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'Not Fit for Purpose' Royal Mail Criticised After Postal Vote Delivery Delays

Jul 04, 2024
The Royal Mail has been criticized for


in delivering



s, especially for people in Scotland, where some schools holidays have started early. Three councils in Scotland have set up alternative voting options for those affected in their area under Scottish First Minister John Swan. Saying the


is on a knife edge, every vote could make a difference, so let's speak to the SNP's Westminster leader, Steven Flynn, who joins us now from Abedine. Good morning, can you see? The issue of voting by


is a legal issue. in Scotland, it's obviously a very important question, but I think what we're all in at the moment is deeply concerned about the fact that we have people up and down Scotland contacting us as candidates to tell us that we're still have not received their ballot papers because a lot of people in Scotland are obviously already on holiday, people from Aine the schools are still open in Aine, but there are a large number of people in Aine who are also on holiday and the reality is that the People have been disenfranchised, but the UK government has disenfranchised them because we warned them that it was school holiday time in Scotland.
not fit for purpose royal mail criticised after postal vote delivery delays
We told them not to hold an election once the school holidays started, but RI Sunak like him does it. With everything else ignored, the people of Scotland and we are now seeing a situation where people are not going to have the right to vote, it is simply not good enough and it simply shows that the systems that exist are not fit for


. I have a particular situation where I was going to say it's obviously a problem and it's enormously frustrating for those people who haven't received their


-in votes, but do you really think the numbers are going to add up in the sense that they could change a vote either way, so in Scotland in 2017 there were seats one against two votes of a majority of 14 votes, I think it was, and 21 votes, I think, H en perire as well, so what we're talking about is a small number of votes that could make a huge difference to the make-up of Westminster now I for one am outraged by the fact that we could have a situation where people are being denied the right to vote despite having gone through the process in which they should now be able to vote for someone I'm going to have to be held to account for that, in my opinion it's risky to ignore the fact that it's school holidays in Scotland but what we do know is that the systems are not suitable for its


not fit for purpose royal mail criticised after postal vote delivery delays

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not fit for purpose royal mail criticised after postal vote delivery delays...

