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MY PRECIOUS! - Coyote goes full GOLLUM!

May 30, 2021
the boots, taking off the boots. ♪ ♪ Taking off my boots ♪ - Do you hear these noises? - Yes. - We don't need you anymore. (growling) Ah, no boots. Why would you need boots in Hobbiton? Hobbits don't walk in boots. looking at that. Bare feet and one ring to rule them all. Hobbits don't wear hats either. I don't really need that anymore. (sighing) Yes, yes. Where is the fish? Where is the fish, where is the fish? Where is the fish, where is the fish? Where are you fish? Where is the fish? (growling) I'm going to catch a fish.
my precious   coyote goes full gollum
I'm going to catch a fish. Fish, fish, fish. (water splash) (dramatic music) Stupid fish. - This is sweet. Wow, he thinks it's Coyote stuff. -Where is he, did he leave his hat? He never leaves his hat. What's going on here? - I don't know man, but you're right. He never leaves the hat on him. - Maybe he's going to the bathroom or something. I don't know. - Well, we'll move on. - Alright. - We were in the shadows when we found the ring. (growling) (coughing) - Oh, wow, look at that. Look at that door at the top.
my precious   coyote goes full gollum

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my precious coyote goes full gollum...

Is that Bag End? - I think so. - That's definitely Bag End. Let's go up there. - Dude, look at this. In fact, they grow like vegetables here. - They do. Yes, there are pumpkins. - As if that were real. - Wait a second. Memory. - You know how to get there? - Yes, let's go this way. We don't need these trails. (birds singing) ♪ Sweet, sweet, sweet ♪ ♪ Look at me ♪ - Look, I get good shots with the ring. (coughing) My throat is getting very dry. I got the ring. ♪ I have the ring ♪ ♪ I have the ring ♪ ♪ I have the ring ♪ You did it.
my precious   coyote goes full gollum
You have the ring. (Mark laughing) - Do you remember that time? Do you remember we were the fireworks? - Dude, there were some good fireworks. - Yes, the fireworks were here. Let's go to Bag End. - Oh, something is coming, someone is coming. Someone is coming, someone is coming. Someone comes. Who is that, who is that? Who is it? Whoever comes wants the ring. He wants this, it's what they want. They want the ring, we found it, it's ours. But who would want to take this away from us? Nobody wants this. Beautiful, it's


to us.
my precious   coyote goes full gollum
This is mine. It's mine. (majestic music) - We are here. Let's see if Bilbo is home. - I'm not as fast as I used to be. That is sure. - Look at the Region from up here. What a view, huh? - It's a beautiful day, that's for sure. - We can see them. (ominous music) Wow. - Bilbo Baggins' house. (hitting) Bilbo? Bilbo? - Look at this pumpkin. - Never be home when you need him to be home. Bilbo? Hello? - Hello Mark, I think we have to go down to the Green Dragon. Maybe he's there. -Do you think he is where we should go? - and maybe we'll find the


. - Yes maybe.
Do you think we should go back and get his hat back? -No, he will get it. - Oh well. Now I have lost all my clothes and I am all wet and cold. (creepy music) Something's not right. I feel a little out of this. (coughing) - Is that the green dragon down there, Mario? - Hey, is that


? -Ah, there he is. Hey! - Hello Coyote. - Bring that ring here. - That? Bring us the ring. - I don't think you could hear yourself. - They are asking me to bring them the ring. What ring? - The ring you found. - I do not know what you're talking about. - You left your hat. - And you left all your equipment. - Your things are over here.
Do you want us to get it? What about this? (growling) - What's going on? (gasping) What is happening to me? -I don't know, he's acting strange. -Yes, he is acting very strange. -Sometimes he can be in a bad mood when he is hungry, when he is hungry. - Yes, we didn't have a very good breakfast in the morning. Because we had to get here before dawn, but maybe that's it. - I think Coyote is hungry. (growling) - We must keep moving, get out of the Shire. Leave the Region, don't leave the rabbit. Go, go now! (dramatic music) Yes, go.
Keep going my love, keep going. (growling) Is this fish fake? A fake fish? (spitting) Why would they put a fake fish in there? Lovely. Why would my love chew this again? OK. (growling) Yes, this fish is definitely fake. Those hobbits are probably trying, all, all of them, to try to trick us. They are fooling us into believing that this fish is real. But it's false. (growling) This is it, this is the direction my love. It takes him back to the deep forest. Gollum, Gollum, make sure they don't find you. Make sure they don't get the Precious.
Yes. (mysterious music) Where, where did they go? Where are the hobbits? Don't see them, which is good, Gollum. It means they can't take anything from us. It's mine, it's all mine. Keep going Precious, keep going. Am. (panting) Where did Mark and Mario go? Pay attention. What what? No, no, what. Pay attention to what? Who said that? Somehow I got separated from the boys and started feeling feverish. This is really strange. You already have it, you already have your Preciosa. It's yours. I don't know, but it's a very good idea. You know that you love it. You found it, it came back to you.
Which means it's yours, Precious. It's yours. (growling) (thoughtful music) - Wow, what's around the corner? Mario, it is the edge of the Region. - Yes cool. - We're not going there. We have to stay in the Shire. The Shire is safe. - Well, if you ever wanted to go there, be sure to go, we go in groups. Let's go find Coyote. He's acting a little strange. I'm getting a little hungry too. - I think we are going this way. Do you think it's that way or do you think it's that way? I should probably keep track.
Do you know what happens when you go off track? Bad things happen. Wow, look at that. Mario, up there. I can see the edge of the Shire. We're on the very edge of the Shire right now. Is very large. We were right in Bag End. Bilbo wasn't home as usual, but now we're on our way to the Green Dragon, where hope


