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Jun 05, 2021
So you know how you've been asking for Derp Sunday, we've added each other to the Derp Sunday mod. You can put on the glasses and become invisible. You can ask everyone if they have a pen and paper. You can make everyone listen. to his introductions of


sunday and cobblestone is life, stay there so I can be the impostor, this is getting interesting and if you have missed


sunday, press the like button below the video, we will get 70,000 likes, press the subscribe button, I hope so. Enjoy you too, my name is Derp Sandy, I am one of the best farmers here in this country.
official derp ssundee role in among us
Do you want to know my secret to growing? I like to smear my poop all over my plan. That? Oh, I'm controlling people. controlling them oh here we go it's controlling before and he was controlling me I was like it was Sunday yeah and I was you it was so weird oh I didn't like it I had bad hair and a weird face so dude, welcome back to among us this is the most ridiculous mod we have ever made we have added derp Sunday for you new guys I am a crew member I have all these tasks as you know for you new guys like I said I have all these tasks if I complete all the tasks and all the other crew members complete all his tests we win the imposter oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no so that's one of derp sunday skills he can what oh don't you hear someone has to test someone I have a task where is who is? if someone doesn't complete this task on time they die son take the test repair drill repair drill oh it's here it's here it's ready it's ready if I don't do this I'll die oh I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, I've got it, it's okay , okay, I'm really excited for it to explode.
official derp ssundee role in among us

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official derp ssundee role in among us...

Oh my god, so if we don't finish that task in about 40 seconds, we'll die. derp sundays skill is called pencil and paper he's making cobblestones his life someone's going to die please don't hit me ok it wasn't me everyone go get your plaster I have bedbay oh I've known myself too well I have bedbury i' Lo I'll check okay oh no we're waiting five we're waiting for the bible how many of us are waiting waiting I'll get the one on the left I'll get the one on the left I'll get the one on the left I've got the one on the left one wait we might be stumped oh yeah , don't do it, don't stand up, don't stand up, don't stand up, remember, Sunday can come in for a second, hey, gary, oh, oh, gary, okay, you'll have to paint me a picture very beautiful.
official derp ssundee role in among us
What happened? Well, wait, what happened? Okay, so we know Loaf and Biffle are all clean, so it's either Henry or Gary. Gary is clean. Okay, wait, you know Gary's team. How do you know Gary is clean? When Sunday's introduction in the first round occurred. Gary and I and the sigils were in a room together and Gary turned into sigils and I'm not sorry, I turned them into sigils and Gary handed them over to me, which means Gary was acquitted because he was with me through the whole thing and they killed No, I don't trust this. No, you couldn't even use the giant foot, you couldn't even use a giant foot through this, okay, let's wait for my round to beat Derp Sonic, guys, hit the like button if you're enjoying these. mods make it purple whats cool let's do it guys a pigment of your imagination so im derp sunday.
official derp ssundee role in among us
I can do my intro that swaps everyone, everyone swaps places, it's just chaos, I can also do cobblestones, pencil and paper, hello, hello, okay, okay, ask. I have a question for you I have a question what are you what are you thinking what what no no who will be who will be who will be are we okay are we okay are we okay are we okay what is that welcome yes oh no someone has a task someone has a task who has a task can we can we can run he comes and we run what are you doing maybe when you open the door that city is the test okay so as an imposter I can get the pencil and paper which gives me a task but if I press uh uh c, the task will be cleared, so I'm ready to go, but I can fake an attack, so I don't like it, you know, it doesn't make it clear to me, okay, let's do it, let's go derp and then let's put on my glasses of sun and I'm invisible, let's just follow people, okay, so currently I'm invisible when I wear these glasses, I'm invisible, but the thing is I don't want to be invisible too. a long time because then people won't see me and they'll know I'm invisible but I'm going to try I'm going to try to suffocate myself you know what I find the bones are pretty funny okay I have to become my normal self I have to become my normal self give me some alibis um um I don't know buddy oh no oh no everyone come everyone stay calm everyone stay calm everyone stay calm everyone stay calm everyone stay calm everyone stay calm telescope over here oh with your foot I have to get to someone with their foot oh wait I just found an exploit every time I turn invisible or every time I press derp on sunday I have my glasses on so I'm invisible yeah I might have a clue I don't know this is It's not surprising, yes I saw Amber's body in the top left, it was crushed.
Oh yeah, I saw that Nico died in the admin at the end. Lookums died in the lower left and Biffle died. Yes, he was crushed. Well, guys, we're not dying for pencil and paper, so now you know. We're doing good, we're doing good, yeah, and it really stressed me out. I'm not going to lie, it's very, very stressful. What's your size? Don't worry about me and why, oh wait, why do you guys think? It's Henry I think it's Henry Why do you think there are multiples? I have multiple reasons well, give me your reason give me a reason right now let's hear it right now I've barely seen Henry and Griffin they can turn invisible I could just be running around oh wait wait what I don't have I have the right side for the left side let me See you guys, oh no, oh no, who is it, who is it, oh no, and I'm still invisible, okay, press the lights, press the lights, there are pets, oh no the lights, no the lights, I have to fix these lights, okay, here we go, no one can see me, oh yeah, um, you got some explanations that I really don't, no, no, you just crushed someone, no, no, I was making lights, dude, where were you making lights? you flatten out, uh, pat, yeah, so that's how he's doing it, the foot came down just when I was here, okay, yeah, oh, yeah, sure that was probably a story, it probably ruffled my feathers, what It means that?
You seem nervous, don't you? Yes, it is very likely that it is. no oh no oh no oh don't worry why did you turn it into cobblestone okay listen listen listen listen yes um wait um yes sigils no okay better idea okay okay better okay better idea okay okay okay keep going tell your story keep going tell your story, go tell your story what if we vote for henwy because he's not me? there to see it no, no, I wasn't there when the foot came down every time the foot comes down you gotta be close you gotta be close and you gotta be gritty yeah buddy, you weren't ready no, I'm not I've heard enough, no guys , no guys, I'm telling you it's moving forward, wait honey, you didn't even vote, what's wrong with you because I didn't know who to vote for, you guys think of me, you just blamed me.
You literally looked at me like I was a phone. How do I show those retards? I know what my case is. I'm always very tired. I guess it's because I'm out of shape. Shut up, friend. Do you have the only part? Listening to him laugh at his own jokes, are you having fun? I don't like this okay okay okay listen listen just one more one more What is it called when a princess shits? A Royal Flush Why is there a bathroom sound? Why was there a toilet sound? Why am I useful? This is the worst mod I have ever played.
What's going on? Guys, just press the button and vote for me. Okay, okay, okay, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. what is it no, I will only kill one of you, but you can choose who I am, take me out, no me, please just kill me, don't be stuck here with you forever, no, please, just one of us, kill one of us, no, my name is you.
I want to know my secret to growing. I like to smear my house 400 times a day and mix. I'm out, friend. It was fun. It was just me. It was a real Sunday all the time. It was simply beautiful. I apologize. It was like this. I don't want to be guys hit the like button if you enjoyed this mod hit the subscribe button if you're new here click on the video below to watch the next video and also let us know some more mod ideas you have down in the comments

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