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Mount Shasta: Portal to Another Dimension?

Apr 28, 2024
Hello everyone, welcome back to


episode of decoding the unknown that I brought to you when I'm feeling a little sick, you know, your throat is itchy. I've been sick and I think I have to record so many things today because I'm not feeling well in the next few weeks or in the next few weeks in the next few days, but here we are analyzing what's inside M what's inside Mount shter never heard of Mount shter, no idea if there's anything inside probably not, this is decoding the unknown, mainly we have the idea that there are mysterious things we don't understand in the world, let's jump, thanks Katie for writing it.
mount shasta portal to another dimension
I'm going to read it for the first time that's the format of the show there are some places on the planet where mysterious borders converge where the air seems to be charged with something else where maybe the veil between this plane and the next is just a little thinner than anywhere else, no, there's no other plane, I mean, maybe there's


plane, like that physical thing Multiverse Theory, which no one seems to find as fascinating as I do, than the guy who's the lead singer of The Eels came up with that from his father. he's like the main scientist behind the multiverse theory and that's kind of surprising, it's like who is that guy, the guy is an actor, but also the lead singer, Jared Leto, the lead singer of 30 Seconds to Mars.
mount shasta portal to another dimension

More Interesting Facts About,

mount shasta portal to another dimension...

I'm really like, wow, okay, I mean. kind of a mediocre actor kind of a mediocre band, but the fact that they have so much success from one guy is pretty impressive, pretty impressive, Jed, one of these places is Mount Shter in northern California, a Volcano or what I was trying to say was like Multiverse before I Came on a tangent about Jared Leto is the multiverse theory, yes maybe there are other planes of existence out there but we will never be able to access them through a


ain , okay, that's not happening, one of these places is Mount Shter in Northern California. a volcanic


ain that has attracted people for thousands of years, many of whom disappear forever, rumors swirl like clouds above it and tell of strange people, creatures and underground tunnels leading to cities of light.
mount shasta portal to another dimension
Whole movements have emerged from experiences and tales I spoke of the mountain and spiritual rituals are frequently carried out there, let's find out about the California store, so yes, yes, then, yes, maybe there are tunnels and cities of lights and demons inside that mountain or you went out to the volcanic desert mountain in northern California and did LSD or something, that's probably what happened, it's not this or mushrooms or whatever, let's find out the stories related to the mountain Shter and let's see that there is actually something to its reputation as a kind of inter


al gateway, this episode is also known as the decoding of the unknown. motherload, oh my gosh, it will have everything I love, only aliens will absolutely enter the picture at some point.
mount shasta portal to another dimension
More facts, here's the truth about Mount Shasta statistics, it's part of an entire chain of volcanoes that run down the western side of the North. The United States calls Cascade volcanoes that form a section of the Pacific Ring of Fire. Mount Shter is the second highest in the Cascades with an elevation of 14,179 feet or 4,322 M, that's really high, it's not Everest. I always remember how high Everest is. At the altitude at which commercial airlines cruise at about 30 thousand feet it sounds like half the size of Everest. Everest is huge, about half the size of Mount Everest, there we go and 2/3 the length of the Las Vegas Strip or about 2,916 Danny devitos in total. stacked neatly I have no idea the Las Vegas Strip seems really, really long I didn't know it was that long I was in Vegas and I walked up and down the strep but it was so bloody it was like 50 degrees when I was there I don't know what is that in Fahrenheit, that's a lot, it was ridiculously hot, that's half the point for boiling water Siri, what is 50°C in Fahrenheit, 122°fah, so I mainly stayed inside the hotel. because it was too hot to even go out in the pool it was ridiculous, it is 10,000 feet or 3,000 M higher than anything around it, it also erupted in the past, around the year 1250, it is a stratus volcano, which means that It is made up of many layers also known as strata or alternating Ash Harden lava and other things from previous eruptions.
It has steep sides with some satellite cones attached and looks great as there is usually snow on top, which is a bit fun for a volcano that is classified as active according to NASA's Earth Observatory website as well. It's the largest volcano by volume in the Cascades range, so basically, if this thing blows up, it's going to be very big. I know the odds of all of this happening are really low, but the longer the period of time you look at, the more I'll probably reach a point of certainty and I think at some point someone and California is like they just made a video about the San Andreas fault and I think it will be big when it explodes or the Yellowstone super volcano. that's going to be devastating and I'm glad I live as if there are no natural disasters where I live, there are no tsunamis, there are no floods, I mean, unless it rains a lot, but then it's like the worst is happening.
I remember it rained really hard once in my last apartment building and the basement flooded and smelled for a while until they took it out and dried it, but it's like I don't know, it's pretty safe, no volcanoes, no earthquakes, nor cavies, it's just nice and safe and boring and I'm very happy with that. Thank you so much. Mount Shasta is located in the Shasta Trinity National Forest, the largest forest in California, covering over 2 million acres, which is more than twice the size of Rhode Islands and I'm not even going to go there. To guess how many Danny Devitos might get lost there, it is about 50 miles south of the Oregon border and a powerful presence for thousands of years can be seen from many miles away.
A curious data. The wife met Danny DeVito. She was. to a film festival and he was there taking photos and she took a photo with him. I say it's great, it's mastery over the environment. This was years ago, long before we met. You leave an impression when you enter people's lives. an impression, I mean, you're not going to forget this guy, his dominance over the surrounding M landscape means that Mount Chester has been a focal point for Native American tribes and there are many around the areas, such as clamo winm winu modak and Shasta . tribes that have legends related to the mountain, as well as rituals and ceremonies that are regularly carried out in the area to this day, so let's get into the stories surrounding this mountain.
