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An Adventure with Cheyenne, our Macaw!

Mar 24, 2024
So I realized we are a reptile channel, but I know a lot of people who watch our videos also like birds and I love birds, especially Cheyenne, our 21-year-old blue and gold


. It may pluck its feathers, but no. She looks perfect, but she's still perfect in our eyes, so I thought today we'd go out, spend a whole day with Cheyenne, maybe fly her around a little and have a little fun, so you'll be ready, Cheyenne, in case Let's put on the harness. Come on, come on, the first thing you will notice about Cheyenne is that she is a little naked and that is because she plucks her feathers and this is a habit she picked up in her previous home where she was not taken care of very well, we think so. forced into some sort of breeding situation that she didn't approve of and also she didn't have much to do and when birds get bored they often resort to plucking behaviors and now that she has become a plucker even though we adopted her about 12 years ago .
an adventure with cheyenne our macaw
I have now known her longer than I have known my husband ed. It's a habit like nail biting and it's very difficult to get them to stop plucking their feathers. The downside is that feather follicles only produce a limited number of feathers over their lifetime. continually plucking them, her follicles are drying up, so to speak, and eventually they stop producing new feathers, so she progressively becomes more and more naked as her follicles retreat and, especially under her wings, she is our little naked plucked chicken, but still ours. Baby, yeah, you're a baby, aren't you? So she spoiled herself a lot and makes up for it with her personality, but you're a little naked, that's why she wears a scarf.
an adventure with cheyenne our macaw

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an adventure with cheyenne our macaw...

Another thing I should mention is that she has all the flying and she has it all. of her flight feathers here we have had birds with clipped wings and birds without clipping, we are not going to talk about the controversy between clipping or not clipping your bird's wings in this video, she has simply flown completely, that means that when the We bring it outside and as it should be even for a clipped bird, we have to put a harness on it. This harness was made specifically for birds and is the brand of aviator harness. I really like the aviator, especially because it has a bungee cord like a strap, so it does fly. and it gets to the end of the strap, not only does it stop it dead, but it gives it a little bit of stretch so it doesn't stop so abruptly in the air, so we're going to put the aviator harness on it. and start, it may take some time to get the bird used to putting on a harness, but we have been using this for many years: you put one wing through the hole that you put the harness through and then you slide the other wing in and then you tighten it, does it?
an adventure with cheyenne our macaw
Why should clipped birds even be put on a harness? Ah that's a good question, yes even a clipped bird can fly with the right gust of wind, like if the wind came in and lifted their wings even clipped it could still give them enough lift to take off and fly away from you so Yes, if you are going to take your bird outside, whether it is trimmed or in flight, wear a harness or put on a harness either way, what are you doing? Don't get on the floor, come on. Back here and for those who don't know how to cut a bird correctly, these feathers here are the primary feathers and these are all the secondary ones.
an adventure with cheyenne our macaw
To cut a bird correctly, you cut the primary feathers because those are the ones that initiate the thrust in the bird, the secondary ones. it promotes lifting so if you go away some people will do what's called a show clip on a bird and for that you leave the two outer feathers intact and clip off the next five or six or so and that gives the illusion that Your bird's feathers are not trimmed because you will see them when its wings are folded with these long feathers sticking out, however, it is those first primary feathers that give the bird oomph, so if you trim the ones behind it, the ones that give it lift, basically that means your bird is just You'll have more power to run towards the ground, so to have a nice, effective but safe clip, you want to take the first five or six flight feathers about halfway.
There are also many people who will trim all the secondary feathers. don't leave the primary feathers, which is exactly the opposite of what you want because then they have all their force directly on the ground, yeah you don't want to do that, no,


is in her harness, hooray, she's in her harness, she choose that too. a little bit but she does it yeah but she's pretty good once we distract her with things outside she's usually pretty good in the harness so if we go to the store she's never been on the premises before I think That should be our first stop today.
We go for a car ride, so sometimes Cheyenne sits on my lap, but most of the time she sits on the headrest behind me, that's where you have to take the first step, take your time, oh no, she wants to be in my life. I want to be. I guess not, don't poop on my lap please, I actually have to put newspapers under where she would poop if she sat on the headrest, life with birds all the time, okay, come on, look at that, what is it? that's for sure? I didn't like the semi trucks oh my god there's another one that's big that's all we have


what do you think?
Oh, the ladders are having a meeting or something, what do you think Cheyenne? This is our new building, you haven't seen it. It's still fine, so the main reason we wanted to bring Cheyenne here is because we have an open room that's not full of enclosures yet and we have a flying


