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Peter Sellers - Parkinson Interview: very funny!

May 13, 2024
during that time and suddenly I knew the song


well, but couldn't you tell that they hadn't heard anyone there? Anything, maybe, I burned my nose, no, no, please, but it turned out it became incredibly popular this for Fred Bhagat said some cockney idiot but I'm happy now I can't remember how you do this, we used to see quite a few voices, no I remember, I remember that a certain Cyril, a friend of Spike and Peter Cinn at Waterman, was the guy who used to live in their apartment, you know? and Cyril was the kind of person who had to do something before you did it now.
peter sellers   parkinson interview very funny
If we had been at the Palladium to see the top of the sign and we had seen, let's say, we saw that CID merged last week, then he said, I've seen Metheny, my friend, so she was


open last night, she said about that stuff. They were cleaning, she went to the south of France. I would say that no one wins in the south of France and she said: Do you think I'm pulling the fat from my brow? So snowy dinner. Said Donna Andrews Donna Andrews and then said: Is it confirmed? our comic confirmed a colleague, I mean, I'm showing a known Thunder, uh, I mean, I don't know how he knew that he had probably done everything he had ever done in his life, I'm sure and that was nothing to anyone.
peter sellers   parkinson interview very funny

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peter sellers parkinson interview very funny...

Cyril, I'm Feeny Matheny. Of these who listen today it is fun to hear what am I two? She is a radio, she is a television salesman and she, a solemn and humorless American announcer, expressed her opinions, but with me yes, she used to do ISIS on a wall. I'm in the HARP Thoren we used to use the sounds of American science we don't use words this is the part of the American bottle horn while I'm now now horn firewall hello after views conceived based on some allegory of Big Chief Ellington boom boom bara boom he was always chasing blood knock but you know naughty reasons you know what he said then come in Darren come in Ehlinger then Kevin maybe one that comes to prison our blood knock come in go inside me come in and come in as soon as he got on the road but that would run out the door narrator oh dear quivering dutchman look at the voice used by Pete oh he used to use an arty voice I've always done that Jilla my dad yeah ha ha ha my god dad has content awfully like that , all in an Eaton square or a Belgrade square and they wanted it like that. when you work with something like Spike On in a movie or whatever, you have a reputation for being a floating laugher, I love you, I mean, you're a cop on the set of this kind of thing, man, you got that problem with Spike, ah.
peter sellers   parkinson interview very funny
Yeah, but we usually shut down before it happens somehow or other times, you know, I know that's when the loft gets some shots. You know, doing the other big laughs, Peter, that you know. Well, there are many of them in the business. O'Toole. You know Peter O'Toole is not in a Taurus Gabler. He, oh yeah, took a hit when he was ranting about Arabia. Do you ever remember the scene in Lawrence of Arabia where King Faisal played by Alec Guinness welcomed Peter O'Toole? and Anthony Quayle to his tent to listen to a passage read from the Koran that they had written in the desert now a tool that he normally likes to have or liked to have anyway you know a little bit of the old morning warmer shampoo and Anthony Quayle is happy with the straight face, in fact John Gielgud once described him obviously very wrongly with a face like Tim's in a rather cruel way, but you know what I mean, it's a kind of image and he never broke it, You see, except her. the tour kept getting interrupted and the problem was this when they walked into the store, Guinness would say, and David Lean is a stickler for reality, you know, and they were filming in the middle of the desert, believe it or not, Sam Spiegel, which is Jew.
peter sellers   parkinson interview very funny
The Jews had managed to make King Hussein of Jordan, an actor, lie, and English actors could now quote the Koran to do this. I mean, this is a huge scam, I call it a huge coup to bring this beginner into a neighborhood and yet provide There was a priest there who knew English and could tell if the Quran was misquoted, which would never happen if everything was fine. Now the scene was that Peter came into the shop with Anthony Quayle, they sat down and Peter laughed terribly because a Dear old actor may God rest her soul, who has now passed away.
Henry Oscar was playing Salim. This is a story Peter O'Toole told me. You couldn't remember the Koran. You see? I mean, there's Messi and he was quoting a section called shine and Alex said ah, welcome to the world of Aaron Zorin, welcome to my store, sit down, we're just in time to hear Salim speak from the shine Salim give us the shine now this It's happened several times and Henry Oscar couldn't remember the shine You see, he said a few words, but being a professional, he continued even if he dried up, he continued like that. It was an incredible thing that was not good enough for the birth of the priest.
You see this and it would be something said. In the back and the cops you see and the tool would go into a terrible state and finally, after 15 ticks, Guinness Guinness, who had been absolutely straight this whole way, Alec Guinness said gentlemen, gentlemen, we're all professionals , but, for the love of God, remember that we are professionals. then David Lean said look, look, let's all cut it for about ten minutes, go out, smoke, walk around the store, they were in the middle of the desert, with lights inside the store, above the heater, imagine it was as if Henry Oscar there would be a beard.
It was stuck with spiritual gum that was coming off the edges and he was getting very nervous in this scene, so he started walking around the shop outside and his tools, saying to himself like we all do when he thinks it happened, you know I shouldn't laugh I won't laugh I can't laugh it's the end of my career if I laugh again I'm dead I shouldn't laugh I won't laugh like Alec Guinness has another walk and Alec Guinness walks like there because I hope they don't laugh like that everyone goes back to come in, you see, but this time they've tattooed old Henry Oscar, with a little more spiritual gum, they've written a little bit of the Koran on each nail, everywhere it looks like a little bit of the Koran, so you can't go wrong. at the table with this boy, he knows everything, Mr.
David Lean, he says, okay, let's have another girl, now his tool said, I say, I shouldn't laugh, I won't laugh, you see, and he's ready, he comes with the damned , comes in something different. and nervous disrespect towards Anthony Krall, we beg him to come into the room and our Guinness is racist Dave rents Toulon action income guinnesses welcome idiots, welcome, welcome, we were listening to Saleem quoting the Koran from a selection called the shine , please sit down. with Captain Therns, oh, and listen, and now he turned to Henry. Oscar was fine in everything and said, and now Saleem, give us, let's take a look now in a similar situation, ruining certain sequences, but taken. of the impact on the films you made with another smiling man named Blake Edwards the first shot in the dark the others the return of the Pink Panther don't be ridiculous and I'll introduce you, I miss you, you came home, honey, Maria Umbrella with Miguel you're here and I filled with a lot of mates, Jay, the interesting museum, it's better, better, another cool one, they have a fixed ticket stamp ready because I'm an expert in problems, she died and requires the letter zero.
Claire has a little privacy to work on my tool bag. it's my business next he's a ghost boy the notorious now