Native American folklore myths and legends are great because everyone reads them as fiction. or alternative creative ways in which things came about are allegorical Fantastic are definitely not 100% true when I was a child I read a book called Norse Gods and Heroes and I also enjoyed reading Greek myths and legends, but even as a child I don't think any of These things really happened, like the goddess Athena being born from the head of Zeus, already adult and already wearing armor. Yeah, I remember one time, I think she was in elementary school or whatever, and I heard about witchcraft and people going.
I like witch stores and buying all this stuff like crystal balls and all that stuff and when I was a kid I thought, well, if they sell it in a store it must be real, you can't say something, sell something that doesn't work, right? because? Would anyone be doing it? That's absurd and for a while I thought, wow, I should really learn about this witchcraft, it sounds amazing, you might like casting spells and this was like before Harry Potter. I was like, wow wow, okay and then I don't know how I found out this wasn't real.
I thought, oh no, it's not real, why would they lie to me like that? Children are naive. Some of these legends are ways of explaining what we now know as natural phenomena. People today might glibly say that Thunder is God playing bowling or something, but in the past it might have been Thor thundering through the sky in his chariot. Anyway, there are some Native American legends related to M Shaster, so I thought we'd mention them first before getting into the topic. absolutely crazy stuff as this is firmly in the camp of people who understand it's not real.
The main legend associated with Mount Shter is from the Clth tribe. The story goes that there was a spirit from the lower world called Lao and the spirit from the upper world called ladder, although Lao is supposed to stay in the lower world, he had frequently jumped to the top of Lao yina, currently known as Oregon's Mount Mazama, for a look. One day he fell in love with the daughter of a Clamo Indian chief. Because? Is she always the daughter or princess of a boss and not a standard rando like 99.999% of the time because she makes a better story?
That's why it's a story, it's not a reality. It's like why does the James Bond franchise follow James Bond in a fascinating Super International? Spy and not the reality of spying, which is probably just a guy in a windowless office in front of a computer reviewing files. I don't want to lose a good man, you know, but you know he's out of my hands and even if he was in my hands. the hands are tied it's a personal thing well it's because James Bond is fiction and the other is boring reality and fiction is better anyway she didn't fall for his advances because apparently he was ugly so she got angry and swore Revenge by fire against the boss of his tribe asked the skell spirit for help and then he descended from the world above and took a place on the top of Mount Shester from there PL and skell hold fbls and rocks to each other this guy is a good friend he's like that girl me llama ugly come down here and help me destroy them and the guy says yeah bro I'll be down here like okay bros from there.
L and the girl held balls and stones far away from each other, the ground shook and the skies turned black, wait, wait, did I read that wrong? and scel aren't siblings at all, she called him for help and then they were throwing fireballs at each other. Stories from the past just weird, that doesn't even make sense, why would he call him for help and then he just gets attacked by In the end, more and more spirits joined the battle and the two tribesmen offered to sacrifice themselves to stop the fight. Skele did not leave them, but gave him the courage to fight harder and he eventually won, taking La back. the mountain and she sank to the top to trap him underground forever.
Wow, he's like the opposite of a brother. She just completely betrayed him and then trapped him underground. He then filled the crater with water and it is now what is known as Crater Lake in Oregon. a fun story about the origin of the lake and it probably also has roots and people who witnessed the eruption of Mount Shter in 1250 or probably earlier as the NASA Earth Observatory site again said that Mount Shter is a volcano active that has erupted at least once every 800 years for the last 10,000 years, so yes, divine spirits throwing flames and rocks at each other is a good explanation for a volcanic eruption when you have no idea what a volcanic eruption is. volcanic eruption, but what excuse do the following slots have for crazy stories about volcano mountain?
That's it, okay, the good stuff begins. Lamoria, haven't you heard of Loria before? In my opinion, supposedly, in the contest of the lost continents, Atlantis takes first place in nautical M, we have all heard of it and the name of it is still used today. For various things like a resort in the Bahamas, a casino in Reno, and a roller coaster at SeaWorld, not to mention all the books and movies that directly deal with or reference the mythical island that sank into the sea, there's another contender in this one. field. However, on the continent of Loria, have you ever wondered how the lemur got to Madagascar?
Fossils have been found in India, although none have been found in Africa or the Middle East, which would make much more sense geographically. I can't say yes, but it's okay. I'm sure it really keeps you up at night. According to Philip Schlater, a 19th century zoologist, there used to be a large area of ​​land that acted as a land bridge from the Indian subcontinent to what became the sacred site of Madagascar, which will be a large bridge. this area then sank into the Indian Ocean because I was talking about slogans, the sunken continent was called Lura, okay that's one thing, but what does the sunken landmass in the Indian Ocean have to do with a volcano in California ?
Excellent question, I was wondering myself. Why have we taken a trip here? It's almost exactly the opposite side of the world. Well, we have to take a little leap of faith here or rather a huge, jarring jump cut to reorient the story back to M, back to Mount Shaster, very kind. to forget the whole Indian Ocean and lemurs thing for the moment because it's a train that's going to derail and don't worry, we'll go back to Circle to deal with it.with this later, we're just presenting the stories for now, okay. It's a crazy setup. I have no idea how that crazy guy who writes books about this to sell them and make money is going to link these two things.
