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Pimp My Wifi - Solving Problems & Shopping at Sim Lim Square!

Jun 03, 2021
Then this is the place. We will stay in Singapore with some of my wife's relatives. It's absolutely beautiful. We're talking like parrot teak wood stairs, just a gorgeous interior actually. It was designed by the owner and then built on this lot here in Singapore, everything is just amazing and beautiful except for one thing. The Wi-Fi is horrible. I was having disconnections everywhere. I was having slowdowns. I couldn't even send Hangouts messages half the time, so being me I was fine. So what's your Wi-Fi solution? What's wrong with your Internet? Because the speed test is fine. It's 50 down about 8 up, which should be enough for all that stuff, and he shows it to me and I say, "Okay, so these guys are using the modem/switch/router access point combo unit provided by the ISP.
pimp my wifi   solving problems shopping at sim lim square
The structure of this place is pure like foot thick concrete and then they have a repeater on the second floor landing that is supposed to provide better coverage on the ground floor. So it's time we find some solution. kind of Networking home makeover while we're here. What the fuck am I doing here? It's like I've traveled back in time to tell you live that Intel's new 750 series SSDs used the envy of any standard providing. speeds never seen before in consumer storage drives. Click anywhere for more information. Alright, we are here in the famous inner


where I am.
pimp my wifi   solving problems shopping at sim lim square

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pimp my wifi solving problems shopping at sim lim square...

