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I need to test a theory… - AYANEO Flip DS

May 17, 2024
Oh excuse me, sorry I was trying to prove a


and I guess I was right, it seems like every time I sneeze someone releases a new one of these laptops, it's at a point where it pretty much doesn't matter what form factor or specification you have. interested, there is something for you, meet the iono


DS, a shameless attempt to create a machine that looks absolutely perfect for Nintendo DS emulation, but is actually a little more complicated than that, let's take a look at the machine. It's thick, the top looks very stylish, although, oh, this is something that's available in two colors, black, and I wouldn't recommend it.
i need to test a theory   ayaneo flip ds
Our labs team has only used it for a couple of hours for


ing and you can already see that it's starting to look pretty. Dirty, those are replaceable, these are replaceable, hey, here we go, eh, well, let's see what else is in the package. Wow, damn boy. Detachable 65 watt USBC cable. I love watching him. Oh, different textured grip pieces, they are worse. The USBC cable looks like a 6 foot cable and I was wrong, it's a 5 foot cable, what a strange length of C cable. Well, international adapters and USBC to adapters for one and two, oh, I guess now is a good time to look at the io of this thing at the top, you have the right triggers. these are hall effect triggers, you have the side buttons, you have a third button, I really love seeing that programmable, you have a Micro SD slot, something like that, then we have two USBC ports, one is USB 3 one is USB 4, so that there's a chance you can run Thunderbolt compatible peripherals like external GPU docks, but it's not a guarantee on AMD platforms and can be a bit unstable and of course you probably don't want to do it anyway because that's true, my friends we now have an oculink connector, unlike thunderbolt or usb 4 it is not hot pluggable so you can't just plug in your gpu whenever you want but if you turn off your system plug in an oculink egpu and then boot your system, you don't have to deal with some of the additional protocol overhead of these interfaces and you get a full pcie gen 4x4 connection, meaning that even modern GPUs with reasonable performance should work really well on this, what else do we have here?
i need to test a theory   ayaneo flip ds

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i need to test a theory ayaneo flip ds...

The stereo speakers on the bottom like to see the headphone jack mounted on the bottom, I appreciate that, although I wouldn't mind if one of these USBC ports were on the bottom, on the back, that's a lot of input ventilation and exhaust and that makes sense because inside I have the same well, I shouldn't say the same, I was going to say the same processor that has been sweeping the laptop market, the Z1 extreme, I mean 7840 u, I mean 8840 U , that's right my friends, it's not the same because it has more neural processing, it's actually a bit funny if you load the pages for the 7840 U and 8840 u in two tabs and then switch between them, one of them is Global and the other is Global and China and Japan between the processor versions China and Japan joined the world, yes these are very similar processors and I am giving this much importance because technically this unit is available with the 7000 series or the 8000 series , which have the same eight zen4 cores and a clock of up to 5.1 GHz. just like the Z1 extreme and have the same Radeon 78m graphics as the Z1 extreme, the only difference is whether you get the la


