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Police chasing carjacking suspect, believed to be armed through several counties

Apr 15, 2024
on Highway 10, passing St Gabriel Valley Fontana Police, looking for a



behind the wheel of a Toyota Tacoma, right there near the bottom of the screen there are about 10 units




while forming a fairly solid traffic barrier. right behind the suspicious CHP calling the chase from above and, uh, a slow crawl now heading west on Highway 10 as traffic builds up behind this chase, they've set up at least one Spike strip attempt that was a failed attempt that the vehicle managed to maneuver. Around that Spike now approaching Temple City as this chase now heads from Fontana into Los Angeles County, you can see them traveling at about 45 to 50 miles per hour holding on to that number three lane there with again at least 8 to 10 units from Fontana. right behind this suspect flying some pressure again at least one attempt at Spike uh but the vehicle behaves pretty normally for the most part we haven't seen the driving get too erratic but at times the speeds did increase slightly, but for the most part, the driving was pretty smooth behind the wheel of this stolen Toyota Tacoma traveling about 45 miles per hour now heading west on the 10 Freeway reaching Roseme Boulevard, because no, this is a pretty good amount of force for the Fontana Police Department.
police chasing carjacking suspect believed to be armed through several counties
As they continue traveling west on Highway 10 again, you notice that the really solid traffic is not allowing anyone to get close to this Chase. They are keeping the public at bay even managing to close some of these entrance ramps before this Chase again. that started out as an apparent


suspect in a Fontana behind the wheel of this Toyota Tacoma there's what appears to be CHP I think it was the CHP boat flying over there uh Fontana PD on the ground there and a bunch of cherries and blueberries shining on At night, as we head toward East Los Angeles, you can see them hanging on at about 50 miles per hour, about five or six car lengths behind the suspect, not applying too much pressure, but definitely keeping a strong visual here as they continue this chase heading west. the 10 freeway just goes hand in hand with these lower than freeway speeds.
police chasing carjacking suspect believed to be armed through several counties

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police chasing carjacking suspect believed to be armed through several counties...

I guess you'd call it 45 miles per hour on the highway uh definitely uh a slower clip to try to dial it in on scanner one Brian, I'm not having much luck. however, yes, I'm trying to block it on scanner one, scanner one, once again. Fontana PD on Pursuit here in East LA now approaching Atlantic Boulevard heading west on the 10 Freeway, a full contingent of Pursuit coming from the Inland Empire heading into the city of Los Angeles shortly here uh as they continue uh uh you know, they really continue with the show of force, I mean, again, 10 Fontana units


