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Panda Express Style Orange Turkey

Jun 05, 2021
we're heating up our sesame oil, get lost, I almost tore my hamstring trying to kick a fly, you know what, I don't even care, I'll say it, everyone thinks


stinks, I have nothing against that. bird itself, but on the thanksgiving table the


is always the least exciting part, so we're changing it up, we're adding a little flavor, we're taking cues from



, the king of fast food, the food Americanized Chinese, we are Adding


sauce, we are going to coat and fry a whole turkey. It's a hot oil game out there with a lot at stake.
panda express style orange turkey
Josh will survive. Find out too. We've taken the recipe and broken it down into three easy steps. You can grab the time codes right there. We also have a full recipe written in the description. We're going to fry without explosions today, so I mentioned we're going to fry this bird, but if you were to fry a turkey. all


chicken nicole you're fine nicole you drink bad water don't drink good water nicole everyone shames nicole like i was saying, if we were to fry the whole turkey, it would actually burn all the dough before the meat is completely cooked, so "In Actually, what we're going to do is steam this with a bunch of very Americanized Chinese food flavors from East Asia, so we've got garlic, chives, ginger and oranges, so all I'm going to do is take half of the things in this bowl.
panda express style orange turkey

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panda express style orange turkey...

It's because we have to save the other half to put it in the turkey's cloaca again the turkeys don't have an anus they just have cloacas we have anuses we don't have a cloaca the turkeys without an anus again you could ask how is the turkey poop chloeka so again we're just going to put that down there stop yelling at me and then we're going to take half of our scallions and as I mentioned we're going to steam it which means we're going to take about a liter of water and do it we're going to put underneath so that all of the delicious aromas of the orange, the scallion, the ginger and the garlic, will rise and get trapped when we put this turkey in there, so now we have this beautiful roasting rack that actually has the basket attachment of wire, so I'm going to take a turkey.
panda express style orange turkey
This is a big old 10 pound bird. Nothing too ostentatious. A nice bird of modest size. You take the wings, tuck the tips back, always tuck the tip in, yes, yes, there is, there is, there is, there is a stupid, idiotic bird. Turkeys are stupid, they can't even. poop, right, we've got the wing tip stuck, we're going to take a good amount of salt and we're just going to sprinkle it back on, a lot of the flavor is really going to come from all that orange chicken sauce that we're We're going to put it on and then we're also going to to take salt and we're going to go, yes, inside the cavity and then when we put all the aromatics in there, you'll see, oh, you'll see how we're going to put them in there.
panda express style orange turkey
I'm going to take scallions, I'm going to make a hole in the turkey's cloaca, we can assume it's some kind of anus and then we'll put some oranges in there and then we'll also take some ginger. You're going to crush the ginger a little bit, stick it in and then a couple of garlic cloves, this is the common culinary technique, it's called a fist, so we're going to go ahead and punch the calico of this turkey again, no butt, hold the fist, just a sewer. and we're going to keep it that way, when you press it real good, you're going to be able to get more aromatics in there and all it's going to do is continue to permeate the flavor throughout all of that and then a quicker one if you want. to get some momentum so you can swing your hips in the fist movement, so it's beautiful and now you see we have everything packed in there, I'm going to get a nice orange that will come out for good luck and then we'll just cover this with aluminum foil , we'll put it in an oven, it'll steam for about two hours and then we can let it cool and coat the fries, oh, it smells good, it definitely smells like there's something up there. scorpion cake so I'm going to unceremoniously tear off the foil and here we go yeah if you see all those aromatics you can see how we really stuck it in there honestly this smells absolutely delicious so all we gotta do we are going to remove it. the aromatics are called the old reverse fist and then we'll batter it and fry it, make that orange sauce, put it on a bed of chow mein and we'll save Thanksgiving this year by telling your uncle to get off Facebook, it's a Bad place for them, now we're outside.
Rhett and Link said I can't fry whole animals inside anymore and I think they're probably right, so we're frying turkey outside, we have our turkey fryer behind us, we have our steamer. turkey here and here we have a giant bowl of wet dough, so it's just cornstarch, flour, water, a little baking powder to give it a little leaven, all we have to do is coat this bird and place it in the fryer and not die. Not dying is the goal of most meals. You might think that it is creating a good and tasty dish. No, not dying is always the first step, so we will try to do it while being safe.
I'm just going to put a nice bed of batter on the bottom of the turkey and now I'm going to take a bunch and try to cover this bird and then you can go in with your hands and massage it and you can massage it through the cloaca. I wouldn't recommend the fist technique for this case, but I mean, if you really feel the need to do it, you should probably do it. What we're going to do is drop this whole turkey into a bucket and then we're going to put the whole bucket in the fryer, it's a special bucket for frying turkey, let's go ahead and take that, okay, I'm just going to put our turkeys in the bucket, so we've got our turkey all sprinkled with batter, we got into our bucket now we need to grab our bucket hook, so we're just going to hook the hook to the turkey, we've got some batter coating in our bucket, that It's all good and now Let's go ahead and drop that in there.
We have our oil at about 350 degrees, which is about the temperature you want to make. The key is to drop this very, very slowly, since there is a wet dough, you can get steam. come up, make sure you don't, I repeat, don't fill your barrel of oil as much as you want, about half way, there should be a minimum maximum fill line and we're not going to do anything but do it very slowly, very slowly and now we safely back off. , make sure you keep your helmets on your face, it won't save you, it will make you feel better if you see oil overflowing, make sure you have a class C fire extinguisher on hand, make sure if you do this and it goes wrong don't tell them to the authorities that you saw it on our YouTube channel that would be bad news for us thank you so we are going to let it fry for about five minutes again since the turkey is completely cooked and steamed with all those nice aromatics in fists, everything that we have to do is crisp up the dough, it should take about five minutes, um, yeah, that's all I have to say about the good news, josh is dead, he died in a fiery explosion from a turkey this is the hologram of josh, I mean josh, so now we have to make the orange sauce and you see this group of beautiful, lush ingredients, what the hell are we heating up the pot, let's put some sesame oil in there, this is a recipe from really beautiful



