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Nastya plays with magical camera

Mar 17, 2024
like nsta let's make it more beautiful wow I know uhh oh no dad dad can I take your picture thanks I need to shave mhm eh what's going on eh what's going on right now h a necklace and a crown and some makeup oh oh I have something on my face H I have another idea H Daddy, can I take one more photo of you? Have you noticed anything strange today? It's not good at all, so again, what's going on here? I'll turn it into a nightstand. This is ridiculous. It will be. a baby now uh-huh nasao baby boo boo I think it's time to stop now eh Nosa Daddy I knew it was you, sit down now I earned it I misbehaved next video wow yeah it helped wait here cuco hi it's just me I think It helped me, yeah, great, oh no, ah, great, wait a minute, are you scared?
nastya plays with magical camera
The witch cut. Dad, help me, dad, dad, dad, help me. The witch caught me. It's scary, isn't it? Hey, you're really not afraid. M oh, really, I'll show you. You, how scary can I be, dad, dad, hey, dad, it's me, dad, dad, it's me, dad, it's just me, my hiccups are gone, the next video today, I'm a good girl, chocolate, hello, MH , thank you, I will do more good deeds, Chinese sh. MH H yay O next lesson Candy flowers in Spanish I'm going to show my dad oh wow candy I want some no my candy where's my candy? h h don't open your mouth no, okay my sweet M I love chocolate Can I have some?
nastya plays with magical camera

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nastya plays with magical camera...

No, no, it's mine, where is my chocolate? No, oh, it's my candy, not for you, where's my candy? for you yay next video it's time to wash in the washing machine what's that smell? ew a we need we need to bathe her a special bag e e meow meow meow meow meow meow and here you have a dress oh how beautiful you are M so CLE next video M is made of candy, yes, it is also made of candy, even the nose, wow, wow Ah, welcome to Candy Land. Go ahead, pick some up, you can do it.
nastya plays with magical camera
Wow, look, ah, bye, hello, where are you, where are you? Stacy Stacy where are you Stacy? here St oh here you are where have you been we did it yes hello hello H wow wow welcome M wow sweets be careful lizard is tasty look sweets cute next video do what beauty I want to be your beauty where is my jacket? oh no, now I'll be like her h H I know your mom's wardrobe wow beautiful it's hot to walk in it I'm a superstar I forgot a hand again your mom's wardrobe what do we have here not that one and not that one oh this back fits I, oh How do you wear these heels?
nastya plays with magical camera
It's enough. Wow earrings. Wow, my hair. Glasses. Now I'm a real doll. Daddy, come here, well, I look like a doll. Yes, you look like a scarecrow and you will be punished for tearing these clothes. Give to me. this dog you're too young for him don't cry you can play with these dolls instead wow wow wow w W bye next video Dad no, okay, I'll change it now this uh-uh mm-m this this no no no h oh idea H here no no no How is it uncomfortable wow fantastic here M thank you it really is uncomfortable here take it mhm oh no give me give me give me give me give me run say hello hello here look here take it but not like a red pillow H, here, take it, yes, yes, well, how to sleep in this, well, bring some more, haha, stay where you are, listen, you have committed a crime, ah, you are under arrest, uh-oh, okay, you are free to go. come out no no no lie down lie down daddy I'm sorry daddy rest I realized he was behaving badly I shouldn't behave like that

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