I couldn't predict it, maybe I did say it was the opposite side of the world. maybe there is a tunnel through the center of the Earth from Mount Shasta Luray, which is obviously absurd, but maybe who knows. What if I told you that there is a whole Hidden City deep or beneath Mount Shasta? and what enlightened beings contemporary with the Atlanteans have been living there for thousands of years? Well, I'll tell you what Katie, she would say you're talking nonsense. You roll your eyes and say "oh god, not this again or you'd continue listening, which I hope you do like me." I just started writing this, but there is still a lot to do, let's listen to this story, okay, okay.
Listen to it like you know. I sound like a very closed minded person, but I'm just a person who requires a lot of evidence and it's like there's a secret city under here where the Atlanteans live. I'm open to the idea. If you can prove it to me, which I don't think you can do because it's absurd. Lorans, you, the people living on the now lost continent of Lorea, managed to find a new home for yourselves after your former homeland. Lura sank beneath the waves, this may or may not have had to do with a thermonuclear war the Lorans were having with the Atlanteans, which resulted in the destruction of both places, but anyway, moving forward just before moving on, we know that's not true, like when they detonated that first nuclear bomb it was released as a nucleotide or a radioactive particle or whatever into the atmosphere, so now we know how they use it.
I think there was an episode like it was like a TV show where maybe it was white collar. I think it was white collar that TV show about the guy who works for the FBI, he's amazing and they're walking out with a bottle of wine and they can't fake the air in the wine because it's from before, like the nuclear bomb went off. or something like that and I know I'm basing this on fiction but I think there's something that nuclear weapons changed so we know like air after that date and before that date so anything before that date that we know doesn't It was nuclear contaminated.
I realize I'm talking about something I don't really remember much about, so I'm going to stop, but we know there were no thermonuclear bombs over nuclear bombs before we made nuclear bombs in the '40s or when they finally decided that instead of living . on the surface of the Earth, among the normal stupid Homo sapiens, they would start their civilization again somewhere out of sight of boring old humanity. They actually knew about the destruction of Loria before it happened, so about 12,000 years ago they began creating a city under Mount Shasta. in what became Northern California, using existing tunnels and caverns, as well as creating their own, this city became home to the Luran refugees and became what is now known as TS and is illuminated by an artificial sun deep underground because of course that's what it is according to the website. loranc Brilliant source, consists of five levels including acres of hydronic gardens, a pyramid-shaped temple with a Venus capstone, okay, why do you have to add all these ridiculous elements, and schools for children and adults equally?
The Lorans were much taller than average people, around 7ft or 2.1M or a full Danny DeVito plus 2/5ths more, so maybe their head and shoulders on top again we are deep in the deito of Dad, isn't it? They are described as wearing robes and sandals with shiny skin and long flowing hair which really does sound like your standard Californian hippie type, but they also have a very long neck adorned with colors and of course they are known to have very strong psychic powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis and the ability to disappear due to Of course, they are also glowing skin that would be really annoying when you try to sit like my eyelids are glowing in my eyes again, but how did this story come about?
It begins with an influential book written in the late 19th century. Called the Inhabitant of Two Planets when it was completed in 1886, it was not actually published until 1905, several years after the author's death, here was one Frederick Spencer Oliver, a young Californian, but the story he wrote almost entirely was channeled through it by a spirit known as Felos the Tibetan and what a wild ride it is, well it was probably in the early 1900's. It's a bit strange and quite boring now, this was also the period when theosophy was beginning to make waves in the US.
Theosophy has been classified as a religion, although Helena Blaty, the Russian woman who founded it in 1875, denied that it should be and people could be Theosophists and, for example, Buddhists or Christians too , seems more like a spiritual and philosophical movement, but it is also known as a cult. which makes it seem more interesting than it probably is on the Theosophical Society of America website, it states that to join all you need to do is accept the three goals, one to form a nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of the humanity without distinction of race, creed, sex. cast or color two to encourage the comparative study of philosophy and the science of religion three to investigate inexplicable laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity well, we're getting to three with this show, aren't we?
We are investigating unexplained laws of nature and carry them around to give you a clearer idea. Here are some theosophical ideas again from the official website. Behind everything that is seen or unseen, there is an eternal, unlimited and immutable absolute reality that is beyond the reach of human thought, whether matter or Consciousness or Spirit. are the two polar aspects of this reality the visible universe is only its densest part of this invisible reality Dimensions or planes of extremely subtle types of matter energy interpenetrate the physical world knowing this truth TR helps us understand many things in the universe that of otherwise they are disconcerting no no what is disconcerting is this text because it is nonsense there are no mechanical laws the universe is dominated by an immense intelligence that is present in the world and beyond it, therefore, intelligence is in the basis of all the laws of nature, what most people consider the supernatural to be a manifestation of these otherwise unknown laws.
I have what you're talking about. I like reading that. My eyes are completely glazed over being like supernatural. Other


s that extend across planes of existence. just show me the science, so I hope you get the idea. It seems that Frederick Spencer Oliver knew his local theosophical group well, even sharing the teachings that Phos had been telling him before writing them down in his book. An inhabitant of two planets because his The book mentions Neoria and the Memorial and was apparently dictated by some alien. This is somehow proof that Mount Shter hides an underground city theory that Lamura existed in Frederick Spencer's place.
