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Nastya and Evelyn are trying to overcome their fears

Apr 05, 2024
like teacher hello teacher I'm here let's play outside okay I'm afraid of snakes get rid of them no avalanche snakes can be very dangerous you can't attack a snake stay away from it hey guys look enjoy , have fun, oh me. I'm afraid of heights. I'm not ready but I really want to do it everyone. It is fun. I'm not afraid. No. It's okay, you can take your time. You will do it when you are ready. Okay, it's a lot of fun. I think so. I'll try, don't worry, you'll do great, I'll help you, okay, come on, you can do it.
nastya and evelyn are trying to overcome their fears
Good job, you came here. Go up, don't be afraid and don't hurt the Beast, oh, the insects won. I won't attack you if you don't attack them first, well girls, I'm here, look, they're useful, delicious, that's not right, you can't do that, you see lightning always hits trees, look, this is lightning , lightning is not dangerous if you follow the rules. What is so scary about this? This is thunder. Look. Thunder is just a sound. It can't hurt you. OK. I'm not afraid anymore. It's time to go to bed. Turn on the lights. I'm afraid of the dark.
nastya and evelyn are trying to overcome their fears

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nastya and evelyn are trying to overcome their fears...

Don't be scared the darkness is not dangerous I know it's not but I can't do anything it just scares me hmm ah let's dry your fear okay look guys this is my night fear and this was a long time ago my fear what did it do do this, It's okay, go away, it works, I'm not afraid anymore guys, being scared is okay, yes, but the most important thing is to try to




. Next up is Friendship Day, it's a big celebration and now I'm going to make cards for all my friends I have a gift for you thank you and this is foreign oh it's friendship necklace what hurts for you and the other one for me Wow Let's do it friendship cards for all our friends and neighbors yes and for my happy french dad wow you are my best friends guys, thank you we are neighbors and friends look Evelyn, we forgot about him, yes, la, la, la, what happened.
nastya and evelyn are trying to overcome their fears
I don't like this vacation. I'm eating a friendship day, yes, grandma, why not? Do you like Friendship Day because I have no friends, no one visits me? I know. Do you see this lady? Oh, take this and this, go to the lady and tell her let's be friends. Okay, I will try it. Hello, thanks for being a good neighbor maybe we can walk sometimes or help each other of course, good job dad, can I sleep over with my friends tonight? Okay thanks. Can you help me with my luggage? Yes, thanks. What happened? Real life doesn't work huh, okay Martin can you? help me yes thank you yes master the television is not working Claudia can you help me open this bottle please of course thank you Allah what happened?
nastya and evelyn are trying to overcome their fears
My time is here, okay, wait, wait, please, thank you Martin, can you play with me please, okay, yeah, what? We want to eat, can you order us something please? Wait a minute, thank you, thank you, where is he a foreigner? I think he was helping us too much and got very tired. We have to help him, so what can we do? Let's clean the house, please. hey, this is you, my dad, this is yours, oh, thank you, wow, great, how cute, always help your parents, next video. I just finished cooking my soup, guys, come to my house for dinner, bye, yes, hello, sit down, please enjoy your food, delicious excuse.
I am this Super Meat yes, what kind of meat is this? This is pork, so let's go to my house for dinner, he's ready, we have bread, beef and hummus, oh no, oh no, what happened in India, we don't eat meat, sorry, I did it. I don't know, well guys, now let's go to my house, welcome to my house, my traditional food is chicken curry, enjoy guys, what happened, it's so spicy, it's very tasty but very spicy, it's very hot, yes, we I love spicy food, guys, maybe we should go to my house, thanks. You guys, come on, welcome to my house, foreigner, no, in Japan, we sit like this at the dining table, where are the forks?
These are chopsticks in Japan we use chopsticks instead of forks. I will surprise you with my Japanese food, you are ready, enjoy guys, what? It's yes, I'm sorry, I don't want to eat, yes, me too, what's wrong, this is the national food of Japan, sure, yes, I'm sorry, we don't eat this food. I'm so sorry, I didn't know you don't eat this food. Don't worry guys, would you like some tea? Yes please guys, we are all different and unique, we all like each other and respect each other's traditions, no matter what happens next. Videos Teacher, wake up, we're late, we're up, we're late for school, we're catching up.
You're late, you're at Jazz Hello, hello dad, can you bring my school uniform please, okay, okay, thank you, take out your workbook. Hello, hello, dad, can you bring my math books please, okay, foreigner, foreigner, okay, we need to get organized, oh, it's from school, yeah? hello my job best bad job you have to learn to be responsible ok ok we will touch your backpack prepare the school uniform set an alarm go to bed during thank you good job foreigner good job goodbye daddy have a good day teacher next video come to me we are going Let's dance and sing, okay, okay, I'm waiting for you, wait, wait, come on, we're very sad, bored, okay, let's play, let's dance, yes, great idea.
Hello girls, look at me as a foreigner, thank you. I am so hungry. I want to eat. Wanna. dance, come on, thank you now, let me know mommy, oh let's see together, okay, together, playing so cool.

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