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Perfect… On Paper. - Samsung Galaxy Book4 Ultra

Apr 15, 2024


this Samsung Galaxy book looks absolutely outstanding, the only thing is that although you know Samsung, they managed it somehow, let's find out what it is, open the computer, press the power button, that's what you should do. I don't care about the warranty. Here we have 140.W charger which is delivered via USB type-c. Damn, that's not what I wanted to do. Oh, there's the charging cable. How long is the cable? 6 feet. One thing that is quite worrying while we have it turned around like this. I don't see any screws so I suspect getting into this will be a pain, so we have the Samsung Galaxy Ultra Book 4 here and my first impressions are that it is quite well built, on the right we have a micro SD card.
perfect on paper   samsung galaxy book4 ultra
USB reader type a headphone microphone combo Jack on the left side two Thunderbolt 4S and HDMI 2.1 I really like how the Samsung logo is all rainbow, it's like RGB but without the power in the past, my experience with laptops Samsung has been that they have amazing screens and the rest just suck but here this feels massively improved we have an all metal chassis pushing it it feels really cool damn before we continue there is one thing I really need to do this sticker It's super crooked. I'm just going to get rid of it oh let's go back to oh this was a mistake I've made it worse the only thing that can make it better is a transition to our sponsor thanks for getting paid to sponsor this video while the


book should.
perfect on paper   samsung galaxy book4 ultra

More Interesting Facts About,

perfect on paper samsung galaxy book4 ultra...

In theory lasting you all day, the Shar Geek 170 power bank is packed with a capacity of 24,000 milliamp hours which means you get a full extra cycle and then some, it has a total output threshold of 170 WT with a single USBC port supporting two-way. It charges up to 140 WS thanks to its PD 3 3.1 standard, which means it charges and charges super fast and while charging your laptop, connect different devices to recharge them too. The Shar geek 170 has two USBCs. ports and a USB port for added versatility, plus you can even monitor your charging process with its built-in informational display, so check out this beastly battery companion and give your devices the charge they deserve at the link below.
perfect on paper   samsung galaxy book4 ultra
Wow, that sponsor segue really did it. clean that up, let's reset it secured by nox or imagine your noox chip is really cool, it's its own dedicated chip that protects all your sensitive stuff in its small area to get better and not get hacked. I don't know why, but this touch. The pad makes me feel like I'm drunk, like they have really brutal mouse acceleration and I keep missing the things I'm looking for, as we go by the X in the top right, I completely missed it. Not even close, it feels really gelatinous and you can see that it seems like the extraction speed is really low too.
perfect on paper   samsung galaxy book4 ultra
I'm almost sure it's a touchpad issue and has nothing to do with the screen, wait a second, yeah that's amazing, it's absolutely


. You can see I'm moving it here, it looks very, very nice on this screen. Another thing I just noticed is that you don't actually see the full screen if you look, we have rounded corners on the edges, it's something they did on surfaces and I guess they're doing it here too, oh my gosh, the acceleration of M anyway anyway specs specs specs are good here we have an Intel Core Ultra 7 155h which has 16 cores, 22 threads and these things are really, really fast we also have 16GB of RAM which says chip row so which are presumably soldered, actually they are definitely soldered because they are running at 7467 megat transfers per second, so you get really fast RAM, at least even. although you can't upgrade it for the SSD, we have a 512GB nbme SSD from Samsung.
I love seeing it, you guys are great units, we also have arc graphics and an Intel AI boosted npu and to top it all off an RTX 4050 which means even though this won't be a super duper gaming laptop it probably will be pretty good and also for content creation, like video editing, photo editing, all that stuff, it's going to be a beast, this 4050 also goes up. At 80 watts TGP, which is very healthy for a 40/50, you'll get most of the performance. It's a touch screen, we have OLED, we have touch, we have, oh my god, this thing looks Well, this also has a dynamic refresh rate, so it can go from 48 to 120 HZ based on battery saving, but be warned Note that it's not gsync, so it won't do it for frame pacing and gaming, it's more just for power.
Save the resolution is also a bit more than quad h D so 2880 by 1800p and damn this is excellent the brightness on this panel is fantastic in SDR you get 400 nits and in HDR 600 nits and for both that is full screen brightness so you don't have anything like a little window that gets super bright and then when it blows up everything looks like garbage, no, this, no matter what you get, that full brightness of those OLED pixels and look at that tint black of course this is a