Oliver had a vivid imagination and probably should have been investigated by a Doctor, I'll leave this here for now and move on to the next link in the Lura chain which is JC Brown in 1904. JC Brown was apparently panning for gold in the hills around Manchester when found a hidden tunnel at the back of a cave. this tunnel was underground for about 11 miles oh my god this I don't think this is real because I have a feeling it's going to be absolutely crazy but who the hell is he what was he doing? He was looking for gold and then he walks 11 thousand miles underground which is crazy, absolutely crazy, you need to bring equipment and most of all you need to bring something like a giant spool of thread or rope so you can find your way back about 11 miles. underground you would be like a fish in your pants and it would take you all day to walk.
He finally found an underground city full of wonders, gold and jewels. There were also mummified bodies of beings over 10 feet tall, although they could have been there too. Danny Devitos, this seems to coincide with a Hura myth. Had Brown stumbled upon the city of Taos, he appears to have kept this discovery to himself for a while, but 30 years later he told it to someone named John C Root, who quickly assembled a large team of prospectors to Go and Find this treasure. John C Root is a bit gullible these days. Some feel that in the past it was gullibility, it is not a thing.
I feel like it's like in that movie like Invention of Lying with Ricky Javas, people just take everything at face value. I'm black, I knew it, oh you're very light skinned, but I can see it. I always wanted a black friend. I'm also an Eskimo. Fantastic. He had never seen a black Esimo on the day they were supposed to meet. To begin the Expedition, Brown didn't seem strange and he could imagine him whistling nonchalantly wherever he was trying to pretend that he hadn't wasted a lot of people's time and money. 1931 is where this lamura thing really took off as if we're not deep enough in the weeds with theosophy, here's another esoteric move by SL Ault to add to the mix the crucian rose, while the ISM of the rose cruciana has existed in Europe since the 17th century, a man named Harvey Spencer Lewis established the first order of in the US.
In 1915 he gave himself the title, admittedly quite interesting, of first imperator of ancient and mystical order rosai crusis. Okay, calm down, this came down to Mor for everyone's benefit. Anyway, Lewis wrote a book in 1931 called Lura, the Lost Continent of the Pacific under the awkwardly anagrammed pseudonym Wish Ass Benley Survey bro, that's not an anagram, that's just you, I mean, technically it is, but bro Wisha , surely there is something easier to understand with your name than the fact that this book was published by Amor and the publisher's preface contains one of the best disclaimer quotes I have ever seen.
We have just said that our desire has been to make this book free of pandus scientific citations and for anyone to take advantage of this by criticizing the lack of such evidence will be a sign of insecurity. Oh yeah, the reason I don't cite any science is because you're insecure. If the evidence and indisputable facts found in this book are properly considered, there can be no doubt left in the mind of any critic that most of the entire story of Lura, as recorded here, must be true, brother, I simply cannot understand it better than without science because you are insecure, it is ridiculous.
Here are some of the chapters to give you an idea of ​​the events you will see. Learn in this book the mental and psychic development of the Lorans, the community life of the Lorans, and the notable achievements of the Lorans. The book takes us on a wild ride through the history of the world, including this chapter Banger the colonies and descendants of the Lorans quotes considering that the Lorans were the first defined races of Man known in history and that the continent From Lura was the true cradle of man's civilization, we are faced with the interesting fact that almost all current races came from Lura and its people. of the man uh wait, so we all descend from the timeline of this is okay oh, this is a disaster.
I would love to get my hands on one of these books, I'm sure they would actually be really good. boring, but it's completely crazy if I buy one of those books and read it as an episode and probably not the whole thing, but I comment on it and joke about it and how stupid it is, would that be fair use like I do? I don't want to do that because they're crazy. Lewis later writes of many cases of lorans being seen in the Mount Shter area. He cites that occasionally one of these strangely dressed individuals would come to one of the smaller towns and trade in gold nuggets and dust. for some modern products, these strange looking people were not only peculiar in their dress and different in dress from any costume ever seen in the American Indians and especially in the California Indians, but they were distinguished in features and complexion, tall, elegant and agile, with the appearance of being quite old. and yet extremely virile, they gave every indication of being what one would call a foreigner, but with a larger head, a much larger forehead, a headdress that added a special decoration that ran down from the center of the forehead to the bridge of the nose and thus hid or covered a part of the foreheads that many have tried to see and study, it's okay, you're just making it up, it's just fiction.
I'm just wondering how you can tell if someone is extremely viral just by looking at them, yeah it's not viral, it is viral. I mean, like I always thought it meant sexual, you know, not like uh, like being um, like a viral person, it would be someone who is like that, right, let's look at that in a wide range ofmale characteristics viewed positively, oh okay, so yeah, it's not necessarily related to sex. I guess they must be emitting some specific bde or something that means Big Dick Energy Simon, in case you didn't know, no I did, I learned it recently and it means someone who is very confident in themselves is just like what's up. because they have a big dick in case you haven't noticed and that covered part on their foreheads is supposedly the center of their psychic powers by the way this book contains many of the examples of loran things happening in Manchester that appear more frequently.
Recent websites you can find so we can say with some certainty that he has been the biggest influence on the entire history of Amian as we know it today. Yeah, based on that, it's definitely a fact because you're insecure around the same time as the book. was published or, actually, just before, in 1930, another strange moment was happening in Mount Shter, the ballad of the guy was taking a walk as one does when he bumps into the Earl of St Germain as one does not do because he had already been a lot of dead time at that time. a great figure in theosophy in his time and, indeed, many other people have claimed to have seen the earl centuries after his death.