this carjacking suspect, uh, they don't give in at all, uh it's not very aggressive, uh uh, it's here, but it's definitely a strong one. show of force as they continue at the speed he chooses to travel.
police chasing carjacking suspect believed to be armed through several counties
I wouldn't call it slow speed or high speed. Pursuit, but definitely hovering between 40 and 50 miles per hour, we're not clear on that driver's state of mind, but you can see he's continuing on approximately 45 westbound on Highway 10, coming up Fremont, stop by when you can, Brian, yeah Could you push, I don't think there was anyone in that passenger seat, but we could get a I'd better look, uh, if we take a good angle here. I think the driver is alone in that vehicle. It appears the driver's side window is down. It's worth mentioning again. We've seen at least one attempted Strip from Spike.
police chasing carjacking suspect believed to be armed through several counties
It was a failed Spike, but it definitely implies that there's a good chance they'll set themselves up for another Spike attempt if they get that chance. There are a couple more cars on the road, but for the most part they have created a pretty solid traffic disruption. seeing other units trying to get ahead of that suspect could be closing some of those entrance ramps in front of him or he could be looking for an opportunity to attack that truck once again it's a red Toyota Tacoma a carjacking suspect wanted Fontana and the Department of Fontana Police with a team of officers continue this pursuit as he slows him down at about 30 to 30 5 miles per hour, yes, to the southwest, another attempt by Spike, there you see him pulling back as he lets those officers pass, that truck again maneuvering around that Spike.
Strip uh and the vehicle is clearly still intact at least from this angle uh those tires and wheels are holding up well as it has now evaded at least two separate Spike Strip attempts yeah, good opportunity for a pit stop here if it continues at these speeds. you might see the rare pit attempt on the freeway uh as it goes just over the threshold for a safe pit maneuver again there are no other drivers on the road they have plenty of pavement to play with and as I look down the window from Air7hd, it is Smooth sailing to downtown Los Angeles heading west the traffic on the tented highway is practically non-existent at this time, as we arrive at the end of the hour 8:00 again around 10 Fontan units in PD right behind the stolen Toyota Tacoma traveling about 35 mph taking those officers from Fontana to Los Angeles County, now east of Los Angeles, reaching Hervir Heights once again, if you'll just join us, Chris Christie in 7 HD as we continue to follow this chase as the stolen Toyota Tacoma shows up in East Los Angeles, interchange here approaching east of the Los Angeles River, there are about 10 Fontana Police units that we count behind the suspect, half Of them they only keep the public back, near the back of the group and block traffic, now there is some additional traffic. entering the freeway with the suspect here ahead at the intersection here, but for the most part the traffic is very, very light, there's a lot of room to play and those officers give this suspect quite a bit of leeway here uh as this Joy continues Ride into downtown Los Angeles at about 30 miles per hour, now down to 25 and if they have enough room a pit stop can't be ruled out, but now that we're merging with additional traffic here that becomes much less likely .
That pit opportunity may have come and gone. We've seen a couple of attempts to strip Spike. In both cases this driver was able to maneuver and now you see him continuing with this chase. Did you catch it? Sorry once again, a wide open highway. for this suspect to stop or for these officers to try to end this chase, but it looks like they're giving it a pretty wide scope as they move towards downtown Los Angeles, here again, we're heading west on the o now . As you merge onto the 101 freeway you are now heading north on the 101 freeway off the 10 freeway as we approach Echo Park here in downtown Los Angeles at about 30 mph, there are only a few other cars but the Most of them are being held up by those Fontana Police Department units that have formed a solid traffic barrier that gives those leading units many options and, as I mentioned a couple of times, they have already taken the opportunity to prepare for the barbed stripes, but for some reason, he has been able to. it just goes around them quite easily, in fact, without any delay, so it continues at about 40 mph northbound on the 101 freeway avoiding the downtown Los Angeles exit, and that's good news because it's always a decent opportunity to that the suspects try to hide.
Meanwhile, in the tall buildings and many parking lots in the downtown Los Angeles area, now approaching Silver Lake and then finally the East Hollywood area as we continue north on the 101 freeway for the suspect to subside. speed once again. around 25 mph, the passersby stopped at the sound of those sirens coming up behind them, that's about right, uh, and you see how light the traffic is, how little traffic there is by the way in both directions heading north. and south on the Highway 101 traffic flows freely, giving this chase plenty of room and giving the suspect plenty of opportunities to use up as much fuel as possible.
Fontana Police Department with multiple units ready to execute a felony stop once they finally give this up. Now he's had plenty of opportunities to stop, there's no reason to think he'll decide to do anything different here anytime soon. I suspect it will ruin this truck or should I say, empty that gas tank for As long as you have maneuverability here, you'll keep going and we'll see if they try any other tactics here. There might be other information in Play. This prevents them from performing a maneuver in the pits. All we know is that this suspect. Here you are looking for Grand Theft Auto behind the wheel, apparently looking for a carjacking suspect who refuses to stop on Rampart Boulevard and continues this chase northbound on Highway 101.
No other traffic is seen there, the only vehicle that stops again at those lights. and the sirens really get people's attention and allow them to continue this chase without any interference from any other motorists. There is traffic ahead of them here, but for the most part they have managed to keep a good distance between the highway traffic and the driver. On the stolen vehicle, they are doing this by not only creating traffic breaks behind the chase, but they are also blocking entrance ramps where they can in front of the suspect and CHP is also assisting with that from time to time.
CHP also shoots from his helicopter. Fontana


