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Popular Questions asked in Customer Service (Tech Tuesday Ep 12)

May 10, 2024
Wow, I didn't realize I probably should have shaken it a little sooner. What a hocus pocus, it's not terrible, it's pretty good, but it's definitely gotom, it's got Venom in it, yeah oh man are you ready to jump into this. I'm ready for everything. Well, hello everyone, welcome back to episode 12 of Tech Tuesday and in no way is this episode sponsored by a monster, but it's a need, it's a need today, um, it's a beautiful beautiful fall morning, it's tomorrow, it's late, I really don't know it still drops, it's something today and we're filming Tech Tuesday, we hope you enjoyed this Tuesday every time you see this, um, today we're doing something a little different, we're going back to the retro days.
popular questions asked in customer service tech tuesday ep 12
We don't go to YouTube or Facebook, but we do something that our



team recommended to us is answer some


, what would you call them, that are


quite regularly, yes, very common


that we receive a lot on a daily basis and you know me . Being a


nician, I get those questions because I get


them and I know a lot of them are repeated, so we just take them from that pile of things that are commonly asked and go through them so we can call this episode



frequently asked questions yes, cool, well we'll get into it, we won't waste our time, we won't waste your time, we'll go, but we are the reason I say retro is because we are using the handy dandy post note, look back in the day when they used paper, they hung out with the kids, let me tell you the story of the landline before the comments section on social media, when your modems used to make noise, what is a modem?
popular questions asked in customer service tech tuesday ep 12

More Interesting Facts About,

popular questions asked in customer service tech tuesday ep 12...

I'm kidding. I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding I'm not that young yes you are I'm 22 years old I turned 23 this month says the fetus I might be old compared to the auto industry but I mean young compared to the auto industry but you know that EFI is my place, you were probably around when EFI was born, yeah, yeah, yeah, I used, you know, born, I mean, I was born in that area because it was really old, archaic stuff like I was born in '84 and then it was like if it was some kind of thing and it started to become more: you were born in '84, what am I talking about?
popular questions asked in customer service tech tuesday ep 12
I was born in '84, man, I'm still young. I'm an old Millennial D yeah, yeah, what are we talking about? You're totally fine, let's get started. Many customers call and ask if this system should be run with a return line if you are using our fuel system that we offer, yes, return regulator R, all that now, we've covered this once before, but it's still a common question about the fuel system, yes my favorite is the pre-regulated final tank. A single line goes to the throttle body with a filter situation where it is at 58 PSI. You can go to the handheld and set it to 58 PSI.
popular questions asked in customer service tech tuesday ep 12
It is not a big thing. Our system is an inline pump so it needs a regulator. You can run it from the pump. to the throttle body to the regulator, redial it accordingly and send it back to the tank or you can get a bypass return style regulator where it goes from the pump to the regulator where the return line goes back to the tank and then a single Keep in mind Note that dead heads go into the throttle body, so that about sums it up, but yeah, that's common. Do I need a return line? The answer to the 99% question on that is going to be yes, yes, yes, it generally needs a return.
It should be if you have a 38 supply line, you need at least a 5/16 return line, you can't put it on a quarter tap. It has a lot of restrictions if you put it on the vent valve on a lot of the factory tanks, the anti-tip valve, um, you're going to find a lot of resistance there too, so you want to make sure that even though it's a nice 38, you know, the anti-tip valve to the vent, um, you probably need to remove that thing because if the If you're going to use that as a return, you need to make sure it's not restricted, otherwise it's just going to take the fuel out of you and you're going to call me and I'll tell you it's probably restricted, that It usually happens when people switch to EFI um.
They are looking for some kind of basic upgrade from a carburetor or if they have some stock EFI that might be older, it might not really be tuned at all, maybe it's the factory who knows, they're usually looking for something more in the realm of tuning. fuel efficiency when they switch to an aftermarket EFI system like the cases um and what I can say is that for the most part you get better fuel efficiency and sometimes even more power depending on that efficiency, but as to how to make the most of it for yourself. -learn or even tune it in the advanced tuning software which is a bit out of my range, a lot of fuel efficiency starts off on the right foot, interestingly in my experience you can switch to electronic fuel injection from a setup with carburetor. tune it properly and get more power or more fuel economy, better torque, better idle characteristics, better to overcome all kinds of wonderful things, but yes, you tune it properly, mainly using the tuning software and setting your fuel table a little On the poor side sometimes for a cruiser, but yes, you can get more fuel economy.
My personal vehicle had a Q Jed on its 350 small block that got 7x per gallon. I changed to another fuel injection system that is not ours but it got worse but I couldn't do anything with it because the ECU had a lot of problems and then I changed to the aces unit which was more superior in many ways because we paid attention to the normal problems and we fixed them, but yes, that unit now went from seven miles per gallon to 5 miles per gallon I switched to the four cylinder aces, which I got nine and then I went to the two cylinder very well tuned and averaging between 10 and 12, so yeah, I managed to get a little bit more torque, uh, very consistent, very consistent power. operating conditions with a little more fuel economy, but I did a proper tune up, so yes you can, that's how you want to do it and I would recommend that if you're looking for fuel economy, learn the laptop tuning software, connect timeout activated.
AC systems um, I'll let you have the first half of the answer and then I'll give you the rest, you'll give me the more