It has also been claimed that the count was an ascended master and had gone through several incarnations throughout history, including that of Joseph I.E., the stepfather of Jesus. Merlin Christopher Columbus and Sir Francis Bacon just in case you're interested, the ballad boy had apparently previously seen Richard the Lion Hart and George Washington sounds like the boy is another one of these guys, he needs to go see the doctor like the guy he was with was talking and that he was writing the book because there was an alien. Talking to him sounds like schizophrenia or something, isn't he paranoid?
Something where they talk, where people talk to you, you think of their voices and the aliens talk to me. I'm writing it, brother and boy, get it checked. I know. It's the past, so they probably put you in an asylum, so that's probably why you didn't do it, but you're not right in the head, not bad, but I guess he must have done something a little wrong to end up like an old man. boy ballad ballad you you you what's your life his wife Edna, by the way, was previously Joon de Arco Elizabeth the and Benjamin Frankton, which I call because I was totally Benjamin Frankton in a previous life and we both can't have been him from anyway later At this meeting on the slopes of Mount Shasta, the Count of St.
Germain inspired the ballad to start his own branch of theosophy called the I am activity movement. It was a huge success at first, boasting around a million members at its peak, but the ballad died in 1939 afterwards. The I am group had only been running for a few years, this group really delved into the area of ​​ascended masters of New Age religions, which has to do with the reincarnation of Karma and rising through the ranks of the humanity, which again begs the question of how someone who was previously such heavy hitters as Richard the Lhart and George Washington steep, so stoop so low to reincarnate as the ballads of Guy Warren, well, what he's talking about is the inflated sense of self from Guy Warren ballads, isn't it?
Because Guy B, what's his face?, thinks the boy in the ballad. Anyway, he's really important, they still have a presence today, especially around the Mount Shter area. A look at Google Maps shows a reading room of Soy Temple School and the University of Spiritual Psychology within about a mile of each other, so they are obviously still intrinsically linked. to Mystery Mountain, speaking of mystery, what other weird things have happened on Mount Shter, these are the kind of people I get emails from like you've never seen any of my stuff before, but they're watching videos about their own stuff on YouTube and they'll send me an email saying it's like Simon, it's outrageous that you misrepresented us like this and we believe in this and I'm an ascended master at it and it's like, bro, bro, stop it, you know, I read about three words in those emails and I know what they are and I just want to delete them, so don't waste your time.
The Usual Suspects Mount shter Edition after spending so much time on this lamura, I think we could take a slightly broader approach with the rest of the claims about Manchester so here goes guu has apparently been seen wandering around the sides of the mountains and the woods in the mount shter area oh is it our old friend sasquat or bigfoot made a video about it its not real no need to go into much detail since we have made a full scripted episode in the past basically no There's no good proof, photo or video of anything, but since Mount Shester is in Prime Squatch territory, of course he'll make a cameo here somewhere still waiting for the aliens, Katie, where are the aliens moving on to our favorite topic aliens yeah, this one is a little more interesting than the Bigfoot stuff, as UFOs have been seen all over and around Mount Shter on multiple occasions over the years, it makes sense to the extent this can make any sense as Mount Shester is a massive presence that dominates the surrounding area for many miles around.
It is also one of the few power centers on the planet where spiritual energy is supposed to be extra strong. Again, it's not real if the aliens were GS. Look at this place, why not start there? Brian. David Wallenstein published a book in 2012 called Mount Chester Sightings, a local and regional timeline of UFO sightings and more. It's over 600 pages so there must be something good in there, right at the back you read a clear, refreshing and grounded approach. Brian sets out to tackle the UFO conundrum in a city steeped in mystical chatter, a reputation for cosmic muffins, ascended masters, religious extremes and Airy fairy fantasies that can, and hopefully will, restore a level of respectability to euphony. and spirituality in our city and beyond, which sounds totally reasonable.
Like he's four people investigating UFOs, go out and do your thing, he finds the evidence. Like, that's cool and get rid of all the Bullit fantasy and you know, that could be a real study for unidentified flying objects. because they are real, as if they were experimental airplanes or weather balloons, but go study them, in the end I am all for that, but this is a very long and blurry jacket, it says that none of the quotes in this book lack credibility, possibility or value. they all stand on their own, valid and amazing, okay, that's a pretty bold statement, let's see how it works for you Brian, wow, great statements, Brian KY and I on the same page, by the way, I didn't find any mention of cosmic muffins during my research on this so i did a quick search yeah i just overlooked it but what and could it refer to a radio astrologer named darl martiny or howard hughes's boeing 307 strat liner that was repurposed and converted into a house floating before being donated to a museum, what's going on, this is such a strange thing, or just a really good muffin shop in Mount Chester, this book has several positive reviews and a couple of less complimentary reviews, like this one that started as a promising read and then the book turns into a very dry and bland report on UFO sightings.
I can't tell you how tired I got of reading the silver disc observed in very clinical and emotionless terms. I had to put the book down, sorry, a three star review mentions some statements made in the The book could be considered a little far off and difficult to substantiate and more in the realm of the author's opinion, but to be fair, most of The reviews are four and five stars, but the important thing here is that there is a very self-selected group, these are people who are choosing this book, they believe in these things, so they are already entering it, they are inclined to do so, so they are much more likely to give a positive review.