continue to apply a little pressure here heading north on Highway 101 and there they see another vehicle stopping here, southbound traffic is slowing down relatively little, possibly some onlookers there trying to get a glimpse of what's going on, Chances are they know there's a chase heading their way. It's not the strangest place here in Southern California. You certainly know it when you see it. Especially so many black and white people with their lights and sirens blaring. Now it's coming. on Vermont Avenue. 101 northbound on Vermont Avenue, the CHP helicopter flies over Fontana PD and continues this pursuit out of their jurisdiction and they will eventually face a decision here.
They can even help or call for LAPD assistance if the suspect pulls off the freeway now. If they stay on the freeway, there should be CHP units available to assist if needed, but for the most part this is a Fontana Police Department pursuit. They are the lending agency involved. Here you see the main drive and


backup drives that have chased this. Stolen uh Toyota Tacoma uh all the way out of Fontana and into the Hollywood area because as we continue at these moderate speeds, you have to wonder what other information you may be dealing with Fontana


at about 35 to 40 miles per hour, they have options in their disposition, but they don't seem to be wearing them all down and that could be because they have information that tells them that maybe it's not the smartest decision or maybe there is a gun in the vehicle, maybe there are other factors that are playing a role here, they've been aggressive enough to at least try a couple of separate spike strips, without success, but they haven't even thought about a pit maneuver yet and, for the most part, it would be pretty unorthodox to see.
That's on the freeway, but with an open freeway like this with a firm stoppage of traffic behind the suspect and no other vehicles on the road at these speeds, you might expect the pit order to come from the supervisor, but so far have been retained. that option and we are simply following him at a safe distance again at approximately 35 miles per hour with CHP following from above the suspect who is now directly crossing Hollywood quite committed to the 101 freeway and it certainly looks like this chase will take us directly to the San Valley Fernando now passes Highway 101 northbound at Franklin Avenue.
The driver of a stolen Toyota Tacoma was wanted for auto theft this afternoon in Fontana. The Fontana Police Department continues this pursuit out of Bernardino County into Los Angeles County and now into the San Fernando Valley as we continue. at manageable speeds here again, 30 to 40 miles per hour, the driver refuses to stop and the Fontana Police Department says, "You know what we have", all the time in the world, many units with a lot of gas, why why not let this go? as long as this truck takes them and then they will always have the option to call the CHP if they need to, but for now they are the only agency involved in this chase.
CHP is assisting with their helicopter, but this is a Fontana Police Department chase at approximately 40miles per hour now at Kanga Pass across the Hollywood Hills had a pretty moderate pace here again when I look out the window there's very, very little traffic ahead of it on Highway 101 here now there's some uh merging into the traffic, uh, I'm not sure what exit or what entrance ramp there is, it could have been borrowed, but in any case, there are more motorists entering the highway here, which will give them a little pause, it's still only about three or four car distances behind the suspect, but that traffic disruption is temporarily interrupted as they try to once again form a solid cruise line behind this chase.
You can see the officer at the back of the group swerving across lanes to indicate that those drivers behind this chase should slow down and stay behind as this police chase continues down Highway 101, for the chase now approaching Universal Studios heading north to Highway 101 Ventura Boulevard, just off the nose, here you'll have the option to merge onto Highway 170 or merge onto Highway 101 and it certainly looks like you're committing, although I might have spoken a second too soon. It looks like it's actually transferred to 170, still on 101, but it's showing signs of possibly exiting here, we'll see if it holds on to 101, the next transition will be the 170 ramp and it looks like it's slowing down, holding on to that number lane. three we'll see what you decide to do but you have a decision point here in the next 30 seconds and you're approaching the bloody point here that will split the 101 and the 170 and it looks like you're opting for the 101 so stay on the freeway 101 that will take you through the valley here. as we head through Studio City again, if you'll just come with us, a stolen Toyota Tacoma, a carjacking suspect behind the wheel refusing to stop, Fontana police apply the pressure here with a large contingent of officers ready to executing a felony stop after a felony has been committed. committed in the city of Fontana again, the details are unclear, but again, this is a wanted carjacking suspect who obviously refuses to stop and is desperately wanted by the Fontana Police Department and once again, as As we continue on the 101, it's worth reiterating the uh, it's obvious here, but the traffic is extremely light, extremely light and with all those officers, the few cars that are in the area are very aware of what's going on here and They know how to slow down or stay away, that's really giving them a lot of room to play here, it's a little surprising that we haven't seen a pit maneuver yet, but there could be


