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Our Reptiles Open their Christmas Gifts!

Jun 08, 2021
and it is for our red faced bullsnake that we produced about a year ago. This is still naughty. Her name is still naughty because she is still naughty, but Santa Claus sent her. I guess it's a very special gift because in her eyes she. She was a very good girl this year, so let's see why she hurt herself even though her name is still naughty. Yeah, I'm surprised you weren't on the naughty list. Little Santa apparently didn't believe it so this is your gift, oh oh. What could that be? You're smelling it. Oh, really, really interested in it, let's take it to the floor and


it up.
our reptiles open their christmas gifts
What was Santa Claus getting you from? What could be in there? Oh, he's a dead mouse, your favorite, exactly what he always was, oh, how did Santa Claus know? Here look at that gift. It's just for you oh well, I think she's going to eat it right out of the box. I think you're right, what are you doing to your gift? You're eating your present girl just to play with your presents not to eat them maybe this is what she thinks of santa and maybe she shouldn't get a present until next year apparently not if you're going to do this right for her next year whoever comes will surely be cold and will just be eating her presents I wonder if this is what Santa intended with her maybe this was a mouse that Santa found in his workshop oh maybe then she is doing him a favor yes yes maybe this It's his redemption it was the night before Christmas when in the whole house not a creature was moving not even a mouse especially this mouse that just got eaten on Christmas is definitely not moving 20 20 it was very hard on this mouse well here goes Her gift, yes, her gift has now gone deep inside her and you're letting her come to me, Merry Christmas, okay.
our reptiles open their christmas gifts

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our reptiles open their christmas gifts...

So Emily's back and she hasn't come back with a reptile, so I wonder who's next. We still have five presents under this tree and I don't think there's an animal in this house that's been good enough for five presents and then. suddenly someone went crazy, they are all free, so apparently she has been very good this year, you get the last gift, I don't think she has been very good this year, oh but she will love them, they are not worth five


of anyway, she knows that we. You're talking about her, yeah, come here, look at me mom, yeah, look, I want those


, give me the gifts, have you been such a good girl? look at me, pick me up, give me gifts, give me gifts, okay, let's


your gifts, jam, what.
our reptiles open their christmas gifts
Could you see that the rest is for you here, open it, take it? Do you want a different one? What are you doing? It's like a Christmas present from two years ago before they really understand what Christmas is. Yeah they just like there's paper and I'm not sure what you're doing and there's a tree and there's a tree for some reason that's one of your favorites look at Harrison's power tree here do you want one? These are all for you. Test it. mmm oh she likes it yes, she approves she also grabbed two Yes?, glutton, it's that good, that good, oh, you want more, okay, here you go, she's very happy with herself right now, yes , he loves these.
our reptiles open their christmas gifts
We went to Parrot Island, which is a bird store specialized bird store in the twin cities pay attention to me sorry these are delicious I think he likes his gift this is just the first of five do you want one more and then we'll open another gift yeah, yes, do you love it? harrison is not a sponsor she really loves harrison yes and they are pretty good for you they are good for the birds yes good for you too I guess have you ever had a harrison's I'm not okay I guess you need to see what your bird really likes um , it's a little stale, it's not fasting, yes, it's not bad, but it's not bad.
Cheyenne really likes good. Here you can have the rest of mine. I would feed her Harrison solely as a diet, but it is very expensive to feed him. just her popsicle diet, that's why I make the supreme mix for the golden banquet, but we make Harrison's energy treats, right?, yes, yes, we do. Oh, she'll come here for more, yeah, she's fine, what could be in this if it were this much fun? in this present here look this is a special toy just for you this is what we got at target using chloe's gift card we were able to find a gift for cheyenne at target it's a blanket here oh look she likes it and she likes se The blanket looks prettier, she is the one who appreciates it the most, yes, I will say, I mean the frogs and everyone who ate things like