Nobody like me buys this book and then reviews it because It's like nonsense, so we can ignore the reviews. Good reviews do not mean scientific accuracy in scrutiny, returning to the UFO sightings around Mount Sher in particular, as always, what we don't have are decent photos of actual alien craft. What a surprise. However, we do have many great snapshots of lenticular clouds that can definitely look like flying fountains due to the conditions needed to form this type of cloud. Mount Shester is a great place to see them. There was a particularly good alien-looking one in February 2020 that ignited a heated online debate that led the US Forest Service for the Shasta Trinity National Forest to post an explanation on cloud social media without any mention of the UFOs, not even as an ironic reference, yeah, and it's like I'm looking at these photos. now they'll appear on the screen if we can do that, sometimes you might know they might be copyrighted or whatever, but bro, they're clouds that look a little bit like a UFO, they're not real.
I mean, they're real clouds, but that's all, they're clouds. Anyone who thinks they're not clouds is like they're delusional. Any slightly strange people you might find in Manchester could be Lorans or they may just be slightly strange people, but they are unlikely to be aliens. We've covered this sort of thing a lot in the past and will probably do so again in the future. Sorry, but that's not the most interesting thing about this story, other than a few interesting photos of a bunch. of condensed water vapor disappearances now let's go back to real life for a minute which is a relief but now we're talking about mysterious disappearances from the Mount Shester area a huge number of unsolved cases as of 2022 11 people have disappeared In the space of 10 years it will never be seen again, well, because it's a national park, it's probably huge and it's a Giant Mountain, people are going to get out and get stuck in a ravine like that guy in that movie 48 Hours or whatever.
He cuts his arm with a dull penknife as if that happens to people, but they are not going to cut their arm with a dull penknife and 11 people are simply going to die in 10 years. It doesn't seem that bad, they just fell through Ravines or something. Now you might think this isn't unusual in national park areas, people go missing all the time, but I looked at the US National Park Services Unsolved Cases page and there are 10 missing people listed . for yite National Park, but some of the cases date back to the 70s and 80s, this indicates that people are disappearing at a much faster rate in Mount Shester or at least they are disappearing completely from the network, so what's going on?
Do you meet Laurans and decide? to hang out in Taos, Bigfoot is eating them, they're being transported by UFOs, if they haven't been found there's no way to know exactly what happened, but let's break it down a little bit, the first thing I would assume. it's just that maybe it's a little more dangerous, maybe ATI is like a safer place in the first place, these people aren't disappearing from the mountain itself, it's not like they're going up Mount Shter, turning a corner and then disappearing in the air when you read the stories many of the cases were people passing through town and the area they went missing is actually sisio county not only the area immediately surrounding mount shter ciso county is very large , apparently 3 times the size of Connecticut, so unfortunately it's not that surprising.
Have a few missing persons cases in such a large area. Looking at the details of the missing people, there is a mix of likely outcomes, from accidents to suicide and murder. None of them have eyewitnesses to say that something strange was happening just before the person disappeared. So I guess we could classify them as even more unsolved cases that, unfortunately, also largely fall into this realm, although the whole 11 in 10 years thing sounds impressive when you look at the dates: the oldest is 1986 and the most recent is 2020. which is substantially more than a 10 year span okay so that fact was just that statement of fact was just a lie however there could be more than 11 missing people as I found others names that are real cases but are not on the list.
In the official lists that I found the example of KL Herbert Landers is one in this case it is sometimes said that he disappeared after turning around to turn, but other sources say that he had gone hiking before his friends so that there would be no So I could see, no one witnessed what happened to him. He was supposed to be climbing around Shasta and said he was feeling sick the morning of the climb. Then he left alone and it is presumed that he died since his body has never been found out that he had left alone, it is not even 100% clear if he went up the mountain or not.
I also founda couple of things like a boy disappeared along the way and reappeared hours later saying that a robot clone of his grandmother had kidnapped him, kept him in a cave full of spiders and his real grandmother woke up with a bicycle spider in her bite in the back of his head, but you know, come on, it's ridiculous and that kid needs to be checked too. by a doctor, we have now crawled to the top of this volcanic mountain that could potentially explode at any moment, let's take a sled and quickly go down on some things as we go, oh I deliberately forgot to mention that another group of beings are also rumored to exist alive in the tunnel and caves beneath Mount Shasta, the lizard people, so let's quietly tiptoe back to the tunnel from where we came and pretend we didn't see them, discrediting the moment we added lemur, okay, time to go.
Back to Lura, sorry guys first, the whole Lost Continent thing just isn't real. The people who propose lamura, oh yes, they are like they are on the other side of the world, since a lost continent was originally thought to be a connecting piece of land. From Madagascar to India, as mottos now only found in Madagascar were apparently historically found in India, but not in Africa, which is much closer to Madagascar than India. Well, researching as far as I can tell was pretty confusing for me. There have been no confirmed fossils of lemur in India until recently and only then were only pieces of teeth found and extrapolated as relatives of the lemur.
There seem to be two theories as to how L got to Madagascar. The first is that they started in Africa and somehow floated to Madagascar. I've seen the term vegetation rafts used, which sounds like they built little rafts out of leaves, added a June flag, and set sail on their own, but I guess what it really means. There were many things like logs and large masses of vegetation that they could have used according to National Geographic ocean current models about 50 million years ago, which is when the lemas were supposed to have arrived in Madagascar, they definitely could have transported them from the south .