good reasons why we haven't seen that yet. .
Any pit maneuver on the freeway would be very unusual, but in this situation it could make a lot of sense if the chase travels below that 35 to 40 mph threshold to cross Cold Water Canyon. Now this chase is heading to Sherman Oaks again. The Fontana Police Department maintains a visual view there, just a few cars behind the suspect, is a stolen red Toyota Tacoma that refuses to stop as it continues traveling north on Highway 101, which technically goes west to across the San Fernando Valley, here and now you see that head unit approaching right behind that pickup truck, there's just a little bit of space between them. that lead unit and that carjacking suspect that has taken Fontana police on a very fun ride this afternoon from the Inland Empire to downtown Los Angeles to the San Fernando Valley, now approaching the 405 CHP and now helping out once again with some additional traffic breaks. ahead of the chase there is also a traffic stop behind this chase you will see very little traffic on the north side of Highway 101 you will see a lot of traffic on the south side in just one second as CHP helps a disabled vehicle off the road it is Completely closed on the south side of Highway 101, so the south side just south of the 405 is congested.
Northbound traffic is completely closed due to this police chase and things are getting complicated quickly here in San Fernando. Valley, if you're trying to travel Highway 101, it's a slow crawl here in both directions as this chase continues down the 101, now approaching the 405 and approaching Van. There is a traffic jam on the opposite side of the road which does not affect this. Pursuit, open northbound side of Highway 101, giving this suspect a lot of room to maneuver and he's practically hugging the number two lane now, he doesn't really make many lane changes, no extreme speeds here, They are driving with quite a bit of composure throughout the course of this chase, it is decelerating to well below highway speeds, although at about 30 mph, this is a sweet spot for these Fontana Police Department units to take advantage of. that opportunity to potentially turn this vehicle around and now you have to believe that there's a reason why they are.
They deliberately did not take that route, so they are not employing a pit maneuver, however, they have made several attempts with a spike strip, uh, uh, by deploying the spike strips, but both times again they failed and essentially the driver simply swerved around those spike strips. So they've tried and haven't been able to get the suspect off the road, but they're applying pressure with a big team of officers again, more than 8 to 10 officers on this chase down Highway 101 westbound. Heading north on the 101 that now exits. at Van Eyes Boulevard, uh, that's the exit ramp, actually that will be the 405, that's exit 405.
Okay, exit the 101 past Vanise Boulevard and now take the 405 freeway northbound northbound as that we climb. towards Van's eyes and the Fontana Police Department taking the exit with him, there we understand that there is a possibility that the suspect is


and that would be consistent with what we are seeing here, which could very well be the reason why not they have done. He attempted to stop this vehicle, if he is


