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My Girlfriend Got STUCK In The Elevator!

Jun 02, 2024
Hurry up brother, what's going on? One trapped in the


. What do you mean? She is trapped in the


. This is Lucas. She just called me and he's scared. Are you serious? Yes, we have to hurry up and help him. Yes, whats up? What's happening? up Evon


in the elevator right now go help her yes I know Lucas just called me do you need me? No, we're fine, we're fine, let me know if you need help, okay, be careful, okay, okay, leave it, okay, leave it I'll call Lucas right now, okay, now she was fierce with the lifts, yeah, bro, I feel sorry for her right now, that's bad luck, you know, listen to me, yeah, it's all good, no, no, she's still


in the elevator B, she's stuck in the elevator right now.
my girlfriend got stuck in the elevator
They're just dating and then Clos on her Are you serious? Go Go. I need your help. I need your help. We just left the house. Okay, please try to hurry up. There is no one else. Here she is, okay. I'm not sure if it's just stuck in there, well just pick it up like you don't know how to open it, like no, I don't know, we might have to get some help, someone who is mismanaging the building. I don't know where you are, please can you guys? I'm going to send you my location. Just hurry up and come.
my girlfriend got stuck in the elevator

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my girlfriend got stuck in the elevator...

I'm going to need you guys to help me open the elevator. How does she get there? How did she get stuck? I don't know, it just closed on her when we left the place, it just closed on her. I don't know, do you want to? She's okay, we're going, we're going, bye, hurry, hurry, bye, she sounds stressed, that's scary, oh yeah. I mean your fiancé getting stuck in the elevator is crazy, yeah, you're, yeah, you gotta get her out of there b b come on, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, no, no, no, no, this is not happening, come here.
my girlfriend got stuck in the elevator
Come here, it's okay baby, it's okay, you're scared, baby, I can't get out B, I can't get out of me, oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, come on, this is my worst nightmare, I, oh, what are we going to do, it's there like an emergency number let me try to crash it ow B I can't get out B can you hear me there I might not actually be able to get out what I can't get out I'm not kidding, baby, not kidding, this is real, you're lying? No, I can't get out I think we're here, okay, okay, Lucas Lucas, oh, sleep, okay, this looks like an old elevator, yeah, stuck here, here, like here, yeah, are you serious, yeah, try, that's crazy.
my girlfriend got stuck in the elevator
Wait, let's try, let's try to get you out of here look at this, she's on the other side, she's, yeah, we can see her, yeah, look, she's right there, ohon b, try try to click on the buttons that don't I don't know, try clicking the buttons, bro, it's glass, bro, we can't get through that, so it lets it up, but it won't let it out, click number two, it lets it up, it just lets it up. , but it is. not letting her out, what do we do? I don't know, click on number two, maybe the second floor door works, it goes up, yes, it goes up, but no, it won't let her out, okay, okay, what do we do?
What do you want to do, let's go to the second floor, yes, of course, yes, come on, okay, come on, Lucas, come on, come on, let's close it, let's not let her out, no, I only went in with blue because she was taking something out of the car and then she hill. She knows you're good bro I mean, it's not your fault I feel claustrophobic in here I'm not even kidding I feel like I might have a panic attack It's like I've been here too long Now I'm exhausted And blue is here with me Like I'm feeling too bad because you're probably hungry baby.
I'm so sorry mom, I'm so sorry baby, come on, this looks amazing. What's going on? I don't know, okay, this is driving me crazy, bro. Come on man, you came, did you try to get out? I did not do anything. Is working. Tred to press the buttons. I am. Is not working. It's not really working. I don't know what to do. Let's do it. Don't know. I know how to push I don't have a grip I need to use the bathroom we need help you need help put the camera down yes, okay, ready, yes, wait, ready guys, ready 2, we don't have a grip, it won't let me, I don't I don't know anymore what to do, oh my god, why is this happening to me?
The elevator literally fell on me, but I was afraid to put my hand to stop the elevator and now it won't open. I guess it's been a while. like a schedule and now I'm stuck here and I don't know when I'll be able to get out. This is torture, like I have to go to the bathroom. I'm hungry. Blue is here with me, buddy, she can. Don't get stuck there man, emergency help button, hotline to the police, this location we should click on it, bro, leave me, it doesn't work, are you serious? wait, so what's not like that?
So, that doesn't work, the door doesn't work or anything like that. AR door buttons working this because it's so old this is old that's why it doesn't work you in there okay I think he got the blue one I have to call security ASAP you're okay in there what do you say once further? She is trying to open the door on the roof of the elevator, oh hell, I found a door on the top of the roof of the elevator. I'll see if I can try to open it. I can't reach her, baby, I can't reach her. like I don't know what to do anymore I don't know what to do come here baby you're scared okay mom come here baby it's cold in baby it's cold here I don't know what else to do like not even like the elevator light is working, you see, on the side That's not even working, let's get security, see if they can help us with this at this point, you know, is there security here?
There should be, I mean, it's a parking lot, let's try. to find security okay I saw on the first floor they have a little key do the thing that opens the elevator oh really yeah yeah we weren't going to be able to open that thing manually bro yeah security marus , let me see if we can go up to the second floor, okay, Steve, try to open the door. I'm going to see security. We'll go up there. Okay, I think we can catch him. Yeah, maybe it's okay, let's try, come on. okay, you have to go help her brother, let's go okay, yeah, let's do what Lucas, you know, wants us to do right now, come on, come on, come on, Ivón, okay?
I don't hear her, did you hear that, yes, Lucas is coming. Hurry up, come in, can you hear us what what I don't know what he said come down thank you security just let her out oh he did it yeah you're serious yeah he helped us he helped us okay you're right he helped us yeah? We're fine, you were stuck there for about 30 minutes. Did you use that emergency key? Yes, he, he came here. I've never been to the elevator. He said you didn't want us to film it, but he came here and opened it. an unlock key from the fire service and then he pressed the button and it opened so security opened it for us yeah I don't know what he doesn't know what happened they will fix it tomorrow they said yes security said they are I'll coming to fix the elevator tomorrow, so they have some bugs.
It is defective. Thanks for trying to help guys, of course. Yes, it's an old parking lot. Yes. I don't want to get on the elevator again. Yes, I'm glad you do. okay even blue looks like he had blue he was shivering and it was cold and we're hungry we need to use the bathroom yeah come on I'm going to take me home you're all okay we stayed there for like 30 minutes so I love you guys so much it was a crazy, what a crazy night, make sure you check out our latest videos and yes, make sure to subscribe, thank you guys, much peace.

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