Royal M has big questions to answer and uh we need to do better in the future. Can I ask you about the election election for Scotland? It will be Rishi Sunak or K Stama, who will be the first minister in Westminster, for which he has criticized both parties. We continue with austerity, but would Scotland be better off if there was a continued Conservative government or a Labor government? Well, Ed, I think the premise of your question has already been resolved. K Starmer will be Prime Minister and will be Prime Minister. minister based on the fact that he is going to win a large number of seats in England, what we know in Scotland is that there is a direct fight, particularly throughout central Scotland, between the SNP and Labor and, on that basis , I hope people vote for what they believe in, and when they do, they need to look at what our values ​​are and what our policies are, and in the SNP we are very clear that we reject the conspiracy of silence that exists over 18 billion pounds of public sector cuts.
not fit for purpose royal mail criticised after postal vote delivery delays
We want to see investments. In our public services we want to rejoin the European single market. We believe that migration is a good thing for our economy and for our public sector. We believe that the State of Palestine should be recognized in a fire that should be established immediately and of course I believe in the Scottish Democrat right to choose, so for voters in Scotland the choice is simple: vote for what you believe and vote for whoever you think will put Scotland's interests first and in that context Ed, I think that vote should be for the S&P, it's very interesting.
not fit for purpose royal mail criticised after postal vote delivery delays
Although you did refer to what is happening in Scott in Scotland, the polls and the seats and how things turn out, because your leader in Scotland, John Swinny, said when he launched the party's Manifesto last month that the SNP wins the majority of seats in Scotland. should trigger a second referendum on independence, the latest polls put the Labor Party ahead of the SMP, with the expectation that Labor will win more seats than the SMP in Scotland, following that same logic, then an independence referendum is justified , isn't it because the Scottish Government? The elected Labor party, not the S SMP, well of course that doesn't end the argument for Scottish independence.
Firstly, we have two days left and I would urge voters to vote for whoever they believe will put Scotland's interests for us and I think as the SNP we are very much in the mix across Scotland, we are confident that we can win the Thursday and defy the expectations of some of the political commentators, but the premise of your question has probably been answered by S Starm when he has effectively told the people of Scotland, regardless of how they vote, that they will ignore what happens on election day, for So if the people of Scotland vote for a party that believes in Scottish independence, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom has seen that they do not. that's just not good enough the premise of my question was not what Kama said, but what John Swinny said, he said that if the SMP wins the majority of seats in Scotland, it should trigger a second referendum on independence, so Which obviously if the SNP does not win a majority of seats in Scotland, it does not trigger a referendum on independence.
I mean, that's right, right? Or it's totally safe. I'm sure this was it, as I'm sure you would be. Expect me to argue it right now, we firmly believe we can and will win Thursday's election, so I don't really think there's any credibility to his question. he concluded because we believe that what we stand for is very clear to the people of South Carolina. Mr FL it wasn't me who speculated about what would happen, it was John Swinny, he said if he wins the majority of seats this is what would happen, so you know, I'm not asking you to answer me, I'm asking you to You answer your own leader in Scotland, he's right, isn't he?
If you win a majority of seats, it is justified if you don't win a majority. of seats, as the case may be, I mean, are you saying John S is wrong? No, of course, what I'm arguing is not the fact that we will win this election on Thursday and we will be able to carry out the mandate that the people of Scotland gave us and that is. The most important thing here is what the people of Scotland believe should and should not happen now. I am deeply concerned that UK politicians based in Westminster do not seem to want to respect that and that is simply not good enough, but that is an argument.
Why do we need S&P representation there? Because we will always defend the Westminster status quo, the Westminster consensus, and we will put Scotland's interests first, and I fear this notion is that a general election will ultimately define the outcome of Scotland's constitutional future in terms of birds also because around 50% of the people of Scotland want Scotland to be an independent nation, they want the people of Scotland to be able to determine their own future and no UK Parliament or UK Prime Minister can impose the will of the Scottish people on that context Ed, yeah, I think you might have to talk to John Swiy because he did the exact opposite.
The launch of your Manifesto is not an argument with me or k St Richy Sunak sounds like you are having an argument with John Swiy. I'll leave you to figure that out at your own pace in a different environment right before we go to our sister show this morning. A couple of days ago you were asked who you backed in euros and you said probably the French um of course England went through to the next round last night the French went through uh who is that as we enter the next stage of the Euros for you?
Steven Flynn, well, I've always been a big fan of the French. old alliance between Scotland and France, but I'm also a big fan of Toons and with England facing Switzerland in the coming days, that could influence who I bet. Oh come on, Mr Flynn, when Scotland went to the World Cup in 1978, I was cheering. about Ali's army, shouldn't we support each other? Isn't that the right way to work together? um Ed, I'm a member of the tan army. I go to Scotland games. I love football. I love the Scottish National Team, we are not friends of the England national team, in the same way that you and Manchester City fans do not support the opposing team.
I was there in 1996 when we beat you and I cheered really loud, yeah, well, uh. I'm glad, I'm glad you enjoyed it, but you probably won't enjoy what's to come in the next few days within the Med Suest team. Under no circumstances could you bring yourself to support England? Come on, what was that? I'm sorry. I dare to remember that under no circumstances did you return to England. I am a member of the Titan Army and paid a member of Scotland's support. There is only one soccer team. There is only one. Say the Army. I'm back. in French, well, we have an old Alliance, we like to eat TOS, we like to make sure the England fans are a little upset after Maradona's football matches and all the history there, um, but yeah, I think what uh.
I think your viewers will understand that I'm Scottish, uh, I'm a Scottish supporter and that's backwards. I would be supporting Scotland. I tell you this generously. I'm not sure about that. I'm not sure about that, but. The biggest outrage at the Euros was the fact that despite our great support for Argentina over the years, particularly Maradón, it was an Argentinian and a referee who beat us, got Scotland not to blame the referee, oh OMG, 1983, all over again. 82 uh Sten Flynn, well. to talk to you this morning thank you very much really thank you

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