, that is a factor and now you see that he headed towards a busier 405 freeway, Fontana. The Fontana Police Department will be in a position where they will now have to recreate that traffic disruption and maintain those others. motorists behind them, so they've done a great job so far handling this pursuit with the same team of officers, but now they're going to have to form another traffic barrier here and try to isolate this vehicle once again which has been their tactic, uh, and they have a good reason for that because it seems like there is a good chance that the driver behind the wheel of the stolen van is potentially armed and it looks like it can be shot a little better through the front windshield, although I can't say for sure, It seems like the driver is alone in this vehicle, the passenger seat seems empty and it's still only doing about 35 40 miles per hour.
Fontana police are closing in on this suspect now that the California Highway Patrol appears to be moving in on him. to parallel Highway 405 to meet this pursuit a little further north and potentially take over his pursuit or assist F tanip PD in some way to the suspect holding on to the number two lane approaching Van Owen avoiding the exit there again Fontana Police is the department you're looking at in this shot here, but we're going to keep a close eye on those black and whites as we may start to see those units replaced by California Highway Patrol units.
The Fontana police are probably only going to take this so far, before they're in a position where they're told to turn around, but the California Highway Patrol obviously has unlimited resources to continue this pursuit up here down the road. 405 and that may be where we are. I'm about to see for now that it's Fontana PD, but we're going to keep an eye out and see if those CHP units start to come into the frame here, that can happen here in just a couple of minutes, you're good, that aircraft. still on the Airship CHP, see that Brian?
I haven't seen him in a minute and I don't see a great night and once again Fontana PD with CHP and Tow are monitoring this pursuit as Fontana applies pressure on a robbery. uh Toyota Tacoma leaving the city of Fontana heading north on Highway 405, just north of Sherman Way, approaching Rosco Boulevard now at about 50 miles per hour, accelerating slightly as they continue through the San Fernando Valley, They will face some more decisions. here this car thief is when he finally gets to Highway 118 and the five of them split nose to nose here so he's got a few options I have a feeling he's going to continue straight up New Hall Pass but we'll see if that's what what he does, you can see him still holding on to lanes two and three, number two and number three, uh, Montana Police Department, right behind him, with a good breakup of traffic, just a couple of cars in front of him. them, the California Highway Patrol is again monitoring this Pursuit, ready to get involved if they are put in a position or request to join this Pursuit at this time, although Fontana Police remain the lead agency here as we navigate the highway 405 for an extended Joy Ride by this Car Thief, there's the California Highway Patrol with their blimp above helping with the radio call so ground units can monitor the chase later.
Right now you have Valley units in position, if necessary, you have a new Hall. units that are also following this pursuit and the Fontana Police Department right behind the suspect here uh just continuing to follow him at a safe distance looks like he's starting to run out of steam here, slowing down to about 20 mph, I have a feeling that could slow down even more here while crawling, he or she climbs up the 405, okay, picking up a little more gas here at about 35 miles per hour again, the driver of this stolen van is said to be potentially armed and that seems to be playing a big role in The tactics here from the Fontana Police Department have now tried a couple of peaks, but we've seen plenty of opportunities for a pit maneuver without being taken and that's certainly indicative of the belief that there may be a gun inside that vehicle Co for once again.
The driver now commits to Highway 5 heading north. Highway Five northbound at the split continues up through the new corridor pass, it looks like as it approaches Silmar here on the next few exits and then into the Santa Clarita Valley, it looks like we're going tonight. You can see the Fontana police, continuing this jewel trip until five, without hesitation, here they have the luxury of the California Highway Patrol monitoring this chase, helping where they can with occasional traffic breaks along of this chase, in and out, and they also have their Airship Overhead who has been a great help in calling the chase from above and therefore a team effort here as they continue to follow this car thief down highway five with the hope of stopping him peacefully at the end of this chase.
Now again it's worth noting that we haven't seen anything too crazy, uh, behind the wheel, here he is, you know, they've followed him at a pretty safe distance for quite a distance from Fontana to the north rim, the north rim of the Valley. of San Fernando. but the driving has been composed without extreme speeds, in fact mostly below the speed limit and not much lane changing, so we'll see if that continues, of course everything could change in an instant depending on the state of the driver, but for the most part it appears that he or she appears to be driving at a relatively safe pace e e e e e on the right, commit to Highway Five, commit to Highway Five, had the opportunity to take Highway 14, but the suspect It's now committed to Highway 5 heading north, so we'll see how far this goes through the Santa Clarita Valley, but for the most part, we're following the Fontana police here, as is the Highway Patrol.
California, they are ready to help if necessary. I have not yet received the application to take over this Pursuit Fontana Police Department. I feel very comfortable carrying this through Santa Clarita so far, so it will be. They have the help of the chp helicopter, so they have a good view from above, but right now. those ground units that stay back and wait for the request from Fontana police, so they are still only going about 35 miles per hour. I really haven't seen this driver's behavior change much. The vehicle is intact and speeds are consistent. A long and joyful journey that will probably end with thisvehicle running out of gas at some point, that's just a guess, but an educated guess if you'll do it again if you join us live on and our 247 streaming channels are welcome if you are on YouTube or Facebook Chris Christie on air 7hd about a police chase here in the Santa Clarita Valley finds Montana police chasing this carjacking suspect wanted out of the area of San Bernardino and through Los Angeles County to downtown Los Angeles.
Through Hollywood to the San Fernando Valley and now to Santa Clarita where they continue this chase with the help of the California Highway Patrol, the driver behind the wheel is pretty calm but is