nical answer. I'll just tell you the nerdy reason behind it. Many times when people experience the connection timeout error on their systems, usually if someone calls, oh sorry, I didn't interrupt, no, no, it's okay, that's totally cool, I'm just trying to talk to the customer , these people, yeah, oh, them. It's great, anyway, when people encounter a connection timeout error on their system, it usually has to do with the wiring of their system and the reason is that it is a low voltage situation where the system does not have enough power to read the system correctly. or it's a high voltage situation and there has been um almost like a kickback, a voltage feedback to the ECU or handheld or both where now it can't be read correctly um now, depending on what's in quotes fried it will depend on whether its the system is still going to work and your car is going to start and you just can't manipulate anything on the handheld vs your car won't even start yeah usually when I see the connection time out it's after someone has soldered . the vehicle goes to the exhaust shop you pick it up and start it and it goes on a trailer hits the exhaust shop they weld it up they never disconnected the battery or the ECU or anything else it just smokes some stuff all that nasty voltage um, after a stone. dead battery with a heavy jumper pack or you know your charger is on Boost um because the battery absorbs the extra bit, they are just transient voltages that can occur when not handled by the battery capacitance which can back off as flyback voltage um and and it damages the system, which is why you don't connect them to the starter motor which I had, which is why you don't connect them to the alternator, which I recently had, because that's all dirty voltage.
I have to press the key on a starter motor for example, it's cranking, it's doing something you release, that coil has all that energy from that coil it has to go somewhere, it's like 700 volts in an instant, it normally travels to back and is absorbed by the battery, that's why we connect things directly to the battery to use the battery capacity, that's true like any other aftermarket system, it doesn't even matter if you're using our stuff, anyone's system does it. will save you from expion expion explosion. Yes, a small explosion. So when we time out on our stuff, it's not so much a manufacturing error or anything like that, but you know, anything manufactured can't have a problem, that's just the nature of things, but you already know.
Hey, it was working fine and now I have a connection timeout. I thought, well, how do you connect it? because when that happens we usually start with how you connect it because it is a very common thing to have it just connected. to a bus bar with everything else or something funny and sometimes there will be a sensor failure, sometimes you will touch a wire somewhere and there will be a momentary short circuit which is enough to destroy the canbus communication ship inside the handheld , which is strangely enough when I have that, I usually replace them when they come in, someone has a connection time out.
I'll just take it apart, take out the chip and put in a new one because it acts as a fuse to protect the ECU and to protect the handheld, um, the communication circuit, very cheap, very easy for me, it's about a 10 minute process , but that's what you know. I see that chip, that little IC chip. I see him as a fuse because he's kind of a gossip. Of you guys know they're smoking something and you know it's a little bit painful, but it's not that bad, but that's kind of like, hey, you've had enough bad voltage through this system somehow to kill this chip, yeah , supercharger compatible. take it away yeah Andrea you have terrible handwriting okay we love you Andre I love you uh supercharging support yeah that's cool you have two options when you throw the old beans in the pipe there you can draw or A blow-off application keeps the phrase supercharging or turbocharging out of your mind, so if you are in a blow-off application, just leave it alone, install what you put in it, don't worry about the other things.
I don't even want to mention it because it confuses people so easily. The blower application is in the configuration that the throttle body is in for a Kill Shot Royal Flush Deuces Wild, whatever it is, it is ready to go, you just need to go into the tuning software and scale the tables accordingly. it's a good fun time, I enjoy doing it when you're doing a pull application, whether it's a turbo pull like the old Ford 2.3 or if someone has a 177 Roots style pull blower setup on top of a 350 something small block The old thing on the Camaro, I don't know, Fox body Camaro, ah, that gets some of you, um, so that's where you put the lock plug on the bottom of the throttle body and then you put the threaded port on impulse reference and you start. to wherever your setup is putting pressure, if it's a root style blower it will be below the blower, if it's a drawdown turbo then it will be on the pressure side of the whole gig so that's where you need to use that lockout . port and the boost reference port on the throttle body, if it's a draw you just set it like this, if it's a blow in you don't need that thing, leave it alone, but in both cases you do need the advanced tuning software and the wire. get in there, connect to the ECU, check all the that doesn't change your harness period end of story don't do it don't touch it don't do it if you have a problem if for any reason there is a problem with the harness please please please please please only call us if you think something is wrong something works it's not connecting something it's not whatever it is don't cut it don't break it do something like that because it will void 1.00% of your warranty.
