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Playing TTT In VR Is Hilarious!

May 30, 2021
You guys won't like just guns, but no revolvers for the next round, okay, just guns, guys, two guns, just guns, here we go, starting games, okay, where are my friends? In my total trust. I'm close to the intermediate area, like this. Wow, look at that guy's heat, man, it was this Joe Montana, wait, how did you do it? I started with a gun, so I don't have anything else other than that was a shitty shot. Wow, throw it away, Chuck, let me see this. let me see this shot, what a nice dude, that gun broke when you threw it into some pieces, throw it into the atmosphere, Joe Montana, you're my hero dude, nice shot, this guy has our arm like a champ, yeah, that's weird , oh dear, go see them.
playing ttt in vr is hilarious
Oops, I don't know, they look cute, I mean, or are they just juggling together, hey, what's with all the shots? Those guys at the same time, even if we are wrong, there is no drop of weapons in the cells, weapon zoning, just let me. change it what's happening hey what's happening someone just died he was a traitor he was a traitor Wow I didn't attack with a knife at the beginning oh yeah that was so chaotic just walk Nathan use whatever weapons you want from now on I can use the plasma rifle use the plasma rifle can you say oh whoa whoa whoa the gun is a gun he doesn't sign a gun that's what it sounds like I'm my best what is this gun oh it's two guns together oh cute Nico, were you a traitor?
playing ttt in vr is hilarious

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playing ttt in vr is hilarious...

No, I shot you, yeah, okay, it's your crazy gun that's here though, well, that's a good try, oh, I like the hell, it's like coming out of your crotch, do you like how low I hold it? My God, dear, you should have died there, someone died, right? there dear you're a suspicious guy no I wasn't your Raider oh my god so they shot us so they shot us this is a real fight we have here someone died here near these houses yeah are starting and caused one. to drive us crazy so we got shot someone got shot right here but the problem is in this game their bodies disappear like a reunion wait you're the one I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
playing ttt in vr is hilarious
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. right honey, here's that confusion, the only reason I was able to do that because I bought Sam's 12k, oh hell no. Oh civilians, classic, the sheriff leader always believed everyone, hey, nice sniper rifle, where did you get that little kid store? Here we enter. trust hill Oh who's shooting? No, it's cool, it's a good weapon, what's up? We're going to trust the beam, you're going to trust it, you're going to want to be a trader or the trust beam, you're not a trust shooter. - up, which one are you Jade, weapons you want, I'm the sheriff that works for everyone, just give it a little hit, oh this looks great for good luck, you keep my magazine.
playing ttt in vr is hilarious
Wow, I won't be, if you die, I was the last one. It is said that he is, catch him, so it was a bad idea, so everyone died, there are only two civilians alive, wait, wait, you and I are the only civilians alive, we plan to kill these guys, you and me, I will find you First, we can kill them. guys, you were in D, see if we survived, where was that? Oh, there they are, the distance, be careful. Oh no, how did they survive? Yeah, we're just surviving that good job I unloaded on that guy, I'd stab crazy that game, you guys are. all grouped around that post I stabbed, stabbed, stabbed, stabbed, stabbed the whole group just knives, okay, just eyes, no, well, I have to try my double cipher, okay, yes, you're right, it would be very difficult, I'm going to go play so hard in this game everyone is a target now only one thing survived the game doesn't trust anyone only one can survive whoa only one can survive Sam goes to our DM only one survives easy I guess that's the way you should play I don't know if I trust this guy to respond well, one can survive, survive, you guys ready in front of me, this guy is driving me crazy, just a million Twitter, if you play Sam's way and You shoot every person you see, you could win.
Well, I had an answer to Saigo-san. Very sweet, hey, what's up? Wow, where are we going? Where are we meeting? Well, I think you have a very strong arm there. This is creepy. Where is the jihadist ruining my fun? Sorry, I saw you attacking guys from across the room. I know it was great. They're all gathered together I shot the sheriff his partner was behind me he tried to shoot me oh well I caught them with my sniper rifle at point blank range yeah well his guy was his team too a shot in the back almost caught them all He was shooting at D but once again the shotgun blast was so wide that they hit you at the same time.
I think D got me. Well, I almost saved your life. So I guess it's okay. What's the plan? What's the dumb plan? Good question. I already heard gun shots, yes, I was this test shot, don't be, don't worry, oh, what a way to start, I'm Nico, at your service, this guy is a merchant, sure, I did it, I did it, was a user. merchant I think he's a Rando hey this guy is a traitor oh my god I helped too hoho Oh take it don't take it alone oh guys so close there are some great games thanks for being awesome teammates and


with us, that's great. let's try some zombie games see you all later I'm Hawking my my my my garbage boner distraction oops a little wobbly oh I interfered with that hey, disk out with you yeah, no wonder you don't have any friends, this girl is a lot more fun when you can defend the goal

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