ugly he's amazing actually when you looked at him I mean Blake Edwards outdid you at two hundred thousand feet doing that it's amazing that you ever finish a movie with him we always have two extra weeks third laughter, you know / laughing, yes, you had quite a sub-profile, you had a confusing private life, didn't you throughout your career? I have been happier now than you have been at other points in your career, yes I am very happy now I, as you know, have been married three times and all three times it didn't really work out, many probably due to the fact that it is impossible to live with me , although my first marriage was, I mean, it wasn't at all.
My fault for breaking up was that I had an affair with someone I was working with and the worry of saying who, well, boom-di boom-di boom, but anyone terribly happily married, that was the question when, anyway, I'm about second time, of course, with the impact of Miss is Mississippi, yes, that's what I read in the newspaper. Does anyone know, Miss Eckler, Miss Eckland, Jim, yeah, that didn't work because I don't know why it didn't really work, but anyway, good luck because she's good, try Britt and and. I think it was stupid, I didn't completely match Miranda the third time, that didn't work, it was just wrong, for some reason, probably me again, I don't know what, but I think somewhere there is someone for everyone.
I am very, very happy in this. very, very happy moment, in fact, are you going to find the kind of satisfaction you are looking for in your job or in a relationship with a woman? You think I don't think you'll ever find her in a relationship with a woman because the only time you're really happy is the time you do it, not when the movie comes out, when you're getting ready for the movie, but in the moment when you're doing the take on the track, but when you do it and that moment comes out of you and you've done it and you remember that's why Blake saves his outtakes.
I see that's the time when the achievement, the total feeling of achievement comes out even when you see the rush the next day, anything, oh no. but, nevertheless, the memory of what you did the day before living in the moment of creation instead of the sink captured in the yellowing. I wonder how I would have found this kind of satisfaction you just talked about professionally if you had been someone else's. era in which movies were not invented, in fact, I mean what could you have been there, would you be a comic actor, would you be in the classic actor, would you be on the billion board or what would probably end up as a Street sweeper? doing imitations of George's phone, in fact, tonight what I want you to do in closing, please, is make your little Farley jars, no, that's right, yes, and not take out chicken, and it will be good to back off a little bit.
Don't you especially care here? Yeah, I think he was a stunt artist used to make a lot of movies, remember, oh yeah, one a day, one a day, but they were great, one less, it's a great movie and these days we didn't have the lack of critics saying that needed neighbor for some things and a kind of cosmic quality about who is playing. I mean, there weren't those critics in this, people used to say do the horrible thing or okay, let's have a reminder, but that's still something for I give to you and you what you're going to do right.
I think it will take more time to hone the powerful Ravishankar. What happens when I'm cleaning windows and why not my right the Georgia way? Hey, can I see the warranty? one two three now I completed the testimony and an honest father to a nosy Parker it's an interesting job now it's a job not only who did the winter cleaner would you be if you could see what I can see when I come in winters


Moon couple you should still see the line of villains would surprise you things they say on Windows in my profession I work hard but I will never stop life blinks ladder until you reach the top now the blushing bride looks divine the black guy does well when I'm cleaning windows, sweet waitress names like oh that's a wonder, I know for me they might not take away my working dog when I'm cleaning windows.
I meet a guy like the one on this screen to see if Frank has also returned when I'm waiting for a window in my profession until I reach the top, to be honest, living next to each other, the greatest of the nineties. That's fine, pretty much the same thing, what happens inside when I touch that window.

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