y we can get some food because we skipped breakfast this morning and Mario and I think that's why Coyote is acting the way he is. He's just a little hungry. He's probably already there waiting for us.
I hope he left us some breakfast because when Coyote is hungry, he can really feast. - Yes, I could definitely have some breakfast. I'm quite hungry. - Do you hear any riders? Do you hear that, do you hear horses? There are no horses out here. - I think I heard some sheep and a cow. There are a lot of cows out here. - Let's be careful. - And even Mark is acting weird. So Coyote is acting weird. Mark is acting strange. Look at it, what are you doing, buddy? - Shh. (ominous music) I think I hear someone coming. - I think it's just us here. - Shh, shh, I think there are riders.
Wait. They stopped, let's hurry up, let's hurry up. Let's get to the Green Dragon quickly. Come on. - OK dude. What you say. Okay, well, first it was coyote. Now it's Marcos. It's super weird. Running around. Speaking of hearing things. I think this is beautiful. This is a really nice walk. - Mario hurry up, the music plays. Come on, that means people are already eating. - Wait man, don't worry. There will be enough food for you. There he


, to eat. He's always hungry, that little one. (Mark laughing) - It's a beautiful day! (Mark laughing) It's a beautiful day. - Thank you.
Health. - Health. (brilliant music) - The food is delicious. Congratulations to the chef. - Smeagol, Smeagol. Catch the fish in the water. Yes Yes Yes! You got it. (Coyote coughing) Yes, but you were supposed to leave the Shire. We will go my love, we will go now, we will go. (coughing) (Coyote gasping) (Coyote moaning) I hope Mark and Mario are here. There you are. - Hey, it's delicious. - I think I caught something. I don't feel well. - Where is your hat? We saw your hat. - What are you eating? - Buns - Delicious. - Buns? - Grab one of those. - Buns?
Buns? Hey, we don't want stinky buns. - They are good. - We want fish! - Hey hey hey hey. - Get away from me, leave or this is torture. - Actually Coyote? - Leave the Shire. - Coyote? - That? - I've been, I've been thinking, I need to see that ring again. - I told you Precious that they wanted the ring, they wanted to take it from you. - I need, I need to see the ring. I've been thinking, I need to inspect. - No! It's mine! (growling) (Mario screaming) (Coyote growling) (suspenseful music) (creepy music) Here it is.
Yes, yes, yes, we did it. We have the


and we take it from the wizard and the hobbit. That's right, the wizard and the hobbit were trying to take it away from us. But, my love, my precious, they were your friends. Marcos and Mario. No, they are not, they are hobbits and wizards and they want the Precious One to be taken from them. Not for Sméagol. Yes, Smeagol loves Precious, but Smeagol also... (coughing) He likes making YouTube videos with animals. For education. No, no more. Now, Smeagol makes videos with Precious. Yeah, where would you be without us, huh?
Gollum, Gollum. No, weak, pathetic. Yes, Sméagol wants to return. He wants you to leave us alone. Go away, we're not leaving. We're not going anywhere. Yes, leave now and never come back. What, leave? I do not go anywhere. Leave now and never come back. (suspense music) He's gone, he's gone. Precious, precious, gone! Yes, he's gone, yes, Sméagol is free! He is free. Smeagol now makes YouTube videos about animals and education. Yes, yes, Sméagol is free. Be brave, stay away from the Precious. See you on the next adventure, yeah! (dramatic music) - Hold the ring in front of your eye and look at it. - Is beautiful. - I wonder if you should say some random facts about animals. - Ok I will try. - I don't know, something animal. - Yes, Middle Earth is home to all kinds of different animals.
There are parrots, ferrets and bears. That? No bears, definitely no parrots, Precious. Yes, I see them in the trees all the time making cooing noises. (imitating the bird) Polly wants a cookie. There are no parrots anywhere in Middle Earth! And if there were any, I would eat them, just like fish. Fish, I love fish, goldfish, golden ones, yellow ones, yes! Stupid fish, we would eat all the fish if we could. Gollum, Gollum. Well, we won't eat the parrots, will we? Feathers, Sméagol doesn't like feathers, he doesn't like them. (hack) You wouldn't eat parrots, would you, Gollum? (growling) Yes. - Many thanks to the wonderful administrators of Middle-earth for hosting us in the Shire.
Exploring this incredible set where we made the ultimate Halloween video was truly the opportunity of a lifetime. - Give it to me! - If you ever get the chance to visit the beautiful island country of New Zealand, be sure to book a tour in Hobbiton and tell them Smeagol sent you. - Yes, my Precious. - Hello Coyote pack. If you love Brave Wilderness and want to show off your fandom, head over to and check out the new gear we just released, including long sleeve t-shirts, water bottles, animal figures, and a ton of new t-shirt designs.
To see all the new Brave Wilderness products, be sure to click the link in the video description below and don't forget to join the memberships so you can take on me and the team on our next wild adventure. (animals roaring and calling)

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