From Africa to Madagascar, so it seems like this was a plausible explanation for how they got there, what makes it even more confusing, however, is that some sources say there are no LMA fossils in Africa and some say there are proposed by Philip Skater, the 19th century zoologist. that there was a land bridge between India and Madagascar which he called lamura. This is how the LI reached Madagascar before the land bridge finally broke and sank beneath the waves. This was a good theory for a while until geologists began to discover more about how our current continents formed, they discovered about the supercontinent Pangia and plate tectonics and concluded that they could not have been lamoria per se and that it did not exist. huge mass of land sunk beneath the Indian Ocean shocking, we know, but I mean, I don't want too much on this one because it's like this guy is a legit zoologist, which is fine, yeah, he's looking at animals and stuff, like that which I guess The Geologist would be more useful here, but it's like when you don't know, it's just not a bad theory, but when it's proven wrong, you should say, oh yeah, my theory was wrong, okay, there's no Lura problem solved, mystery about Kiran's National Geographic article, published in 2010, says that a weakness of the land bridge theory is that today only four main groups of mammals live in Madagascar, these animals are clearly related to continental African mammals and all are relatively small, he goes on to quote paleoclimatologist Matthew Huber. who points out that if there was a land bridge between Africa and Madagascar, why didn't large animals like elephants or lions cross over?
Which is an excellent point. The lost continent of Loria as some place that explains why lemurs are found in Madagascar has been widely discredited, making Its reappearance in another part of the world as a 7-foot-tall underground city for psychics even more confusing. However, I'm glad I don't have to research the evolution of mottos any further. Philip Schlater did not mention advanced civilizations in his theories about Lura and all that came later, yes, why? was he, the geologist guy, uh, the zoologist, even yeah, of course not, he was trying to create real science, so let's start with a inhabitant of two planets, by Frederick Spencer Oliver, first of all, this is Ted in everywhere as one of However, the main sources on which lamura is under the Monte ch Master I have scanned and there are literally six mentions of the whole thing and two of them use lorus as an alternative spelling, thank goodness for the F control, That's all I have to say. the book is mainly about Atlantis, not Lura, this is the main thing the book has to say about it.
To quote, I would learn about the destruction of Lorus, that great town that was on earth before the ice age when the world knew no cold or cold. snow nor frost that anti posid asks by counting of ages oh my God textt in the past is so difficult to read turn to the Book of Job and read how the abyss boiled like a pot and reading You will learn that lamura perished by the fire of explore the depths interplanetary, so one cycle of humanity is fire and the next is water, what are you smoking, brother? What does that mean?
That's the most notable part. It's nothing outstanding. Katie, what does it mean? I'm not sure if this guy is like a crazy person or if it's just a language from the past that is very difficult to understand, the first mention is too boring for you to read out loud and the last one is about a strange story about a blonde girl who is attacked by a dark man. Man, although I think she sacrificed herself instead of killing her in the end, it's a bit confusing anyway, this barely goes into great detail about anything related to Lura, the examples just seem to have been included to act as another example to reinforce the Atlantis one. .
A sequel called Return of the Earthlanders was published, however it appears that it was not written by Oliver and was in fact written in a similar style by the Lumian community that has since emerged. It was much more Lumia focused and a lot of people wrote it off. I'm just material to join your movement. I haven't bothered to read it because at this point I was sick of Laria, so I'll have to take the word of an Amazon reviewer who said this is supposed to be the sequel to A. inhabitant of two favorite planets by phos el Tibetan, we are talking about channeled material and although no one could easily doubt the authenticity of the first book, I cannot say the same for this one, no one could easily doubt the authenticity of the first book you are referring to. the one that was dictated in this guy's head by an alien hundreds of years ago or hundreds of years ago, please, this brings us to Harvey Spencer Lewis Lura's most influential work, the lost continent of the Pacific.
Note that he said Pacific here, not Indian. Somehow, over the years, the ocean, the entire notion of a fallen land bridge between Madagascar and India transformed into a sunken continent of super beings in the Pacific, the only thing connecting the two was the ridge. lame, but I don't think Lewis' book makes any mention of the lemur anyway thanks to the incredible disclaimer in the editors' preface just because there is absolutely no evidence of this underground city or race of psychic Mega mins that doesn't mean that is not entirely true, yes, is it true? insecure is the worst argument I've heard for this.
I think we can safely say that Lewis just made this all up or just changed the word Atlantis to Lura in the back of Frederick Oliver's book, unfortunately a lot of people still believe. even now and we'll get into the current topic in a minute oh shame why do people think these people have been searching for the tayor tickets for decades but there was one man who thought he might have found them? Remember, yeah, the guy he was. on an 11 mile hike up a mountain because he's a maniac but didn't do it because it's not real, that would be JC Brown, who then sneakily didn't show up when a huge expedition was assembled at someone else's expense, I mean, but also more for them like You have been mega gullible.
I have no idea if this story is true or not, but the fact that he didn't seem to take any souvenirs the first time and the expedition was cut short from the beginning the second time is probably just a folktale. Guy Ballad probably also didn't need to encounter the reincarnated version or astral protection of counter Gerain on the mountain that day, or he just found some inspiration or a hippie or just made it up while the iron move was a big hit. In his time, after his death, his wife and son were accused of fraud and the fact is that they obtained millions of dollars from their followers but they did not really believe in their own teachings, but that will be very difficult to prove because if they're like just a religious organization and it's like no, no, no, we definitely believe in this stuff.
