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May 30, 2021
so of course remember the mom thing, now it's time for the dad thing, dad can tell dad jokes, run over people with a lawn mower, throw a grill at you, set you on fire and take you to your room, guys, this is intense, stay here. It's my turn to be a dad, and if you don't want to be punished, press the like button under the video and if you're not punished, the like button will turn blue. Press the subscribe button. I hope you enjoy it, okay, okay, okay. Okay, if you're the parent, just hit the prank button right now.
official ssundee daddy role among us
The third guy jokes are too fast for you new guys. I am a member of the team. I have all this evidence. I finished all my tests and all other races were over. his time the big bar we won oh god that's pretty new guys the imposter is a dad you can tell dad jokes he makes everyone laugh there's a new room I didn't even finish that shit test I got excited guys guys guys guys I just sold dad I just finished from seeing dad, I just sold dad the lawnmower, he almost ran me over, oh no, guys, follow me, follow me, where do math teachers go on vacation?
official ssundee daddy role among us

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official ssundee daddy role among us...

And now we are stunned every time we hear a dad joke, we are stunned on the spot. so I can throw a grill at us guys press the like button if you like this mod this is crazy we have added a new room for Skeleton Gary come check out the new room there is a new room in skulk press f everyone press f press f press If not, that's it watch it, watch it in the trailer, hey, what did you guys do? What did you do wrong? Hey? Electric drive guys, if you want to keep going, if you want to get to the ground, you have to press the like button, press the like button. becomes, how do you follow Will Smith in the snow?
official ssundee daddy role among us
Oh, you follow the fresh prince. Okay, Henry, that was the worst. Get it because like the fresh prince, no, no, no, I'm pressing the button, I'm pressing the button, there it is, listen, there's a. very good, there are many. I saw three people get burned by searches. I also saw Ambrew with Kate when I saw the lawnmower, the father on a lawnmower, so Abram and I are safe. Okay, okay, that guy. Gary and Henry suspicious. I'm obsessed with Gary and Henry. Dad can go into the room so he can clean himself that way. That's the one that was put in the room.
official ssundee daddy role among us
Right, which state has the most streets. I'll have to look at them Gary, I don't know, I haven't seen it, look I'm stuck in the grounded room, so who would they send you to the ground and into the room without a no? It's just me so if we skip this, I'm grounded every once in a while I was alone in the room on the floor and then I spawned and then I ran into you. Look, Henry, I think it's Gary Gary, unless we kill them first, unless Henry killed Lookums before. I do not like this. okay, let's look, look up, okay, no one's grounded, no, he's gone oh no oh no, I'm dead oh no, I'm dead oh no oh no, remember there's someone on fire oh, be scared, monster, hey guys , let's do it, I don't want to get hit by another lawnmower no more dad jokes okay, no more dad jokes how do you make seven even take out the s I don't like it here guys, I'm the dad okay, okay, then I can become the father, I can also grind people and once I become dead, look at this, okay, look, there's a local coming right there, so if I become the father and then I can get on it, wait , let me turn off the lights, turn off the lights, keep spinning more.
Hello.What happened? They just bought someone. No, who is it? oh no, there's also oh no, that's so bad, okay, so I dropped the mass thing and I look good too, wait, I have to turn into this and then I have to get closer. Well, here we go, so if I do, hello, just run away, run away, run away. Okay, let's make lights and then I could grow too. Let's do this. Let's do this. I'll just stay here. Stay here. I'm going to wait until our zod passes and I love him so much, okay, I'm going to try to get clean, I can connect people, wait, let's connect the sigils and I, oh wait, no, I just got punished, I just got punished, yes, me too.
No, wait, are you grounded too? Yes, I saw you right next to me. Okay wait. They are both punished. We're both grounded right now. Oh no, what are you doing to come in here. I have information. OK. What is your information? What is your? The information is okay, so Lookum's body was all like shredded in the communications at the bottom and then and then there was like a bone body on the outside too, yeah, yeah, I figured it out. I saw the burned body with Ambree, but I didn't see it. the crushed body amber, you crushed the body ah no no no no no it wasn't me wait it looks no no it wasn't it wasn't me it wasn't me okay wait then who did you crush that didn't uh okay, go, go, go, go, go, go, listen, listen, listen, I'm almost done with two tasks, okay, let me do them, that's it, what is it, listen, I'm done with two.
