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Plants VS Zombies Among Us

Jun 24, 2024
Greetings everyone, I'm bok choy and welcome to Plants vs Zombies two or one of whatever color, like this video for more Plants vs Zombies adventures and let's go to Among Us and let's get into the video now. Hello kiwi bees, yours. What are your tasks? You have to do? I don't know, let's do your homework, let's do homework together. Sounds like a great idea, yeah, come on, come on, bok choy, I'm on it hmm, what can I do? Don't know. what to do, eh, I heard right, what's up here, let me try to fix something, friends, I heard something, oh, the watermelon is dead, she, come here, eh, melon, oh, oh no, we have to go to the other one, yes, everyone listen, someone here, come.
plants vs zombies among us
Mountain who was who was uh laser beam what you say uh I think it was posturum why talking about I didn't kill them oh don't worry it's not you mushroom why everything has to pay for me for me hey hey What is the launcher bananas? I think it was Cherry Bomb. Everyone vote for sugar momma. It's so dark here. I know what's happening. We need to find something to turn the lights back on. Come on, let's go see carom. He knows what to do. Yes. come on exactly, do you know what to do with this? No, I don't know, that's all, it doesn't matter, well, who will choose this man, oh my God, okay, in general, I'm here, I'm here, oh my God, oh my God, mom and shoot goopy. we dead oh no I have to go tell kbb about the crying listen to this I saw someone dead in the generator who was it I think it's a mushroom yeah I know who it was too but damn I'm fine everyone come on, He said he is. a star, yes, what is the banana launcher like?
plants vs zombies among us

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So smart, let's vote for daddy's mime, is everyone okay, okay, yeah, okay, let's go okay. I'm going to keep an eye on daddy's mime later, baby, no fat comments, oh boy, I'll be here seeing who he is. Imposter, yes, I think you should see it. I'm also an alien. Yes I know. I guess they didn't push me all the time. What happened? Crush what happened. Oh, okay, okay, let me shoot some asteroids. Oh my gosh, well, Banana Joe. tell me the truth oh my god I can't remember the ending scratch died and it wasn't shooting the asteroid drum who had done that I don't, I don't know, I don't know who they are, yes I was Aren't you pumpkin?
plants vs zombies among us
No, I don't do it that well. Don't know. I don't know if he's a shooter. I don't know. I'm going to skip. Sounds good. I think it must be pumpkin. Why are you building me please? I think it was flaky shrimp, they were really eliminated. I make anything from puff pastry I'm not messing with mushrooms. Pumpkin, yeah, that's what I skipped. Everyone skips the vote. We don't care about primary episia. What do you think you know? I'm old. I'm going to skip, oh God, right, that's what I do again because I'm oh, don't worry, I'm not going to bother you.
plants vs zombies among us
I don't want to be bothered with my pumpkin, huh? What is this? Why are they kiwibis? I'm going to tell you that I was the imposter all along because I think the pumpkin must be the impossible, that's a great idea, good luck, don't worry, I think the pumpkin might be the imposter, so let me do this, good luck. Hey guys, I was the imposter, you guys, what really, oh, you know I was the imposter, you know, how could you say that? I can not believe it. I'm out, yeah, come on, yeah, come on, come on, yeah, kick me out.
I left it. Well, what you say is fine, what should we do with them? I don't know hey, I bought you something wait, what is it? Yes, where is it? I have something for you. I have something for you. I have something to tell you. What is it? Pumpkin. Yes. What is it? say, ha, I got you, come on, come on, bok choy, run, I'm right behind you, run, okay, I'll run, oh my god, come on, sunflower, you're not going anywhere, I'm coming, boys, boys, boys , over here, yes, over here, over here, yes. What is it?
What is happening now? What is it? Oh, I can't do this, yeah, what's that, yeah. I wonder what it is that you didn't even see it. Why do you sound like Keegan Michael K star? I'm selling my gum but he's famous, yeah, I don't know what happened with this, I don't know what happened either, who did this, okay, it was a pumpkin, the pumpkin was the imposter, yeah, he was the imposter, oh really, It's great to know, yes. is what I'm going to say, okay, back, stay behind me, I'm going to fight them, I'm on it, no, what happened, no, oh no, the button is broken, everyone stay behind me and the toys, oh my god, I don't.
I know what to do now, stay back you impostor, oh really, a few last words for all of you before I eliminate you. Who is going to save us? Who is who? No one will say goodbye, no, no, we are going to say goodbye to each other. huh, who killed the pumpkin, who killed the imposter, yeah, who did this, who did this, where is it, wait, oh, this might be weird, yeah, I don't know, yeah, yeah, I can't believe, Champa , what are you doing here? You know what I needed to hide, jump away all that time oh I need to put on my cool gear to fight an imposter, well how do you do this?
I have a locker room in front of me and it said my name on it. and I decided to eliminate them well, thanks for saving us Champa, yeah, me too, yeah man, say your hip hooray for oh jumper hip hip hooray yeah and then it's time to return to Earth now well, this ship is a little dangerous in the that we should go out. here, well I'm very glad that you helped us, you become our leader some days and you take my place some days, yes I'm very happy, but the sunflower things sound like cake and, well, let's get into another adventure some days, guys. it's wow

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