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The Pink Panther Compilation: Best of Inspector Dreyfus & Clouseau | MGM

Jun 24, 2024


s oh sir a catastrophe we just received a report of a shooting at the chateau de la tier blanche so palo alto the millionaire yes that is a catastrophe oh I don't mean that it is not so much the shooting that is a catastrophe no no you Look , when the report came in, there were few details, just that someone had been shot at the address. I didn't realize until a few moments ago that it was the home of the millionaire ticket, so I made a terrible mistake. Who did you assign? to the Cluezo case oh my God you are out of the Gumbrelli case and you will report to the records department records husband imagine it tomorrow morning or you can forget your pension but that is not fair I was just doing my duty and I I am right, you will see that Maria Gambrelli is not a murderer.
the pink panther compilation best of inspector dreyfus clouseau mgm
I hope there is something personal in this. Yes, deeply personal. I hate every last detail of you. Now get out. You want me to leave. You are making a terrible mistake if Maria Gambrelli is not. a murderer and I say no, you are sending an innocent girl to the guillotine, excuse me, Francoise Maria Cambrelli did not kill those four people, which four people, the last four people, someone else killed those poor people, I was with her all the time and whoever. he is he is the same man who killed the first people who fought a cossack bouncer said innocent bystanders the killer was behind me luckily he failed luckily it's not the worst however it proves my theory correct you see due to misguided loyalty maria gambrelli won't divulge the name of his former love and that man is so jealous that he will kill rather than lose her. are you saying that this man, the man that maria gombrelli is protecting her ex-lover from, killed eight people because he was jealous, incredibly jealous, so jealousy did it?
the pink panther compilation best of inspector dreyfus clouseau mgm

More Interesting Facts About,

the pink panther compilation best of inspector dreyfus clouseau mgm...

It seems that Maria Cambrelli was the murderer He is a madman A psychotic What about the maid The partner was also jealous of her He strangled her It is possible that his intended victim was a man and he made a mistake A mistake at a nudist camp The first idiot of no one commissioner lunatic I will have your murderer for you tonight what do I have a plan what kind of plan a plan that cannot fail the bomb was intended for you what do you mean it was intended for me commissioner two clients sleep in the Cossack and now six Innocent people, most of them were all murderers except Maurice, who was a blackmailing commissioner compared to you, they were all saints, commissioner, please, what are you doing, I hate you, kluso, commissioner, please, I hate you, commissioner, what are you doing to me?
the pink panther compilation best of inspector dreyfus clouseau mgm
Go away, baby, commissioner, let's go, my leg, yes, thank you, foreign commissioner, please. uh oh a kiss of life perverted dirty old men please no need to thank me thank you for saving someone's life they hit me on the head have you stopped the burn on the head bimp what you said bim yeah I knew it's a big lump you could receive a concussion from such an inclination, let me help you no, I'm fine, I'm fine, never better just a little bit shaky by the way uh sergeant chevalier sends you regards oh sergeant chevalier good old sergeant how are you anyway well you know there are leaders and there are followers hmm and I am afraid that the sergeant chevalier will always be a follower yes oh yes and you my friend even a leader eh, always a leader forward and upward to the top hmm it is my karma what is my destiny oh yes yes some how many more shouts to force and I might even be persuaded to run for public office you can count on my vote and you my friend can count on me to do everything in my power to get you out of this square oh yes I know how you feel my Head, are you okay? ex chief


yes I'm perfectly fine look a moment and I'll have you extract me I'm fine I'm perfect every day and in every way I'm getting better and better somewhere over the rainbow I'm afraid this is not your day my friend but it's my day it's my friend after three long and terrible years, it's finally my day.
the pink panther compilation best of inspector dreyfus clouseau mgm
I will not allow anything to be repeated. Repeat nothing that spoils it. Now I will walk you to the door, kiss you goodbye, and you will drive away in your new car, which by rights should be mine. and then I will have my interview with a sanity commission and they will release me and then I will kill you. I have to kill him. This is Chief Inspector Cluzelle speaking. My name. My name is Dougal Claude. I have the pleasure. be chairman of the jacluzzo presentation committee a presentation committee for me for what purpose may I ask for what purpose you ask how modest of your part is the purpose to honor one of the most dedicated, brave and selfless public servants in the world city, you are more proven, yes, I must admit that I have often wondered considering my years in the room of my numerous achievements where recognition did not come before absolutely correct nine years of faithful service in the center you had not a single decoration in all that time that is quite correct however As you know, I recently received a significant commission.
In reality, I have far fewer references than lunatics as chief


. I know I'm sure Paris sleeps more safely because of the change. He is greatly missed, but I can assure you. when it comes to giving tears I am always crying chief inspector the only lemon please can't you see that I am in the field 90 days comprehensive thank you psychiatric examination hey hey so your car is at the entrance inspector ladies and gentlemen guests of honor dear friends we are gathered here to say goodbye to a great man he was not only a model police officer but a brilliant detective admired and respected by his fellow officers and all those who were lucky enough to know him. he was above all a modest man his kind will not pass through this path again and our loss is surely a game of heaven fire fire fire um you

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