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My Guide To The Ultimate Red Carpet Makeup Look | Hung Vanngo

Jun 06, 2021
Hello guys, I'm Hang Van Gogh, welcome to my YouTube channel, since many of you have requested it. Would love to see more



s on my cotton. Here it is. She came back to ask me to borrow a canvas to do another


for them. And this time me. I'm doing more of a red


look, it's old Hollywood, new Hollywood and we came up with this look I hope you like the look, give us a lot of love, subscribe to the channel, share the video and don't forget to follow maya and me too I'm on Instagram, thanks so much for watching Hi guys, the look I'm doing today is more of a red


look and I want to show you from the beginning to the end of the process.
my guide to the ultimate red carpet makeup look hung vanngo
I usually prep the skin first, clean the skin. I usually do a scrub first and then if we have time we can do a little mask. I like an eye mask, a lip mask and it's a sheet mask, it's easier, it's not messy, you just take 10 minutes and that's it, then you take it. this, choose the mask that doesn't have any residue on it, it's okay, that way you won't have to clean your skin again and the mask I'm using is pretty good with this brand, you can actually take it off and then just apply their skincare immediately after and the


will be ready to start each makeup.
my guide to the ultimate red carpet makeup look hung vanngo

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my guide to the ultimate red carpet makeup look hung vanngo...