orange chicken imitation, except we're actually using a little more orange than they actually use so we're heating up the processing oil, get lost, I almost tore my hamstring trying to kick a fly so we're adding our garlic into that sesame oil I just want to start with vegetable oil I should have added garlic all along well whatever we have sesame oil and vegetable oil in there and now we're going to add ginger grated, these are all those aromatics that give that kind of ineffable orange chicken to the sauce and then a little bit of orange zest which is the zest of four whole oranges, we're going to sauté until it's a little fragrant and then we're going to start. adding all our other stuff so a lot of the flavors and the orange chicken will get soy of course that's going to be your big salt component it's going to give it that nice dark rich flavor a little bit of umami we've got a bunch too of rice wine vinegar, which is actually one of the main components of orange chicken, which is that nice spicy flavor that we'll also get from orange juice hand-squeezed by who Trevor, thanks Trevor, we don't have a juicer oranges in the kit trevor you are the orange juicer is something I yelled at him yesterday we have a workplace like that we support each other a lot and now I'm going to add our honey which is the most important part because the chicken a la Orange is a candy, it's a candy, it's meat covered in caramel sauce and it's delicious, so you're going to take all that honey and stick it in there.
You could totally use sugar, but honey, you know it's nice, it's a natural nice. sweetener, so they say it's antimicrobial, so we heat it up and then sriracha is the last thing. I'm going to add just a little bit of spice. You could use fresh chiles. You could literally use anything, but we're adding that it's that useful. I'm hosting a cooking show and I could use x, you could literally use anything, a hot sauce won't do, we probably have all that in there and now all we're going to do is wait for this to boil. We're going to let it cook for about 10 minutes and then we're going to add a little bit of cornstarch to the water to really thicken it up and give it that nice thick lemon juice caramel layer that the sun touched on my brain, honestly my adrenaline was so high. when we were frying that turkey over there I thought it was going to explode, so yeah, lemon juice because it's sour and now we wait for it to arrive, am I forgetting anything else?
What is this? The orange sauce has boiled, it is quite spicy. which is exactly where we want the orange chicken to be it should be spicy we're going to add a little bit of cornstarch to the water and then we're going to put it in there to thicken it up this is called slurry we're just going to add that to that. stir a little bit and then this should thicken our sauce nicely and that's going to go into our fried turkey and that's going to make it really stick to the skin. We will put it back in the oven and let the sauce cook. down for another 10 to 15 and then I'll see you on the other side because I'm dead but I'm a hologram but I'm also dead we have a turkey in a bucket and it's kind of stuck in there because we have a lot of dough out there let's get it out yeah that's it It's better, it's pretty good, we have to figure out how to get this out so it doesn't get stuck in there, so I'm going to take a big spatula and try to break up the dough. things you think a hologram's hands couldn't hold this lot maybe I just have a reach there like push my hands underneath yeah it's still hot I put you into this world with a fist I can take you out with a fist and look at that now we have to cover it with orange sauce my apron came untied I'm covering it in grease my glasses are covered in grease my face is covered in grease my whole life is covered in grease let's take all this orange chicken sauce and we're just going to brush our turkey with it, we'll see that it's getting nice and lacquered, what I suggest you do and what I'm going to do is brush it with sauce and then bake it to solidify that sauce. there and I'm going to repeat that process about 13 times, so I really want to give this turkey a thick coat of caramel, while before I close the cloaca with my fist, now I just want to lightly brush, yeah, yeah, you want to move it around. so you get this right, it's nice and it's covered in lacquer.