generation neural processor or the 8000 series a little before the neural processor, what you will do in a device like that I have no idea, but that is something for you to discover, not me.
i need to test a theory   ayaneo flip ds
Wow, this is a big screen. I don't know what it is, maybe it's like your muscle memory, but the last time I used a dual screen device. It was a Nintendo DS, so I was a little surprised to see such a large and vibrant screen. Iono seems to have no idea what the specifications of this thing are. They advertise everything from 400 nits, I think up to 550 nits, but when we measured it in our lab and got over 800 nits, which is extremely bright for an SDR display, making this easily usable even outdoors, it which is pretty good.
i need to test a theory   ayaneo flip ds
Grayscale performance was fine at 2.4, it was a little warm, good for HD video, but it will do. be a little darker than normal for reference or desktop content and achieved 97% coverage of the srgb color space which is good, color accuracy was also good and the same can be said for the lower display , except it had a little better range coverage and doesn't get as bright, let's talk about the H inputs, it's pretty flat, although I'm sure any resemblance to the Nintendo DS is pretty coincidental, but unlike the DS, in Instead of going with those horrible slider joysticks to keep them flat, have a pretty decent range of motion and they've just recessed them below the surface.
I guess that's a big part of the reason this thing is so thick because look how much space it's taking up. with these joysticks they feel good, although I think it's a pretty good trade-off, in fact the overall ergonomics are pretty good, especially considering the considerable weight of this thing, what else do we have to do here? We have a button for Io space, okay, so we can adjust our power. profile we can adjust our performance overlay, sure, let's enable it, let's keep it simple, although we can adjust our fan settings smart or Auto Smart or Auto, should I do a smart or automatic transition to our sponsor xplit, whether Are you a streamer or a content creator? or you're just always on video calls to work xplit Cutting-edge streaming and video production tools can help you take your live stream to the next level.
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Yeah, well, that's left click. Oh hey, okay, let's take a look at the display settings. Okay, it's a sensible setup, yes, definitely. too bright, do you want me to turn it down? Glen, okay, let's lose some of this 800 nits of brightness here. Oh, there's one of those little CHs. Oh, that's not the best of these little trackpads I've used. Well, we have. Oh cool, some soft buttons select the window to go to the secondary screen. Well, we sure encountered a few bugs when managing apps between the two screens, including a strange one where, when we were testing the battery, we discovered that turning off the bottom screen didn't.
It doesn't really have a significant impact on battery life, because it was still showing up in Windows and it was still exiting, it was just a completely black screen at whatever brightness it was on, as far as we could see, but the good news is that it's Windows, so when it comes to multi-screen window management, there are many different options, both built into the operating system and third-party, so you have the standard Xbox C buttons here, you have any button, oh, okay, go to desktop button let's see what this button does, okay, but if we do, oh, I see, that overlay is an overlay, it sits in the foreground, okay, so this toggles that functionality, that's cool, oh, one thing I haven't mentioned here. power buttons Built-in fingerprint scanner.
I love watching him. I'm not a fan of these vibration motors. Can I post it right now? You can hear what I don't like about them. I bet we'll see if we can adjust it a little. a little good, high vibration, oh, that's probably, oh guys, actually the controller works both in the game and in I, well, high is that, but more, let's try a low level, well, not a great vibration. Engines, I mean, hey, how about this performance, although it's okay, we're actually achieving it. Over 100 FPS on Horizon 5 PS at this point, overall gaming performance on this device was very solid, not as good as the Rog Ally.
Interestingly, it seems like iano is prioritizing CPU clock speed compared to GPU clock speed, but it's pretty much in line with what I would expect from a Z1 extreme 78 40u or 8840 U is that these speakers don't. they are very direct, sometimes it is noticeable and sometimes it is really noticeable, but these are downward shooting AF, they are allowed, although they are very small, although of course if what you are looking for. It is the perfect machine for playing Nintendo DS games. I bet you're willing to overlook the mediocre speakers because, realistically, how good were the speakers on the DS?
Now I must clarify that all my hours in Mario Kart DS were on a DS and that's it. For good reason, the DS emulation is good in terms of performance, but in terms of configuration for the DS dual screen design. It's not that great, it turns out that's how you have to do it with most emulators, there are clever ways to make it work a little better than this, but I saw a comment on a forum from a prominent member. I don't think he was a developer, but he was certainly a prominent member who said yes, if you had that option, you would try it for a moment and then say, "Forget it, it's better to have the screens next to each other." I think you might agree, well, let's try it, yeah.
What's the benefit of having all this white space besides nostalgia? I'm not sure there are any other challenges when playing DS games on a machine like this. I guess one of the biggest ones is why would you do that? Battery life will be a fraction of what you'd get from a real DS running a glorified smartwatch processor by today's standards. We got anywhere from less than an hour in our extreme stress test to about 5 hours in our endurance test, which is very respectable for something that runs on a 45-hour battery with this kind of processor power, but nothing compared to what would get on a DS, the other big problem is that if you really want to pirate DS games, the DS is completely pirated in this regard.
I'm not going to lie to you guys, if I really wanted to emulate the DS, I think I'd almost prefer to have a Game Boy-like form factor with a really tall screen, so I just don't have the unnecessary space between my screens that I don't really do, it seems. contribute something. We're a little obsessed with the Nintendo DS, we forgot about the 3DS gameplay, but if you're wondering, it plays fantastic too and look, you can use both screens to throw nuts at your enemies, bam! We're playing at 3x resolution and everything is smooth, the other big elephant in the room is priced that starts at just under $1,000 and goes up to the $1,500 range when you throw in the latest processor, the 64 gigs of available RAM and more. up to 2TB of storage, it's great, yes, the option that has a keyboard down here is also great, it's a really elegant form factor with the ability to know how to type passwords and things like that when it's inconvenient to use an on-screen keyboard to speak . which I thought I had pressed something before oh yeah, there you go, this is bounce on the screen keyboard by default, okay, so it's a really cool form factor, very manageable, actually, kind of like the ergonomics.
I wish this was a little more rounded here as it is. great machine, it's a cool factor, it's a very complete package, it has Wi-Fi 6E, it has a 120HZ screen, yes it's pretty good, it just has a very challenging pricing structure at the moment, when you can get a Rog Ali Z1 extreme for like $700, which is over $250 less and that's full price with those things on sale either open box or new pretty frequently, so if you really like the form factor, there's a lot to love here, I mean, Ali doesn't have Oculink that's pretty sick, but if you don't like the form factor that much, I don't blame you, it's really pocket-sized, oh, as long as your pockets are thick, subscribe to short circuit.

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