to be armed, so the We have seen this vehicle treated and this one. Driver beware of Kid Glove as they continue to keep the public at bay forming a solid traffic stoppage. Heading north along Highway 5 now at speeds between 30 and 40 miles per hour, a relatively calm chase, but that could all change very quickly if the suspect gets spooked. or agitated or under the influence, we don't know how this is going to end, but you've had a lot of time to use up a lot of fuel from that gas tank and hopefully it's as simple as potentially slowing down to a slow pace if runs out of gas, but of course, for all we know, he could have a full tank and we just don't have that information, but of course, the Fontana police have many units right behind them capable of following them at a safe distance.
California Highway Patrol with additional resources if necessary, there have been several attempts to remove Spike, but so far this vehicle remains intact, it is a stolen Toyota Tacoma, the driver is


to be alone inside this vehicle for strong potential, that it would be the California Highway Patrol that is being prepared down the road. of the suspect and potentially ready to lay down some spikes, so we'll see if that happens here in the next 60 seconds or so. The suspect, though he is traveling at such a slow speed that even if he hits him, it is doubtful he will do so.
Because it's so easy, he can most likely swerve to the left and just drive it at these speeds. It's almost difficult to execute a good Spike because it's so easy for him to evade. You have a good opportunity. in the sense that the highway is wide open, but it's just as easy to go around it unless you can really stretch it and we'll see if they can deploy that strip of Spike here like the suspect, there it is. there's the spike and that very well could have been effective we'll see he didn't see it coming and I didn't see it coming I thought it was going to come from the right and instead there was an officer a The CHP officer in position on the side driver's left he threw it and we'll see how they put the lights on those wheels to slow down, it's slowing down, we'll see if those tires are impacted, let's push it all the way Brian and us.
I'll have a better look as the vehicle appears to be behaving normally, even with the wheels and tires appearing intact, but keep in mind that it usually takes a little time for those tires to slowly deflate, but not I see no impact on this vehicle so far. He definitely ran over the spike strip. The problem is when the spikes were inserted. injected into those tires or somehow was able to get past that Spike strip without damaging the vehicle, it certainly appears that this vehicle is nominally traveling, the wheels are behaving well at this point, it doesn't seem to have any kind of problem. steering issue, but he definitely made contact with a perfectly executed Spike pull attempt that would be at least the number three we've seen uh, but he couldn't get away from this one, it was ruled out at the last second and we moved on.
The chase continues at about 50 miles per hour on Highway Five northbound here in Valencia, another spike strip attempt there and we'll see if that has an effect. It passed over its second peak in as many minutes and hopefully this one works out here, we'll see. So far this Toyota Tacoma has proven to be very durable and again judging from the driver's side of the vehicle the tires at this point appear to be slowly deflating or at least the left front tire, the driver's side front tire is low and This will probably force you to slow down now to about 30 miles per hour, there goes that left front tire now at a slow pace when the vehicle comes to a complete stop in lane number three, there come the driver's hands or the minus one.