I do the longest tasks first. First I have a strategy. Alright? It's a bad strategy, okay, sizzle, we're still grounded, we're still grounded, we're not grounded anymore, how many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh, seven ten tickles, oh you know why you know what you did so let's make a joke. hit him with a prank wait no if I become a dad and then make a prank then I won't be surprised okay let's be a dad hit him so if a child refuses to sleep during nap is he guilty of resist a break?
Hey, can you? No, have you seen something, Henry, have you seen something? And we didn't clean his room. He didn't put the clothes on the bed and didn't make up his closet. He didn't make his dresser. I never want to see Henry's house like it's real. I don't know his house is okay, he probably doesn't even flush his toilet, we just post, we just get balls, he's literally freer than a free Costco sample, you know what I'm saying, okay, I gotta do this, wait. let me fill this filling it filling it I have to go do you want to be friends with gas?
I am a foot of gas. You know what I'm saying. I literally have no idea what that means. I don't know what you have. Turn on the lights, okay, I'll go this way I want to set a fire, I'm going to set Kate on fire, I'm going to go listen, I gotta be mad, baby, okay, hey, you're on fire, you're on fire, you were on fire. No, what happened, she was on the medical floor, she was on fire, man, I came in here and I was doing this thing over here and she was on fire, you guys authorized me to do that, can you believe me doing my best?
Yes, I can clarify, I can clarify. okay here you can hear this you can hear this listening listening message mommy mommy okay this is how I go out I'm leaving bye why is he the way he is go to your room right now young man punished they are punished they're punished you're punished wait flico flico do this song for henry while you're there make the song for let me help you make them listen let me out makeup listen that's the wrong model who's the only one who hasn't been punished I haven't seen you in seven years I think I've been punished like seven times okay , yeah, uh-huh, legislators, right, they just weren't this game, okay, right, it's like oh, right, right, okay, okay, okay, I'm sure you've been built into this game a little bit.
Do we have any information besides that? But other than that, no, I heard Henry say that he wants to eliminate Flico because of that. Okay, we didn't vote for five. We know we don't vote. five, so if you voted, then you are wrong, why did they vote? You're not supposed to vote in five, those are the rules, no, no, you don't vote, that's what it says, if you vote then you're wrong, that's what it says. I said I had to save Amber for last since people are upset with him, okay wait I don't have an imposter button.
I don't have an imposter button. No, okay, I have a mouse button, our tamper button, let's press the lights, let's do this. they can't see me they can't see me they can't see me oh that's perfect here we go I have like I did like I did like I did lights it was all me all my it was all me what are you talking about? sort of, I'm faking the wall, I'm faking the wall too, oh no, I just did it, you just water us, yeah, ready, three two, listen, I'll tell you a joke in three two one, oh, fuck, I thought that I was going to understand.
You with the joke and I make you press I want to tell you a joke in three two one What is the best insect that smells? Okay, deodorant. Wait, can we? No, that's right, it's extremely sunny. henry what are you doing henry amber amber I'm not supposed to be anymore and we made me laugh and we made me laugh and then he teleported me to the grounded room I have a song let me know what you think of it okay he's listening my dad got run over by a lawn mower cutting the grass let me get out of here amber that's terrible ok ok i gotta get it out oh i get it out what if I set a fire to sizzling what if I set a fire to a sizzling and then amber will be on my side side?
Because I just made that alibi for him, where are the singles? where is? they are sigils henry is fine, yes, he was already a henry, yes, he teleported me, he teleported me, he did it, he did it, he did it that way, it was you and it was you met your he was on fire and he burned to death and you made us laugh at just the right moment and you brought us together to make fun of me you need to listen to us you need to listen to this ian it was just me when he and I said three, two, one and then the joke was over and it was just me there, it's not me , which means they must be inside and they also took us both to time out together.
Henwood, you saw me when the lights were out, I had no idea. where were you and you called no because it was 112.00 i'm voting i think it's a headwind vote henry amber i'm voting henry i don't think ian is a person oh get burned and eaten by a lawnmower that's a bit dark uh hit the like button if you haven't enjoyed this dad hit the subscribe button if you're around click on the next video to watch the next video and as always tell us some more mods in the comments so we can know how to make em things yes I want say

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