I always prep the skin really well, even if it masks and exfoliates and all the hydration is still on top, I just put a little bit of lip balm on it, especially the process. with for the red carpet between the makeup I rub my lips and do another application I like to use more calming serum I think they are great the day you get into a van your skin feels very calm in case there is too much lighting, too much flash. I think the skin is nice, soothing is great. I usually don't put too much laundry serum on the red carpet.
my guide to the ultimate red carpet makeup look hung vanngo
I think that when people take it with a flat, you will already have a lot of brightness thanks to the flash. I wouldn't add anything more than that. I just want the skin to feel really nice and calm, some eye cream. Maya has amazing skin, although with someone with this amazing red carpet skin I still prep the skin, I guess that doesn't mean you're not taking care of it. skin, if you have great skin, that's how your makeup will stay on really well and last all night, a little bit of hydration on top. I have some comments about why I use too many skincare products, but you know you guys always want to know how I do it. do a red carpet what is the process of my preparation for makeup then I show you everything and use your own judgment, just a moisturizer will work for you or don't put anything on, then do what works for you for me.
my guide to the ultimate red carpet makeup look hung vanngo
What matters most to me is skin care when I put on makeup. I like to take a lot of time prepping my skin and it works for me. The foundation I'm using is Chanel Vettel Lumiere Agora. I'm not very good at French so I could be wrong, the foundation has medium to buildable full coverage. I love this foundation. It has an SPF of 15 for red carpet. If I use SPF, I usually use it separately right after moisturizer, but for foundation with SPF I don't use much. red carpet I'm always worried about flashbacks in photography, but this one is okay, I actually really like it because I only have 15 spf.
The foundation shades I use in maya are 40. It may look a little lighter on my screen just because I use very bright light, but it is better to wear the color very close to your body if you wear your neck or open arm when you go to the red carpet so be careful when choosing the shades I try to match pretty close That the concealer I'm using is also from Chanel but I use two different shades one is shade number 30 and I'm applying it mainly around the nose and Any other parts I would like to cover, I use a lighter shade. 10 mainly under the eye to unite the nose a little right here and the forehead.
I'm using number 10 first. It's a slightly lighter shade, but I think it will add a bit of shine to that area. I like it. You can use it. the same concealer for the entire face is your preference I like to use the mixture between the brush and the finger for the number 30 concealer I use it around the nose and also around the mouth keep in mind that when I do red carpet makeup I tend to use a little more foundation concealer on the client than on a photo shoot because the flash consumes a lot of makeup.
I'm using my foundation sponge. I'm going to go back and blend it with skin number 30. Use a small brush and point out where else you want to cover. I know people think that Maya is perfect without makeup, that's why I say makeup is personal, makeup is an accessory, do it if you feel like that day you want to wear an accessory, no one needs makeup they want makeup so it should be fun for the contour i'm using the hollywood contour wand by charlottetuberi i love the name it's perfect for the red carpet and i only use a little bit just to frame the face especially when you do the flash on the red carpet i still blow everything out so a little bit of contour It's actually very useful and I use a foundation brush to blend it out.
What I don't recommend is that when you do the red carpet you use a fuller coverage of the foundation and then use a darker foundation to contour remember that the foundation coverage is just full coverage and you put on another full coverage to contour the fade the skin becomes very cakey it is better to do more liquid contour or just like a soft contour that way the skin still looks I like the skin even though you use a full coverage powder foundation, I also use a Chanel powder and the shade number 20 a little under the eye and everywhere I try to keep the face a little more matte when I do the red carpet, the shine will naturally have.
I use it all day long but it's great when the client first arrives on the red carpet when the skin is more matte and then wherever I want to add shine I can add it with product instead of leaving the skin shiny. I usually add some glitter here, here, some. areas but in general I like to keep the skin quite matte. I'm also going to bake a little bit just under the eye, it doesn't really bake. I'll leave it here and do the eye makeup and then dust off the eyebrows. I'm using an eyebrow pencil from Wrap Beauty.
I have beautiful eyebrows. I'm not going to make them fuller, I'm just going to extend the length a little bit in the back here and that's all she needs and I'll cheat them a little bit. look, instead of going down, I do it and then brush the hair up like this, the eyes will still look lifted. I also like to use the pencil and make a small stroke like this, even the eyebrows have a little more definition in the hair part. I'm also going to use a brown pomade from them to set the brow in place.
This is a very good eyebrow pomade. The only thing is that when I use it for the first time it looks a little white, the white will disappear after it has set. You don't have to worry about that part. I'm going to prep the eyes with a long-wear cream shadow from Mac. This is a great long wave shadow, but we all use this in the base for eyeshadows and just put a good base on it. For the eyeshadow I'm using this eyeshadow palette from a Korean brand called cleo. I've never tried it before, so I'm going to play with them.
These are the shades I'm going to use. More matte shades, the first color. I'm going to use close my eye. I'm going to put just a little clock on the entire fold. I use the same brush you folded the eye primer with earlier. You can use a different brush if you want, but let's use the same one below. The same brush and the same shades that I am applying on the lower lash line. Next, I'll use a warm brow pencil from Mac called Close Reach and then I'll make a thicker line mainly on the outer half of the eye so you can see where. what I'm doing now, you can see mainly on the outer half using a blending brush and blending it out and up and on the outer area here you can see I'm just blending and blending it with the eye shadow that I used before when Zoom in the inner part, I blend it really tight on the lash line, add a little more pencil just to get more depth and then blend it again.
Use the Q-tip and you can also soften the edges. Do the same on this. look back with the brush before, you can smudge it and close your eye and just use that color, just stop everything, use the same brush to smudge with the darker shade, close the maya eye and just follow the lash line now. I'm just placing the pencil and creating depth along the lash line at the same time. The look I'm doing, the lip is quite strong so I think I'm not going to use too much pencil, it's all about the shadow and the lipstick.
Go back to the original brush and blend everything out. Now just lightly apply a little bit of the lighter shades and just do it in the crease here, maybe a little bit in this part here to open up the eye a little bit. Go back again without a brush and blend. I like the idea of ​​everything coming together perfectly, that's why I keep going back with the brush and blending and you know, layering different colors in there, the eye looks much softer and dreamier. I always like to curl my eyelashes before mascara, I think the important thing is to keep the eye well lifted.
I'm doing two coats on the top lashes and then I would check if I like it without the bottom mascara or not and then I decide that I love how full the lashes look with just two coats of mascara and for the bottom lashes, I'm going to do just one just a little bit with a smaller mascara like this and just to define the lashes because I don't want to add more volume to the bottom lashes unless that's the look you want. Wow, I'm trying to lift everything from the top and bottom, it's just about lifting and defining the lashes, I don't want to give it too much volume and if you have any kind of similar mistake with mascara. so let it dry first and then you can use a spoolie like this and you can scratch it a little bit and it comes off don't use a wet Q-tip because you'll remove your eyeshadow and then you won't ruin your makeup look, this is what I'm doing, just I try to take it off, yes, it's not there for this look anymore.
If I'm doing more nude lips or soft lips, I would do more of a liner, a little more of an underwater line or even more mascara. on the bottom eyelash, but since I'm doing a very strong lip, I think it's enough for the eye and that's what the eyes look like, I'm taking a little bit of the excess baking powder before because the eye is already cooked, I baked it . big now we're going to do the rest of the face and I know the skin pretty well, but I think at this point I think it's great, you can always come back with your foundation sponge with nothing on it and just wipe it off like Okay, I'm going to do the lips and then I'll do the cheeks again and highlight everything after using these velvety two-ink lip tints from Peripera, it's also a Korean brand and Becca's lip liner, the color is a little bit. dark but I do it from the outside and maybe in the center I use a little bit brighter red color my hair has a beautiful lip shape so I'm not going to cheat or anything I'm just going to follow the way your hair is natural lips. smile for the red color you can use the same lip brush and you can use a different one it's up to you i'm doing it mainly in the center this gives such a beautiful effect i'm going to use hula bronzer just to frame the face warm it all up this is the shade of blush I'm going to use in Meyer right on the top of the cheek.
I'm going to use some Tom Ford highlighter. This is the tone I'm using. Sorry, the palette I use so much. a little old, only around the cheekbone, not very good, I think when the red carpet, naturally with the flash lighting, you can already have a lot of lights for that, so I don't want to shine the face too much with the highlighter. A little bit here I'm going to finish the makeup with a setting spray from Urban Decay. This is called all night. I think they are great for long-lasting red carpet makeup. Thanks so much for looking.
I hope you like the look. Give us a lot. of love subscribe to the channel don't forget to give us a thumbs up and share the video too thank you

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