Apparent hand through the window, let's see if it complies here. The Fontana Police Department instructs the driver to exit the vehicle. Hands out the window, the door opened, the driver exited the vehicle and is now meeting these officers. The K9 is ready to go if needed. but you can see him now with his hands open and his legs open and he is now slowly following those commands with his hands behind his head and they will arrest this suspect in the next few seconds, but it looks like the vehicle was disabled by that Spike strip if the the first one didn't the second one surely made a very effective Spike finally putting an end to this chase the van stops on the Northbound Five freeway at Magic Mountain Parkway the driver is now about to be arrested this is a wanted car thief who is I thought he was armed we don't know if the vehicle if the gun is still in the vehicle if he's still armed or what's the problem now he's turning oh oh oh they deployed the dog he turned around he turned around, he put his hands down, the dog was released on the suspect and now this has come to a uh uh wow wow he was tackled to the ground by several officers after he turned around, not sure if there was a language barrier there or what, but for some reason he put his hands down , he turned and the dog was deployed and now they're going to have to call an ambulance because the suspect was clearly knocked to the ground by the dog attacked by those officers and something went sideways there we'll see the disposition of that suspect once they get him here but uh oh boy you didn't really see that coming, he certainly seemed to be obeying the orders he had been given to the vehicle code.
He is a clear suspect on the ground and at some point I don't know if you can Brian. I'd love to see a repeat. I don't know if you can, but if you can, we'll play it and see what. happened there that caused that canine officer to deploy the dog on that suspect, show me the suspect real quick if you can, yeah, is he still on the ground? I can't tell, yeah, he's against the car, okay, the suspect is now on two feet. the truck is driving away the truck just the truck is now driving away there should be an officer there should be an officer behind the wheel there okay, they're taking the truck off the road I didn't see the officer go in there, but the truck just rolled away heading there and now they're stopping to get off the freeway here, but still the north side of the five freeway remains closed while they tend to that suspect and they're probably going to have to call an ambulance here after they dropped off Kine the dog. loose with that carjacking suspect, well now they're going to do everything they can to get this whole thing off the highway, the vehicle and the suspect probably an ambulance waiting at the exit, uh, but they're going to do what they can I guess. reopening the freeway there's no good reason to keep it closed, but it looks like they're going to pull off the freeway here and we'll see how hurt that suspect could be in just a second here.
We're also going to try to get a replay of this very strange ending when that suspect who was clearly trying to comply removed his hand from his head and turned around for a split second, causing the Fontana Police Department to release the Fur missile about that suspect. Okay, once again, rewind it if you can, let's go ahead and rewind it just a second there so he has his hands up here, he turns around, that's not what they want to see there, he turns around and that's when they release the dog. . he takes his hands off his head like, what am I doing?, what am I doing wrong?
He must have been trying to communicate with his hands in the air, albeit with his hands in the air, and they just let the dog loose on his leg and finally took the suspect down, uh, this. one will be ready for search for sure, it's kind of strange to see the dog unleash on a suspect with his hands in the air like that, it certainly looked like he was trying to comply, but, yeah, that's it. Oh boy, that's going to be questionable for those supervisors, thank you sir, the officers are now pulling into a parking lot, as again I assume they'll be waiting for an ambulance here.
The suspect's vehicle has now left the highway. Highway Five has now reopened. on Magic Mountain Parkway and that will be enough for our coverage here at air7 HD for our entire team here at air7. I'm Chris Christie reporting live from air7 here in Santa Clarita, see you at 11 o'clock.

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