I've seen some really crazy things. and I'm just in customer service, yeah, so I know you've seen some weird things. Only in a few cases, being the person who approves or disapproves of that kind of thing, will I tell you to do this AND, if I do it. I'm on the phone with you and we're changing something. I accept that the harness is modified and is still in my mind in a warranty situation because there is a reason it is being modified. I can only think of two reasons, but I can't. I'm not telling you that, but the thing is, some people want to extend certain things, no, I'm not a fan of that because the resistance values ​​involved in a lot of other things, if you choose to do that, they remove your harness from the warranty list on En that point, your throttle body is still good, your handheld All That Jazz, everythingthat's usually still covered under warranty unless your harness is what's causing the damage, because then you get into some really shady stuff, like I modified my harness and now my handheld turns black.
I mean, that's what we're going to do about it. You know, it's one of those things like you modified your harness and you killed it, so now you're going to have to buy a harness and you're going to have to do something. one thing I want to push at some point whenever the time is right, you know, approved extension harnesses that connect and extend certain things, you know, we already have one for the magnetic distributor, yeah, look, and the other thing I want just start is that we actually have one of the longest wiring harnesses in the industry are great, no, no, not that it matters much, but if I don't say there are no reasons why you might need a longer wiring harness Long, I'm not saying that at all, but what I am saying.
This is if you're normally going to have a problem with the length of the wiring harness and I and I don't, I don't see it a lot and I think the reason is that our wiring harnesses are longer, even like the rod connection. from the handheld device to the wiring harness, I mean, you can. I. You can carry the portable device from inside the car. If you have it connected from inside the car, take it outside and have it by your side while you work. on the engine, yeah, we, if you want, then modifying the harnesses is that some people want to do it because they want to hide the harness, they really want to hide it, well there are a lot of people that are super equipped to do amazing jobs. and I never hear anything bad from their system or anything like, hey, I'm having trouble updating this.
Let me guide you, let me give me a hand, hey, you need to help me tune into this. Like, yeah, let's dial in, let's do one thing, um, which is there's another thing coming here in a second, but we have some people who are super well equipped and some people who are confident in their abilities, but they don't. I really have the skill and there's nothing wrong with anyone, but I've seen some wiring harnesses come back, like someone removed all the shielding, cut and spliced ​​a bunch of stuff really badly, and then tied it in a knot. back and they were bragging about how good the installation was and I look at it and wonder if they did this on purpose, yeah, because I've had some people in the past that will screw up some real things. good things and then they want all their money back because they can't make it work and I go into it and say, well, no wonder, uh, hello everyone, thank you so much again for watching this episode of Tech Tuesday, if you taste.
Please leave a like below if you have any questions about EFI or Aces in general. Also feel free to leave a comment below if you watch Tech Tuesday on other media platforms, Facebook, Instagram and even Tik Tok, feel free to show it some love. Well, um, we'll come back to you again during our next Tech Tuesday, episode 13 isn't like 13, like a lucky number or something, yeah, that's what my tattoo says, oh my gosh, I have a great idea, Ben, you know? I've been doing these Tech Tuesdays, sometimes you with Daniel when I'm not around or whatever and all that, I understand it's a polyamorous relationship here, anyway, I thought what if after everything calmed down and we became to recover after that SEMA thing.
What if we have a customer standing on this thing? Why did you turn around and look at me like that? It really depends on you. This is your job. I'm just my job. His work. We do this. Oh my god, I can. I don't even think we've gotten this far without saying it, we do this for what, for the people, for the people, so I guess you're right, maybe we will, what about Dwayne, maybe I don't know. Hello everyone, thank you very much again for watching us. and see you next time see you

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