device so out of the box everything is pretty saturated on the screen but it has a lot of color profiles so if you limit it to srgb we have an average delta e of 1.2, which is absolutely Fantastic, we expect less than two if you want to do a professional color job, so you can do it here in HDR as well.
The content looks fantastic and we measured an average Delta e of 13.4, which is actually pretty good because HDR you get both. Color and brightness are a little harder to match, and this screen does a fantastic job. Just look at this for a second. Andrew I just like the background. These little details here are one thing that I missed before because we were just. It's not connected to the internet because we have a Wi-Fi 6 e card here, which is pretty cool, but I wish it had Wi-Fi 7 since this is a very premium device. The keyboard is good, although there is one.
What's a little annoying is that we have an international version of the keyboard instead of a North American one, so we don't have a big change on the left side, but hey, I'll deal with that, I don't know. The way I feel about this keyboard, if I'm honest, objectively speaking, it seems pretty good. If we look here, if I press the side of the key, it activates the entire key before I can get too deep, plus, key by key, the pull is actually pretty good and the chassis is nice and rigid, so it's really nice and consistent.
I think it's a little stiffer on the right side compared to the left, but it's not too bad, that being said, although the actuation profile is super strange, like there's no prior action if that makes sense, like if you press the key, nothing happens and then it works. I think part of this is that now that I've touched on it more, there are definitely some inconsistencies in Force Shift, as some of them take a while. a little more Strength than others, but above all it is a bit strange profile. I don't know, you feel like you're really thinking, you're thinking about the keyboard in general, although I'm going to give it an A minus.
I think it's a solid keyboard, you can type on it. I got almost to top speed there, in fact I would say I got to top speed and I think I would get used to it in about an hour and I would just be In terms of performance here are the results from the labs and overall I would say it worked Pretty good given that it's an Ultra Book and not particularly big, but at the same time it was completely destroyed by the Asus G14, which is both smaller and cheaper, so if you're looking for real, pure performance, this isn't it. is what you want.
Here we have two wolfers that reach 5 watts and two tweeters that reach two watts, which should sound great, especially since they were tuned. by AKG, clearly the mids look pretty decent, okay, that's not too bad, that's not too bad, I can touch that, okay, let's see how it compares to a MacBook Pro 14 in killed, killed, nice and clear, nice and clear, not even close, oh, everyone. Well let's take a look at the webcam here, it's 1080p 2 megapixel and of course Samsung on all their phones has been doing a great job with their cameras and it looks like they've applied that here as well, this is having some issues directly in the lights, but it's still exposing my face, we turn around here, are you able to figure it out?
Yes there is no problem. It looks nice, clear and crisp and overall seems pretty good. Do we have facial recognition? There is no compatible camera. Oh, sadness, yes we do. a fingerprint reader here on the right side, which is above the power button, the best place to have it, but that said, I wish there was facial recognition, especially at this price. You haven't talked about it yet, but you're I'm going to poop when you find out how much this costs. This is the part that I said would be annoying at the beginning where we have to take these off, oh they actually come off really easily, they're usually glued on and you just never put them back on, but maybe these feet aren't so bad, though too They look like they'll just fall off after a year or two, so it's not so good four rubber feet, four Phillips head screws and a bunch of levers later and We're up, here we have a big old steam chamber, which is how were we able to extract those 80 Watts from the 40 50.
I see a replaceable SSD here and an upgrade slot there for a second SSD. I love seeing that. Unfortunately the Wi-Fi card is soldered on so if you want Wi-Fi 7 I don't know just don't buy this laptop and for the battery here it is 73.8W hour and the battery life they were able to extract this. It's amazing that in our endurance test we were able to get over 11 and a half hours of battery life out of this device, especially since it has an OLED display, which is incredible. Intel's new processors, while not much faster, are proving to be quite efficient and I really appreciate that I misread the spec sheet.
I thought it was $400 less and still a bad value, but this here with 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD and RTX 4050 costs $2400, it's a bit of a sin because Overall this is a pretty good laptop. I could see a lot of people really enjoying this thing if they didn't have all the other laptops as an option at that price. Instead, you could get a Zephyris G16 for $22,000 that has the same amount of RAM. and storage, but an RTX 470 and I'm pretty sure it's the exact same Samsung panel. Plus it's available with up to a 470 and that setup is $3000 so I don't get it, it just doesn't make sense for the price. who are asking to buy this laptop, it has like a couple of medium compromises, like the keyboard, the trackpads are ok, the strange speakers are ok for that price, it must be brilliant to compare, HP's new Specter X360 has, as far as I can tell you exactly the same OLED panel, which is a 4050 touchscreen, same specs one costs 6.60 compared to $2400 for this, so overall I have no idea where that price comes from.
Samsung made the battery, made the SSD, made the screen. and probably a bunch of other things here and presumably they get a good price for all those things, but you certainly don't, but what you do get is a thank you from me. Thank you very much for watching this video. Like, subscribe and have a great day see you later

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