I guess that's not fraud. Somehow, a jury found them guilty, which was overturned on appeal, but later reinstated. Ultimately, the Supreme Court threw out his conviction. The I am movement still exists. this day with a particularly strong specific presence around Mount Chester again exactly the kind of people I'll be getting emails from Mount Chester today, so let's move on to some more modern Mount Shasta news now that I know we've been harping on about it. throughout the episode, but it holds a sacred place in the hearts of many Native American tribes and is roundly considered an iCal place where weird things happen.
There are many stories on Reddit about people having strange experiences when walking through forests and mountains. Although, to be fair, there are an equal number of people who say things like: you're very lucky. I've lived here my whole life and never experienced anything strange. If you are in a forest that is notoriously creepy, you will be a little more susceptible to scaring me, yes, even I would be if I were alone in that forest and I don't believe in any of this. I'll continue to be much more like uh, maybe ghosts are real because that's how humans Brains Works and the Stupid In August 1987, something that was described as a spiritual Woodstock called harmonic convergence took place in spiritual energy power centers. , one of them being Mount Chester, was supposed to be an auspicious alignment of planets and also the end of a Mayan calendar cycle, although I think there were some adjustments to make the two things converge and also the planetary alignment was not an big problem, but there is the spiritual Woodstock, apparently during this harmonic convergence an angel appeared in someone on television.
Mount shter and someone then channeled the angel claiming it said quote. I will appear in many three-dimensional games. Look for me on your computer screens, your televisions and broadcasting from your satellites. I don't think anything came of it. Not that real people still flock to Mount Chter today, some just for the scenery and nature, but there is definitely a large New Age contingent. There are many crystal shops in Mount Chast. You know places like hippie and New AG. What do they sell crystals for? jewelry no no, for similar spells or healing, there are also very interesting tours and retreats you can do, like this one called Arcturian Healing Retreat for the rather strange amount of $944 which does not include accommodation, you will experience the connection with Nakura activations . arcturian light chips over Mount Shester Quantum field activations that bring contact healing into pure reality.
Discover your cosmic origin. Connect to Stargates at Mount Stargate. Heart activations in high frequency


s and Vortex on Mount Shester. An Arcturian healing massage activation and three organic meals. It is like. you're making things up and then charging people for it. Go ahead Simon, put it on your to-do list. No thank you very much. The Arcturians are highly advanced aliens, by the way, I'm telling you which aliens that come to visit will be highly Advanced because they came from their planet to our planet, so we're going to be like, oh my God, Space Gods. There is also a website I mentioned earlier called lamoria, which gives a very complete history of the Lorans and all their spiritual things, but as always seems to lean everything towards Christianity.
Look, if Jesus was born about 2,000 years ago, why have these beings that you claim have existed for hundreds of thousands of years while retaining their Christ Consciousness? They would have had no idea who. it was if they had been under a mountain for at least 12,000 years, so their little dot on the timeline would have completely passed them by the Lorean connection. Furthermore, laboria states still exist in a fourth and fifth dimensional frequency that still exists.It is not visible to our three-dimensional vision and perception as the veil between dimensions becomes thinner and thinner, it does, it does.
Lura in the new Splendor of her and Glory will reveal herself to us in a very physical and tangible way, but we can't actually see it yet, that's convenient, isn't it? things are a bit crazy in Taos yes there is also a UK site about it, here is a bit of what they have to say about Mount shter citing that it is a focus for the spirit of angels, Spirits guide the spaceship masters of the realm of light and home. from the survivors of the ancient Lumia that sank beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean just over 12,000 years ago no, we didn't, we refute it for those endowed with clairvoyant abilities.
Mount Shester is embraced by a gigantic purple EIC pyramid whose capstone reaches far beyond. This planet in space no, it is not like that, it is half the size of Mount Everest and connects us intergalactically with the confederation of planets for this sector of the Milky Way. Well, you are misunderstanding your terminology because Inter Intergalactic means between galaxies, while planets within this sector of the Milky Way would be interstellar, not intergalactic. What are you talking about. Come on, this is basic. The impressive pyramid is also created as an inverted version of itself that reaches to the center of the Earth.
You can call it Monte, the entry point. for the light grids of this planet where most of the energy comes first from the galactic and universal core before it spreads to other mountains and the grids, so yes, visit if you want more of that, In my opinion, conclusions. While myths and legends continue to revolve around Mount Shter, the strange stories of the underground cities are simply pure fiction composed of mixing various stories of lost continents with a great spiritual twist, the Bigfoot in the UFO sightings are also just rumors until we see some real evidence. and anecdotal stories of feeling strange or seeing things in the woods are not unique to Mount Shasta, that can happen anywhere.
I don't think people disappear at a much different rate than anywhere else or under more mysterious circumstances, it's just related. With the existing reputation of the area, tribes like the Winm Wiu regularly hold ceremonies around Mount Chesta and probably get annoyed with all the tourists snooping around and looking for entrances to non-existent underground cities, while Mount Chasta is a special place, it is not. . a


to the Fifth Dimension or a hideout for reptiles, it's just a big old snow-covered volcano that has the potential to explode at any moment, which wouldn't be good news for crystal shops, yes, but no one will miss the glass shops. the glass shops and that's the end of today's episode thanks for being here

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