I'm going to put this in the oven for about five minutes and then repeat this process so we have the turkey in the oven all that orange sauce is just squeezing it I think we're ready to take it out you see some of that caramelization on the bottom yay hit the oven the old scorpion kick with the left foot I mean come on this seems pretty amazing to me I'm really excited about how it turned out you see all that sauce it's just stuck to the chicken which is not a chicken which is a big old chicken which is a big aggressive chicken the way to serve our orange turkey um what I would recommend sure you could make stuffing you could make mashed potatoes you could make sweet potatoes you could make beans vegetables potatoes tomatoes but what I think we should do is get a giant bed of six servings of chow mein from panda express because you can't make better chow mein, I can't make better chow mein than panda express now we're going to take this turkey and we're going to transport it to our big bed of chow mein and again you want to put it in the hole and I'm going to dig it oh shit there we go okay so we have this completely ready all I'm going to do is cut some chives leave it nice and garnish it this knife is the most boring thing I've ever seen, and I've met Trevor's mother-in-law.
What I'm talking about? We're at that stage of the day where all the coffee in the world can't save you, so let's just chop up some scallions. There are so many people like Josh. I need a? good set of knives, what should I buy? And I think I don't know how to cut with a toothbrush. Okay, you're also going to want to fly, you're going to want to fly to bless your turkey, that's, uh, people don't. I don't know some Jews, butJews for Thanksgiving. We always have a fly. It can't be a Jewish fly. I have to be a fly.
Come in and bless your turkey, so thank you, fly for your service, yeah, stay there, no, no, no, no, don't mind me. He'll leave some chives here and fly away. Would you mind staying for dinner? I should always invite the fly to stay for dinner yes, oh, thank you very much here, go ahead, go ahead, oh no, it's dead, it's okay, it's okay, we have our orange turkey, it's super lacquered, it's in our giant chow bed man I'm I'm gonna go ahead and cut a piece off maybe I can get my hands in oh it's so sticky yeah yeah why did I say carve instead of do that?
Wow, this is in my crowd, I see why that flag died for this, you don't have to believe me, you have a nice ass sticking your hair up a cow's ass, wouldn't you just feed it a slice of turkey and Nicole Nicole? You are ready to play sports in a big way. Okay, wait, be careful, no, be careful. watch out, yeah, I got it, I'm trying to get the slice, I got it, yeah, you got it, yeah, there it is okay, stay there, yeah, wait, don't move, I'm not going to move, I got everyone's shakes the sugars.
How is it really what's your favorite part of all of this? What's your favorite part about working with me all day working with you all day oh that's a cop out answer she didn't give me anything you're my best friend you know that oh? You are, I consider you a co-worker. Would you make this for your own Thanksgiving? Me neither, but it's perfect to definitely impress the crowd. Thank you so much. All I want to do is impress you and I hope I have impressed you. All of you today with my high stakes for frying and again I'm dead just to reiterate that thank you very much for stopping by the mythical kitchen.
We release new videos every week. We have new episodes of our podcast. Nicole, leave it hanging. I have hope. Subs. our podcast comes out every Wednesday wherever you get your podcast, hit us up on Instagram at Mytical Kitchen with photos of your mythical dishes. I'll see you all next time, from where I'm currently dead on the floor, you can cook your own feast while sporting the mythical kitchen apron available now at

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