly. of evocative, you know that you have to find exactly the trigger of each moment, well, I think that with everything, you can only understand through your own funnel, you know, I think that each situation that you experience can be reflective or it can be a reminder. of something else, so you know it's empathy, so when someone, when a friend tells you a problem, you may not have gone through exactly the same thing, but you can empathize and you can say, wow, I know what that feels like and You can put yourself in that situation, I mean, acting is a lot like that.
I think empathy is probably the most important key to being able to understand people and it's also liberating. Very sorry. There is no limit, we have to do it. Anyway, but there is something else I wanted to ask you. You know, Ellen DeGeneres holds the record for the most retweeted selfie. I think we should try to break that, so she was asking me if you wouldn't mind posing with them for a selfie. Thank you. thank you very much to all

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