I will try to find better wireless equipment and generally I will check it out because I have heard. many things about this number one place. It's just a fantastic place to find practically anything, electronics and computers. Yes. Number two. Which is a great place to get scammed and everyone gives different types of advice, but? Apparently mobil 22 Pte Limited and Gadget Terminal Pte Limited have had quite a few complaints over the last year, so I have to watch out for those guys! Important news! Yes, let's go in. They have everything here, that last place had like a whole rack of Machetes.
pimp my wifi   solving problems shopping at sim lim square
I wish they had this place when we lost our microphone in Taipei. I wonder if I need one of these? Probably not. I think there are five or six stories. I have all kinds of fun things on the second floor. RC stuff, some more computer type stuff, and stairs, lots of stairs. I guess if it's a whole, I mean Singapore, about eight million people. So you'll have a third of Canada's population within a short drive of this place. Would you need? to online stores for? Wow, look at this. It's like a sea of ​​technology, so I think we found our first networking equipment store.
pimp my wifi   solving problems shopping at sim lim square
Hi, I'm looking for something wireless. Lunch, okay. Do you know what time maybe 10 minutes 20 minutes? About 30 minutes about 20 minutes okay, I'll be back in 20 minutes Okay Hi, yes, actually I'm looking. Let's see, I think it would be a white Ethernet cable about 30 feet long. Oh, you only have volume for white, but the third floor seems like the ideal place to get the network elements we need. This is their store where they told me to ask them about the fasteners and white cables. Oh, forget about everything, I need a 10 meter white Ethernet cable, bill in any case.
They were just cats, okay? How much is that? So it's a bit excessive. Oh it's good. It's like a 1/2 flat which is actually amazing. However, $20 is a lot for a 10 meter Ethernet cable, okay, so another question for you. Do you have any? The bras are like adhesives, they are like adhesive bras. Maybe you can do it, if this fits, I will buy this steel. Yes, it's still okay, so I need to. Let's say three packages of this left one. You already made the sale and now you don't have enough. Well? Well, I'm fine now. How many are there, whoops?
I spilled all but 15 of them, okay? Well? I'll make it work So I want this in this 28 dollars for our Ethernet cable and our fasteners, so let's go to the fourth floor. Maybe we can find more wireless stuff there before we head back to the store on the third floor, wow, three laptop stores in a row. We're laptop stores, laptop stores Matt, I'm not buying a laptop. Alright? Well, these guys are more like my speed. I need a 128 gig SSD and I need an oversized DDR2 99 device for my SSD and 46 from Iran. I think I can do better with the SSD, but I'm not sure about the round.
Thanks, two gigs of DDR2 $55 55 to be really cheap. Yeah, how about the 128 gig SSD? What didn't you find in 105 Memory World? 58 How about the 139 ssd? It seems that we return to the first store. You guys earn everyone else's price, it sucks, it sucks. They dare to 800 perfect. Dad, you come all this way to buy computer hardware, right? Do you want to appear in the video? 145 well, everyone else gave me really bad prices. Maybe because I'm late. We have our ramen ssd, but we still need our networking stock. Since all these laptops are broken, why are you keeping them just in case?
Oh, well, yeah? this includes both the pio E adapter and the drive so in fact I won't even need a pov switch which is great. Another option would be to just become like a Nighthawk X6 and call it a day. Repeat this. If I do not do it. I want to use a 529 repeater these things cost like 300 dollars where I'm from that's ridiculous. Yes, I will have to do it. I'll have to go back. No problem. Okay, another specialty store network, brilliant 373 78 Wow, maybe this place has stuff, at least it's not a laptop store. Well, there's nothing there.
What is the price of Ac 66 for you? 243 good, not bad so far. You are the best option right now 245 for an Ac 66. I'm going to have to know Pov. I have to give it energy somehow. This is ridiculous. I promised your uncle one cable to the pillar, not two cables to the pillar. So you know what I think we're going to do, oh, I don't like this at all, but we're going to get a professional application and hope that the coverage is good enough from the center. And if not, we'll need another one. Whatever they have there.
I want to buy him his first studio coffee. This place is like a maze. I can't even find the stores. We were buying before Ap Pro 389 Ap Pro 408 ah, we just saved twenty dollars. Do you have them? Unify Ap pros in stock okay? Well, I don't have much more time to shop, so I don't think we have a choice. Yes, let's do it. Good overall. I'm not happy about it, but at least they waived the stupid 3% surcharge on credit cards. And after asking what three times? Alright we're back to unpack our loot and start here so there's actually two projects because there were some complaints about the desktop above so for that we need an SSD and a memory card so we've got that and then , for Wi-Fi, we need our new Unify Pro app, our Cat Seven cable.
And then these cable management tabs here, so let's get started. This is not a Cat Seven cable. Good. I guess it could be cat 6, what's the easiest way? Well, this door will open a little from now on. Will that be a problem? My friend, what will it be like to have a good Internet connection? Well, like down here. So we get a nice clean line. Okay, so I'm not sure about ideal locations. Part of the problem is that this structure is all concrete, concrete, concrete. It doesn't look like I'll have a choice. Either I think I'm going to make that pillar on the second floor or I'm going to execute it.
To mount it on this thing, what you might ask is what is the priority, because yes the priority is. Maybe it would be better for me and the guy below to go here. That's what you get for having a bad Wi-Fi connection. So one of the reasons we had to spend so much on our access point was Poa Power over Ethernet, so it doesn't have to run. Those two cables and what I like about the ubiquity is, anyway, that they come with an injector in case you don't have one pos. How do these two cables work here?
Oh, you have an adapter. Oh, useful. Okay, I wasn't counting on that so we may need to use some kind of adhesive and I didn't get any extra. I have yes, I also need to steal one from here. Ethernet cables. Okay, now let's plug this guy in. . Oh, I'm sweating a lot to see if we have energy. Maybe I have to change those things. I always make mistakes late. Oh, there it goes. Okay, now we have to turn on the console. So to configure it, we need to install the ubiquity controller software. Let's turn on this old Dell Optiplex 760.
This is actually the computer. I'll update and configure it once we have the driver. Setting. You never actually need to interact with the controller, so I'm not worried about that. We just need to configure it the first time. Who says text? Don't you know how it works? No wonder they want to upgrade this computer. I can't even do anything in an internet browser. Even mouse movement is slow. Oh my goodness, this computer needs more than just a new SSD, and some ran the most up-to-date circuits like Ie 8 or something. Alright, as usual, the Equity software is very easy to set up. so all we have to do now is manually set our channels and set our widths manually during the setup wizard.
I was able to configure the ssid and everything, so what's left now? Then you have to take a look at the surroundings and you can see it. That's why I thought it was so important to have 5 gigahertz because actually, from the outside, from the backyard, there's a lot of stuff here, so stuff on channel six. seven The old Wi-Fi was on channel one, actually both the axe, the repeater and the original access point. We're in one, so they're just talking to each other, but in Five Gigahertz it's basically empty, so it's really the only thing we can see. now it's the one I just put in So let's go ahead and play around with the position a little bit.
We'll make sure that from everywhere inside the house we have a decent signal and then we'll go ahead and prepare this baby well. So here in the back corner we can see that there is a pair on this neighbor's channel 36. But our strength is still not that bad at five gigahertz. Naturally, this floor is very nice with the access point right in the middle. Even five gigahertz can pass through it. You know a concrete wall, okay? Actually, it should be viable, right? So waiting back is pretty good, so we're going to go ahead and try to do some speed tests in this position to see how it goes.
Here at the back you can see what I was talking about with 2.4. Gigahertz is completely congested and five gigahertz is basically our best bet at not completely interfering with absolutely everything else. Yes, you will not facetime here again with Russian girls. Now that we have determined the location we want. I'm just going to throw a little sticky note in here that has the administrator password and all that good stuff. I'm actually going to put them on the mounting plate, then I have double sided adhesive that has two different types, so I'm going to hedge my bets and use half of each.
Well, what I wanted to do is have it at the bottom. Not well. That's what? I have to apply pressure for about 30 seconds, okay, oh, I want to leave this as a kind of knot here, in fact, if the adhesive fails, I don't want it to crash to the ground. So this is where my cable management tabs from above come from. In straight lines they are fine. How many jobs do I have left? Oh, nine. So that's nine feet, okay? So let's walk through each step. Well, I think we're done. Our connectivity up here is the only place in the house where it's really not as consistent as I would like, it's not as good as I would like, but I think we found a solution Because it's very rare that someone is going to use something like a phone here This one it's actually the worst performing device in the house for Wi-Fi That laptop over there that old laptop gets 40 megabits from the position on this desk right here in our range network.
So that's what we ended up doing: we created two Speed ​​and Range SSDs. The speed can overwhelm the 100 megabit connection we have here at this location. From anywhere below practically and then the range can be equalized. our worst case scenario, the device gives us approx. You know, five to ten megabits here is not bad at all, so what we did was? We reconfigure the existing access point as a failover. So we call it attic and so if the range of a particular device doesn't work well up here, you can connect directly to that one, so we leave the range extender down and with a little bit of repositioning, I can get 20 megabits on the lower floor with that one.
But we'll leave it offline unless our ubiquitous hotspot crashes or something. So now not only do we have better speeds almost throughout the house, but we also have a failover system in case you know the access point fails or something. So, it's not bad at all, is itthe ideal solution? no, what I wanted was a controller running 24/7 and two access points, one on top and one on the bottom, so I think I could get between 50 and 100 megabits on anywhere on the property, which would be great. We couldn't do it because you know how things are, so overall this is not a bad solution.
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