s, wow, good girl, yes, this will just be Cheyenne's blanket from now on onwards, yeah, I couldn't find it. a bird-themed blanket, so we went with an alligator, good girl, yes, she likes it, she appreciates it.
Should we say what else you have? What could be in this one? No, she wants to continue playing with her towel. Yes, of course, it should have been. the last gift he gave her, yes, really, look, you have this too, oh, a new toy, new toy just for you, look at that toy, no mom, I have a towel, yes, a blanket, mom, this is it from all the fans, cheyenne, from all of ours. cheyenne backgrounds hey look that's for you yeah you get it good girl okay good girl get it take it okay she's back on the blanket yeah well I mean it's more of a toy cage or a Stan toy anyway, yeah, we'll have to hang up. up there, she'll tear it up, here's another one for you, take out the handkerchief, take it, good girl, no, no, just a blanket, this is for you, take it out, good girl, open your gift, no, she'll just go after she. blanket that's why you should get into the blanket in the end I should have yes look at this if you were so good this year that's from all the fans also this is for you this one can surround you it's so big look at that what a lucky girl and we have one more: Did Cheyenne get wine for Christmas?
She could have it. Oh, she's a foraging toy for you. We are always trying to find ways to keep Cheyenne busy so we get her all kinds of foraging toys and she figures them out pretty quickly but this is a new one that we haven't tried yet so for this foraging toy there are all these little plastic inserts and you place the treats from the top and the birds have to learn to pull each insert out and as it hangs the food keeps falling out. down until it reaches the bottom where they can reach it and grab it, go, that's for you now you can't reach it, you have to get it out though oh wow wow, you're going to get it backwards, it was a lot it looked faster than I expected oh yeah , she'll find out oh yeah, well that concludes all of our Christmas gifts that you gave to our animals and I would say they went very well, we actually have one thing. which people will probably ask in the comments what about rex rex? uh she's on the naughty list this year, she ate her neighbor's dog, she wouldn't wear a mask in public, she reopened her pools, she's just on the naughty list so she didn't. getting gifts for this Christmas because we're saving her gifts until we move her into the facility is really what we're doing, so she's getting gifts, we save some of it, which is what I was talking about before, all of the specific fish funds from Rex were It's safe for her to just pamper her when we move her to the new facility because that's really what we want to wait for, that's why Rex wasn't in today's video, but don't worry, her pampering adventure is coming soon, yeah, that .
I mean, they sent it to Jolly Ball in one of the fan mail openings. She'll be getting plenty of toys, treats, and minnows to hunt and chill, so she'll be spoiled here, hopefully, in about two or three weeks. Yes maybe. I don't know it depends on when the glass arrives for her enclosure because we need glass to keep her contained in the room so yeah that's why Rex didn't appear in today's video but merry Christmas cheyenne thank you all for watch our videos and support us on patreon or send money to pay for these toys. You all made Christmas very special for us here and it wouldn't be the same without all your support, so thank you again for watching our videos and I hope that no matter what holiday. you're celebrating this time of year I hope it's a good one and we'll see you next time too look we're decorated we have a tree in this house we've never had a Christmas tree in this house before and my mom will do it. be very proud, yes mom, if you are seeing this look, I have a Christmas tree, there is a small Christmas tree, at least I am taller than when sitting, but there is a little bit of Christmas, it still counts, yes it is well, goodbye everyone, happy holidays, today.
We're at Petsmart and thought we'd take just a small amount of Rex's fish pool and give them some treats for some animals that don't normally come into the channel, like our favorite Lieutenant Dan and Chloe and Chloe and We might get some treats too for other animals, but this way we have a small amount of money and we can get some gifts that Ed and Emily haven't seen yet and they can open them and be super surprised, funded by you, yes, funded. by patreons and also very generous donations funded by very generous donations from fan mail, that you don't have to send them money, they appreciate it, but it's not necessary, you can keep it for yourself and get your own animals, so let's go.
Head over to Petsmart and see what we can find. We thought that




normal reptile food all the time, but we could get them something really special for Christmas, so we thought we'd try making some freeze dried food like the mixers instinct has done. for Chloe as a treat because it's just meat and nothing else is added and that way they can just add some treats and she can try them, plus she's a big turtle so those are some big chunks for her, unfortunately the treats from turtle in the turtle section they're usually this big and Chloe's mouth is about big oh look it's lieutenant dan's favorite food human fingers without turkey so we'll make a turkey on the deck and you want to get the um As we were leaving the hall because we had received Lieutenant Dan his gifts we found festive venison stew we looked at the ingredients and they are actually quite good there is nothing you can't have in small quantities and we thought you don't normally get this type of food I found things without potatoes oh okay that's really good so lieutenant dan is spoiling we pick out a couple of meals for dan and legolas and then we pick out some amazing treats for chloe and the turtles they're all freeze dried so which They will last a long time, but we think they will be very delicious for them and then we thank you for your help so we also have freeze dried chicken and then the raw mix boosters so we have just a bunch of really interesting things really got you excited

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