, so we're going to do some flight training, you know from so. She was about 16 years old and I had her for the first time. I wanted to take her to an indoor type building, yeah, indoor building like one of those bubble sports domes, oh yeah, to rent one, she wouldn't do that, but now we'll see.
I mean, she's been, we've been doing some flight training with her youngest for the last few years, she's really out of shape too, Jesus, you've got a little crush, okay, come here, yeah, good luck with Yes, we have not arrived. that point to take off just take a step ready go okay we should do some super slow motion uh and he threw her towards me and she was coming and then she decided she was going to go there she just decided I'm out she's like now She's somewhere around here, yeah, where did you land? Cheyenne, I hear hooks there, you're, why did you fly there, pretty girl? landing cheyenne cheyenne you were such a good girl we might have to do this again before it fills up with the characters just off camera it's getting a little dark anyway we were here for a while we also had other things to do here like clearing weeds or whatever so we have to go because we still want to take Cheyenne to Hudson's dock and walk around and then maybe get her some dairy queen yeah we can get you some dairy queen she doesn't eat that much slight.
I promise you this is like a once a year couple bites of ice cream from Dairy Queen, but I think you deserve it, so let's put our harness back on and head to Hudson. Okay, do you want to explain yourself? Cheyenne, uh, this is this car. It's not a jungle gym she didn't want to sit on the headrest anymore alright come here I put you back I tricked you I don't want you on my lap you shit on yourself last time we like to bring cheyenne Sometimes we're here just to get her off the hook house and put some nice UVB on her body because that's great not only for reptiles but for birds and, yeah, it's good socialization and good exposure for her to be out here, so I think what we're doing.
What we're going to do is take her down to the dock here and see what she thinks about having her feet waiting in the water at the beach, I think that sounds like a fun thing to do, yeah, okay, come on, so we're supposed to be filming a video, there are so many pikachu available right now, okay this is also an excuse to play Pokémon Go tonight, I just think Cheyenne can't play Pokémon Go at all, I guess she wanted me to play, yeah. that's what she said, yeah she looks so comfortable there, oh take a picture of my good side, come here, well we get to the end of the pier, it's actually a beach where we find a soft shell turtle swimming. in shallow water here, you know, we never used that video, right?, right?, we made a whole video, it's this one here, we made a whole video, like a spontaneous clip, about this softshell turtle that I found, yeah because Emily I can just go swimming and find turtles yeah I thought it was like a sand dollar but then I realized we don't have them here but anyway I'll link it in the description below . it's on patreon or something but we'll make it public so you don't have to join patreon to see it anyway this is a video about you not that the prison turtles are waiting in the water what do you think not, not her?
She doesn't like to get tired of your nonsense mom it's okay, come here, come on, you're going to do all the exercise today, come on, oh you know you can fly, she's running, good girl, Cheyenne, why do you have your wings spread? Yes, I feel bad for myself, yes. pick me up mom pick me up look I'll stand on your foot this is how I stand up pick me up oh my god this is life with a bird in a nutshell you caught a cheyenne I did it I went fishing and I caught a chain okay? she's just falling on top of you yeah she wins so I don't think she likes water and I really don't think she likes sand I don't think so so she just wants mom yeah it's still good for she yes, yes, it's good for her to get the UVB, she doesn't seem bothered, no, she just wants to be on my shoulder, yes, you spoiled bird, what did you think you didn't want to get in the water, huh, she's happy now, although yes , very? happy now, hey, I'm Denae and that weird goat guy, he's doing so much better, he looks so good in his harness like it wasn't about any of that until we started dating and all the people were like what is he ? and then he says: yo famous good job bird night on the pier tonight someone asked if it was a bird convention yeah we're thinking about taking cheyenne to Dairy Queen so he likes ice cream ooh do you think my friend would like it would you like some?
He loves ice cream. He bought some. ice cream parrot day ice cream on the pier there's the friend, are you ready for ice cream? Yeah, he's getting tired, yeah, getting dark, okay, could you stop eating my ice cream? Well, we didn't want to film next to the dairy queen because that's in On a busy street you couldn't hear anything, so we walked away and it was already very dark when we got back to the dock, but now we have to see if, friend and Shit, should we do it first, dude? Come on buddy, come on little pig, do you want ice cream, do you want ice cream?
My friend likes ice cream, yes, he makes one more, there you go, good boy, do you want some ice cream? Oh, she's going to eat it constantly, oh, I saw those eyes, hmm, oh. delicious ice cream is so good, um, like no, she's too big, I have to stop eating and she's concentrating, she may have eaten too fast and, like her little bird, her brain froze, do you think she Does it freeze your brain? I mean, I don't see why not. I wonder if she hasn't stopped, okay, yeah, I guess don't take a whole bite of it, okay, actually, she's, uh, she's over here, ice cream, now she's going to wipe it all over my arm, yeah, you will Well, let's finish the little one today.


with cheyenne hope you all enjoyed it uh it's getting pretty dark pretty late I'm sure cheyenne is exhausted from all the flying in the store they don't need any more ice cream than that girl damn she just had a bite of pickled go fly de new just to fix it, yes really, thanks as always to all the amazing Patreon patrons who support this channel.
We appreciate you guys, you helped us a lot and thanks to everyone who erased that from all my art. That's it now, she's going to lick it, oh mmm, ice cream, dirty tattoos, farm ice cream, ice cream on arm, thanks for watching everyone, see you next time, wait, wait, wait, you still have to do your merchandising, oh, that's right, yeah, okay, so we, from everyone. She's been asking for Cheyenne merch we just released, time it with this new merch video just for Cheyenne. I really like how it turned out and I'll also put the artist information in the description below if you want to see it, but I think he did a great job, it was made by a fan of ours, still, thank you very much and uh, yeah, see you now next time.
Goodbye, Cheyenne, she's tired, she says, take me home human.

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